The race war in America

Be honest Sup Forums.
Will it happen?

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There are too many white SJWs siding with blacks to make it happen, simultaneously, many BLM members hate the fact that whites are siding with them, so maybe if BLM turns on the SJWs, and manages to gain enough support from blacks in America, it'll happen. BLM has already spread to the UK so it's clearly got alot of support already.

Humans are getting less violent over time (except middle east). If a race war were going t happen, it would have happened a hundred years ago before wars eliminated the most violent members of our species.


no. Americans are just too comfortable with their lives that they would not organize enough to make it a big deal. the only ones that would fight are the degenerates white supremacists and the extremist of BLM....which overall will all end in less than a week since the government will demolish any resistance by both sides in less than a week.

No, the police state will happen.

It will never happen. Nobody wants it to happen. When it does, the police state firmly takes over.

In a race war, your skin color is your uniform. Those sjw's will get on the right side after a couple niggers crush a few of their friend's heads in with a bat.

These little skirmishs you are hearing in the news the past week or so. It's happening right now. This is the extent of it. You will never see an all out civil war let alone a race war. It would mean the end of our government.

Of course not. White americans are too cucked to do shit.
>muh 2nd amendment. muh guns.

You don't do shit. That's recreation, not self-defense.

nope, there are not many people with 75 IQ


the blacks are uniting and are angry. zerohedge argues that we are almost in the fifth and final stage of insurgency:

will this insurgency turn to a full race war? i'm skeptical because the pro-white movement is composed of illiterate rednecks. there will need to be a new set of leaders to step up and to reassert empire as a goal. anything short of the white european conquest of all of earth will not lead to an all out race war.

chances of such a faction gaining popularity and not being killed off by the current NWO groups is extremely small.

If it was going to happen, it would have happened 48 years ago.



>nope, there are not many people with 75 IQ

Yes there is they're called niggers.

> there is
> there
> is


that's true.

It's not happening.

There's barely anyone who would participate in anything larger than an inner city shootout.

There are too many people in all races that would be considered race traitors to even make a war like this be about race in the first place.

Where is the KKK when we need them

KeK, is it your will for there to be a race war?

the kkk is a bunch of larping redneck fags who have a collective iq less than a five year old asian.

i'm convinced that the kkk and other groups are a (((false flag))) to eliminate the credibility of white european master race

I heard from someone that the KKK has seen a surge in membership. Can someone confirm?

Well can someone throw a bunch of bananas into the crowd of niggers at the protests this would set them off and they would go ape shit.

mfw when Sup Forums wants race war
mfw when white pony fucking weebs cannot fight

Hi Satan

I've heard something similar, but there's no way to confirm it
Unless the KKK browses Sup Forums, but it doesn't seem to be so

Not a chance.

Can we not instigate this please
I actually like the constitution and dont want to live under martial law.
At least wait untill after november

>implying the "revolution" would be a well defined us vs. them warfare and not a continuation of localized police confrontations with small scale national guard enforcement in worse areas.

33 confirm.


this too many sjw cucks. Race war won't happen but a cleansing will.


How the race war should be fought the smart way.
1. All whites stay out of conflict with the blacks
2.From behind the scenes create ways that provoke tensions between blacks and police
3.Let the blacks fight the police and thin each others numbers out and either way it'l make things easier later on
4 If cops win no blacks and if blacks win no cops

It's a win win

and no matter who wins the winning side will have smaller numbers afterwards

Yes, the US will be divided and conquered.

we can only hope

hah, war didn't eliminate the violent. The men who charged into battle likely fucked dozens of women beforehand. That means lots of fatherless children, not less violent species.

It will happen when whites become minority.

If blm would use nuclear weapons, every country would start attacking those psychos. They would be threaten as terrorists.

I sure hope so.

By the very laws of nature it will and is indeed happening.

>Race War, when will it happen?
Already happening mate

But they (we) already are?


If it hasn't happened already, it will never happen.

I'm still going to pray to Kek for philosophized digits, however.

Civil wars happen when people start starving. So nope.

Fuck off, satan.

Tell me about BLM. What's wrong with them? Aren't they just a movement of people saying they want people to stop shooting them? Please give me more information beyond the obvious.

It has already started.

No, thats not what they really want. What they really want is an excuse, or a guise, to commit crimes. And I'm not saying that as some red-pilled black hater or anything, its just that in crowds it makes me much easier to do wrong and get away with it. Blocking freeways, rioting, looting stores, etc.