Honestly, if Trump picks Newt as his VP I will probably vote for him.
Honestly, if Trump picks Newt as his VP I will probably vote for him
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Newt has good ideas and he is probably pretty chill now since he's been a professor for awhile.
Getting quite a gut on him these days.
Might as well put Robert Kinsey as VP.
Love his drawl. Wish I had a voice like his.
i'm making the switch to the bitch.
time to wreck this country with no survivors.
Gingrich is a pseudo-patriot globalist bitch.
He's a slimy liar and completely part of the elite establishment. He's just the RINO frontman of the NWO.
t. globalist neocon
Cool. I won't.
>shitposting from the moon
Make it happen!
Imagine a potential VP debate between Warren and Newt.
Newt is a NAFTA shill and a globalist piece of shit. Trump would get 86'd asap
Any clue on when VP will be picked? Got a lot of money riding on it.
Will Newt build space stations and outposts to moon?
How exactly will he MAGA? He's just a cunt opportunist insider.
Usually announced just before the convention begins.
So will I because, for whatever faults, he's a quick witted speaker and statesman who knows how to get things done.
I won't if Trump picks Stockdale 2.0 because I know we'll be fucked anyway.
Staying away from the TrumpGens since the babbies are all for it, it seems.
thanks to be quite honest with you familam
The VP is probably already picked, its just they'll announce who it is at convention which is in 8 days.
got my fingers crossed for Flynn. will win $5000 from the bookies as they had him at stupid odds
Best NRA speech I've ever heard.
I hope he picks him.
He'd a Bohemian Grove Pedophilic globalist that agrees with every major pillar of Clinton.
Shill post. If Newt is VP pick 1/3 of Trump voters vanish. Three's a major pro Bush crime family, anti Trump push on /pol and it needs to be met.
Kinsey was based as fuck man
Yeah, he's the only one worth a damn and every older American knows it. Kids here want a Democrat and know nothing of politics but what they read on propaganda sites. All sites are propaganda sites.
think Imma vote Hilldog this year
You're just a dumb person, that could be your problem, user.
Gonna be Flynn, not Newt. Newt is extremely polarizing.
> worked for corporate interests
> shut wanted to shut down military-operated Stargate
> corrupt as hell
> based
Granted I only recently finished season 7. Does he show something in the next 3 seasons?
>based moonman
>even has a SW badguy named after him
>said SW badguy serves Sheev
They stick any establishment candidate as his VP and he will be assassinated. They don't like giving up control.
Happened with Reagan. Bush sr for VP, and he was shot. Thankfully he survived.
Fools. All your VP predictions are for naught. Donald j trump has already selected his vice president: Iron Mike Tyson
>It took me a long time ... for me to begin to get a sense of this. If you're a normal, white American, the truth is, you don't understand being black in America. And you instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk in a way that you have to have a corrective. But the minute you starting getting the corrective ... like Black Lives Matter ... which initially people reject because it's not in their world. If you are African-American, you are raising your teenage boys to be very careful obeying the police because literally their lives are at risk, and they can see it on television. If you are a normal Caucasian, you don't see that. That's not part of your experience.
Commendations on crafting such an intelligent retort, user.
Bohemian Grove Globalist Newt is a faggot
>Honestly, if Trump picks Newt as his VP I will probably vote for him.
Honestly, you'll vote however the media and the mainstream political parties tell you how to vote.
he's probably the smartest guy in DC... too much baggage though, cannot stand on the bill clinton scandals with newts affair to counter with.
Flynn is a solid choice.
My concern is he'll pick Christie because of a possible deal early on, or in the belief it could help him turn some of the Northeast.
>implying anybody "under consideration" by Trump is going to actually be chosen
The man loves theatrics and headline-grabbing moves. We're not going to know until the day it's announced.
My money on this Flynn stuff is that he's testing the waters for a Webb pick by floating somebody of similar background/ideology to his voters and seeing how they react to it. That's a long shot but really anything is more likely than him picking any of the establishment GOP insiders that he's obviously just floating the names of just to stroke their egos.
You didn't offer much in the first place.
and once you put forth your support toward a literal Bohemian Grove faggot, it was the nail in the coffin proving your outright stupidity so I called you a dummy
Newt is another neocon cuck. Might as well make JEB! vp instead.
>neocon gingrich
fuck you
Insider VP would be a mistake. I agree with Coulter, he should stay outsider.
Nice trips.
One thing to consider is that much of the congressional district that Larry McDonald, who died mysteriously in the flight KLA 007 shoot down by Soviet Union fighter jet 8/28/1983, was represented by Newt. He could be far more based than you know, only he plays it much closer to the vest since he saw what happened to McDonald.
Watch this interview he did with Pat Buchanan four months before his death, it's interesting. youtube.com
Kewl, got a link to school me?
Do you even know what I mean by Stockdale 2.0?
Webb was never more than a Sup Forums meme.
Trupm could pick a dead cat as a running mate, and I'd vote for him.
The alternative is Hillary Clinton.
Reminder that the Trump campaign actively posts here for feelers
Fuck that gay faggot
>Newt Gingrich: 'If you are a normal white American ... you don’t understand being black in America'
>White Americans "instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk," he said
VPs are almost never big names or widely known to voters and there have been several msm pieces that have suggested it. I said it's a long shot though.
m8, Newt is a NAFTA shill. Even i know this..
>Trupm could pick a dead cat as a running mate, and I'd vote for him.
>The alternative is Hillary Clinton.
It's funny how you think voting matters and has the possibility to make things better.
Trump...Hillary...it doesn't make a difference. This Jewed out nation is doomed regardless.
Voting will not save the White race from extinction.
You mean that by choosing a military VP could backfire because Millennial fuckfaces would be scared of Trump + a military guy and make-believe that it somehow means Trump is a mega militaristic nazi warmonger genocidal maniac guy?
Same, I'm a diehard #NeverTrump supporter, but if Gingrich is his VP it will be known that Trump has bent the knee to the Establishment. Then it's only an "accident" or a "heart attack" away from having a based conservative President.
If you catch my drift.
Agree. But a tactical blunder now could cost the old GOP base, giving it to her by default.
I abstained last time as I knew Romney couldn't win. I wory about those who were as I was just staying home thinking we can survive Hillary.
I would say he used the corporations as much as they used him from congressman to by using his knowledge of the gate to become VP in a few years is bad ass he is a character you love to hate man its only because you like the members of sg1 that you hate him
Why aren't you already, too busy sucking cocks?
KEK confirms. Gingrich must be the VP
Or he has no political experience and cant debate or talk to the press well??
I used to be OK with Newt being VP, but his latest stance on Nigger Lives Matter has turned me completely off.
It needs to be Flynn, Webb, or Sessions.
>wanting the person the GOP offered $200 mil to pick to be VP
You're begging for an assassination
In part, but also, Stockdale ruined Perot's campaign because the more camera time he got it was obvious he was an old fool who knew nothing BUT military.
I know you guys want Trump to win, but you have to see that he clearly is not electable. Yeah, I know he gets more FB likes and comments or whatever, but the facts are he isn't going to win.
Which is a shame, because I'd rather see a Republican U.S.A. instead of Hillary.
Bookies have been fluctuating the results, so yeah.
Never say never. Right now all he needs to do is not mess up too much ans shore up the base.
Kill yourself faggot. You retards are what got us in this mess to begin with.
But he was instrumental in getting the federal budget balanced back in the 90's (something everyone give Bil Clinton credit for, even though he was actually trying to find ways to keep spending money)
>Kill yourself faggot. You retards are what got us in this mess to begin with.
No, that would be the Jews.
...And those who continue to support Zionist politicians and their Jewish policies.
That was b8 and gave him the desired response.
Why is Pence so high?
>But he was instrumental in getting the federal budget balanced back in the 90's (something everyone give Bil Clinton credit for, even though he was actually trying to find ways to keep spending money)
Thus proving that in the end, the only thing Conservatives care about is their money.
White Nationalists/National Socialists actually care about the White race.
Neocons are the goodest goys on earth. The Jews would have zero power without good goys.
I hope he is VP so I can use this image all the time.
newt kikerich is literally one of the lowest of the lows. why is pol sucking his dick? :\ this site has been shilled to hell
That's what I'm trying to figure out. All I know is that Pence was one of the top 4 picks for Trump's VP, along with Newt, Sessions and Christie.
It's been random as fuck for the past few days. Yesterday, I swore it was at Newt.
Newt is a globalist neo-con zionist shill.
>Neocons are the goodest goys on earth. The Jews would have zero power without good goys.
Yeah, pretty much.
Though, the Jews would still have power regardless of whom the goyim vote for.
The Jews aren't going to risk their power on something like a presidential vote after all.
For all the talk about how anti-Israel Obama would be, he's turned out to be just as much of a kikecuck as every other president. The next president won't be any different.
Because Trump is floating literally every single even mildly important figure in the Republican Party to stroke dem egos and get them under his tent.
Honestly, if Trump picks literally anyone as his VP I'd still vote for him
>Honestly, if Trump picks literally anyone as his VP I'd still vote for him
So if he picked Barbara Specter you'd still vote for him?
Trump's VP choice will have no effect on who I'm voting for. I'll be voting for Trump regardless.
Who'd you bet on lad?
topkeke, pedophile got btfo
>Trump's VP choice will have no effect on who I'm voting for. I'll be voting for Trump regardless.
Looks like I'm now #MentallyHill. Thanks for opening my eyes and really making me think user!
>what is how to win an election
Newt Gingrich was a professor at a University for a decade before entering politics. And professors are automatically chill, and are automatically suited for politics? Do you know who the fuck Woodrow Wilson was?
Typical underage Trumpcuck, knows jack shit.
Fuck off. Newt is a globalist shill and a piece of shit. On the off chance that Trump wins with him on his ticket, everyone knows that slimy bastard would kill off Trump with the RNC's blessing.
I'm #AllInForFlynn
Shills ITT
Fuck Jewt
Okay folks, after the convention the running mate's role is to serve as attack dog. Winning should be the top priority or this is all for naight.
Right now Trump needs the best attack dog, the more politically savvy, the better.
>the running mate's role is to serve as attack dog
Please take your talking points back to /r/thedonald. No sensible person wants that NAFTA-supporting, white-guilt-mongering kike puppet anywhere near Trump. Flynn's his best shot.
Nice talking points, I've never been to ribbit.
Now I wonder if I shouldn't have sown so many seeds over the years as I bashed NAFTA and Neocons here. We have to win, and that means playing the game to win.
Gingrich has absolutely no appeal beyond the Republican elite and braindead neocons. If you want a guaranteed loss by having two old, vaguely unhealthy white guys then be my guest.
I'd rather have Sessions. He could bring in the base. We need their votes. That's all I care about now, winning.
I like how every national Republican politician is a complete lolcow.
Newt in particular is an obvious sociopath.
Woodrow Wilson, the architect of the League of Nations and major component in winning world war one?
Whether you like the whole American exceptionalism/ crusader thing or not, he changed the world.
He's another rickety-ass old white guy. Trump's already won the base. Have you seen how many votes he got?
Now, if you mean shady globalist donors who have failed the white working-class Americans for the past twenty years, now that's a different story.
Trump needs to win independents and undecided voters more than anything. And Sessions and Gingrich will ensure their alienation.