Can anyone on Sup Forums prove that "Cultural Marxism" and the conspiracy theory surrounding the Frankfurt School are legit and not just memes?
Protip: you can't.
Can anyone on Sup Forums prove that "Cultural Marxism" and the conspiracy theory surrounding the Frankfurt School are legit and not just memes?
Protip: you can't.
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There are people born today that genuinely believe white privilege is real
Sage goes in all fields
Frankfurt School theories are real but those people never had any power
"White privilege" originates from postmodernism, which has very little to do with the Frankfurt School's Critical theory.
Anyone who says that Cultural Marxism even exists is acting without the facts. Marxism is a dialectical view of history, a history of competing classes. What that has to do with "destruction of western values" is completely beyond me.
Funny enough, if Sup Forums could actually read they'd see that they and Adorno have quite a bit in common, to say the least.
The ideas are degenerate and are intellectually related to most forms of SJW we encounter today. Is the common Cultural Marxism explanation accurate enough to present as an academic paper on the subject? Who cares that it isn't? The Left loves to call things conspiracy theories that aren't actually conspiracy theories. You can't write an academic paper on Cultural Marxism, but you can easily identify Cultural Marxist views. It helps distinguish arguments in a social, not an academic, setting. The term is perfectly fine. It is only questionable if you want to use it in a very narrow academic way.
People that claim Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory are mostly cunts and cucks who studied cultural theory at community college and want to feel smart.
>The ideas are degenerate and are intellectually related to most forms of SJW we encounter today.
You have obviously never read anything by anyone affiliated with the Frankfurt School. The Franks' methodology was entirely different from that of postmodernism, which is the true philosophy behind SJWs.
I don't get what are you trying to say.
There is no "conspiracy theory", their ideas were the origin of what we see today.
>their ideas were the origin of what we see today.
Such as?
Look around you Pierre, the results of the sexual revolution are all around you. Alfred C. Kinsey, the first sexologist, paved the way for the study of sexual behavior. His three books: The Kinsey Reports (1948), The Sexual Behavior of the Human Male (1948), and The Sexual Behavior of the Human female (1953) were financed and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The U.S goverment, at the time of the books release, lumped it together with the Communist Manifesto and Mao's Little Red Book. Although Kinsey himself was not a Jew, he was financed by Jews. In fact, it was Jewish pseudo intellectuals who spread his works and made his books mandatory readings across college campuses worldwide. Before his death, Kinsey was trying to get incest, abortion, and pedophilia legalized and viewed all of these practices as normal and healthy.
I highly recommend watching a red pilled documentary about the sexual revolution titled: Alfred Kinsey - The Sexual Revolution.
What does Kinsey have to do with the Frankfurt School or Critical Theory?
Basically, there is no objective reality, and you can be whatever you want (it actually started with Nietzsche). So, destroying that auto-imposed reality will lead us to a better world.
The conclusion is that gender roles are bad, family is bad, the masculine ideal is bad, and in general, western civilization is bad as a whole.
Turns out it was all bullshit, and falls by its own weight whenever is applied.
>there is no objective reality
Again, this idea is found all throughout postmodernism, not the Franks. In fact, Adorno was trying to get back to an object-oriented ontology, something which PoMos reject.
>implying that's not what is actually happening
It was 1969. Kate invited me to join her for a gathering at the home of her friend, Lila Karp. They called the assemblage a "consciousness-raising-group," a typical communist exercise, something practiced in Maoist China. We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:
"Why are we here today?" she asked.
"To make revolution," they answered.
"What kind of revolution?" she replied.
"The Cultural Revolution," they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?" she demanded.
"By destroying the American family!" they answered.
"How do we destroy the family?" she came back.
"By destroying the American Patriarch," they cried exuberantly.
"And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
"By taking away his power!"
"How do we do that?"
"By destroying monogamy!" they shouted.
"How can we destroy monogamy?"
Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?
"By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!" they resounded.
They proceeded with a long discussion on how to advance these goals by establishing The National Organization of Women. It was clear they desired nothing less than the utter deconstruction of Western society. The upshot was that the only way to do this was "to invade every American institution. Every one must be permeated with ‘The Revolution’": The media, the educational system, universities, high schools, K-12, school boards, etc.; then, the judiciary, the legislatures, the executive branches and even the library system.
Do you understand spanish?
>books that don't exist according to OP
this is basically "any functional white society=nazis: THE BOOK"
Adorno had very little to do with that book, idiot. Most of it was penned by Levison, an American who had no affiliation with the FS.
>claims with literally zero proof: THE POST
This jew is a liar, call him a faggot.
I am no expert, but I think he is full of shit.
Oh please. Show me where the Franks claim absolute truth is entirely relative.
Look faggot, I never mentioned any of that, I just called you a jew and a liar, one of which is demonstrably true, the other, probably.
>conspiracy theory surrounding the Frankfurt School
Something documented isn't a theory retard. I suggest using Google
It's all coming true
Guess what? I've taken the time to read these people and yes, the accusations about their ideas being the backbone of PC are entirely untrue. You'll be hard put to find anything in Adorno, Benjamin, etc. which promotes privilege-checking.
you are a retarded.
>the Frankfurt School's Critical theory
the marxists that deny cultural marxism deny that the Frankfurt School even existed
Yes, I'm sure you can find an out-of-context quote or two by Horkheimer and claim the Franks are behind PC, tumblr feminism, and postmodern academia.
Most Marxists don't take the Franks seriously at all, for the primary reason that THEY WERE NOT GOOD MARXISTS. The only member of the Frankfurt School who was actually radical, lived in the USSR, and, interestingly enough, is still taught in humanities courses was Walter Benjamin, who was not a dialectical materialist in the least bit as he was a religious Jew.
it's post modern, i listened to some ebook about post modernism on youtube and they were talking about how "space-rockets were a phallic symbot to subdue space" or something like that. I was all like "wtf"
>You'll be hard put to find anything in Adorno, Benjamin, etc. which promotes privilege-checking
Wow, it's almost like they put something in motion, and it's changed and adopted other features since its inception.
ah, it was this one
If Sup Forums had any brains they'd go after PoMo. Biggest cancer in the humanities.
Shitty robot voice, closed it in the first second.
it's an actual human, he only sounds like a robot in the first seconds
Hey guys, can you prove that the group of jews who started communism and made Eastern Europe super shitty for decades to come while they made out like bandits aren't trying to destroy western society.
Guys i really need you to prove to me that the guy who thought women should be communal wasn't trying to disrupt western values and culture.
>jews who started communism
what if i were to tell you the Muslim Brotherhood was using cultural marxism to push sharia law
they learned that the left has been doing so well with racism, sexism and homophobia, that if they threw islamophobia right after it, the left would fight to push half of their doctrine without being any wiser about it. Its just like what happened in Lebanon, they're using our open-mindedness and trusting nature to bring the end to western thinking
Of course OP, you're right in a way. There's NO documentation or publication from anyone out of the Frankfurt School that explicitly calls for the subversion and degradation of western culture.
>There's NO documentation or publication from anyone out of the Frankfurt School that explicitly calls for the subversion and degradation of western culture.
They were not calling for the "death of western culture". In actuality, they were critiquing the death of western culture to the forces of capitalism and modernity. Let's not forget Adorno was a big fan of Spengler's and wanted to create a left-wing version of Spengler's observations.
If you type in Muhammad you get results like:
an absence of god
the killing name
catholic liar
fear monger
breeding chaos
arab religion
godless bible
arab made of lies
mad humam
bad obama ends peace
dead osama fake sea
muhammad confiremed pedo antichrist and warmonger
holy shit this
his biggest criticism is of the "culture industry", or as you would call it the (((culture industry))) which fabricates needs and erodes authentic human dignity
Then again...
>Sup Forums
serious lel at that webm!
Let's not also forget how and why they formed. A bunch of Marxists got together in the 20s to discuss why Marx's predicted revolutions hadn't happened as expected in Europe. One of their conclusions was that western culture reinforced the capitalist system.
Of course they had the self-awareness to realise soon that one of the big factors was the oppressive nature of the USSR.
>One of their conclusions was that western culture reinforced the capitalist system.
Correct, but this is hardly enough to prove a conspiracy about the Franks deliberately scheming to destroy western culture.
Read this:
And then read pic related
Also don't forget
I've studied Critical Theory. It's not a plot to uproot modern, capitalist western values but to simply critique them.
Funny because there are books written about the way Judaism influenced the Franks. You could have at least linked one of those.
So we now have a premise (it is Europe's fault that the revolution never came). The first generation of Frankfurt school were largely orthodox Marxists, though they did start touching on ideas of cultural hegemony*.
The second generation of Frankfurt School largely left Europe as the nazis were coming and they set up shop in New York at here
They clearly want to dismantle Western Civilisation. Not because they're mwuhahahahah evil but because they (wrongly) believe it's for the best.
Lying fucking faggot.
>not a plot to uproot modern, capitalist western values but to simply critique them
It's the same thing, you dingus.
Critical theory means criticizing and establishing new "norms." So, you attack what you don't want and put in whatever sky castle Ivory tower untested theoretical bullshit that you do.
You pump that into the soft heads of your students who then apply it practically with Rules for Radicals to destroy the proven foundations of culture and replace it with fantasy-land bullshit that results in mass poverty and starvation.
Do you get the picture, now?
>The second generation of Frankfurt School largely left Europe as the nazis were coming and they set up shop in New York at here
Yes, and they weren't good Marxists either.
Explain how I'm lying.
Stop shilling this shit you fucking faggot. I have seen you being BTFO by some Kraut. Literally seen this thread 5 times. Here is where your shitty jew books belong faggot.
Well we don't have proof of intent. This much I admitted. It is true however that Critical Theory (a bastardised and selective version of which SJW apply to western culture) came out of a few of the Frankfurt School/New School's most prominent minds. Now this is the real crux of the matter. At the time did they know how this theory of analysis would be used?
Critical Theory doesn't advocate a political program. That's one primary reason why actual Marxists who are dedicated to the cause of communism hate it (or at least, have a love/hate relationship with it).
Again, the only member of the Frankfurt School who had any love for Lenin or the USSR (at least, in the beginning) was practically a Jewish theologian (Benjamin).
>Rules for Radicals
lel, this is a shitty meme made up by American talk show hosts like Glen Beck. Alinksy was not a Marxist, more like a left-wing liberal or social democrat.
>Can anyone on Sup Forums prove that "Cultural Marxism" and the conspiracy theory surrounding the Frankfurt School are legit and not just memes?
Bullshit like Frankfurt school is a decoy to distract from the real enemy: Women.
Debunked infograph.
>Yes, and they weren't good Marxists either.
Not the point. Terms like western marxism, structural and neo marxism are generally accepted (and not wildly different from cultural marxism in practice).
So whether or not they're you're comrade isn't the issue.
Some Frankfurt Schoolers took it that bit further in their criticism, Gramsci wrote against marriage among other staples of western culture. Gramsci also endorser the 'March through the institutions' proposed by Rudi Dutschke
which essentially proposed as method of revolution infiltrating (for lack of a better word) academia.
So when taken togehter, there is a case to be made for a school of thought that essentially seeks to subvert western culture to make it more compatible with Marxist ideas. I say again, we don't know specifically how many were involved in this aspect and to what degree. But some people certainly seem to have had the idea of applying critical theory specifically to western culture.
Marxists formk frankfurt school
Frankfurt school identifies problems with western culture (from a marxist perspective)
Frankfurt school develops critical theory
modern day (and not so modern) 'leftists' apply this critical theory to western culture almost exclusively
SOME frankfurt affiliates endorse subversion of the educational system
Is that why gender dysphoria is being normalized then?
What does trans politics have to do with the theories of the Franks?
Gramsci was not a member of the FS, and his prison writings weren't even published until after WWII.
Again, no one in this thread has been able to point to a single idea from the Franks which inspired modern identity politics.
Now thinking about how this transpires today, critical theorists and post structuralists make no bones about the fact they want to change the structure of society but they seek largely to change it by culture and law as opposed to economic revolution (seeking to affect change in the base by reshaping the superstructure). How many tumbler dykes actually understand what they are doing is up for debate, as are the marxist credentials of the. But assuming Rudi's plan has worked, then it could well be that some lecturers are teaching their students a biased interpretation of critical theory and the related post-modern shit that I like to call anti-rationalism with one goal in mind that is never laid out explicitly for the students.
It didn't work. Academia today is not Marxist but Postmodernist, which rejects historical materialism in favor of feels.
you've dismissed or ignored most of what I've said. You're also focusing far to closely on the frankfurt school membership. That is but one part of the development of cultural marxism. Think about if from the other side for a second. Are there westerners who self identify as leftists who are actively working to dismantle western tradition?
[spoiler]Pls honest, I've tried to honest you.[/spoiler]
Don't bother this faggot makes these kinds of threads and when someone shows up who actually read his jewish crap and BTFO him he just disappears to make the same thread again.
There are a surprising number of people sympathetic to Marxism in economics and the humanities, especially sociology is rife with them. Hell, one of the prevailing schools of sociological thinking is explicitly Marxist(Social-Conflict approach). And it's no coincidence that it is from the humanities and sociological subjects that the VAST number of 'cultural marxists' spawn
Cultural marxisim does not have to all come from the frankfurt school. The frankfurt school is more like a contributing factor along with other ideas.
Turning the haves and the have not into the oppressed and the oppressor, instead of accumulation of capital its the accumulation of privilege. This is then used to create hate and division to accomplish their ends. Telling blacks and women from day one through mediums such as the media, books, school etc. that the white man is their enemy and the source of all of their problems and they must rise up and take that power.
Americans importing philosophy is always bad. Why do you think most anglo-scum SJWs are sociology majors and not philosophyfags. It's easy to misinterpretate Adorno and the gang when you have never begun from Plato all the greeks.
What happened is that the impermissible Communist class war rhetoric was substituted for the capitalism-friendly sex war, religion war, race war, and ultimately free-for-all kyriarchy privilege war rhetoric.
So everyone made friends and the megacorps will bleed us dry as we destroy our only forms of resistance.
I'm not saying that everything we see as shitty today spawns explicitly from the Frankfurt School. But a lot of the methods of the SJW in some way follow on from their teachings. And IMO cultural marxism (also an academic term with similar meaning) is an apt way to describe what a lot of the do-gooder left-tards are doing. You're average SJW probably doesn't know much about Marx but the people who came up with their methods of analysis did, and those who encouraged this anti-western thinking at university probably do.
Forgot to mention in muh rambelings that another reason the Marxist aspect may be downplayed is that not so long ago socialism was discredited in the eyes of many.
>But a lot of the methods of the SJW in some way follow on from their teachings.
In what ways?
Some commie from lit wants to talk to Sup Forums about Marxist theory again because his board moves to slow. Every response is going to be you haven't read X. Give one reason anyone should indulge you
In that the favourite tactic of the SJW is one sided critical theory. Now I'm not saying they wouldn't have come up with it themselves (it's not exactly ground breaking analysis). The bit that gets me is that so many people doing SJWism seem to be students of the same subjects. It is almost like some of them are being encouraged to look critically at the west while ignoring other cultures. And a LOT of the stuff coming out of humanities departments these days acts as ammunition for the SJW, giving them papers to back up their wild and often misguided assertions of systemic racism and privilege.
They can't
We have to accept that the right wing is prone to conspiracy theories and lunacy.
PROVE that capitalism is at fault for the present day state of Africa and the ME...
>conspiracy theory
Nice try.
Guy who teaches the Frankfurt school, critical theory, and literary theory here (was an at Ivy League school; am at another one now). Three basic points:
1. Most of you here show a complete misunderstanding of what you think you're talking about. The obvious reason is most of you have read very little of this stuff. If you care that much about it, spend the time you use for posting in threads on reading a pile of books instead. Then you might know something.
2. What gets called "cultural marxism" here is a terrible misunderstanding and misnomer. It's a label that refers to an already existing formation based on Western Marxists (who were critiquing Stalinism and state totalitarianism after the disasters of Berlin in 1953, Budapest in 1956, and Prague in 1968) and were combining it with a new theorization of "culture" developed by people like Richard Hoggart and Raymond Williams.
3. If you want to go after something that seems like tumblr politics, narcissistic feminism, and constant calls for diversity, then your real targets should be pomo in it's more politically correct and less critical (in the Kantian sense) version. There's already an existing body of this critique that emerged in the late 1980s, but it never seems to get referenced in these discussions. It's as though most of you are goldfish with no historical memory, as though no ideas existed before wikipedia and encyclopedia dramatica.
Sheesh!!! Just fucking lift your games (collectively), do some work, and stop being ignorant embarrassments.
This dude is actually talking sense.
Are the Frankfurters worth reading? Recommended works? The one op posted?
That was as much about geopolitics. It is NOW as much about spooky ideology. While I agree to an extent, you didn't prove anything there.
>Guy who teaches the Frankfurt school, critical theory, and literary theory here (was an at Ivy League school; am at another one now). Three basic points:
Can I ask your political and economic tendencies?
Start with Benjamin and then work into Adorno. Begin with some of Benjamin's essays on specific texts and then move to his more conceptual material. The most important one is the Trauerspiel book (trans as The Origins of German Tragic Drama), but this is very difficult. Start perhaps with the essay on epic theater and the one on Kafka in Illuminations. Then maybe move to "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (as it's called in the old translation; there's a new and better Harvard UP translation, but it's more expensive) and then maybe "The Critique of Violence." It takes a while to get through this stuff, but is worth the effort. And that way, you want sound completely blind-ignorant when you discuss this stuff on imageboards. You'll also learn that Benjamin has zero interest in identity politics.
Geopolitics revolve around what? Let's go invade a country for the laughs? No financial interest behind it?
I'm radical left anticapitalist materialist with profound commitments to nature and aesthetics. There's no party that suits me now. I'm not excited especially by identity politics, though they serve a temporary purpose in correcting against some obvious prejudices in society.
*won't sound...
>radical left anticapitalist materialist
So a Marxist who enjoys a bit of IDpol? Teaching kids about... what course do you teach?
Dominance. Financial is one aspect of this.
I knew that sjw stuff originate from post modernism and had no class analysis behind them. That's why they sound so absurd and baseless. It's like talking to liberal bourgeois that apply some magical oppressive qualities to gender, race etc.
Roughly. I mostly teach literary theory and older literature, often together. If I say much more, then I'll give myself away, which I'd prefer not to do. Posting here doesn't enhance anyone's reputation...
Also, to know what the Frankfurt school is about, I recommend Martin Jay's general intellectual history The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950. And to learn what cultural marxism is, as distinct from the Frankfurt school, and as distinct from contemporary popular movements for diversity and identity recognition, try Dennis Dworkin's general history Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain: History, the New Left, and the Origins of Cultural Studies.
Dominance and influence for what purpose? Dominance is just a word. Financial dominance is correct.
Sorry to hop in again with all my ignorance. But critical theory strives for change by definition no? Now if your students are only holding the west up to this standard then where are they going to be eliciting this change? And of the student activists we associate SJWism with, how many of them focus on economics?
Thank you based professor.
Benjamin was great. Too bad Sup Forums will never pick him up because muh eevul kabbalist talmudic culturrul murrxist jooz.
In your opinion what would lead to a communist (if you espouse that term) society? Technological and humanistic advancement or revolution or a combination of the two?