Would it work?
Terran Federation
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Terran Republic
Only if we send every nigger into the meat grinder. We need to find some space bugs first though.
>people spouting HURR DURR DA STARSHIP TROOPER GUBERMENT IS DA BEST without even understanding why it "works"
I watched this movie on shrooms and it seemed like it was 50 hours long
What a military meritocracy? Possibly.
Geneengineer them on Mars and make them attack Earth.
The whole planet unites against alien invasion.
Thousands of workplaces in military created.
Niggers sent on the front.
Problem solved.
I love that movie, but I wish the book was more popular with people, its damn good.
even if one race dominates the earth and kills everyone else, i give you 50 years until they split up in multiple new factions that hate each others guts.
This is already the plan tho
Where do you think all those trillions of dollars are going
Alternatively we could exile them to Mars and rewrite history so that after 100 years we can invade Mars to kill the niggers while people honestly believe they evolved from cockroaches.
Slightly shorter time scale with this plan.
google The Dark Enlightenment and Mencius Moldbug
lol, you guys are fucked up. Can't we just use genetic modification to uplift them so they aren't so stupid, violent, and ugly.
>have to serve in military to get citizenship
>now have an army of over 100 million people
>nowhere near enough equipment, bases or staffing
>have a giant standing army with literally nothing to do
whats the fucking point? it only made sense in the movie because they had an endless horde of bugs trying to kill them.
Why bother? It would be cheaper and more efficient to uplift apes.
Simple, the dindus and the sandniggers are the bugs.
Space exploration maybe? citizenship doesn't require being in full time military, only basic training and even then if your in a wheel chair they will find something else for you to do.
>literally nothing to do
we will use than man power to build starships duh
>basing it off the fucking movie instead of the book
The purpose of enlisting can be to teach people honor, discipline, and respect.
the TR are the objectively superior faction
Cause morality nigga. You can't genocide without tainting your soul.
I don't think you really realize exactly how horrible it is to watch anything sentient die.
The ultimate redpilled system. They even mention the (((social scientists))) who almost drove humanity to extinction.
And Argentina is white.
We kill plenty of animals. Where do you draw the line? Being able to speak a human language?
We just make a massive engineering corp that builds shit. Could make shit like hyperloops, space elevators, floating cities and other shit, but military style so it actually gets done.
This is globalism justified by meritocratic fascism.
Truly meritocratic fascism would not be led by Jemimas and have female infantry.
Keep the meritocratic fascism, drop the globalism.
If only there were some way that a hundred million people with nothing to do had some way to contribute to the creation of equipment.
But that's probably just a foolish dream, everybody knows you can't just "make" things, you can only buy them from China.
This looks like a ST:TNG episode.
I.e., terrible for a feature film.
Ok fag, you go kill a person on the real and come back and tell me how you feel. It's great to bullshit about it on the internet.
Depends. We talking the movie(s) or the book?
Why not a Citizen's Army? As opposed to a Professional Army?
>Hurr it isn't a normal job to kill people for a living.
Go do your duty before shitposting on the internet.
>Where do you think all those trillions of dollars are going
>dat glorious poster
And... w-what if I an black, gay and obese? Would you still love me?
Sounds like a good idea to be honest.
Military training and enlistment teaches discipline, social and civic responsibility, and honor.
The only snag is getting it implemented. We would have to face a common enemy that threatened all of humanity(i.e Aliens).
Any civil service guarantees citizenship, military service is the quickest and surest because you still get it if you are discharged for an injury or whatever.
Civilians qualifying for citizenship without serving in the public sector at all is possible, but not automatic, and most don't bother because they maintain all the rights besides democratic participation.
>people are going to take my tough talk about genocide seriously
wew lad
A democratic society with proofs of merit before you can vote?
Sounds like a democracy that actually works.
thats why we go war with a alien race in the other fucking side of the galaxy.
>implying it was just the military
Service for citizenship would also mean doing things of serious value and meaning for the Federation, and doing things with devotion, responsibility and honour.
I.e. in the book, it was possible to gain citizenship as a blind, deaf and mute quadriplegic as long as you did your assigned, mundane and meaningless task with the vigor applicable to become a citizen.
>I've never been employed in a military role.
Congratulations on being homosexual.
It's called muslims.
The entire western world is rising up against what is effectively an infestation with the plans to outbreed the infidels; and they're motivated by the ramblings of an ancient middle eastern warlord who claims he spoke with allah while he stroked out.
Define Merit.
Thats actually part of the plot to the original novel. It's really an ideal self improving system. Like a Redpilled version of Star Trek. It really has everything that Sup Forums collectively advocates. Humanity is effectively redpilled to the point that racial division is no longer relevant because theyre all terran nationalists.
In fact, maybe Terran Nationalism is the redpilled ideology Pol can use to conquer the universe. By keks command. Screencap me for future threads.
It's a human supremacy movement... So no, you don't qualify
>100 million man army
>with nothing to do
Believe it or not, you commie fuck, enlisted men have other skills aside from shootin' and conquerin'.
A 100 million man military never goes to war because it's a 100 million man military. You simpleton piece of shit.
*cough* we're always looking for *cough* cannon fodder *cough*
No no no. You will always have opposition that will halt effort to eradicate any human subspecies.
The only true way for all humans to band together is against something that is completely nonhuman. Something that no person can effectively relate to.
The Terran Federation is a Military Republic. Everyone who wants the right to vote must 'serve' in some capacity. Military service is glorified of course, but it's mentioned in passing, and in Heinlein's notes that the majority of people are in the civil service - administrative, legal, medical, sciences; etc.
It's America cranked up on steroids. Everyone who served earned the right to vote, everyone is equal; corruption and incompetence is handled directly by military tribunal.
The biggest thing is what looks like a cohesive morality taught to everyone that individuals putting effort to the same goal (of serving the state, ex. helping everyone) is the highest human achievement possible.
I have no idea how their economy or health care system would work, but with so many people serving in the civil sector, those things likely take care of themselves.
Never thought of it like that, really great point actually.
>The Crown
Combine that with Universal Basic Income, AI Assisted everything and 3D printers, automated food etc and you have something everybody would be a hardcore nationalist redpill to preserve as a tradition for long term terran supremecy.
Sup Forums should begin writing a Terran Nationalist manifesto.
>Character not getting TKed
This is pretty fucking accurate. With so much firepower you cab expect some serious TK.
Putting the body politic above yourself and defending it even unto death
This. You'd need an external enemy to unify or it will collapse.
Sounds like communism m8. I'll pass.
But didn't the Federation turn out to be super corrupt or something? I never read the book ,only the movies so excuse my ignorance.
You can easily create false flags on the frontier by finding ayylamos to troll. But thats beside the point. You are unified by your collective identity that supercedes all sub identities. Terran Nationalism is in effect an ideal system. The redpill pol needs as we go deeper into this century with greater advances in tech.
Heinlein was generally based
Pulling a Roman? Opera Publica?
Great Idea.
It's actually very well documented. You can't kill people without getting psychological issues.
A fun case was reported by the Tcheka, they had some people to kill en masse and, of course, the executioners all turned mad. The Tcheka concluded that they were not true bolcheviks...
If you haven't killed a man before you are 25 you will never be a man.
Hyperloops are based.
ST was a redpilled TNG. The origional premise was interesting and similar systems should be considered for adoption to meet real world needs. We dont have to go space nazi but the whole one vision one purpose thing can be of value.
Sorta like eusocial bugs vs eusocial humans.
Red ants vs Black ants
Unless aliens invade, never going to happen.
Why are you telling me this? I'm only saying it looks like a television show. This movie was released in the same year as the Titantic and Men in Black. There's no excuse why it looks like a mid-80s film, especially with a $105 million budget.
>here's no excuse why it looks like a mid-80s film
Have you seen it? It doesn't look like that at all. It looks fantastic. The special effects stand up fairly well today.
Because no one wants to be united with the senegalese.
I'm talking about that one scene. That one scene looks only slightly better than a television show from the same period.
TOS broke against conventions of the time.
TNG didn't need that, the time wasn't ripe.
Today we need something new to break conventions with, Star Trek is too commercialized.
What part of service guarantees citizenship don't you get? Do your part and you become a citizen.
>Today we need something new to break conventions
They're making Sulu gay and Takei is furious about it.
>I'm talking about that one scene
What's wrong with it besides the poor quality of the Youtube upload.
The book is very much an essay on the realities and faults of a fascist, military republic regime as much as it was the fantastic possibilities, so corruption and the problems of Heinlein's system are brought pretty often.
Hate being that guy but book is far better
>What's wrong with it besides the poor quality of the Youtube upload.
Compare it how a similar scene looks in the Titatnic, Night and fucking day.
I think that's the style they were going for.
The most unrealistic part of that movie was when the General stepped down after royally fucking up.
Governments like these require inhuman Captain America-level do-gooders to run properly, and that's why any attempt to try it in real life will almost immediately descend into authoritarian despotism.
Okay, well I think it looks like subpar, which was their intention, I suppose, intentionally making the movie look outdated.
the Helghast are so fucking cool
The fundamental idea of having to contribute to your society before being allowed to be an active participant in the decision-making process isn't a bad one, but having it rely solely on military service is ridiculous, and even in the novel there were other routes one could take towards becoming a Citizen, it's just that military service was the path the characters in the book followed.
I think the more practical approach would be to have a National Service system with several different paths available to Citizenship: National Defense, National Support, and National Outreach.
National Defense would involve serving a term in the nation's military.
National Support would involve participating in domestic charity-like work, taking care of the sick, the elderly, the homeless, organizing and participating in urban, rural, or environmental conservation projects, maintaining infrastructure, etc etc.
National Outreach would involve charity-like work overseas, whether it be distributing aid and relief, managing refugee camps in wartorn areas, providing medical, educational, or other professional services to underdeveloped areas, working with first-responders in reacting to major catastrophes, etc.
All three branches would be available to permanent US residents starting at 18. You can apply to any branch, but will be recommended to others if you don't meet the qualifications. Each branch would involve a slightly different term of service, and each would allow you to work for a stipend, which would of course vary depending on the nature of your service.
The stipends would not be paid upfront or over time, but rather would be awarded at the conclusion of one's term of service in a form of their choosing. Cash payments would be taxed appropriately, but there would be options to receive the stipend in the form of an non-taxable tuition grant for a college or trade school, or a grant for starting a small business, encouraging productive uses of the stipend.
It looks like the outdated view on how the future would like.
It's not outdated, it's dated.
The future would look like an 80s film, with 80s cinematography. Fuck that.
Would you be able to become a citizen if you were a legal alien by using one of these routes?
This is how the Roman Empire was as well. Believe it or not, most drafted citizens served positions in the bureaucracy rather than the military. And people absolutely hated having to staff places like 'le ancient DMV' because they were Roman Citizens. Then again, the Roman Empire survived for centuries as a sole superpower, and it's track record is pretty much incomparable to anything but the top tier of all empires
hey just like the german draft they got rid of a few years ago
Not only would you be a citizen, the government would actively be reaching out to make non-citizens into functioning in it's government.
The Mongolian Empire had a similar approach to citizenship, though it was more "if you're useful in X job, we're going you put in you Y place to serve Z function". It was revolutionary at the time because, before then, Mongolians got ahead on family ties instead of actual merit.
Refugees, people on temporary visas, or conditional residency? No.
Naturalized and lawful permanent residents? Yes.
No fuck off, glorified soviet union in space. Free market capitalism is the future, where there is no such thing as 'human' or 'human rights' but rather your worth based of your potential for labour, be it physical or mental. The lower echelons of society who have no potential and no safety net will live in their deprived shitholes that become exterminated by those with power for entertainment every now and then or will become pets. Others can be harvested or bred for specific organs/positions for things such as AI.
Exactly. That's why the Mongols spread so fast. The third example I would bring up would be the Ottoman Empire, which, again, had a far superior system to dealing with multi-culturalism.
The Globalists failed miserably, comparatively. I know they were planning this shit in the 80's when Communism was giving up the ghost. Unfortunately, their project was doomed for failure because
>They refused to look to past Empires to build their system. Primarily because successful globalist empires' also were politically incorrect, and had more in common with pol than the Ivy Leagues.
>Nobody was a political genius on staff. They relied too much on merchants to make the system work, and created something unworkable. The people who ACTUALLY could pull it off, were kept far away from the project.
Our entire lives will be defined by recovering from a failed Leftist project, just like Russia's experience from Communism.
I would be all for globalization if we picked up weapons, and raided the house of the 13 families first.
Of course if we did that our countries would all start to fix themselves, and we wouldn't need globalization unless we were attacked by aliens, or something.