Black Lives Matter: The Baton Rouge photo hailed as 'legendary'


>expecting me to read some liberal feel good word saald

Wait, does that person legitimately believe that this negress is radiating some sort of force from her body, an ability given to her because of the level of melanin in her skin?

Probably, yes. Black people are legitimately crazy. Especially women.

She's transfering cosmic energy through her melanin or some other niggerish shit.

>Wait, does that person legitimately believe that this negress is radiating some sort of force from her body, an ability given to her because of the level of melanin in her skin?


enough said.

I bet she accepts her ebt checks with such elegance and grace, straightens her hair like a strong and fierce white woman, blames other races for her problems with a clam power.

Fails to mention she was tackled to the ground a split second later and arrested.

>we wuz jedi and shiiiet
Basically, they drink and like the piss.

lol inb4 tear gas is shot , and chimp rampage begins

Based Baton Rouge

The Minneapolis police were all faggy bike cops

The cops walking wards her, in the liberal BS mind, are literally being blasted backwards away from the power of her
> blackness
> viginaness
> both of the aboveness.

Some africans still have a cosmic connection to the stargates on their mother continent. they harness the power of their past queens and kings to bring white people to their knees.

not as legendary as pic related



she probably got body slammed and arrested

Is there a vid on it? Always funny to watch.


Pics or link please


What gun is that?

I'd read it and your description was incredibly apt.

Stay woke nigguh

J frame maybe?

Dude, melanin is like $3 millon per ounce

>we wuz telepaths and sheeit


the black chick is wearing glasses
if not for the white people she would suffer daily from her genetic disability

but never mid that, be proud to be be black if you think there's anything to be proud about

>Post screen shot of her getting grabbed
>Use same social justice commentary to analyze picture again
>post on tumbler or where ever this game from
>keks ensue.

>stay woke

The bullshit black people have been fed by the media is making them even stupider if thats even possible

I remember they used to say the "magic black man" was a racist trope.

That commenter is being really flowery about. But you have to admit, from a purely photographic perspective, this is an interesting picture.

It's a myth, like rare intellectual hispanics

>Stay woke
End my life

i can hear the 'yaas queen' bullshit from here

what does that shit even mean? I swear twitter will completely ruin the English language

She's stealing their energy

They only arrested her because she was in a dress and is remotely hot. They didn't want her to be in the heat of it once things escalated. They're doing their jobs protecting her by getting her out of the way.

>yfw beauty privilege is real

it's an AR15


what fb page is this shit on ?

Did he died?

I believe stay woke is used to tell people to remain vigilant of all the secret government agendas to keep black people poor and cover up black history like WE WUZ KIANGS

Micro Kalashnikov

Niggers are a hate-filled, crybaby humanoid subspecies sooo filled with violence and destruction, this chronically evil sub-species belong in cages. With Hannibal Lecter bite masks to improve their butt-ugly appearence.

no, they were just "Doing it for the Vine"


A fearless Queen in all her majesty. Truly inspires contemplation.

That comment's fairly accurate. Look at their posture and structure, totally out to lunch. Even if they're caught mid-stride, moving forward, you think that they'd be wanting to maintain their balance. Excellent propaganda snap for the protesters.

Deagle Brand FAMMAS. Anyone with eyes can see that user.

Correct, Smith & Wesson Bodyguard Model 38 (.38 special)




If only she was wearing a towel on her head...

Obviously those cops are approaching her, probably to make an arrest

When dogs smack their lips profusely like a black guy, what do they mean? Are they saying they was kings?

Black people wear glasses as a fashion statement and to make them look like malcolm x. they think they get smarter by wearing them. they buy them with lenses that don't do anything.

It's the BLM version of redpilled. Non-woke people are bluepill and previously woke but no longer woke are purplepilled.
>protip: we are their Jew


mfw when they're approaching from a semi crouched position in preparation to hear "ALLAHU AKHBAR" and hit the dirt.

>they are rocked back on their heels
>they're literally on their toes

but what's their iron pill

I met a guy who thought he could create ki energy balls in his hands
Black people believe Dragonball Z is real

this is what happens when you inhale too many of your own farts


To answer your question....

Its shit like this that reveals BLM to be a farce and not a real movement. They are staging themselves like actors for perfect photo ops, which idiots may think proves their historic righteousness but people with brains look and see its bullshit. Them getting arrested or attacked is exactly what they wanted, and they have practiced their pose for it 1000 times. How pathetic it is to imagine these negros practicing in their room their arrest pose, looking into a mirror a thousand times before a protest trying to get the right determined expression. It reveals them to not be oppressed at all, and in fact privilege enough to treat being arrested like a circus. People who have actually been arrested should immediately grasp how full of shit their oppression is, they are a privileged class of elite eternally oppressed stunt artist

being a kang n sheit


She would not suffer. Most people only have problems when reading. She would not be able to read or write.

>5th birthday

Forget le happy merchant's race war.
Fix your police service ameritards.

That's a nice picture indeed. I like it.
The kind of picture that can serve a cause. Boiling the spirits.
The summer barely starts.
Why don't you like this picture?

"Ben Told me you killed my father!"



Age doesnt matter to niggers apparently


Tfw you are a bunch of fags who cant admit that something is of good quality because you dislike the theme.

Bunch of faggots is what you are. That pic is pretty sweet, and its one a lot of photogs wait a lifetime on (if they have an original in raw format because the resolution posted here is shit)

>not knowing about melanin magic

Nogs truly, legitimately believe this.

Why are black women so hot,

serious, anyone else really like the not-fat ones, ?

they have great bodies, smooth skin.

Incorrect. The frames are made from a special material that when mixed with the melanin exuding from their skin, gives them enhanced abilities.

The color black absorbs more than the color white. They're really just so fucking dumb. #BuyersRemorse

You mean the ones that look like white wemen except really tanned?

plump lips,nice dark eyes cause the blackness of the skin highlights the whiteness of the eyes and nice hips. They have usually thick asses because of a curve in their spin where the tail bone is and for some reason black pussy has suction, I assume to snag those with money easier. If you can find one South African black girls are the way to go, American blacks are just American with a race card attached. SA girls are genuinely more loving.

> kill niggers

> Run towards woman to grab her
> Ran too fast, have to slow down so you don't tackle her to the ground

> Someone takes this pic

Wew, physics is hard

Do you think facts matter to them?

What's the chance we see more shit go down in Baton Rouge and other cities tonight


these fuckin commie hippie black lives matter terrorists

it makes me disbelieve all of the photos I saw from the civil rights era

for example, niggers blocked the freeway in oakland

what if firefighters blew them the fuck out with firehoses?

30 years later you got photos of them being sprayed with water hoses and kids being told that this movement was highly racist white cops trying to stop them??

Why don't all these liberal faggots get out of their majority white neighborhoods and move in with the muslims, blacks and poos?

I see these beardy effeminate faggots mincing around with their holier than thou bullshit about racism and every fucking time they scurry into a trendy upscale neighborhood filled with other middle class fuckholes like themselves. Get out. Get the fuck out and die in your slums next to the browns you love so much and who hate you thanks to the propaganda you spew out. I hope you SJW faggots get raped and killed. I'll frame the news clipping of you goggle eyed fucks dead on the floor because some native wanted your shoes.

Fuck you. Fuck all of you subhuman liberal faggots. I want to peel your skull back and smash your head open with a brick. Fuck your worthless children too.

About 75% i'd say

Shooty Puff Jr.

So basically unemployed black guy living with his female relatives smoking weed thinks he's Jesus because he's manic/psychotic or whatever blocks traffic, gets arrested, poses, clearly THRILLED to be arrested, and thinks this means whites look bad?

>using zip ties to arrest someone

kek a fucking 15 years old could break off zip ties with the correct technic

Woa.. the stance of a Queen.

this is getting really tiresome that ever single wall of riot police, some stupid nerd will run up and try and create a 'good photo'

Very high. Officers are being brought in from other parts of the state to help.

baka desu senpai

this reminds me of when I drew characters and gave them certain made up super powers when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade

or reminds me of pic related