How to counter atheists and their fedora tipping

Argument to counter all stupidi atheists

> Do we agree that by our defintion god, is the greatest thing imaginable?

>But you, As an atheist, say that the greatest thing we could ever imagine is limited to our own imagination?

>Because we just agreed that things that exist have a higher quality than things that exist in our own imagination and therefore god must exist because he is the greatest thing we could imagine and if he is the greatest thing than he must exist for things that exist have a higher quality than things that don't exist

Checkmate atheists

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Lmao god don't real. The bible isn't real either

things imagined don't exist

things that EXIST exist

things that don't exist have no quality (outside an imagination) therefore something that exists has any quality exceeds the zero quality in the real world that the imagined element has.

>let me construct an argument out of assumptions, like one would construct a car out of poop
>why is my poop-car not running something must be wrong with it checkmate atheists

> Do we agree that by our defintion god, is the greatest thing imaginable?
No, if he exists, it is unlikely we can imagine him, because we will always be biased in casting his image as a human.

The Bible is a form of magical realism to teach morals and lessons.

Just to be clear OP, I agree with you and was lying, by giving an atheist impression

Atheists love to point out the burden of proof lies on the religious to try to prove their gods exist, yet they somehow ignore the burden of evidence on them whenever they chastise the religious for a breach of moral conduct.

Something as follows:

>religion does not make people automatically moral because the religious kill in the name of their religion
>IE: killing in the name of religion is wrong
>Why is it wrong?
>Because you're denying people their right to life

Atheists can't prove people innately have any entitlement to life either. C H E C K M A T E A T H E I S T S

Nice deflective arguing you're having with yourself mate. I assume you consider yourself very smart right now.
