Tfw i work in a restaurant

>tfw i work in a restaurant
>tfw every now and then i see white families and a black guy eating in the same table
>tfw i can't disguise my repulsion to them

same thing goes everytime i see an interracial couple, but when i see a whole white family having fun and greeting a black guy into their family it really makes me want to watch the whole world burn. I have 0 problems with blacks as a race, i mean i don't find them particularly inferior or disgusting or whatever(although they're troublesome), but everytime i see black males trying to seduce white women or establishing a relationship with one makes my blood boil in anger.
The fuck is wrong with people greeting a person from another race into their families?, if i ever have a daughter and she tried to introduce a black bf into my family i would kick her out immediatly, no questions.

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Why haven't you lost your instinct to preserve your tribe, goy? What will it take before you learn that it's racist for white nations to exist?

I hope you are on a proxy and have seen me in the states. I hope you are projecting and are three hundred pounds of entitlement and emotional insecurity. Just know I fully pleasure her everytime and if you were to ever say something to me in public I would eloquently embarrass you. Go ahead and bring a weapon. We'll see who is the superior creature

>mummy, why is the fat man frowning at us?
>darling, that's because he's autistic

>nobody ever calls Obama or these corporations on this when it turns out their deaths were completely justified and they were gang members

Fatties can't into cross cultural relatuonships


The other day at the restaurant I work at this black guy I recognized from my P.E. class back when I was in school came in with a really pretty white girl. She bought a sandwich and at the end the black guy said he wasn't paying for it, so she had to.

The guy was a couple years younger than me and we used to fuck with him during dodgeball and shit, don't think he remembered me though.

Now he's got a hot white girlfriend though and I'm still kissless.

Demoralizing shill slide thread. Have fun saging boys.

Fuck off OP

What other people do in their own time is not your business

>mom was a coalburner before she met my dad
>old brother is half nog
>his dad is no where to be seen
>brother is weird
>probably has issues feeling comfortable around people
>married a white girl
>she treats him like a token and uses him to amplify her sjw views
Luckily for him, she's a drunk and completely dependent on him emotionally and financially. So she generally stays in line.

Spit in their food.

I'm neither fat or autistic desu, try again

They can kill themselves for all i care, but it's just repulsive to me, it makes me want to puke. idk maybe it's instinct, i can't control my disgust from watching a dindu trying to fit into a white family, it's like watching a criminal trying to fit into university or something like that.

>Come to subtle cuck thread.
>Green text fake cuck stories for simultaneous sexual pleasure and spreading of demoralizing fake anguish.
>Samefag a couple more stories.
>Get saged

And nobody calls them out on their manner of speaking, which is exactly that of a parent speaking to a toddler.

I can't risk my job for some disgusting coalburners, i just ignore them, it's more subtle.

Kissless and handholdless here. You planning to an hero too?

This. Fuck you op.

>if you don't like interracial couples you're a cuck
>if you don't like gays you're one
>if you have a fear for spiders you're a spider

what kind of retarded sociologist invented this bullshit?

>Being this mad over internet



She will dumb you kido

It's a fact that no white woman wants a black guy to marry. She is just doing it for attention

your repulsion is correct

negroes are subhumans that are mostly criminal...

the throw-up in your mouth=your knowledge that white people are in danger because of these evil subhumans

>mfw I don't want any race war
>mfw I don't want to miss any of this

i don't even care about war, i just want blacks to stick to their own and go back to africa and stop taking part in this multicultural shitfest that the liberals invented

>that pic

oh god lmfao

Suck his dick

>tfw half black but redpilled, browsing Sup Forums since it came back in 2011
>white gf's family gives no fucks about me being nonwhite, even invited me to move in

She divorced her shitty redneck husband and is now fully supportive of her white children calling me daddy. Because I am their daddy. Stay mad. Every day I tell her we aren't married yet because when we do it will be because I am ready. Been with her three years raising the kids and paying the bills and teaching her how to be a reasonable woman. She quit her job and constantly tells me her 11k in savings is mine too, but I tell her I'm no nigger. I have my own money. I treat her with respect and demand the same. You fucks here have it figured out, yet you have no courage when its time to put your foot down and say no to the pussy, yet daring her to go somewhere else. They fear rejection after they have bared their true self to someone, especially when they think they have the upper hand.

Any people here with serving experience (Mainly aiming at Americans here due to the fact tipping is far more regular) notice a correlation between race/ethnicity and amount tipped by customers?

Genuinely not trying to say blacks/whites/race tip more/less so they're cheap I'm just interested.

>being a waiter at a nonwhite restaurant

keek I bet you live in a city

North East here, never worked as a server though I was just curious after I thought about it.

Fucking Yorkshire, right? Or are we talking Birmingham?

Clearly you aren't one of the chefs then cunt.
You'd be more furious at the shits who pretend to have allergies and special requirements for extra attention.

I hate the fact that women have no honour. I hate the fact that a disgusting person can, if they were confident, walk up to a girl and chat her up even though he was obviously a horrible choice for her, and she'd be oblivious to that fact and she'd continue to establish the relationship.

I hate the fact that I could let it go, and she'd continue seeing that disgusting person, or I could tell her how disgusting that person is, and in that even she would actually seek a relationship with that person EVEN MORE. It's like they have no honour, but they also actively do things that are "wrong" to stick it to the world like bratty children.

I hate this fact because it's made me hate women and I don't even want to associate with them. And now I look at women and all they do is associate with disgusting people. It's like the real men dropped out of society and women are just sticking to the scraps. But they act completely oblivious as if nothing's wrong. They say they have standards but in truth, they have none. They are empty husks that can be manipulated at ease.


You have autism.

Shoo shoo race mixer. Stick to your obese self-righteous black women

I agree. But that doesn't mean that quality men have dropped out of society, they've just chosen not to be involved with women in the way they previously did.

Birmingham? North East? Are you fucking broken mate?

white men are more likely to do the interracial stuff but with asian women instead

>living in Marseille
>6 couples out of 10 on the streets are interracial
>always a white woman with a sandnigger or nigger male
>white women walking around with nigglets everywhere

>works in restaurant
>thinks anyone cares about his opinion

Better yourself minimum wage fag

Fuck off mate. My neighbors are a BMWF couple. They are educated, affluent, and hard working. They made me a fine lasagna several weeks ago because the man and I like to go do fun community shit together like any good neighbor does.

>muh anecdotal evidence

Most bmwf couples are obese trailer trash.

See the problem is, white men care who/what black men fuck.

While black men could care less what white men fuck.

Personally, I love making my girlfriends dad uncomfortable because they hate the fact she's fucking a black guy. Her mom is actually more openly racist than the dad, and I dig her for being honest.

Most Americans are obese trailer trash tbf

and thats why u need russian nazi hooligans HOOAH

And yet we're still able to purchase toothbrushes.

I've not seen an actual IR(not the EU cuck edition where 2 white groups is IR) in about 3 years. They've fallen way down the pecking order in whats "hip" these days.

I see more faggots and trannies than IR couples of any kind.

Enjoy diabetes you fat cunt

>Ablooo abloo abloooo
>S-stop doing what I don't like
Kill yourself

What evidence man? I don't need evidence to tell OP to fuck off for being a cunt.

Enjoy your liquid diet after 40.

aaaaand the black trash is rollin in

BLM pls go

>Slavshit so much as talking to me

Nice try, Bubba

>but everytime i see black males trying to seduce white women or establishing a relationship with one makes my blood boil in anger

So you're pissed because nigs find white women attractive over their own women?
Does this mean you find white women unattractive vs. black women?

This thread still getting shilled? This isn't political.

Just jack-off in the food to the thought of the white family cheering on their family getting railed.

That's nothing. I just checked the facebooks of all the females of my graduating class. Every single one of them has at least 4 white babies. It's a shame because they're hot and well-educated too. Some of them had Black Lives Matters postings.

That's nothing. My mom is getting fucked by 4 black men right in front of me. I can't wait to clean up, jealous? High Five!

What part of Marseilles are you in? I was just there on vacation and like 33 out of 10 couples are interracial. I saw Africans with like 4 or 5 white women a piece. Most of the white men there were gay or crawling around on leashes.

The problem is your post is also made up.

Yeah I reckoned you had little to no idea what you were talking about.

>I have 0 problems with blacks as a race
>i don't find them particularly inferior or disgusting
>but everytime i see black males trying to seduce white women or establishing a relationship with one makes my blood boil
>The fuck is wrong with people greeting a person from another race into their families?

You have fucking mental problems. You're not even consistent with your hatred. If you said you thought they were all subhuman chimps it would be fine, but how the fuck can you be ok with them on their own and then hate when they so much as speak to someone outside of their race?

Serious fucking school shooter tier autism.

>implying that you don't slurp buckets of acidic sugar water like it's going out of fashion

Kill yourself before one of those niggers you set free does.

i'll hold ur hand friend

wouldn't do any good

lace it with hemlock and now we're talking

Lol you set them free much earlier, and also imported much more to fuck ur wives insted of you, good job m8

Don't you have to go stand in a queue for your weekly ration of bread you daft communist cuck?

Enjoying the sanctions are we?

I assumed you were a troll. The evidence I was speaking of was the anecdotal evidence you posted. If you don't know what that is, google it.

Every study suggests that bmwf have lower education rates, lower incomes, and higher divorce rates.

>implying britain didn't end slavery before the US

Wow calm down dude, its Jamal who ruins your life, not me


>been raising her kids
>paying the bills
>she quit her job
>never puts 11k offer on paper

Giving shit to anyone about putting foot down to Pussy.

Either fine bait, or idiot nigger who thinks the best way to stick it to whitey is to be a roasties beast of burden.

Not really.

What father would not want for his kid to look like him?

You see interracial families where the kid looks nothing like the dad.

Whats wrong, Sally? Have you brexited this thread?




I try to make people who are interracial relationships uncomfortable by being visibly disgusted with them. Overall, I think this makes interracial relationships less tenable and less comfortable. If everyone was making them feel miserable all the time for being together, there would be less.

Or, maybe I just make them feel self-righteous and gratified. Who knows.


I find it strange, for the past couple years i have been a bar tender, i find it weird after seeing all this cuckold BBC shit, then see a white man and women at a table together with a black man at the club. Or when i see black men hitting on girls just out of high school, i work Friday nights occasionally, and you wouldn't believe the kind of old fat black guys some of these naive younger white girls are falling for.

Look they are all whores...She has had miles of white dick, nigger dick, hispanic dick inside her. Our women are shit they always have been.

This is why I stick with Asian girls

I know i shouldnt race mix

wtf is wrong with the skin on her arse? Shes only young, too. Looks like giraffe markings.

I'm not sticking it to anyone. I'm looking out for two kids without a father so they are better off than I was. Raised without a father.