Its the end of the white race as we know it.
Its the end of the white race as we know it
And I feel fine.
where is the black dad?
look at that nu-male
Yes and the beginning of black children who will either be gay or a trap due to that pathetic cuck being their father figure.
you can always have white kids if you like but don't force it onto others, please.
Smells like a shoop to me.
Black newborn babies are like a weird orangey pink.
Everytime i think you can`t go further down pol shows me that far worse is about to come
Take a guess
thank you brazil
is this the new shill tactic?
god damn just fuck off already
Do you know that from watching your wife give birth to her son?
What the fuck is the hype about pokemon go? I played pokemon when I was 12. That's it. This gets under my skin so much.
I'm fine knowing that beta faggot's biological line ends with him.
Its for fucking man children, and degenerates like this.
This man looks very familiar to me.
Yeah I don't fucking get it. I guess after Nintendo made the exact same game for 25 years anything new is exciting
More like Uncommon
I look at constant random information because I browse the Internet, sometimes it's pictures of babies being born.
I also know that aquatic mammals in captivity are masturbated by people.
Millions of worthless bits of information and memorized images, I don't even fucking have a wife to chuck me, all I have is a computer.
brazil saves the day
How can you fit 4 other people in a car with Boogie?
dual wield truck
>basically should encourage you to go outside and take a walk
>hurr let's drive around because walking is so exhausting
Americans are the worst.
Knew it based off the OP pic. Features didnt match the skintone. Based Huebro.
Greenland-san is your neighbor.
You know what's sad? I bet she didn't even fuck a black dude.
I bet the white dude literally cucked himself and they went to a sperm bank for black semen so he could "solve systemic inequality by making more black children" or some shit.
>it's a people keep falling for a shitty shoop after the shitty shoop is exposed episode
This is one horrible cucking. Fat ass white bitch got BLACKED and denies it.
To be fair most of America is untraversable without a car.
Good meming.
I'm glad that memes now = trolling (or "bait" as you newfaggots call it)
Unless you want to walk down a highway
Based Brazil OP BTFO.
What the fuck OP
80% of thread respondents do not read anything past the post they are replying to
these are people that have under 1,000 hours experience lurking
>the phone is not being held at an angle to have the shot like this the car is literally tipping to the side because Boogie is so fucking fat.
You actually took the time to edit that image. And the faggots who couldn't tell this was an edit need to erase themselves from this planet.
That's women's standard behavior actually. I just don't understand how can they be so self-deceptive.
thx, doing the Lords work
It's funny how these race traitor bitches have a “race traitor cheater whore“ stamp on their head for the next 20 years anyone sees them with their halfbreed spawn
America is fuck all huge I don't wanna walk around when the majority of stops/gyms are a mile or more away in the sweltering southern heat.
They should have release this game in the fall/winter.
It's was a new jewish trick? Goddamn jews, Hitler did nothing but wrong
The pic is photoshopped, baby is white
Unemployed in GREENLAND?
WUT?!?!?! People on Sup Forums don't read? How is this possible?
Why are selfies a thing? People already know what your face looks like. We don't need to see it in every fucking photo.
kill yourself op I cant believe any human would waste their time doing this
nice, a diglett!
This. PokemonGO is like the third of these GPS/Real Life Mobile games, and every time it just leads to people driving around for hours a day and quitting their jobs.
At least with Geocaching I could shit in a box and then make someome come find my box full of turds.
Had me worried ther for a sec.
Fuck man, I'm sorry James.
The Dad is missing while a Pokemon expert trains his wife's son.
nigger is still a nu-male
Fake pic. Shills are out in full force today.
Here's some reality from our friendly Jews at Google.
>b-b-b-but muh deus vult
Sadly when the day of the rope comes and people go full French revolution on religion I'll be old and too weak to handle the recoil of my guns.
giving birth?
These look like nice parents, numale or not.
>first day on Sup Forums
Adorable but beware. Here be monsters. Gaze not into the abyss....
Why do white guys have that "look" now?
OP got favela'd
South america is best america
>let me photoship this pic for cuck cred xd
Why can't you nigger shills fuck off and die?
It's the madness of mental illness and embracing cuckoldry.
To embrace self-destruction one must become insane. What you are seeing is an insane man.
It's obvious, the jews are trying to shill us depression, all this "anger" over seeing race mixing slowly turns into melancholy after realizing there's not much you can do about it, and this is all part of their plan.
If Christians learned to fap then maybe they wouldn't go length to get birthed negro pussy. I can't imagine a single cell in my body wanting to raise a black child from an American whore, just to get some stinking bacterial capitalistic pussy.
This looks fake as fuck.
Close, but no. Not a nigger and not a jew, just your average everyday Stormfag.
It's fun for a few hours until you hit the paywall where you run out of Poke-balls. It's fucking shit after that.
natural selection fags
Such an obvious shop.
Isn't that creature too dark for being half-breed?
Why do all nu-males have shitty beards?
And I'd love to impregnate a woman one day, but girls usually only like outgoing guys, and I'm naturally shy.
Jesus if you can't tell the color of that babies skin was changed in photos hope youre a moron. Look at the babies facoal structure. Definitely white. Albeit to a shitty dad.
It was pretty easy to tell from the pixels and after seeing quite a bit of shops in my life.
did gavin actually shove that up his ass on air?
This can't be real
You fucking faggots, I didn't edit the photo, I saved it from a UK poster like two days ago, fuck off.
a fully bald man interested in pokemon. I'm in my 30's and I know very little about them. I think I could recognize like 5 characters.
The edit was obvious either way. The lighting was way off, and the border around the edit was obvious as shit.
Reverse google image search gave this result.
If you have no kids, you are doing less for the white race than this manchild. How does that make you feel?
stop posting fake edits
>nu-male cuck
>black child
Paint me surprised.
Muh nigga !
give me a e-fist bump
The trips don't lie.
This is too convincing to be an edit.
Not true. You can actually birth children who will be a net loss, even moreso than an absence of a child could ever be to the white race. It is true that we need numbers, but we cannot hope to compete in numbers, nor should we try, adopting the r selective breeding strategy of the savages we are held separate from by our very nature. To behave as they do, to breed in their environments, surrounded by their media, with no possible means of securing the minds of your children from the modern liberal dystopia of the city, that is a net loss. You are expending energy that would be best saved, stored and used strategically, because of these dire times. Anyone breeding without racial awareness and a goal beyond have as many as you can is foolish and does a disservice to our race and their children as well. We did not become the best through those means, it is not those means that will return us to the best.
the image is shopped