What has your experience with Jews IRL been like?
What has your experience with Jews IRL been like?
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My dad was Bar Mitzvahed, and yet, is redpilled as fuck. He is completely in favor of gun rights and against Muslims and the entitled attitude of dindus.
I laugh when Sup Forums thinks that all Jews are part of some secret kabal.
Also, he was a member of FEMA and is currently a freemason.
Pretty good. 2 studied with me. One was extremely laid back guy and we were drinking together often. The other one was kind of socially awkward but a really nice guy and we talked a lot in class.
I was raised as a juden so i've been exposed to quite a few.
Most of them are alright people to be around, just universally politically misguided. I've only met one family of conservative jews
Overall very positive.
In HS one let me chest off him in AP Physics, and now in Uni another has me in his clubbing group that can get tables super cheap.
>know several libertarian jews from insurance biz
>muh boutique product they need for their agencies
>all on board with a free Republican America
>must die for israel tho
Texan here.
I have never met, nor have I ever seen a jew.
>Be a part of any group and risk being associated with infiltrators
Pick one
The women are crazy for goy dick and the men are whiny dorks
He says that Americans should die for israel, doesn't he. . .
I know a Jew who lives in Ottawa. he is a hardcore Bernie supporter who hates Donald Trump. He only listens to nigger music too.
His only redeeming feature is that he voted for Harper.
Sounds like you've had a good life.
Good goy pretend to kiss up to the white man because he admits he's a shit tier human being like he is.
Only the white man can be redpilled, Shlomo
expensive and embarrassing
Very positive. My new bull is jewish. He also knows how the world economy works, so I defer most of my thinking to him.
one of my best friends is jewish
humble, generous and very intelligent.
No, they lie to you if they're not "politically misguided."
The Jew's nature is to lie at the expense of the white man, even if it is to trick them in the most exploitative yet seemingly benign way possible.
My interaction with Jews is fairly limited, but I can say that they are almost uniformly clever. It's a little bit different than intelligence or natural high I.Q. It has to do with putting it in action for personal gain.
They tend to view life as a game, and are constantly looking for angles and weaknesses to exploit, to hoist themselves up, bit by bit. They are hustlers, if you will, 'on their grind' at all times. They rarely just kick back and relax, as whites do. This partly explains why they are so successful in business.
He is simply lying to you because of his connections with the rest of the liars he is of relation to.
Don't fall for the bait, fellow Nordbro.
Overall point:
Jews may be left or right but they're always for themselves. They see themselves as different and we should too
>inb4 rabid nazi racist hater antisemite
Also to add to this, there was a kike in my engineering class. Failed out of the class in the first year because he was retarded (but he even told me his family had many shekels and I've seen him posting pictures on FB from vacations in Europe after he failed out, removed him after the next part). Literally overheard the faggot ranting at some other student in our class who made a Jew joke that the Jews were the chosen people and that he feels better than everyone else because of it, even though he was a skinny fucking 5'5" manlet who failed out of first year.
god I fucking hate Jews.
No one should be for themselves.
That itself is why empathy is at an all-time low.
Lived with two for a year.
>prone to victimize themselves in any house conflict
>not masculine
>extremely rich parents
>"i'll work when im 30, i'd rather party and enjoy life" shit tier life mentality
>kept furniture we all split in the house when we moved in and never paid back
aka every stereotype fulfilled
>They tend to view life as a game, and are constantly looking for angles and weaknesses to exploit, to hoist themselves up, bit by bit. They are hustlers, if you will, 'on their grind' at all times
Sounds totally like ppl who shouldn't be opened. Loljustkidding
There isn't a Jewish "conspiracy". There aren't a bunch of Jews behind smoke-stained windows trying to undermine, shame, and humiliate white people at every opportunity.
However, you'd be crazy not to recognize that the people who are trying to undermine, shame, and humiliate white people at every opportunity are almost all Jewish.
Pic related.
Conniving and selfish.
I live in an area full of ultra Orthodox Jews, apart from being quite rude at times I've never had any real issues with them
oh yeah.
both talked about how shit the US was and how great israel is WHILE living in the US and getting a US education and benefitting from the US in every way.
also they said the only women worth marrying are jewish women and jewish marriages are far better than goyim marriages. heard that one when they were talking in private.
I'm a software developer. Had a jew coworker. Whiniest son of a bitch I ever met.
Pretty good, honestly. The only bad jews I ever knew were the most secular ones. I was actually friends in college with an orthodox jew and he was the friendliest, most positive and hopeful person I ever met.
I also work with a couple of israelis and they are just as concerned with the destruction of the west as Sup Forums is. Ironically they're the only people I can talk with regarding Sup Forums tier stuff.
Normal people, society it the same as some eastern european countries.
The point is about being for yourself at the detriment of others. That was my red pill. Jews see success as a zero-sum racial struggle, and the enemy is us :[
They called me horrible names because I merely noticed what jews were doing.
>Jewish family goes to a high end beach condo for the weekend
>building owned by even wealthier Jews
>little innocent 12 year old jewette goes to swim in the pool
>she starts to get electrocuted as she grabs the stairs into the water
>jewmom runs to grab her, skin conducts electricity too
>both at risk of dying
>hyper ignorant maintenance crew of the building rush and realize this is happening probably because "they ran the jacuzzi electricity cable THROUGH the pool"
>disconnect it, chaos ensues
>ignorant maintenance team gets scolded for being criminally retarded.
>affected jew family cannot sue the retard workers, instead try to sue the owner thst naturally, as a proper jew, hires the cheapest Labour he can get.
>girl and mom now have health issues
>jew community is outraged thst affected Jews are suing the wealthier building owner
Yeah, they are pieces of shit even to themselves
True Story btw, not in Slo though
never met one to be honest
Just bring up Israel right into his face to see his true colors. It is your obligation as well.
Israelis are not concerned about the West in any way. They are only concerned about falling to Sharia via the Palestinians. They have no empathy for the white Nordic man. Only themselves.
>be 1/4 Jew, never fall for le ebil jew meme
>move to Jew York
>can only find affordable housing by renting from a Jew who only rents to people with Jewish blood
>last month the landlord literally had a hour long argument about whether he should pay a plumber 25$ for 2 hours work
>ends up not paying and doing this to 3 other plumbers
>go to petting zoo
>jewish 5 year old kid complains about the 25 cent cost of buying food to feed the animals
>later on see him only give one little kibble to each animal
>tfw its not a meme
Fucking hell.
The problem with Jews is that they are silenced when you put them under the heat and they are unable to speak for their pathetic, albeit barbarous cause. They cannot speak after you expose their conspiracy to destroy all of us. And that is why they are the easiest subhumans to defeat. Unlike blacks who are incorrigible.
I know several Jews whom I uncomplicatedly admire, respect and hope to emulate. I have known several Jewesses whom I would try to lick if I was sexually active. The zhidovki I want to die are exclusively distant, powerful, public figures who actively interfere in the lives of others, not just people I hate because of an unavoidable accident of birth.
ex roommate is jew. we split most of the bills. he would give me the exact amount, to the penny. he was also hypocritical as shit. would tell me i shouldn't drink whiskey after he just got done smoking a joint in his room. he eventually had a mental breakdown, and collects disability money because of it. he would get pissed everytime i asked him to be less jewy. would glare at me when i'd say oy vey ironically.
saw a hacidic jew in the dollar store. had a cart full of gallon water bottles.
You Israelis need to seriously understand and influence what jews are doing in the u.s.
It could mean the future of your country.
Only met two Jews.
The first was legit a Ftm transexual. One of those Jews that didn't believe in God but still did all the Jew things.
Once literally told me that 6 billion people died in the Holocaust and I could barely contain my laughter because of the dank gorrilion meme.
Other one was some frat looking American manlet who lived in the same halls as me. I could tell he was a Jew just by looking at him for some reason. Kind of annoying, kept trying to come over to our dorm and bang the girls that lived there. We always tried to ignore him.
We had sex on the first date.
Later she said "you wanted to have sex with me really quickly".
Girl was a walking enigma, great tits though.
had a Jewish teacher who got mad when someone said merry Christmas to her.
Never met one, they fear coming out as one in Iceland
your first lady is an Israeli.
Every Jewish girl I have ever met (I can count 15 that I am well aware of) has been an absolute slut. Even more so than your normal American teenage skank. They seem to have almost no standard at all and will fuck men and women, White and Black and everything in between, fat and fit, attractive and ugly, young and old. Their sexual appetites are insatiable.
Soooo, grab your iPhone records and oven you too? K.
I'm dating shemerchant, she's racist as fuck, dislikes Judaism and most shit Jews do, she's pretty and sort of looks like cute Pepe.
One of my best friends is Jewish, although not practicing.
> hilarious
> loves life
> loves the great outdoors
> apolitical
Have no bad experiences I can remember. Sorry, guys.
>cute pepe
oy vey
>Also, he was a member of FEMA and is currently a freemason.
>Israelis, Sephardim
Red-pilled nationalists but still greedy and underhanded, think they're smarter than everyone else, divisive etc. There's a reason they've been ousted from every country they've ever inhabited in all of history.
Then why do you hate us?
Met a weird jew from brazil when i was visiting Budapest, Hungary. He seemed nice enough and i only noticed that he was a jew cause he kept talking about how great it was that Denmark send all our jews to sweden in ww2.
At first i thought he was joking and i was like "Yeah, haha we sure got rid of them! Thank god haha" and then he said he was a kike.
But user is a Jew, why would they lie to him
Because your country is one of the most supportive of palestine.
Mixed bag, one of my best friends in high school was Jewish, on the flip side I knew this Jewish kid in elementary that was a bitch faggot
>is redpilled as fuck.
ask him if he supports israel.
Met one in college...after hearing about it i threw some pocket change onto the ground while looking at him with a smirk and then stepped away from it, he just lookedn he change and looked at me.
After a few awkward moments I said something like " you must not be THAT jewish" and had a chuckle.
He was ass blasted about the whole thing and pretty sure he reported me.
imma have to second this with my limited anecdotal experience
Because the banking stuff duh
This. Do not come here to talk until you at least know about Agriprocessors and "the Israeli locksmiths." There are tolerable Izzies but Israel is also a kind of criminal mothership. There is an active gulf stream of Jew criminals who prey on us and then flee to Israel (which grants no-questions-asked refuge to any Jew claiming persecution). They let in an accused pedo rabbi who then, once in Israel, continued to abuse children. If they were less credulous about letting every single Jews in they could have saved Israeli children from being abused in that case.
no shit you autist
So nothing to do with the bizarre Israeli banking connections in Iceland, and Iceland being the only country that responded seriously to 2008?
I've met two kinds of Jews. Normal every-day casual jews. They usually have strong nuclear fmailies and are extremely egalitarian and hospitable.
The other kind are hardline jews and devout practitioners. They're clannish, and behave extremely poorly to non-jews. They also tend to have extremely inflated egos despite being right on the very edge of genetic stability.
I work at a hotel and they're by far the worst guests to have.
>do you have any kosher items in your free breakfasts?
>why are your rates so high?
>I demand a discount
>the breakfast is free right?
>I need someone to bring me complimentary water bottles to my room
They also always trash the room and steal stuff, and file a chargeback when we charge them for stealing the towels and pillows.
The only thing hitler did wrong was fail at making the Jews extinct.
Know of any good Jewish porn stars (preferably with big tits)? I want to see these sluts in action.
There is only one kind of Jew, and the first one is a myth. If there is a second kind, there is only the catatonic silenced Jew once they have been deemed subhuman and unable to function in life.
I only know two Jews. One blew me, the other is her cool ass brother who looks like the Zohan
>(which grants no-questions-asked refuge to any Jew claiming persecution)
This isn't true, I remember a story about a Jewish Mafia member who wanted to retire to Israel but was denied entry.
Nah, the average Israeli doesn't care about the bankers, but he does care about support of Palestine.
They are mutually inclusive.
Israel RELIES on the banks, you kike.
>Older ones
Conservative, but they'll throw anybody under the bus if it'll benefit them in any way. Rabbis are scum of the earth.
>Young males
It depends on if they're practicing jews or not. Practicing ones tend to be alright (though I've never met highly religious ones) but the secular ones are usually liberal fucksticks.
>Young women
Without fail, they are all obnoxious, self-centered, and vapid whores.
One family was extremely odd and neurotic. The guy I knew from this family became a finance type. He was usually OK but had his jewish moments.
Another family was mega jewish. Extremely lazy, unrealistically so. Very backstabbing and sneaky.The guy I knew from this family was disgusting, filthy.
He was legit like one of the jews from the nazi film 'the eternal jew' who look uncomfortable picking up individual bricks because they can't understand the concept of work.
He was as dirty as them as well. In that film the homes are rancid and so is the hygene of the individual jews. He was really that dirty. General Patton described the smell of jews he met in defeated germany as sickening, the memes are real.
the guys are the nerdiest fucking faggots youll meet . theres a big chance that dorky white kid who got beat up and had no friends every day in your class was actually jewish
the girls are the biggest whores and love all types of dick from anyone besides a jew
I fucked a Jewish girl a few times. She was a horny girl. She fucked a lot of people.
She gave amazing head.
You can't make this shit up.
>hungry as fuck
>got a cream cheese bagel at my university coffee shop
>heading to class
>step on the elevator
>literally the most Jewish looking professor I've ever seen yells at me in a Larry David accent "How could you buy that? The cream cheese costs more than the bagel itself! It's ridiculous!!!!" (He actually had a good point desu)
>I reply "What's a bagel without cream cheese? It's definitely worth it"
>"Not to me. That's ridiculous"
I support palestine out of spite. Hopefully it will end in a murder suicide and both parts just die off :^)
lol. Old, crotchety jews are the best.
How does Israel RELY on some random bankers in Iceland?
They are horrible for the most part but I have my frum hug box, as limited as it is.
The Torah is perfect, but its follower's are not.
>6 billion people died in the Holocaust
I don't think there were that many humans at that point
Every other porn star
Jewish girls are all slutty as all fuck. I don't know what it is, but I think it has something to do with why Jews are pushing sexual perversion on the rest of us. Because it's a part of Jewish culture and biology.
I've known a few Jewish guys. One was self depreciating and basically a shlub.
The other had something deeply wrong with him. It was like he was constantly on edge, in some sort of deep pain (he would wince often). He would laugh derisively any time someone made fun of someone else, and mock people behind their back. He would continually talk down to the people around him. It's difficult to describe, but it's like he had some sort of deep inferiority complex that he was struggling with desperately by tearing everyone else down. At all times he was energetic and passively aggressive, he reminded me of a tortured animal He was a short little guy, maybe only 5' 7".
They rely on ALL NATO-led banks which includes Iceland. But hey, it feels great to be a degenerate bluepilled kike, correct?
All these Jewish rats in the thread
>tfw part Jewish
>hate myself
>just want to be a pure Nordic man
>will always be an abomination
Abella danger
>be at mall
>nasally voice says "will give all of these to you"
>it's a stack of nail care products
>walk off with them
>"where are you going? Those are not free"
>shove em right back into his hands
my history teacher was jewish
he seemed okay
after my final I think he told me I was a joy to have in his class, probably because I wouldn't ever leave class without chatting him up a bit about the day's class or chinese politics
Ah yes -- when Israel was not yet fully in the Special Relationship, enduring frequent war, was ruled by a women, and Lansky was singled out in a specific request tied to military aid by the President of the United States.
Tell me Shlomo, why do you think everybody calls you dishonest? That's literally the least serious example you could possibly have offered. It's the equivalent of me citing a collaborating race traitor as "proof" that Nazis did not kill Jews.
Like I said, learn about the examples I cited before talking. The government almost didn't get its hold on Rubashkin but won because every single other Jew mafioso involved had already fled to Israel.
They smell good.
Where I live armenians serve as jew substitute.
Intel tech school USAF. One jew in my squadron had a ABU yamaka. Literally wore that shit every chance he could get. Typical looking jewish kid. Frail, manlet, big nose and beady eyed.
Do the banksters care about the ordinary Israelis? Who do you think is more powerful?
Armenians are basically less competent Jews.
>The other had something deeply wrong with him. It was like he was constantly on edge, in some sort of deep pain (he would wince often). He would laugh derisively any time someone made fun of someone else, and mock people behind their back. He would continually talk down to the people around him. It's difficult to describe, but it's like he had some sort of deep inferiority complex that he was struggling with desperately by tearing everyone else down. At all times he was energetic and passively aggressive, he reminded me of a tortured animal He was a short little guy, maybe only 5' 7".
Rooming with a Jew this fall semester.