is it euro or africa cup?

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Russia were the most shameful nation at the euros

Shit even with your state sponsored doping labs

>watching other men play a sport

lol cucks

usually I don't care about fucking football. but seeing this little fag ronaldo cry gave me a massive hard one

shamefur dispray

nah, sweden played really crappy too

same result as russia - only one draw and 2 loses

Both of you lads were ill mannered unlike us who got a medal or someshit for being so good in Paris

are u a nigga or a poolack or maybe both?

Lmao mad?

France and Germany are lost. No children. Very sad.

>that disgusted Look on the boys face at the left


They should only allow ethnic people of their respective countries to play.

Who's winning?

funny how europeans always roast us for our sports being dominated by blacks.. you're not laughing now are you?

t. American Nige

Good morning

As someone who works in a NATO base, I can tell you that niggers are a very small minority of US troops here. There are like three of them here from 300 US troops stationed here.
Most ~90% are WASPs, the rest are Mexicans.

At first I got scared, kinda looked like la Raza in the canteen when they were eating.
Absolute majority are


Hell, four of the UK's five biggest teams are owned by three Jews and an Muslim

This is the epitome of cuckolding, until all the team are non-white

Why do hooligans continue to spend money on these teams?

Honestly, what makes blacks superior in Sports? I'm watching the game and blacks are taller and way faster than any white boy, can we get some science here

>Western (Old) Europe
pick one

>not laughing now are you?

That's our meme, burger.

They're thin and lanky

Now watch sports involving weights. Hell, turn on WWE Raw tomorrow and see about a dozen 6'2-7' 250lb whites throwing each other around

No joke France looks like a detroit public school. Beta looking white guys except Giroud. Go Portugal!

Is Rinrin ok?

They naturally know how to sprint, steal and shoot.

Which of these countries would win in a war? Let's say France must invade and conquer Portugal to be fair

Niggers are genetically better at sport. It's not true that "it's only that the skin is darker bruh", there's around 25% difference between blacks and whites (I'm not english so I can't explain that well, but for example there's a 37% difference between each dog species, like every dog has the same 63% and the other 37% is what makes each breed different). It's scientifically proven that black people are more athletic and less intelligent, however most researches were stopped (and I don't even mean forcefully, the researchers themselves said something like "it's not really relevant so we stopped" or "we realized that what we were discovering was immoral" or some shit like that).

Anyway, nigger have different muscle composition, they should have more white fibres or some shit like that, I don't really know in detail but that's approximately how it works.

>They're thin and lanky

They've also go more explosive power than whites. You know what else is much stronger than they should be for the amount of muscle they pack? Chimps. Makes you think.

hmm that´s interesting, could it be that blacks lived down in africa and had to always be on the move and couldn't farm and whites farmed up north so black -> speed / white -> intelligence

>niggers are better at sport
Well of course there are sports which require a little bit of intellect and then of course niggers will most likely lose some points on that, however simple shit like simply running are easy wins for nigger and that's why they usually dominate these areas

Black men are better at sports than white men

Well that's not getting old.

Yes, it could be. However you must keep in mind that there are slight differences even between niggers. For example, I remember hearing in a video that a lot of west africans dominate the short speed competitions (100-400m) while east africans where more dominant in resistance competitions.
Check out the video:


It's well known that africans are better at sports.

It's also well known that they're significantly less intelligent.

gues you never watched the olympics you fucking cuck

despite there being endless niggers everywhere they dont get the percentual share of the medals

moreover nignog soccer players often come from regions where you live by the motto "get a soccer player or die"

whites want to get doctors,lawyers,engineers and soldiers...

nigger only have sports and music and they even suck at that despite being in a larger number

It talks a bit about sports at 7:07, but the whole video is very interesting and redpilled

>Niggers are so good at soccer
>no niggers ever won a world cup except Brazil
>almost no nigger ever won a golden ball

Why ?

Rigged by the white man.

What does that even mean? I never said each nigger gets a medal? I just said there are a lot of niggers dominating the olympics in the 100m 400m and the other running competitions and that's a fact.

>whites want to get doctors lawyers engineers and soldier
Whites have to opportunity to practice sport and study for their future career so if they don't become professional athletes they can just keep on studying, while niggers dont go to school so they can't and just end up dying in Africa

they are fucking cucks in here again...italians are known to suck every foreigner cock for the last 2000 years no wonder they love the jungle people so much

the french army describes this the best...
commanders nearly 100% white and all the cannon food negroes from some shithole in africa


Pick one.

oh looks like the kraut is fucking mad, what's wrong buddy your ass still hurts from 1945? how am I sucking foreign cock when I just explained you how niggers are inferior, or you can't even understand basic english now? are you one of those new germans Merkel is so proud of? Italians are known to suck every foreigner cock yeah right tell that to german bitches of Cologne you fucking faggot.

Instead of fixing your country you gotta be mad on Sup Forums about italians lmao good luck with ahmed you fucking cuck

cycling and swimming are dominated by whites

What's that, kraut? Your wife now enjoys Ahmed's cock more than yours? Guess it's time to move to jail


Hey kraut, you enjoying those refugees? what's that? There's not enough? Good for you, because now you don't have a refugee cap so you can get as many of them as you want


We bred the stronger slaves to niggresses and denied the weaker ones, who were a little smarter so they became house niggers. That's why the nigger is so brutish and strong, yet lacking in mental capacity.


>>effeminate males running around a big grass field passing a ball back and forth to each other for two hours while eurofaggots in the stand shove stinky fingers up each others assholes

no thanks.

Italian women are sexy

got that same picture without the circle things, comrade?

post yfw diversity is actually a strength

why u need it?

>it's no fun if you're giving the answer away

Yeah, Italian girls are hot, but they're still the niggers of Europe.

It was fixed so the most nigger teams would end up in the finals

Holy shit portugal is full of niggers as well


He is the only french of the team, even griezmann is half portuguese.

>losing to Iceland

1-0 portugal

Oh dear France...

I support you, Portugal. Good luck!

France! Go France!

bullshit, I can't believe this boring team will win

Both teams are boring as fuck.

Based portugese
I'm gonna buy AOEII africa kingdom dlc for that.

Pepe for man of the match?

what the hell is this? Cool flag lad. It's not been the best game in terms of skill, but pretty exciting and end to end.

Well played Portugal.


Congratulations, Portugal!

africa btfo

Hu ho, I'm in Paris
>riot in Paris
ho wait
that's everyday
move on.

Whos winning?

Alberto Barbosa

Portugal won



The weak should fear the strong



Ho lee fuk!
Pepe is the player of the final!


They are drafted earlier since they are stronger and hitt puberty earlier meaning that many white people get left behind during the early stages and decide to drop out of sport. However the ones that persist become really good. There will never be "LITTERAL BEST" player in the world that is black, never.

Africa cup.

France is especially Apefrican.

Germany was criticised for having a white handball team. Pic related.

He did not look impressed at that one bit.


>circling the two players who handle their millions properly

Who from Sup Forums here?

It's sad, France lose, but live goes on.

Based Alberto Barbossa, you were good sport professionals and shiet. :-(

Whitey BTFO.

Shut up bitch and bend over.

is it me or the french blacks playing didn't give a fuck at all?
it didn't look like they were giving all they could, while the portuguese were playing as if that was the last game of their lives

>is it me or the french blacks playing didn't give a fuck at all?
It's what most France think.
Pretty sure there is tons of webm to prove it already.

I think you guys need more diversity desu.

They're not. They have some advantage in terms of endurance and speed, but the most skilled football players are white. Where would France be without Griezman, who is a 1.75m white dude but an exceptional footballer?

I feel genuinely sorry for the french...even their players hate their country....it is nearly as bad as our national unity...

what went wrong france ?

Congratulations to the black slave trading moorish caliphate for defeating the African all-star team.

the eternal french needs to die. fuck them



Hardcore Tolerance
also, after 1998, shitload of BLACK BLANC BEURS!!!!!!
proceed now to pay 4 millions niggers and sandniggers players that are just here for the money

Implying we are better

france and germany are the multiculti globalist failure axis of europe

>France didnt win

Wait did the brits put forward an entirely black team?


Was talking about football. Noone even plays basketball except for blacks and people that are 2.20cm+