Why is it bad to eat whale?

Because the whale is wise?
The cow you always eat is as clever as a whale. Are you gonna stop eating cows?

Is it good to decide whether to eat based on the intelligence of animals anyways?

We don't catch many whales. We are careful not to make whales extinct.

Why don't you try eating whale once before accusing us? Whale is delicious.

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i don't know its only progressive tards who tell you what to eat. eat whale all you want, eat dog, eat cat, i dont give a fuck. the only one who decides about it is you

>We don't catch many whales. We are careful not to make whales extinct.
No you arent

stfu poltard kid
zitto animale

I agree, whale is delicious. The problem is that you japmonkeys are hunting them to extinction even though the majority of your population doesn't eat whale. You hunt more than you consume, it's a waste of meat.


eating your isn't nice

Whales are kawaii sempai

You thinking we are catching a whale excessively. But that is a misunderstanding.
The whales we catch are not afraid of extinction.

stop eating whaeru, you evil nip

wharu is delicious all the more for global butthurt and tears

There are a few reasons I come up with.

The holy bible says God created whales firstly or secondary after he created the world. So I guess whales are special for some people in the west.

There are environment protection groups funded by donations from ordinary people or rich people or corporations in the west and they need targets and Japan is an easy target since Japanese ships won't attack them.

Japanese officials also have motive to keep "scientific" whaling. The whaling are done by extra organizations of Japanese government. Officials of fishery agency would have posts to take after their retirement there. Also officials in general like to obtain budgets which are given by government and which they can consume freely. When their whaling is supported by the whole country with nationalism, the certification for budget applications and audits for use of budgets get less strict. Officials of fisheries agency are officially allowed to buy votes from other countries in IWC to make the decisions favorable for Japan(or more like for the officials). Such a situation would be ideal for officials since they like to make personal profit through handling the tax money.

Gee, I wonder who's behind this post.

So are cows, piglets and roosters, mi amigo.

Government business is beyond my control. If you have something against it, please tell it to our government directly.

Prime Minister's house

And its Twitter account

Pls sell whales in Finland too i want feel to be superior.

Eating whale meat doesn't make you superior. Your funny posts with wits rather do. Whale meat contains mercury.

Please mr japan sell me whale meat. i buy all whale meat. please send whale meat i love japan and hate whales.

Sorry, I'm a mere commoner. I wish I could do something but there's nothing I can do. I thought other Nordic countries like Norway or Iceland catch whales too. Maybe you can buy the meat from them.

I love japan and i want to eat whale meat just like japanese-chan.

There is litteraly nothing wrong with whaling

please mr norwegian viking please send whale meat to finland

If there were as many whales in the world as there are cows, I wouldn't have a problem with whaling. But unfortunately this isn't the case.

I mean they're pretty fucking pointless desu

This. It was a problem of rapidly advancing technology without moderation. Then the world decided to not whale and a couple of countries disagree. Stupid bullshit. There's a pot in town that use to be used to render blubber

Whales were killed mainly for their oil and not their meat. The meat was not very popular until it became trendy in this century. I don't think it tastes very well, the meat is too "bloody" in taste.

How do you know they aren't afraid

you hunt a lot of them for """""research""""" which is wasteful, like apart from obviously consuming them what the fuck are you doing with them?

eating whale is nothing wrong, but the problem is they taste not so good. All whales are wild, and they are not fish, rather animals, so their meats smell like dirt.

we're researching taste

>The cow you always eat is as clever as a whale
Depends on the whale but generally this is simply false. The reasoning as to not eat whale is that they're rare and waste a lot of resources to kill and harvest. The whale is often wasted too, usually certain tiny parts are taken and the rest discarded.

also this, japs and everyone else regularly killing them are not careful about it at all. hence why people get pissed.

Australian university has cannabis course and their government is actually funding it.

So what...?

Theyre all farmed.

Whales are wild animals that do not reproduce en masse and take years and vast quantities of food to rear.

There is almost no way of sustainably hunting whales or elephants


It's not my business. The government will keep whaling whatever you or I think or speak.

And then there wont be any left

but there's bunch of whale farms in USA.
kil all whales.

White devils just want to sell their poison beef more so they invented whale deification and indoctrinated retarded snow niggers to attack our whale hunting.

Whales aren't the only or the first animals to be extinct. Human beings have driven lots of animal to extinction.

>The holy bible says God created whales firstly or secondary after he created the world. So I guess whales are special for some people in the west.
wtf are you talking about

In Genesis, God creats all creatures of the water on the fifth day. If your retarded hypothesis were true, we'd have to be against eating any fish at all.

The problem is that you've run out of whales in Japanese waters and decided to hunt whales in Australia or in no-go waters in the Arctic. Why the Australians don't simply sink any Jap boat they catch fishing in their waters illegally is beyond me.

I heard Japanese whaling ships whales only in international waters.

Still it's not my business.

They eat an extremely common species of whale and only kill a few hundred a year. re: only tiny parts are eaten, I think you're confusing whales with sharks, where chinese only eat the fin.

Are dolphines so cute?

This. Dogfags are way too easily triggered.