Just cuck my shit up

Just cuck my shit up

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Does she want a 5th child?

Why is it only cucks and metrosexuals who are reproducing these days?

Smart move. It means they 'may' be spared from the looting and firebombing.

I don't know brother. I don't know.

conservative men are out doing shit and don't have time to virtue signal with their family on facebook


Please decipher this picture for a brain stem.

>conservative men are out doing shit and don't have time

Like posting on Sup Forums.

>those bangs


she's pretty cute desu and those look like his children


That textbook coalburner haircut

Pavement apes don't care. They have attacked plenty of their own at rallies.


they're only ones who can stand being around modern western women long enough to create kids

Say it to the tune of Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up." Cuck My Shit Up! Cuck My Shit up!

Because they deal with their woman being whores. They do what they want and the beta cuck doesn't stop them.

5 reasons why a woman shouldn't drink while pregnant

Their children genuinely look like they might have down's syndrome.

conservative men want conservativewoman, and conservative woman are going extinct quite quickly.


are they brother and sister ?


You can make a woman conservative you know.

Those hips tho

It's da future bby

You can already tell that the babies gonna be a faggot

>Why is it only cucks and metrosexuals who are reproducing these days?

Because they are the only ones dumb enough to "step up" and take the used goods aka women in their 30s.

In turn those women then go all out so that they can lock them down for life

You guys are so fucking stupid it amazes me every single day. Black lives do matter, they are being killed every single day by our police that are sworn to server and protect ALL citizens. Go ahead with your ALL LIVES MATTER or BLUE LIVES MATTER. Not BLACK lives matter though. It's the word "BLACK" that bothers you. You guys hate black people, of course! Stay out of my cities you fucking racists, shoo shoo!

Dont care if you are trolling but there are no downsides if all niggers get killed tomorrow.

They are useless parasites who have no place in the modern world


Thank god children grow up to have individual thoughts.

The dude is a 5'8" manlet that's barely taller than his wife, and she's obviously trying to hide the tattoos on her left arm. Also, those kids are total mongs.



At least the kids are his


Only people willing to take care of another man's possibly negro, possibly Booze-damaged, possibly drug-ruined child.

It must be done bareback


When is Sup Forums going to just admit white people are fucking shit tier too just in a different way.

>she's obviously trying to hide the tattoos on her left arm
Do you know her? How do you know she has tats on her left arm?

mommy needs black cock doesn't she??:)


Thoese are some mongoloid looking kids

I have no words


That man is suffering inside.

Every time he looks at his wife, he knows for a fact that she didn't give birth to his children.

Every time he looks at those kids living inside his house, eating his food, he realizes that there is literally zero genetic connection between them.

If you wanted a god's damn nigger child, go to a fucking orphanage, the damn things are infested with them.

how many kids do you have Sup Forums?

go ahead, I'll wait.

Little boy already looks like a total faggot.



No that man is actually just crazy

>When we began the adoption process we knew race could play a major role in our family dynamics, which led us to ponder deeply what a racially diverse family would look like. We believe when you look into any human’s eyes, you look into the face of an image-bearer of God – into the eyes of a person whose soul is eternal. While that is the common thread of all humanity, it doesn’t mean our racial differences are insignificant. We see the human family’s varying physical characteristics as awesome reminders of God’s creative brilliance. It’s not that we think race doesn’t exist, or that we don’t see it. In fact, it’s the opposite – we see it, and we embrace it.

>There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning. There is also something wonderful in the relationship that is built as my wife asks a black friend on Facebook how to care for our little biracial daughter’s hair. The beauty of a multi-ethnic family is found there, in the fact that the differences are the very thing that make ours richer and fuller. It forces you to think in a new way about the way you think, speak, act and live.

Fuck off reddit


Blood-tested too, my wife understood since my Father narrowly avoided raising another man's child from his second wife after mom dead and all my brothers picked up his paranoia.

they do realise kids are also vehemently against vegetables right
i honestly believe they dont think before they act

>Why is it only cucks and metrosexuals who are reproducing these days?

wow not a single poltard mentioning the irony. this place really is swarming with elliot rogers and dylan roofs

Literally turds

By cucks and metrosexuals I'm assuming you mean well-groomed men with progressive social views.
Take three guesses why these men are sexually successful.

If those black lives are white matter so then black lives that are black don't matter.

At least all the kids are white

>4 white kids

thats better than most

Its obviously ironic, notice they have 4 white children and they're standing in front of the white power cross

God what a bunch of ugly kids

>a slogan used to harbor courage during the greatest war
>bastardized by people coddling niggers

I got a headache trying to make sense of this sentence.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

What were the reasons?

like masturbating to traps and shitposting on pol instead of leaving their houses

Jesus Christ...

The two youngest ones are retarded or just ugly?

Can't make a ho a housewife. At least before she hits the wall and wants a beta provider.

She has the classic mudshark hair cut. She is definitely getting black dick on the side.

...Probably not on the side, I'm sure he knows

oh man those kids are fucking ugly holy shit

See They're actually adopted embryos. Neither of them are biological parents. She just gave birth to them. They're both cucked.

>carrier of the retard gene
>BLM supporter

im pissing myself!

IVF surrogacy for infertile women is nothing new

There is a difference between a mangina and a well groomed man

Your political views don't really mean that much to women, you don't even talk politics when outside

If you think your 'progressiveness' gives you access to pussy than you are not only deluded but also the biggest problem: A white male with hatred for his own race, a retard that seeks out injustices and comments on them to appear smart and progressive

Tone of your reply already tells this, you think you are morally superior

How common is it for people to have 4 kids nowadays?

The wife also didn't give birth to her children.

>It was our commitment to the protection of the unborn and to the idea of continuing to add to our family that led us, last year, to the National Embryo Donation Center, a Christian embryo bank. With our adopted children keeping us busy, we hadn’t been exactly looking for anything to add to our already-full plate. However we had recently run into a couple who highly encouraged us to look into embryo adoption. We were deeply moved by the idea of adding more children to our family by rescuing these tiny lives created from in-vitro fertilization, and intrigued by the thought of Rachel getting to experience pregnancy.

>We live in a world with hundreds of thousands of embryos frozen in the United States alone. Most who aren’t selected by their biological parents are donated to science or destroyed or kept frozen. If Christians – or others – really believe life begins at conception, it follows that we should respond by being willing to support embryo adoption and even take part in it ourselves.

Bonus: His wife actually grew up conservative until she met her later husband who brainwashed her in becoming some uber-tolerant, self hating, progressive Christian.

I'm sorry but you seem to be mistaking me for your strawman. I don't know what else to say.
How about you address the content of my post instead of showing off how anally ravaged you are by life.


>brainwashed her in becoming some uber-tolerant, self hating, progressive Christian.
sooo... a protestant

>The wife also didn't give birth to her children.

Tripped me up there for a bit until I realized you were talking about not supplying the egg.

I've been moving heavy shit all day, my mind is fuzzy with sweat and exhaustion.

>While we were fertile, we were both deeply convicted that one of the ways to be pro-life is to involve ourselves in adoption.

> We did this with the deeply held conviction that if the Lord wanted us to have a fully Caucasian child my wife would conceive naturally.

>There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning.

>When we met with the NEDC, we were again faced with the question of what ethnicity we would choose for our adopted embryos. We wanted additional siblings to feel connected to our first two children racially, and asked the team at the NEDC if we could be matched with African-American embryos. They agreed with our thoughts about our kids matching each other racially and were supportive of the decision to select African American embryos.
>In September of last year, we had two embryos implanted and began the long wait to see whether the transfer was successful. The day to visit the doctor could not come fast enough.

Pure insanity i gotta stop or i will break my laptop


>By cucks and metrosexuals I'm assuming you mean well-groomed men with progressive social views.

>Take three guesses why these men are sexually successful.

You are implying here that you are: progressive, well groomed and pull lots of women. There is no two ways about it, this is what can be deduced from your post. What content was there even there to begin with? It was just a snarky reply / comment that was totally unneeded

I am not really anally ravaged by life, I think you're projecting

>Tess holiday
>my heart is so heavy

I bet it is.

someone get up too early to post this shit.

I see nothing unusual about this picture, can someone fill me in?

I'll give you a pass here because English is probably your second language. I "implied" nothing about myself in my initial post, the content of that post could be restated as "well-groomed and socially progressive men are sexually successful" which says nothing about me. I could be a dog typing this for all you know.
Women want a who takes care of himself physically and is emotionally balanced with opinions based on rational thought and not emotional response.

>can someone fill me in?

You are welcome.

I'm serious

>Final Generation of whites

>Hitler did nothing wrong


Not an argument

TFW the dad realizes hes white

at least they're all white kids lmao

>leaf makes a good point

>no one gives them a (you)

No wonder they shitpost

What did he mean by this?

> I "implied" nothing about myself in my initial post, the content of that post could be restated as "well-groomed and socially progressive men are sexually successful" which says nothing about me.

Your reply came off as something else, say what you will.

> Women want a who takes care of himself physically and is emotionally balanced with opinions based on rational thought and not emotional response.

Leftists are based on emotional responses to things they deem right or wrong.

How would you describe your views, left or right leaning?

> I'll give you a pass here because English is probably your second language.

Offhand remark about my language. Thank you for giving me a pass bro

this is some pedo shit