Ask real orthodox Jew anything

Indian dude got a thread and wasnt banned, but remember theres a double standard

Other urls found in this thread:

And I dont respond to stup8d troll posts, serious questions only. I can drop se4ious red pills on frum Jewry cause Im an insider.

We reform hate and you and want to kill you. I have no questions for you backwards scum. "Modern Orthodox" lol.

what exactly is the difference between haridi and hassidic jews?

I know one id a sect of the other, but what exactly makes the division.

Also why are the all such awesome dancers?

What movement are you from? Lubavitch?

Is judaism a comfy religion?

What's wrong with Orthodox Jews? They seem good to me, sell me nice wool suits for dirt cheap and their women are cute.

Jesus what a bunch of clowns

Which film is that from?

ju pls go

I hate religion.

Religion is cancer.

Why do you not just believe in a God, but also follow some stupid religion's rules??

Because God gives us rules to follow?

>Which film is that from?
Unsere Väter, unsere Mütter (also called Generation War). It is a Miniseries, which has pretty based war scenes. The acting is a bit off, but generally good 5 hours of shit.

How is Christianity seen by Orthodox Jews, especially Christian Jews?

Die in a hole, jew.

Why shouldn't I tear down the Eruv you sneaky bastards surrounded my neighborhood with?

Give me one good reason. Keep in mind 'respect' is not a good reason in my eyes.

>Because God gives us rules to follow?
God doesn't care about us vermin. God has create the fucking universe. How can you care about all the trillions of planets with life on AND give them all some arbitrary fucking rules about food, women and goats?

do you personally bite the ends of your own infant boys cocks off, then savor the taste of the yummy blood as you greedily lap it up? or do only te rabbis get this holy pleasure?

are you insane?

The based Jew has returned.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Read the bible all the answers are in there

Hasisdics are technically charadi but are more fanatical.


To uderstand whats wrong with frummies you really have to live among them. but its pretty much a cult.

Dont know the name of the show the gif is frum

The Torah is the truth and it is proveable

Movie is generation war, its very good if you ignore the obligatory jew stuff and theres not as lot of it.

Im just Jewish

>First post crying about double standard
>definitely a Jew :^)

When will you shove yourself in an oven?

What do you think of Hitler?

Who are you? Jerry Seinfeld? Why should I care that you think you're Jewish?

Christian jews is an oxymoron.

W3 see it as an immoral philosphy and idolatry

by the way, I asked for you to pray for my navy service in a previous thread. THanks for that, I've been assigned with IT and will receive an E-4 promotion once my training is complete. In fact, Navy has recommended I go into intelligence and work as an interpreter. I've also gotten a lot more fit and could go spec-ops if I wanted to.

why should people care if someone is pajeet or achmed.

Why aren't you living in Israel?

I identify with Hitler because I hate Jews. Hitler and nazis make me comfy.

Can I shit in your mouth?

It wasnt me, it was Hashem

You know what I meant, former followers of Jewish faith that converted.

Because I have no obligation to live there.

JIDF can fuck off with their Satanic propagnada.

יהוה is a demon though

Good question. How about you think deeply about that, and then write me an academic essay with proper citation (MLA format) explaining why anyone cares.

It has recently come to my attention that my mother's mother's mother was Ashkenazi Jew- I am Christian and I come from a long line of racist, anti-Semites, too- two Supreme Court justices: one a Four Horseman, the other the Chief Justice in the Dred Scott Court. Also I am a direct line grandson of Charlemagne.

How do I reconcile my absolute love for Israel and my volatile past? How can I return to Israel and believe in Jesus Christ? How come I had a near death experience and started praising the LORD in an angelic tongue? Why do my brothers and sisters via my mother speak a Semitic language in their sleep?

What if I am of a Davidic line? Why do I loathe Palestinians? What if I don't hate the non-Marxist Jew? What if I am called to obey Mosaic Law of G-d?

What do? What think?

You have no right to live in the west. Stay, I don't care, you'll be gassed anyway.

Why are you Jewish if you live in a Christian country?
How does it feel to be an unassimilable parasite?

Wait, you're a Jew?

in israel they are basically dindus that leech off the govt to study torah all day and dont have to do mandatory service so other jews dont care for them often

If a Jew doesnt believe in the divinity of Talmudic religion, if they believe God has a body or is part of a duality or trimity, then they lose all their Jew privledges

The blessing is from our creator, our prayers come from us.

What role do rabbis play in Jewish communities, aside doing religious service in the synagogue?

ZOG is real?

german guilt part 1458 the mini series

oh and dont autism over that Davidic line shit, you arent the messiah, that shit is jy the fathers.

>Implying American charadim and Israeli charadim live the same lifestyle

Feh, all an over-simplficatio

This. Answer Juden

never implied that

>claims to be orthodox
>does not post timestamp
you probably mamesh a chiloyni bochur. I posted ask me anything thread on Sup Forums before and it is only Muslim trolls pretending to be nazis guys that respond here. And also Modern Orthodox is NOT Orthodox.

Pic related my thread I posted on Sup Forums before.

God will punish you

Please dont do it user, you're a good person

Read this. I hope it answers your question

Will we witness a Jew fight ITT?

U need to find a traditional (NON-CHABAD) orthodox Rav that makes you feel comfortble and inspired.

Does anyone know what actually happened to Wilhelmina and Co. After war? Because end of movie implies that they were real people, but I've never able to find information on them. Does anyone know? Would love to know

if you REALLY Orthodox then speak yiddish with me and post timestamp.
Waiting your responds

probably. because OP is lying and not orthodox

I dont want to talk to u cause u sound like a straigh up pedophile lol

What's the big deal? Which Jews aren't out to Jew me? Don't answer that.

Charlie and the chocolate factory

How bad did you fuck up that you got stuck with a schlep job like Sup Forums outreach?

Im a literal aspie, if my parents were proper Jews I would have never had fo7nd out about this site.

I refuse to leave even though Im constantly being exposed to heresy and pornagraphy and am always fapping to incest porn on here.

Something went wrong, it isnt my fault.

what are your thoughts on gun control, given the facts of history? to be honest, i'm always amazed at how most of you american jews, of all people, overwhelmingly support firearm bans given your recent historical persecutions. pic related

It should ve mandatory that all decent citizens of Rome, man and woman, carry an assualt weapon at all times

Was hitler right?
Is it true that jews planed the Holocaust so they can play the victim carf everytime
Don't take it to serious I'm a little drunk xD

What is the move? I wanna fap to dead juden.

thats what israelis do just to survive every day. but thats beacuse they have palestinians who never get bored of trying to stab/blow them up. i dont necessarily think people should be forced to carry guns, but they should legally have the option if they want to take it upon themselves to do so. i also wonder if you are alluding to the fact that israel has conscript army, mandatory 2 years of service once you are an adult. i think the usa would benefit from such arrangement

Why don't you believe in Jesus Christ?

>Doesn't even speak Yiddish
>doesn't post timestamp
Yes. because you are confirmed LIAR and NOT JEWISH. Fuck off LYING muslims piece of shit mohammed

he does dumbass. jews all acknowledge the existence of jesus christ. they just dont believe he was the final messiah

You're really silly.

No, it's arduous. The only comfy part is spending Friday night with your family at home because you're forced to use no electricity.

Isn't it just a fucking string that's barely visible?

Long story short, the messiah isn't supposed to start changing the rules of Judaism, hence he wasn't really the messiah.

Why is the nazi using a soviet execution method?

>modern day Germans seriously believe this kind of villainous shit was commonplace in the Nazi army

Two questions.
How many circumcisions of non jewish children have you either performed or have been aware of and complicit in?
How can you honestly blame someone who has been circumcised for being anti-semitic?
Is it not natural to despise the people who mutilated you?

What did you get up to yesterday OP?
Have any fun?
Do anything interesting?

I've read the OT. Nowhere in there does it say he won't be changing the rules.

I meant the stuff above makes me wonder how I could possibly deny he is the Christ. I spend most my time in the OT though because I like it and I've always wondered if there were legitimate complaints. However its hard to imagine being a Israelite anymore if we can't even make sacrifices. No temple anymore.

You know what else Jesus didn't do? Change the world, bring world peace, make it clear to literally everyone that God is real?

Besides, the same argument could be brought in from the other direction. If he was the Jewish messiah, why did he try to change the rules? It makes no sense on its own.

Jews cannot believe every schmuck who has superpowers. Witchcraft was a common trait in the ancient world, limited not just to Jews.

70AD. Christ warned them of it. It clearly happened that their temple is gone. So it marks the end of Judaism because they can no longer make sacrifices.

Oh man were Germans really like this?

What is the jew end game?

Then he would have been a regular prophet, not the messiah.

Again, there were many prophets before him. None of them started changing the rules of Judaism and/or tried gaining followers.

He took on the sins of the whole world and is the lamb of God. The perfect sacrificial lamb for all our trespasses. So long as we believe in him we're saved.

There is no reason for a temple anymore because of this.

Are you aware that lying is a sin?
Of course being a christian that doesn't mean anything for you since your god gave you a get out of jail free card.

Why are you bringing up lying?

Actually most church fathers agreed that lying for Jesus is alright.

I just want to know why he is bringing it up?

This is true. Also remember it says in Torah
lo ssfo eyl hdbr ashr achi mtzva aschm vlo sgreyu mamanu lshmr es mtzva y"e ashr anchi mtva aschm.

That the Torah given to moshe rabbeinu (moses on mountain) CAN NOT be added or changed. Christians added many false books to end of Torah and Christians desecrate Torah and making chilul hashem and worshipping false prophet.

So why does the Torah itself have hints of Christ?

Sorry for not responding, Im at my job wear I get payed below minimum wage.

Hitler was wrong, for the right reasons, and also partially right, for the wrong reasons

Yeah I remember hearing on Henry Makow that the holocaust was a zion8st conspiracy. Read a book called perfidy, u can find it free online.

Naw, whites and other civilzed people should all be required to learn how to use a gun or fqce jail time

Because its all bullshit. Watch the lectures of Rabbi Toviah singer if you want to hear the truth. You can find them on youtube.

I'll check him out.

Oh my goodness. Nevermind. You trust that guy?

Never performed q circumcision, but I know atleast in the old da6s, Jews would circumcise arab babies for practice

I cant blame pelple for being anti-semetic, because Im a frum Jude, grew up with Jews my whole life, and Im a huge anti-semite

Idk ii despise them because frum girls wont masturbate me

It Does not. Only of Moshiach (which was not Jesus) Because moshiach will bring all Jews from around world to eretz yisrool and he will be son from dovid hamelech (neither of which Jesus was)

Go away LIAR. You are not mamesh a frimme bocher. Stop pretending to be Jewish. You don't even speak Yiddish and dont post any proof. Fuck off

>tfw you will never be this hardcore.

Why are you lying? Why are you disgusting liar pretending to be Jewish? Post proof.

if you are talking about charadi jews, they want to brainwash people using kiruv organizations to rill up their yeshivahs. also they dont want robots like me to reproduce. I despise them and I will take revenge on them, I promise.