"Help me, Hillary Clinton is holding my family hostage."
t. James Cromey
"Help me, Hillary Clinton is holding my family hostage."
t. James Cromey
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is this legit ahahha
We shat on Comey but in the end he had his reasons
What the fuck do we do now?
What CAN we do with this information?
Anybody with a plan?
this is so fucking weird to think about the person who decides to input that text
makes me wonder how many other ciphers he checked for
>replying on Gematria to write a plea for help
You can run that number though that fucking thing and eventually get "Niggers fuck suck dick fag."
>2322 returns "HELP ME..."
gematria maps strings to numbers. it does not map numbers to strings. in fact, the whole point of gematria is that different strings collide with the same numbers, thereby implying some kind of mystic syncretism
2322 does not "encode" or "return" that message. rather, that message encodes to 2322, and it's not one-to-one or reversible.
all a conspiracy nutjob has to do is try ominous messages until he finds one that maps to some number that can be mystically associated with Comey. since the email provides no shortage of potential numbers (words, lines count, etc.) this is trivial
The code is absolute bullshit, but someone in government did threaten his family, going on a long tirade about how much Comey's statements about his family mean to everyone.
Now that we know wont they kill Comeys family for sure? Shouldve kept this secret.
How many result in a fully comprehensible and relevant to the topic at hand message?
This laughable. You nutjobs are funny. Keep up the good entertainment.
There was a guy who was videotaped while a prisoner of some gooks and he blinked out in Morse code "I'm being tortured" or something. Watch any videos of this guy, he might have more hidden messages.
>$.03 has been deposited in your account
Fucking this.
Everyone go watch the videos of him speaking and check
He blinked out "SOS" in Morse code
He blinked out T-O-R-T-U-R-E
Cite your sources user
Why would i want a capable smart person to be the president of the US?
A moron like Trump is worthless compared to Hillary.
Also nice one, the retard made a family but also wants to be director of the fbi xD
She should probably send the finger of his wife to him as a punishment because he implied stuff
I swear Sup Forums is the most autistic board by far.
I can't even tell if it's parody or sincere anymore.
10/10, haven't laughed this hard at a thread in years.
Is Kek among us?
Comey got himself a political favor for later. That's all.
Pic related
Type "666"
Its bullshit
>implying like nobody knew this when he recommended no charges
i can no longer tell if people are just being chucklefucks or if the sheer amount of happenings is causing some to have mental breakdowns
hes still a massive pussy for not just coming out and saying that. hes an fbi director, everyone would believe him and shed be fucked
but he's fucking right
What does that mean, I don't get it, you can't see his eyes.
Life ain't a Hollywood movie, anonfag...
Step into his shoes for a second.
>tfw even my mom, who has openly supported Hillary for several years is in full agreeing that she's a criminal and shouldn't be trusted as president
She's still not on board for Trump sadly, but stopping Hillary is more important than Trump winning in the long run.
If he does, his family could dissapear in a 'accident'
tell her to vote third party like green. -1 for hillary is +1 for trump
Exactly, it just stores whatever phrases are most input. Its a creepy coincidence, but all this attention seems like misdirection for spergs to eat up.
I'd rather live in a US occupied by Vlad than under Hillary Clinton tbqh
so at least he would finally put a stop to her criminal ways. i lost all respect for him
she comparing the two, both conered men trying to send out a coded message their captors wond notice.
1488 in Jewish Gematria translates to The White House....woah. Also check these dubs
time to lay this weak joke to rest
fuck off
you fools , this just sealed his families fate,, gg comey
Nice disinfo.
Watching this spread makes me feel like a proud father watching his only son that made it.
I tried like 20 different variations before I found one that was close to the word count of his transcript.
I think the first one I tried was "I'm sorry America, she has my family."
I hope all you guys know this gematria calculator is complete bullshit. Look what pops up when you type in 666.
Damnit. I really wanted to believe. Is there a non-bullshit calculator online? Is it easy to do myself with pen and paper?
There's over a dozen ways to calculate gematria alone according to wikipedia, so probably not. Give it a shot if you want to though.
You probably have schizophrenia. Go seek a doctor. I'm serious.