Subversion of the (((leftist))) system via social media.
We use the techniques Yuri Bezmenov has talked about - the techniques the Jews/Masons/Communists have used to subvert us.

We make believable leftist - either BLM negro or white Bernfag/SJW/Communist - profiles on Twatter (Kikebook and Plebbit are good too) and we attack Hillary Clinton from their angle (e.g. "Racist with KKK ties!" "1%!" "Corrupt - stole the win from Bernie!")

Hillary Clinton is a mafia leader along with Bill, who have commited a lot of crimes and are racists and part of the 1%. Hillary was only saved by Comey because the system is corrupt and because of white privilege obviously. The Dems are part of the corruption and are afraid of Bernie therefore Bernfags need a revolution against them. Post the KKK memes, talk about the Clintons' link to different shady persons (e.g. Epstein the pedo) and organizations (Haiti charity ruining the country).

Ammo (these contain normie tier memes good for subverting normies - could also be used by pro-Trump propagandistas)
Advanced Meme Warfare:
the meme starter pack contains:
guide of advanced meme warfare 1.0
guide of using gimp to make a /cfg/ memes
blank folder - containing images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - completed memes collected from previous threads

Other urls found in this thread:


Your account will look as a spambot account and it will be very obvious if you don't do these:
- Don't be comical. Get a name that is not suspicious. The whole operation is about getting lost in the noise, just being a normal negro/Bernfag. You don't have to overdo it or be funny i.e. no: Shani'qua Jones, La-a (Ladasha), Tommy McCuckson, Byrd Schydt and such.
- Before starting to spam our memes, make sure you have a profile picture and a header. Get a profile picture from /soc/ or from a random facebook profile as they are not backtracable/imagesearchable like if you would get it from instagram or google or some news-sites. Header picture should be something relevant. E.g. If you are parading as a negro, use BLM/Black Panthers headers. If you are a Bernfag, use some Bernie picture or even some Communist propaganda.
- You still can't start the spamming, because you have to follow some people and make them follow you.
- Since we have got a heated situation (Racewar, Hillary) you can have a 3:1 Political:Non-political ratio in tweets. In normal situation, keep these around 1:1. Post personal drama, food photos, and anything else normies usually do.
- Be subtle, and remember the main law: EMOTION IS THE HOOK, FACTS ARE SIDE DISH
- From my experience, the dumber and the worse (in quality, and in amount of strawman) a meme is, the better it flies. Don't think as if our victims were just like us. They can't think. They are üntermensch living on an animal like level. That's why have to hit their feelings, mainly their fear reactions hard as we can.
- Don't post anything pro-Trump - we are anti-Hillary and pro-Bernie. You can talk a bit about Trump in negative light, but your focus is on uncovering Hillary's dirt for the Bernsters and the negros.
- Do NOT share your profile names here. We will find each other, don't worry.

Also if you are a negro, it is essential to use emojis. Here you can copy and paste them just like you would with text. Copyandpesteemojis.com Use the "laughing with tears" "100" and "perfect! hand signs" a lot.

Twatter will ask for a phone number to authenticate your account.
You can jump through the hook by doing pic related.
If you don't want to join the Twatter squad, you can also do this on Kikebook or Plebbit.
Do the same, infiltrate, pretend to be a real negro/Bernfag, don't be an obvious shill.

TL;DR Appeal to emotion and strawman. Emotion is the hook, facts are the side dish.


Twatter hashtags to attack:

#NeverHillary #Hillary #HillaryClinton #HillaryEmails

#BlackLivesMatter #BLM #BLM_TO

#Bernie #Bernie2016 #BernieSanders #BernieOrBust



First for SWEDEN NO

pro-tip: best subversion is to pretend to be a hillary supporter who is disgusted by her actions


Huma Abedin's history being exposed must be a priority atm

Dont make it sound ridiculous, I think most effective thing is to make people wonder who she is at first





just figured I'd drop by an suggest an idea if you guys haven't messed with this yet:

make generic occupy democrat type memes that have anti-hillary ideas in them

post them around


Bumping, started getting into it, been busy, but I need to work on my profile description and strategy of attack.

I have a couple from a few weeks ago that can be reused

ah brilliant, condense it down using consumption methods proven successful among the special needs


I've been posting this around for years. Am I OG yet?

now someone has to post that disgusting holes manga

I hope she gets arrested

This? Or the porn?

Yeah i'm sure we could find nobody's that those sorts of folk hold in high esteem, and then do some bullshit white text yellow text quote that makes them feel intelligent for disliking hillary

maybe convince them to write in bernie or something, I don't know


wtf huma abedin is married to Anthony Wiener? Yes the wienergate wiener, who's a jew? And she's a Muslim?

Is he her Beard?

real life example of special needs

posted for purpose of hijacking meme format


ATTENTION: PLEASE SHARE THESE IMAGES in order to associate Hillary with feelings of absolute disgust.

Some of you may not feel this when looking at these images, but MANY people find repetitive irregular patterns of holes like seen in the texture of these images to be absolutely repulsive.

It's a phobia called Trypophobia and a large percentage of the population have it. Makes people's skin absolutely crawl. Let's try to associate Hillary with feelings of disgust.

Use messages that Hillary is slimy, disgusting, repulsive, corrupt, deceitful etc.

Must be entertaining and im sure youre appreciating the hilariousness and ridiculousness of all of this going on in the US

but this is reality here in the US


do both I'm feeling saucy

Around 15%, 11% of men and 18% of women.

cropped version. Use this instead please.

Yes, that Anthony Wiener. They don't live together though.

>I'll pull out percentages and phobias out of my ass


you guys reach so much


The one in OP is better than the one you posted. It's possible to use multiple images.
Oh hey, it's the roach shill. Thanks for the bump.
>Results show that 18 per cent of the women and 11 per cent of the men had an aversion to the image; they found it uncomfortable or repulsive.

Turkey, why don't you act like the sandwich and be tasteful for once.

Quick update

This is starting to work and is totally feasible, don't listen to shills.
I have about 350 followers already. My account is so good I've got attacked by a lot of right wing people tonight. Some Berncucks even called me out on the false Hillary quotes (They are doing it for free!).

What a lot of you are not doing and should do besides these: Is searching for some popular hashtag like #blacklivesmatter or #bernieorbust and going to people's profiles with bigger following and using the "Tweet to..." option under their profile pictures.

Here you should write a short praise for them as introduction e.g. "Preach sister your voice is truth 100 100 100" This is a bait, a hook. They will like you because you just praised them. The second part of the tweet should be the attack, e.g. "#NeverHillary cuz she a racist 1% ho"

Anoth example you could do with some SJW Bernfag is: "Yes at least a true intellectual. We must absolutely stop The Clinton Contamination #NeverHillary #BernieOrBust"

Attach our memes to these tweets.
Doing this will only notify those accounts and it is their choice whether they retweet you (this makes your tweet show up on their profiles) or not. Most of the time it works.

yea I think I made that one last night, it doesn't bother me so I can do it if it short-circuits yer brain

I can't touch rough, dry textures, like carboard paper,,, sand paper... ughhhhh my spine is tingling just thinking about it


This is why I specifically explained the image to people as I'm aware some do not feel disgusted by images like these.

>youre not supposed to write this in a public forum jeb..

17 year old virgins finding holy missions to """"meme warfare"""" isn't new kiddo.

Making cheesefaces from Hillary won't save your shitty buffoon of a leader either.

I'm a psychologist and looking at images of disgusting nature doesn't trigger disgust. Man isn't a dog. You aren't Pavlov. When you post something it creates blowback vs Trump. They say "look at the disgusting shit they do, sick internet trolls". Like always, you will be sidelined and made fun of. Ostracized. Instead, try to win through your arguments and intelligence.

Subversion was Sovietshit, and they lost. You will too.

Pointing out that someone else doesn't have qualifications isn't actually in Trump's favor.


this shit absolutely grosses me the fuck out. i googled the term just now and the images that popped up almost gave me a fucking panic attack. i can't even stay in this thread anymore. good idea op.

Old rumor heard long ago that during the times of Al Capone, after the Mafia disbanded, the next course of action they took was going into politics, because if you can't rule the cities from crime, then do it from corrupt politics.


which one of you is Halley?
How the fuck did you get 9K followers?

That picture triggers me and makes me itch. I have to take benadryl now. Thanks.

^ bump ^


Good job trying to be subversive roach

This is how we win.

I don't feel like we're winning. How many people are we really reaching? And what difference will it make if she just rigs the vote?



Read this while you can still comprehend it.

This is real good, but won't someone who can do math inform them?

It's not a good idea to reveal that a twitter account is yours on Sup Forums user. Best not to ask people questions like that.

As for how to get lots of followers, you can use twitter follower add on for chrome. Find a twitter account with your target demographic (trump supporters, hillary supporters, bernie supporters etc) and just auto add like 500 people/day.

Then you can use manageflitter.com to prune followers who don't follow you back.


Hello Sven. This appears to be slander. We suggest that you delete this thread.

I cannot even understand how someone can be so retarded that they misconstrue what it clearly says.


Right good idea.

I got second hand autism from hitting my hard so hard when doing the mental gymnastics needed to understand


Stick together and try to follow these guideline


I believe in you guys.
keep up the good work

Shillary's new comments are pandering at its worst.

She wrongly signaled out "WHITE AMERICA" and chastised WHITE AMERICANS when she should have simply said "America needs to listen to African-Americans, etc" instead of blaming "White America."

She is catch major flack for this.

If any of you guys want to work up memes on this and spread them on FB and Twitter could help push the issue.

@80523658 IS A SHILL

>@80523658 IS A SHILL

@80523658 IS A SHILL

>@80523658 IS A SHILL

Anti-HillShill meme.

look if you outright lie about her you only make her more immune to real criticism because people won't even know what to be actually mad about

A good quote for black twitters is "Faity is taking the first step when you don't see the staircase" from MLK, especially when combined with mentions of the Foundation.


Also a generator for black names, I hope I'm being of use

Alt ver.

Yeah this is disgusting as fuck. I had that idea before but these types of images just makes me sick so I never made some.

All these holes make me think of maggots and decomposing flesh and make me feel sick even by just looking at the thumbnails.

Your only problem is that they are too disgusting so people won't post them and spread them around.

Also use Hillary's newest comment against her; "If white ppl should listen to blacks then listen to me #NeverHillary #FeelTheBern"

Look up the the actual definition of meme. WE do not have to reach people. Ideas spread like pathogens, if we cultivate them correctly, THEY will reach more people at a faster rate than we could ever hope to reach.

kek. What a punchable face. Nice work user! Keep it up!

I agree with this.



They are in full damage control because they know we are onto something.
Even the mainstream media started picking up the Clinton Foundation topic.

We will get on the Huma case too, we will start manufacturing the memes, but it can definitely wait. The racial tensions and the Hillary happenings are too high not to push our present memes. We also need at least a small evidence, she is not easily attackable by simple ad hominem because the public doesn't know about her a lot.

Tell us the facts you know about her and her family and the excact relations.
Also check out the Stefan Molyneux + Roger Stone video about the Clintons' corruption. They talk about Huma from the beginning.

If you are going with this style, it would be good to use negative proverbs and slangs and quotes that use the word "hole". Do they say "Your story is full of holes" or something for example in English too?

It is the best to use attractive teenage girls and just post bikini pictures and such - they don't even have to be from the same persona you use. Just don't be too obvious about it.

Don't use Sup Forums lingo. No "shill" and "shitpost".
Disfunctional meme for normies.

>Also use Hillary's newest comment against her; "If white ppl should listen to blacks then listen to me #NeverHillary #FeelTheBern"

The greatest tactic is hijacking hashtags, not creating them.
There are 2 to 3 hashtags in a day we can hijack.

Anything barely political can be hijacked.

Read this too if you want followers:

Two can play this game.

Expect dozens more of counter-psyops, NEET faggots.

Hey bro, big fan of the bolivian torch.

You could help out... This is the internet after all!

Jewish subversion of the criminal justice system produced an outgrowth of mafia activity in the U.S. during the 20th century. Where Jews had gotten the bench (judge) and had criminal justice practices as lawyers, there sprung up Italian/Sicilian skullduggery overnight. The two are inextricably intertwined, but the former always precedes the latter.

The mafia did not disband - the jewish interests that paved the way for mafia activity here gained enough control over state and federal governments to make an organized crime mob redundant to their purposes.

that is a fair point user, but it doesn't seem to be the case in practice. These types of images ARE getting shared by people.

A few people on my normie social media account have even been sending at people they don't like. Saying stuff like "John Cuckface won't like this image" linking them to the image.

"Shill" is not Sup Forums lingo.

The word "Shill" and "Shilling" has been around since 1914.

t. baba ataturk

Fuck off roach

I thought #NeverHillary was already a thing



Outstanding images. I have a couple of shill accounts I use in Twitter, but it would be out of character to use those fucking disgusting images. Great work in them, though. I can't think of Hillary now without my skin crawling.

Everyone, be black on Twitter. Blacks mindlessly retweet anything another black says, particularly if it's frantic and angry and shrill.

Always use AAVE. It's REMARKABLY similar to the way toddlers speak, so you actually know it without realizing it.

Facebook Grandmaified.
Also the same image could be cut out and made into a negro meme by writing some text in black above it on white background and using some emojis.

But I'm out, keep on doing the good work.

Stop replying to roaches and other parasites.

I know some pretty 2pooky4u meme magic spells.

Did you know that it's completely legal and protected by the first amendment to possess and distribute copies of a manual which explains in detail that even a negro can understand about how to make the kind of shit that does this?

This gets a lot of reaction when posted.

Shows how wasteful and irresponsible the Dems are. Not to mention how "bought and owned" Hillary is.

Memes for normies (no holes) in the OP links under

"When u aint even knowin how to e-mail but you wanna be the president *laughing with tears* *perfetto* *100*

Someone do this.
Good night

Found meme.

Interesting idea because there's a lot of truth behind it.

You what else is legal?

Distributing a manual which explains how to do it WRONG!


Another recent Foundation report

Pretty pathetic, desu

FUNNY plus a good point.

For use.

Thank you friend, you're doing god's work user

Tell me it wouldn't be some absolute sinister shit to go around handing out a manual under a nig account that teaches them how to make plastic explosives by exposing themselves to very toxic gas.

Another good one for use.

Not sure most Americans want a President who's weak.
