Things are getting worse, aren't they?
Things are getting worse, aren't they?
Nah. People are waking up from globalist memes. Don't believe the lies. We were normal in the 00s and even up to 2010. Things are just being propagandized to crazy levels in the past 5 years and everyone who isn't a paid shill notices the weird change. It won't last and the world has already begun fighting it as seen with Trump and Brexit. This was a good lesson to learn for us because now we can be better than we've ever been before, without being held back by Age of Aquarius bullshit that spawned in the 60s and Boomers got brainwashed by.
No, I think there should be 2 distinct species of humanoids: one to be used as slaves and the other to make the important decisions. But in order to achieve that we need to eliminate borders so that the two species can acquire the best characteristics from each current race first.
Why is this image so comfy?
I really hope you are right. Most people I know believe the bullshit.
Nah. Things are good. I went out to dinner and hung out with family all weekend.
On the other hand I'm not standing in the street screaming at people for no reason.
would you illuminate the
of an overpass
Well, South Africa is fucked and there will be no redemption here.
U r fuckin dumb my man
comfy pic
They actually get better
You just spend all your time on Sup Forums and never go out
people in the skyscrapers watch the poop falling down from the trains passing by. Its a kind of hobby, you wouldn`t understand.
It's just entropy bro. As time moves on we naturally intermingle just because of circumstance. This makes us find out about other walks of life and we erode our individualism and conviction to make things go smoothly between each other. From caring only about our family, to our tribe, to our country, and now to everyone. We stop fighting for our own self-worth and give up to others. Interbreeding, gender fluidity: eventually they'll be one race and one gender. Our perception of what is true and beautiful, and what is evil and ugly has blurs. The great becomes good and then good becomes mediocre, to compensate for propping up the worthless. Suddenly you realise that while there's no fight for survival anymore, but there's nothing worth fighting for. Our life is more comfortable, but there's no hardship to compare the comfort to. Our art is more clever and self-aware, but it's no longer art. Our goals are easier to measure, produce more data, but there's no reason be be happy when they're achieved. We understand the world around us more, but we longer experience it with any depth. We love everyone, but we have forgotten what love is.
It's the lighting
I guess i'm not hong konger (i.e. dumb). Where I'm from, no overpass has this kind of lighting.
This is narcissistim disgusted as depth.
I hope they are. I just want to witness some global clusterfuck.
>muh individulisum
we use dumb street lights instead that's why
No. Go back to your family, user. Get some sleep before work tomorrow. Keep paying your taxes, saving up for the latest smartphone, and following your latest netflix series of choice. Everything is normal. We apologize for the recent turbulence, and we assure you that everything will return to normal for the remainder of your journey.
Now we fight back against the Marxist hordes
with lots and lots of helicopter rides
This. National Guard, just finished my July drill.
Our unit is about as normie as they come with a range from moderate conservative to moderate liberal. Everyone was talking about Dallas, but what blew me away was that almost all of those conversations led to people talking about the Clinton Foundation and its web of underhanded bullshit. The only ones who weren't were the libs who I went out of my way to shut down every time they started trying to cry foul play on cops. I turned around three clueless kids listening in to those who started off with a "no justice, no peace" attitude into reasonable human beings.
I figured everyone would be busy acting like nothing was wrong and everything would be fine. The majority had switched from
>I wish Trump wasn't the Republican candidate
>Trump, please save us from this Clintocracy
The normies are on our side, and nothing can stop their boisterous wave of apathy against the left.
Still dont get it. Okay i am dumb
Hhhnnngggg that pic reminds me of ny times in Norway
Fatalism. You have simply rationalised your apathy. You may as well be an animal.
That pic is so comfy for some reason
i hope you're fine with being a slave then
but, unless you're rich, you already are
Let's talk more about this pic.
>Is this a real place, or photoshopped?
China, maybe?
>Is it some kind of HDR image?
It looks hyper-real
what place is that image?
military is not a random sampling.
ofc most of them would agree with you
most of the military ALREADY support trump and so do the veterans
Its coming up in articles about old/new China
this made me feel for some reason
>most of the military ALREADY support trump and so do the veterans
its probably true, but the US army is full of niggers and spics.
just talking about individual voters here
obviously the military isn't going to take an official stance on which candidate they want in office as a whole
but as individual voters the military is clearly in favor of trump because if he gets elected they'll get more pay
but since the military makes up less than 1% of the total population, their votes aren't that decisive.
eh... idk why I didn't attach that image...
You could take it back SAbro. Carve out the Cape for Whites only.
You just have to understand that your only options are fight or flight. Some people will choose to fight. You could win if you were organized and woke
where is this op
Yes, a big driver for globalization is the property of self organizing systems like the economy to organize in such a way to maximize entropy production.
Since the industrial revolution and at least up till now we've seen the world move to ever more integration and globalization. However this was only possible though rising energy consumption thanks to fossil fuels. Ever since the 70's the laws of diminishing returns have made it progressively more expensive (in energy terms) to obtain fossil fuels. As a result the available energy per capita has stagnated and economic growth slowed down. Recently energy per captita has even started to decline and economic growth has been animic, this has also been accompanied by dropping standard of living.
Basically what I'm saying is that if we don't find new abundant and cheap sources of energy, the trend of globalization will reverse and the future will be local. A poor(er) society just can't afford pathological altruism and will focus on self preservation and survival.
they obviously have a death wish
>sample size is 951
Did someone with brain damage put this together?
Things have always been shit.
Just now there is nothing to believe in, since anything worth believing in (country, culture, identity, race) are all board line illegal
>military times
>a leaf
trump wants MORE military spending
Hillary wants less
you'd have to be an idiot to be in the military and not vote for him
and you're even stupider for not being able to understand something that mind numbingly simple
picture looks much like korea, just add a little sadness
but FYI I was in the military less than a year ago and there was absolutely no one in support of shillary.
it was all between Bernie Sanders and trump and now that Trump is Republican nominee they're all voting for Trump
No questioning that.
Protip: God is real, and the Bible is true. Mankind is getting nothing less than exactly what was promised at the End Times - mass poverty, famine, endless & more severe natural disasters, constant warfare, epidemics of crime and disease, etc., etc., etc.
And still people believe the universe created itself, men evolved and became the only fully sentient beings in the universe purely by chance, and we are all here to just do whatever makes us almost happy, almost content, almost satisfied...for 80 years, before eternal nothing.
Basically, you're mostly a bunch of mouth-breathing borderline retards.
It's not too late to get with the real program. Intellectual understanding that there actually is a God is the first step.
pic related, suggested reading for beginning understanders
Comfy/pol/ thread?
Turbo comfy. Imagine celebrating Christmas with your wife and two kids in that cabin
I'd love to celebrate it with my wife's son's girflriend's bull. He's a nice guy!
>quando รจ mezzanotte e non hai un cazzo da fare tranne rompere i coglioni agli Americani su Sup Forums
Been there.
I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job, We know the air's unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit and watch our TVs while some local newscaster tells us today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be.
We all know things are bad. Worse than bad. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we live in gets smaller, and all we ask is please, at least leave us alone in our own living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything, just leave us alone. Well, I'm not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad
I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to write I don't want you to write your congressmen. Because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. All I know is first you got to get mad. You've got to say: "I'm a human being, goddammit. My life has value."
As a Canadian, that is a dream dwelling for me. So long as its got high speed internet for my work, I'm set.
can we go back?
This is literally the plan that is destroying the world right now.
Worse in what sense?
Yes, but not by the way you came.
>Mass poverty
Welfare, jobs, loans, education.
Obesity crisis, food is cheaper and more plentiful
>Endless natural disasters
They're just more publicized. I havent ever seen a tornado or had my house damaged by an earthquake.
>Constant warfare
We're in peacetime (Not including Middle East)
>Epidemics of crime and disease
Prison and healthcare.
What would you say that is bad currently?
My life as only been getting better year after year 2bh.
You just to live in a non-shit area.
It will all be over soon user, I'll look for you on the other side.
What will be over soon?
War is peace. Freedom is slavery
Only the most gullible of idiots believe those things designed to quell the masses.
We are not at peacetime, if you think we are at peace you are fucking delusional, and we are on the brink of a major crisis. Just because you have been lulled into a false sense of comfort doesn't mean everyone else can't see what is coming.
We have a huge public health crisis. We have our society almost ready to revolt. Murders have taken a turn up in the recent year, and not even the common ways government uses to portray the murder rate as falling (like having criminals plead to lesser charges whether they did them or not, or not taking into account advances in medical technology help victims that would've died in previous years survive)
Our infrastructure is crumbling. Around crumbling infrastructure a natural disaster takes a heavier toll.
The economy has been stagnant for 99% of people. Jobs created are low quality jobs. The only people making money are the super wealthy and they are making a fuck ton.
There are epidemics brewing everywhere. There was a measles outbreak in Arizona for the first time in decades. Zika poses a real threat. Swine flus spread showed that if a spanish flu style virus did sweep through again it'd kill millions and there isn't much we could do to get it under control before it has already done a ton of damage. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are becoming more and more common.
We are debt slaves. If you get sick you go bankrupt.
The media and government are lying at a rate never seen before. They're blatant with their lies. They know it's coming.
People are angry. It's not going to get better. The smaller the white population gets the worse this will get
yeah, it's all fucked and getting worse, we're pretty well just a bunch of culture-less mongrels at this point.
Every day a higher percentage of muslims near me ... how is it getting better?
>The only people making money are the super wealthy and they are making a fuck ton.
The elite are pretty dumb imo. When the system collapses, their fiat currency 10 figure bank account is no longer worth jackshit either. This must stop for everyone's sake.
I hope so. The only way to save humanity is to let it hit rock bottom.
They buy relationships too. Politicians, military etc. NATO especially is ruled by people loyal to globalism before any nation.
This is partly why they want to destroy nations and national identity, it makes it easy to form a neofeudal loyalty system when the the military feels no loyalty to a nation.
>it makes it easy to form a neofeudal loyalty system when the the military feels no loyalty to a nation.
Ah, you mean like the newly proposed ((( EU ))) army?
>glorious race war imminent
Well, if we consider the concept of 'civil war' or 'race war', there are three predominant factors that define how bad these 'neolib to contemporary right' transitions would go for a nation.
1. Population:Diversification of race
2. Cultural/historical propensity for violence
3. Power of the authorities
Others can be how stupid those with a high indicator of 2. and, naturally, how armed they are. How evil the media is skews these factors too; it is a powerful tool to promote confusion, misinformation. There's also geographical factors to take into account - urban areas significantly increase the propensity for all violence, simply because you're going to meet the enemy more often - by means of ratio California, New York would see way more comparable trouble than Montana or Wyoming, and much fiercer 'battles'
It's more interesting to consider things on a more localised battlefield, but for countries you need to ask what the percentage of whites is, whether people are armed/prepared, and what the likelihood of adequate suppression from the authorities.
With somewhere such as the UK, there really earn't enough extreme left/right people, weapons, hostility between groups for anything to kick off on a massive scale. There is also a well equipped police/army that could suppress trouble with relative ease. Of course, this assumes it got bad enough for them to actually start exercising some fucking control for once.
For a country like the US it's a whole other world to comprehend. Everybody is armed, divisions are crazy and the politics and media are just as divided. It's a recipe for truly worrying times ahead.
kek look at all of this fear mongering from summerfags. All of this shit isn't going to hit the fan, our government will subdue any uprising and shit will be back to normal. fucking newfag fear mongerers kekekeke
In reality, that shitty house, or at least than land it's on, would be worth a ton of money. The people who own it would be living in a penthouse holding out for a better price.