The media uses hyper perfect women...

The media uses hyper perfect women, so women will go out and purchase products that will help them model themselves after what they see in the media. It's a brilliant financial scheme really

But why don't we see that with dudes in the media?

I mean fuck even in The Wolf of Wall street, Leo's woman counterpart is in way better shape than he is. Hell, I'm in better shape than Leo is, who has a borderline skinnyfat body.

my question is - why aren't men held to the same standards in media as women?

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Women are the ones spending money like it's going out of style. Ergo, smart advertisers pander to women.

The wolf of wallstreet was also filthy fucking rich.
Men aren't judged by out pocketbook so much as we are judged by our success in other realms.

It doesn't work the same way on men, they give less of a fuck naturally

Still, I mean take a look at this:

a film centered around a fat chick and a skinnyfat chick and a painfully bland looking chick would have been nowhere near as impactful as that film, even if they were just as funny

women care far less about looks than men

there's a reason lesbian couples are all fat

Women are more likely to be manipulable in vanity.
Since women are natural vain even dating back to their primal instincts.

That makes them the safest bet and easiest target. And now you can even market "alternative beauty" and sell them blue hair dye.

Meanwhile guys are more likely to just continue buying their normal clothing, and not catch onto any fads. Yes nu-males exist, but they are far from a majority. Where as every single woman on Earth can be sold a product to increase her vanity.

The one market aimed at men is work out supplements.

Don't you guys find it interesting though,

that we KNOW that a movie based on a fat and a plain looking girl would never have been as successful as Superbad, even if it were just as funny?

I mean c'mon, there's clearly a double standard here. It's because we don't like how they look, because they don't look like the hyper perfect women we normally see in the media bros. C'mon now

Men are funny
Women are not funny

The "double standard" exists for this very reason.
You assume all variables are the same but if you were honest you would know that's not true.

Anyway, there is a movie where the men are better looking than the women. And the trashy women are supposed to provide the "comedy." Though I forget the title it has the guy from workaholics in it.
So as usual you're just a bloated gas bladder perceiving "injustice" that doesn't actually exist.

Women account for 80% of all consumer spending in the United States.

So advertisers are of course going to focus most of their effort on them because that is where the money is and who it is that spends the money.

In the US stupid men hand over their paychecks to women and women spend that money on frivolous shit you see all those commercials for.

One reason why mgtow is causing tptb to shit themselves, because it breaks this entire business model. Once men are not handing their paychecks over to women anymore all of a sudden the entire current consumer business model breaks.

Men practically run everything and dont want to make movies full of pretty boys. Only raw power between men matters.

Leo has always been skinnyfat, having a ripped body doesn't even give you 1 point with women. All they care about is having a handsome face.

> why aren't men held to the same standards in media as women?

They are you tit. Men just don't waste money on stupid superficial shit as much as women do. Women are HUGE consumers. They account for something like 70% of money spent in the average western economy.

Walk down a highstreet and really pay attention to all the shop windows. All of it is there for women. The men's section is usually right at the back of the store on the 5th floor behind the underwear second. Because women are spenders.


that still doesn't explain why in movies and tv shows, men don't need to be as good looking as a woman though

Like bros, WE could star in a judd apatow flick the same fundamentally couldn't be said about average girls

>not handsome
lol what?

>these women
>more attractive than Leo
lol what?

>Jonah Hill as an example
>he's a jew who has a career because of that
lol what?

your "injustice" is all in your head, you stupid faggot.

Because man and woman makes goyim

Because more of those guys are funny or at least entertaining. There are plenty of unattractive women in plenty of movies like this hamplanet. For it to work they need to actually be funny, something a lot of women have a hard time with.

I mean I wonder if boogie2988 would have been successful if it was an obese woman portraying the character, but then again it might have to do with how women aren't funny on average.

Still though in comedies and shit, we usually see the woman being seen as what's more stereotypical hot than a male, you know.

I mean think about it - we in comedies that star average looking guys is there usually a hot chick? Are only hot women funny?

>women care far less about looks than men
Meme. Women care a lot about looks. In fact women have much higher standards than men. An average man will happily fuck 80% of the women he see's on a daily. Women maybe at most 5% of men if even that. If a women doesn't like your looks you are nothing but a beta-bux to her.

We arent manipulated as easy.


Yeh, he's only 'pretending' to be an obese neckbeard that's obsessed with video games.

>I mean I wonder if boogie2988 would have been successful if it was an obese woman portraying the character,
Most consumers of comedy are men. Men don't care how a male comedian looks just if he's funny. Men don't like female comedians because the comedic skills do not overlap well with femininity. Men do not like non-feminin women.

Hot women are there because it drives the comedic plot more than an ugly hamplanet trying to tell jokes.

You can have the funny quirky guy chasing the "out of his league" babe. Wallah, comedy!

Is that a trap? Sure looks like one to me.

It also plays into the cucking narrative of jewish media. It teaches men to be the nice beta because women will like them for it.

well fuck bros! how am I supposed to answer my sociology homework, if my thread that was thinly disguised a way for you to do my homework for me didn't work?

>What about the contradictions between real boys/men and the way they are represented in the media? How are men portrayed in comparison to the men you know? What are the differences?

how am I supposed to fucking answer that?

>my question is - why aren't men held to the same standards in media as women?
Because the allure of a man is very different from the allure of a woman.
Leo's character is super successful and filthy rich. He can give a woman anything she wants and can therefore have any woman he wants.

>a movie based on a fat and a plain looking girl would never have been as successful as Superbad, even if it were just as funny?


The male standard of beauty requires steroids or having an full body labor job (ie: using a sledgehammer 8 hours a day) which are next to non-existent in the west.

Nah, women honestly don't care about looks so much

Yes they DO find 80% of men horrifyingly ugly, but that's just a simple trade off


why indeed

Men's vanity is tied to their masculinity.

You tell them they have to go out and die to make the rich richer or they are cowards and not real men.

Men are far more stupid than women.

t. Dr. Phil