The Canadian Issue

It is time - and long overdue - that we adress the moose in the room. Canada has overtaken Australia as this board's most notorious shitposter. They ruin any possibility of civil discussion, no thread can go on without Canadian shitposters derailing it into pure shitposting madness. Worst of all, twisted creatures that they are, they don't seem to require sleep and shitpost around the clock whereas Australians are only active for 12h max. This cannot go on fellas, actions must be taken or this board will spiral out of control. I do believe an IP range ban is in order.

Other urls found in this thread:

Soon we will conquer Poland (with no casualties, our eternal enemy. We will put a leaf on their new flag.

>there are people that legitimately have scripts to ban countries from posting like some sort of tumblr whale

Your little bitch feelings seem hurt, Mexico

America here, our weird little brother might be a self-righteous, narcissistic dicksuck, but he's still our brother.

Living in our shadow, leeching off our massive economy and relying on our uncredible military force projection; hes never had to accomplish or handle much himself, and the weather sucks where he lives. Cut him some slack eh.

Remember guys, if someone disagrees with you just point out their flag!

>not having a script do this for you


we aren't shit posters we are just ahead of the curve

If you ban Canada, it wins.

Said every maniac ever.


I find it amusing how all 4 Canadian posts in the thread are shitposts

That's just what you would say, isn't it.

shut the fuck up septic diver

We dindu nuthin

We shitpost because we have nothing else going for us

Shitting on Canadians is more annoying than most Canadian posts.

Clean my toilet.

hiiii bois let the party start ;)

Who pissed in your Double Double?

Fuck Canada

> watermark

Of all the images here, why steal that one? It wouldn't even make sense if you were not a Sup Forums user.



Don't even put the aussies in the same boat as the leafs. The aussies are actually funny

>be laid off oil worker
>shitpost literally 16 hours a day and collect unemployment welfare

Please refer to the exact date that Trudeau was elected and you will notice all Canadian posting became instantly 100x more homosexual, liberal and pathetic.

In the early days Canadian faggots attempted to mimic Australian shitposting, and now have adopted quasi-ironic liberal speak just to get a (((you))) and a little hard on without GST+PST

We just like triggering burgers, it's really that easy

we need a final solution to the Canadian problem

>check Sup Forums for updates on chimpout habbenings
>see like 3 leaf hate threads in 10mins

youre as much garbage as our shitposters

Rank countries in magnitudes of shitposting


Anyone here an unironic cuckold?

I love watching my husband suck another man's dick while i fuck him in the ass

If you could at least be good at it and funny like the Aussiebros that'd be great tbqh Pham.

shit posting isn't shitposting also Canada is more relevant than Poland so fuck off

go back to bed, Sophie

>if(canadian || swedish || roach)

Did somebody call for the canadians? This thread isn't big enough for me to shitpost in yet