Anybody else /White/ here?
General heritage thread, lets see some European blood. Doesn't seem to be much of it on the pitch in Paris tonight.
Anybody else /White/ here?
General heritage thread, lets see some European blood. Doesn't seem to be much of it on the pitch in Paris tonight.
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Am I /white/?
Well I'm half paki but I think that I pass as a fellow British.
Si senore
>Baltic and Northern Slavs
>One of the oldest European racial groups
>Who mainly only mix with Germanics and Nordics
>Not White
...Sure thing
Not so sure Ismali
Whitest person itt so far
Why did they fled Spain?
>wrong side of teh civil war means you are a communist and potentially a jew
The situation was bad for people on all sides, it was most likely his family was neutral and struggling and just needed to escape
Time for you to go home m8
return to your roots user
ditch the degenerate british ''''''heritage''''''
it will be swallowed by islam anyway
My grandad on my dad's side was a hey jimmy so I don't know just how white I am
My parents are Scottish immigrants
Why would he want to become a plumber?
tfw not european
Two brain dead parents? Kill yourself please.
It's you again, did you fall asleep last night?
Some shitskin is jealous.
R8 me fellow whites
Whiter than you pahjeet
My sides sir
>jews against a religion that wants to exterminate them
I'm fucking English. You bloody foreigners should piss off.
I voted leave. Go back home.
nah, i want to see how the world turns out, its entertaining
yeah i did, it was like 3am here sorry
But this is already my home.
I'm still interested in exchanging throw aways if you are, no harm done if we don't feel comfortable after that
no it's not
you will always be a outsider
Myself and my wife are moving to Britain next year, do you think we will fit in?
>red beard with non-red hair
So i'm not the only one!
>not in a relationship with a little boy
nice bait shitskin
I don't do that.
I feel sorry for you
Cornish are orange m8, all that fake tan has changed their genetics
But I am half british though. Half my blood is the same as yours. Call me bastard if you want or come kick me if you dare.
Cornish as a Nationality????
They are just an English County - no different to any other.
pick one
It's fairly common 2bh
They have a unique language, that's different to all the other English counties.
Trying to get more information about Fathers side of family. Quite certain they're all just french/german/dutch
it's a epidemic in your shithole country why aren't you doing it right now pajeet?
Cornish are pure, I've never even seen a mildly tanned Cornish man
where do you live?
Where do you nigs make these?
no meant for you
where do you live?
I'm trying to found out a little more about my ancestor, sadly my family didn't know much.
Nice try rapefugee
South-east londonistan lad.
They revived a dead Language . .. . that's only spoken by a handful of people.
They did this to try and stimulate the tourist industry after the fishing collapsed.
Maybe the rest of the West Country should revive West Anglo Saxon or early Brythonic languages?
Of course you haven't, all their tans are orange spray tan, newquay is like geordie shore
[email protected] is what i usually use for shit on here, i don't really check it that often but i'll try to remember.
mspaint you dip
your suffering enough then
Cornwall was it's own kingdom long after england had formed
It's a tourist myth mate.
They are trying to be something they are not and it does annoy me.
uh, i'm white guys, r-right?
French on both sides for the past 6 generations, then Savoyard or Genevan on my father's side.
I only go to visit my Grandpa, I've never seen this fake tan epidemic, Cornish people are the pastie-ist people I have ever seen in my life
Fucking Devon m8, seen plenty of fake tanned cornish shits in Plymouth when I lived there
right of return/10
Bring back the Kingdom of Wessex
I'm planning to move though... any advice? I want to leave this shithole and start infesting others :^).
on your dad's side it says 2 of them were nobility on the top were they just ancestors of nobility or were they actually nobility? also why was their son a railroad worker if his parents were nobility wouldn't he have inherited that position?
Well I hope you remember to check kek, I'll write you a message when I return home
Move to Rotheram and start a child sex gang like your fellow pakis
First time I see another one with Syrian ancestors...
What is your definition of white? I heard only UK people and Welsh people are
If they weren't the first born they wouldn't inherit shit
germanic people are white too.
Too easy.
Welsh people are UK people
>Monte Cassino
Shit son, you have some good genes.
thanks senpai.
all american flags is boring
do you have a template for that? if so can you post it so i can fill it out
If you believe historians, I think most of us actually have Syrian ancestors. Cradle of civilization and all that... Though I guess you mean more recent ones.
Maybe in the US. I never meet anyone with facial hair like that.
>those white arabs
All the teenagers are swagfags, fake tanned or chavs now
>mfw Sup Forums makes it this easy to dox them
that's what you get for posting in these "everyone posts, nobody responds" threads
>Anybody else /White/ here?
Not you, you dirty fucking slav. Clean my toilet.
Clever lad.
Mesopotamia is in Iraq though
Cornish died, and is being brought back, but was spoken in Cornwall well into the 1700s.
The two are not comparable, especially West Anglo Saxon. Anglo Saxon developed into modern English, meaning we are speaking the descendant of that language in the West Country today. The Brythonic languages, except Cornish and Welsh, died out far earlier than Cornish did - thus contributing to a unique Cornish identity.
I don't know why you're so determined to minimise this, it's not a threat to the unity of England.
Yeah I mean more recent ones.
>If you believe historians, I think most of us actually have Syrian ancestors
Why though? What you mean?
Eh, I'm not white but oddly enough I have been confused for one, passing I guess.
The weird rainbow-looking flag with the sun burst thing is a native group from Ecuador.
They're the same in Devon too, the fucking tourists that rent caravans are similar type scum