How can pol defend the use of such large clips in the context of the 2nd amendment? The founders had no idea how large clips would become in the 21st century!!
30 caliber clip emptied in half a second
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The People need comparable arms, to the State, to keep the power of the State in check.
It's that whole checks and balances thing. As the size and power of the State grows, the corresponding power of the People must grow, as well.
does this mean mass shooters should have access to nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers?
>can I borrow your boat?
>my car?
No That is silly.
It means Liberty is the middle ground between Anarchy (the People or mob have 100% of the power) AND Tyranny (the State or despot has 100% of the power).
The Founding Fathers did not foresee nuclear weapons or aircraft carriers in the hands of the State, either. That, clearly, imbalances the power in the favor of the State.
The question is how do restore the proper balance between the People and the State? We either de-arm the State downwards (to dial down the tyranny) or up-arm the People (to increase liberty).
This does not have to be only weapons. For example, if the Right to Privacy was actually respected, then the People would have the right to be completely anonymous in our society. That makes it very hard to tyrannize persons if you cannot efficiently locate them.
What it means is that the government shouldn't have nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers, either. The second amendment was meant to guarantee citizens the right to own arms equivalent to those owned by the government.
Are you kidding me OP?
don't know
but in france we have FAMAS
it's shot 25000 round per clips
Carriers I don't know, but you could fill a frigate with cannons back in the day. I guess ownership of modern day destroyers should be allowed.
They had machine guns and canons back then nice try fucko
Even back in the 1590s more shots, even though spears, were being created.
you can't unload 30 rounds out of a civilian AR-15 in half a second
What's the M4's fire rate, ~700 rounds per minute? Would take more than half a second on a military rifle, let alone a civilian semi-auto model.
>The founders had no idea
The founders had no idea what a typewriter was, that can spit out a bunch of letters per second. Nor even an inkling of something like a printer, than can spit out entire pages of text per second.
Ban assault word machines!
>the founding fathers could not conceive that technology would progress and believed that muskets were the pinnacle of military technology
>.30 caliber 30 rounds clips magazine ghost gun with the shoulder thing that goes up
Damn, gimme dem ghost guns son!
Shut up kid.
By your use of English, you have no idea what's happening.
They would be priced out of ownership
I assume an aircraft carrier would cost somewhere in the area of billions of dollars
The price for maintaining a nuclear warhead would also be expensive
I'm sure they wouldn't let you take a loan out for that as a civilian
I dislike the Puckle gun example. It was an extremely obscure, crew-served weapon intended for use on ships, and it was patented and marketed before many of the founding fathers were even born.
I think a much more analogous example to the (in historically relative terms, as I dislike the general usage of the term "high capacity") high capacity, repeating firearms of today would be something like the Girandoni air rifle. It was invented in ~1779, and therefore, is likely a more relevant example given that it saw use around the time of America's formative stage (and before the Bill of Rights was ratified). It was a ~20 round, repeating rifle that actually saw service with a major military of the time. It was also a prominent element of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Lastly, several of the founding fathers were alive around the time that inventors started to seriously tinker with repeating, high(er) capacity firearm designs.
This brtifag makes the most excellent point.
Or also the fact they gave people the right to assemble
1000 men with muskets = machine gun
Another fine example. Point being OP is a faggot.
>you can't unload 30 rounds out of a civilian AR-15 in half a second
>Automatic Rifle-15 bodies/second
Sure thing, NRA.
The Aryan's Revenge 15 (for the 15 million genocided Jews) was an evil weapon created by the Nazis and Republicans designed specifically to murder children, and the childlike, peaceful and lovable negroes. And another 15 million Jews.
the first thing I thought when I read OP's faggot-ridden sentence.
>I do not believe that the average individual can properly judge the adequate means of self defense therefor I must make rules for them because I know better
What is the puckle gun?!
>falling for the bait
Never change Sup Forums
>30 caliber
lol wut?
The military are the people.
You should be more afraid when they replace the people of the military with something that has no mind of it's own. (((to save lives)))
>half a second
I'll take one.
I want to experience that.
The founders had no idea the internet would ever be a thing either, but here we are with fucking retards preaching SJW shit left and right.
That is exactly what it means.
AR=/= Automatic Rifle
AR=Armalite Rifle or ARmalite, the weapon's original manufacturer.
If you can afford them. Good luck affording an aircraft carrier or nuclear weapon. Mostly the common man should have access to fully automatic weapons and light crew served weapons like a light recoilless rifle.
Here's a little guide I made for those that want to join the 30 round clipazine fanclub
Can someone name me the law that bans citizens from owning nuclear weapons or aircraft carriers?
Maybe he's talking about a .30-30, it still make him sounds like a retarded, thought.
I'm not quite sure of the name of the law, but it is illegal for civilians to just go out and buy uranium. No uranium = no nuclear carriers. If you want more info, you can google it yourself.
>30.0 calibre
litterally bigger than the yamato's main cannons what are you smoking nigger
It's adolfs revenge 15 million you fucking idiot
m8 they had guns with 20 round clipazines in the 1860's
ar15s fire .223 Remington which is pretty much 5.45 nato
don't be silly no one can afford that shit
If the magazine had more rounds it would have taken longer to empty. Larger capacity is clearly the answer.
>it is illegal for civilians to just go out and buy uranium
No it's not. It's just illegal to transport it across state lines or national boundaries without requisite approvals and licenses.
All of the fissile material in the country is produced by a small number of privately owned companies run by civilians. Namely Honeywell.
Founding fathers were against a standing army, in point of fact.
I think aircraft carriers are legal, the only way I can think of that it would be illegal is if boats have to be a certain size or weight or have a maximum amount of fuel.
>which is pretty much 5.45 nato
Did you mean 5.56?
works on /k/ommandos
>30 caliber
>How can pol defend the use of such large clips in the context of the 2nd amendment?
The second amendment describes why firearms are to be legal.
The second amendment does not describe what firearms are to be legal.
>The founders had no idea how large clips would become in the 21st century!!
So what?
If you don't know the terminology it's obvious you don't understand what you're talking about.
>does this mean mass shooters should have access to nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers?
I don't want an aircraft carrier.
I just want a working tank.
>How can pol defend the use of such large clips in the context of the 2nd amendment?
Get fucked
>"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
Patrick Henry
2nd Amendment wasn't written for hunters. It was intended to insure citizens could wage war.
You seem informed or googled, what's the name of that damn pistol congress commissioned with the insane fire rate
They also didn't know about the government having nukes, so maybe we should abolish the State first?
>30 caliber clip
This should have been obvious from the start.
A 30 caliber clip.
Even if they had said 30 caliber magazine:
THAT STILL WOULD BE FUCKING OBVIOUS THEY ARE PULLING A JAPE. How obvious does this need to be before you don't go in and swallow it hook line and sinker?
Holy fuck I don't know who I'm more mad at, the baiter for thinking this obvious bait would work and insulting everyone's intelligence, or everyone biting it and proving them right that everyone is this gullible.
Oy vey! It's like anuddah shoah!
>that damn pistol congress commissioned with the insane fire rate
Girandoni air rifle. It was used by Lewis & Clarke during their expedition.
Wasn't adopted by our military because it was really expensive.
The military are the federal government
I agree that probably half of the .mil would defect in event of real tyranny, it doesn't take away that whilst they're wearing the uniform, they're fed.
yah sorry i'm not into guns as much as I used to be seeing as how all the fun ones are banned here. I used to be a huge miltary fag when I was a teenager got to rip the c7 (canadian m16 pre much) on full auto once, I was astonished at the rof video games do not do them justice at all. People who call civilian model semis assault rifles are just shit disturbers and piss me off the most.