Media is silent after a black guy kills a newspaper carrier for being white
link to gofundme in this article for the family
Media is silent after a black guy kills a newspaper carrier for being white
link to gofundme in this article for the family
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The media cannot cover every murder that takes place in the country, user
Only black murders. White lives don't matter.
Oh but they have time for criminal dindus getting shot by police?
White lives matter as well, what this country needs is more black people speaking up about black on white crime.
Those murders were caught on tape though.
The lack of coverage is a clue that the Empire can not protect it's non white citizens from retribution unless it covers up their racial violence.
The Money Printer Media must lie to protect their non whites because that makes sure they have cheap labor at all times.
>shitty b8
>what this country needs is more black people speaking up about black on white crime.
Been doing this, remember that girl at UNT that was killed on New Years by a black man? That girl was my roommates sorority friend. I don't care if I get called an Uncle Tom for it anymore. This needs to stop.
>media covering Dallas officers getting shot
>can't cover Tennessee BLM shooting rampage the following day
I'll tell you what can't be. You can't be serious.
But the media won't talk about it. Because the media hates the evil white man. The media is fueling and creating a race war in the pursuit of ratings and clicks.
I want tripfagging whores to get cancer and get the fuck out
More specifically they only care about black people killed by police officers.
The result is a divided population. Whether it's politics, religion, or race does not matter.
(((they))) are a tiny minority and need us focused on each other in order to dominate.
>Media is silent
How did he knows that?
> Because media say it. Look those links!
Come on, you dumb ass!
This happened where I live.
He shot multiple passing cars, and the woman worked for the news paper.
That area has become gang territory, but the good news is, due to his actions many good people have taken up arms and purchased fire arms to protect themselves.
We must push the phrase, as a phrase, hashtag and demand:
"BLM is a terrorist organization."
>Sup Forums is racist and wants to kill blacks
>Sup Forums cries racism when blacks kill whites
lmao niggazz u r just jelly u can't go kill some niggazz just go do it faggots and don't complain that they have the high score
that's a local website you fucking moron
This. It's a kike game and we are all part of it.
And it was all funa and games until the day of the rope arrives
>just go do it
Oh looks it's that shill trying to cause violence again.
I've noticed this post from random ass countries since the dallas shooting.
Is the merchant image supposed to make you look like Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums is racist and wants to kill blacks
because blacks are violent chimps regardless of how you treat them
>Sup Forums is racist and wants to kill blacks
blacks are incredibly racist and always will be
I'm on your side though.
She deserved it, honestly.
>blacks are incredibly racist and always will be
Don't you think that has something to do with the narrative that blacks are victims of white racism?
Every single media outlet pushes this myth.
Why wouldn't they be racist?
Yes niggers running so wild with so many murders, rapes, and robberies they have overwhelmed our media production system. I call it black noise. Maybe I should create a start up media source Nigga News Network that covers the happenings of niggers 24/7 so nothing no falls through the cracks.
Some blacks are violent regardless of how they are treated, some blacks are racist and always will be.
there is a difference between systematic racism and a thug.
What is a Sup Forums nigger doing on Sup Forums?
Says a lot.
>The media cannot cover every murder that takes place in the country, user
We only need ours.
You can stand on their side of line when the day comes, just remember, that line in the sand, is the chasm of the heart.
Who's that sane negro on jewtube again?
Woah that was bad ass.
user from the area.
This has been on our local news morning noon and night, along with the muggings that have been taking place outside of a Wal-Mart.
But again, this is an area where the crime rate has gone up sky high because gang's have begun to roll in.
But the civies here are heavily armed as well, given one of the guns of popular choice is a 50 cal rifle.
If I remember correctly the cops shot him the fuck up and put him in the hospital as well.
Tommy Sotomayor?
No you're not.
It's the exact opposite
whites are chased out of cities by niggers being violent criminals who light everything on fire
>"I will never believe that, never," said his neighbor, Alan Lavasser, who is white. "Because he was always nice to me and my wife and everyone around here. No way I would ever believe that it was racially motivated."
See, wasn't race related.
Thanks Captain Obvious.
I was speaking to what people believe, not the reality.
Wheres the uncensored one? I want to see the warrior princesses cooch.
She is wearing panties you fucking cuck bastard.
Proof? Detroit, look up white flight.
most blacks aren't violent
they just laugh and applaud when other blacks say they should kill whitey.
All the endless apologizing and free shit from white liberals who literally think blacks are better than whites means nothing. They still think all white people are against them and need to die.
whites left Detroit because the blacks literally set it on fire in the 60s
Prove it.
I'm a black guy who's redpilled.
What the mother of fuck is going on right now
Same with arabs in Europe.
People need to realise that it is us against them. They are not our friends, they dont want to be our friends and they use our naivety to combat us.
Jayden Smith is a gang member now?
then why do you always push racemixing on Sup Forums?
Obama started a race war because he was bored
Good man
I have no reason with race mixing, i'm black.
it's called DIVERSITY you fucking bigot.
enjoy it
What this country needs is less black people.
That sentence doesent make sense?
Are you trying to say that you dont care about race mixing because you are black?
Why do you dislike your own race, and ours?
>newspaper carrier in nigger neighborhood
For what purpose?
lol stupid bitch, good riddance
What a load of shit! You have black separatists openly advocating more violence and then a second attack occurred. There was also a third possible attack in Missouri, but that has't been confirmed as BLM (good possibility though). The media should be all over this story!
Don't let the dregs of society drag you down user. You're doing the right thing. It's what we need to see more of.
Fuck off nigger. Don't you have some fag shit to post on Sup Forums?
White genocide south africa, here we come. Thanks kikes!!
>Don't you think that has something to do with the narrative that blacks are victims of white racism?
No. Niggers are animals and they treat each other worse than white people do. Niggers treat their own offspring horribly.
>BLM will end up on the terrorist list
>if nigs keep pushing it'll end in a slaughter
>easiest cleansing in history since they stand out
Seriously what can we do? This does need to stop but no one can get these people to understand.
Why don't more POC try to become police officers? Study criminal justice?
It is really odd the police have been made to be the bad guys here.
>having a girl with you anywhere niggers are
>being unarmed
Nope, those cops should've been picking up a few spooks and shipping them to dead nigger storage.
Doubles of truth.
I once saw a black women screaming at her 2 year old things that would make a grown man cry. She was telling him his skin was so black it was disgusting, etc.
Another time I saw a woman screaming at her son about 5. She was calling him nigger and all kinds of things. When I walked by and didn't say anything she actually got mad at me and said "dat white man don't care about a black baby"
This is really sad.
This isn't the blacks fault thoughh
I understand there are genetic differences.
But you really think that Jewish created gangster rap culture has nothing to do with that parents teaching his child to be a gangster?
Gee, maybe telling blacks that they're the victim of white racism caused some self hatred.
Crazy idea, I know.
But it is up to them to fix it.
>The media is fueling and creating a race war in the pursuit of ratings and clicks.
> in the pursuit of ratings and clicks.
No, it's the kikes trying to destroy the white race because we have blown the the fuck out throughout history
Blacks are 27 times more likely to kill whites than vice versa.
You're doing god's work
Hard to fix a problem when the entire country supports the toxic narrative.
Even whites agree black problems are caused by whites.
An end to political correctness is needed asap. Blacks need to be told hard truths so they can account for their inadequacies.
Blacks actually care a lot what whites think of them. The civil rights movement removed that from the equation.
But whites are largely indifferent to blacks. And largely indifferent to most people except family and friends. If they misinterprete that as racism that is their problem.
If they have a problem with systematic racism in the justice system the only solution is to join the police departments in droves. If they begin policing themselves then they take control of the situation and therefore change the system. But they won't do that. They scream and holler in the streets at a bunch of people that do not care they are being yelled at.
They have been protesting for to years straight at this point and nothing has changed. Only a crazy person would keep doing it. There are townhall meetings. City council meetings. Neighborhood watches. They haven't tried any of this. They just like being difficult.
It's actually very boring.
I'm American. You are welcome to comment on my argument any time.
>But whites are largely indifferent to blacks. And largely indifferent to most people except family and friends. If they misinterprete that as racism that is their problem.
Black perceptions on racism have nothing to do with reality. It is based 100% on the media and anti-white education all Americans recieve.
>change the system
Nothing has changed because there isn't anything to change. There is no racial injustice in the American justice system.
Cops don't kill blacks anymore than they kill other people. They bitch about crime stats because we are all led to believe they are the result of racism.
It's very simple. Blacks commit more crimes, so they go to jail more. A little sanity is what we need.
Trump pls tell the world the truth.
spider ape
what all countries need is less black people
That nigger just generated 4 nigger haters for the future. Their eyes will turn red when they see a nigger.
He also shot a cop, and at 21 other people driving by.
The whole community is in a fucking panic right now and taking up arms.
Everybody is scared.
Everybody is carrying now.
Hero a local news paper is the same thing as 24\7 national news and the front page of CNN.
Some cuck and meme thot trying to defend BLM on Facebook, might be worth the read but you guys can be the judge
There already is one called world star
Glad you pointed out a single law that specifically lists niggers, oh wait you can't.
Nigger broke into house that happened to be when off duty lives. Typical dindu shit.
Kill yourself you dumb faggat.
I saw that reported in other media, including a news aggregator page.
It just wasn't spun the way OP did, as a direct confrontation.
Fuck, arenĀ“t there like loads of black-on-white hatecrimes recently?
you fucking autists gotta have a pastebin on that matter, no?