Why didn't whites riot over this?
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Because whites aren't niggers.
because they will be labelled racist. White people hate that.
white people are self hating cucks. black people are proud.
He was homeless and mentally ill. Nothing of value.
Because we''ll get shot.
1,000,000 niggers can change law, 100,000 whites can change state.
cis white nazi racist bigot deserves it
Because we're cucks.
Pathetic, spineless cucks.
Each and every one of us.
What, steal from locally-owned businesses? That would just hurt my property value, and be counter productive in the long run.
Because whites already won the race war.
Basically, the blacks are like angry hockey fans who's team lost and now they're rioting and burning couches.
Y'all take shit out of complex. Whites get killed like rare as hell, blacks get killed everyday
White people's pride was taken away by inclusive politics.
To compensate the loss of patriotic pride, the goverment and the media tried to insert "pride" into gay and black comunities. But those people have literally no thing to be proud of except for being "different", this plus the posmodernism and it's ideas are destroying the society by creating a system where you don't have to "create" or "produce" to become succefull, but "become" someone else to do it
The white guilt is too strong
Pigs beat some homeless crazy guy to death while he apologized and pleaded for his life and cried for his dad. The cops were found not guilty on all charges. You can watch it on youtube.
>hates his own people
>probably claims to be a "nationalist" or "fascist"
nice mental gymnastics you fucking retard
Why don't they riot due to the fact more cops kill whites every year than any other race?
we dont riot very often but when we do trust me you will know about it
Because whites don't turn shit into a racial issue because racial issues are petty and they don't get us anywhere. Racism is a non issue.
Whites riots end up as world wars
Because dying as a Race so not to look like "niggers" is a smart thing to do you dumb stormfaggot.
What a genuine nigger of the European Race you are.
We're too busy being cucks and uppity saying "we don't act like niggers" as the stormkike said >we won the Race War
How about this time we ally up?