Black people are incredibly gullible. They will believe in the dumbest, craziest, funniest shit as long as they see it on the Internet, especially on social media. ITT we discuss the most fucked up shit black people unironically believe. Share Kangz, critical race theory, black history and Black Lives Matter myths.
/NBA/ - Niggers Believe Anything general
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Basically whenever there's a shooting like San Bernadino/Orlando/Dallas, my fb feed fills up with all the black people I knew in high school spewing the most ridiculous conspiracy theories I've ever seen.
Shooter is actually white, media not telling the truth, etc.
It has significantly contributed to my racism. Like, are they all fucking retards?
Anyone else experience this? It reminds me of all the conspiracy theories that are widely held by people in the middle east.
>It has significantly contributed to my racism. Like, are they all fucking retards?
Yes, they literally are 10 points higher in iQ on average than people who are legally retarded.
fuck off retard
you're rude.
Beetohvin wasn't white though he had brown eyes.
Was that created by a Sup Forumsack.
He wasn't white tho.
Stop stealing our crown!
>are incredibly gullible. They will believe in the dumbest, craziest, funniest shit as long as they see it on the Internet
Sounds like pol posting.
>"Look at my meme the holocaust didn't happen"
>"yeah u are right, here watch this youtube video about it"
He Shattered the High King...
With his VOICE
>posts on Sup Forums about Sup Forums in the 3rd person singular
>implying you aren't talking about yourself
Don't be that guy, user
My sides have reached the Andromeda Galaxy
But if everyone was black, then where da whitey came from?
>the bible stories are copies of Egyptians stories
But wait, don't they say that everyone in the Bible is black anyway?
They be skeered of ghosts lawdy, lawdy
Everyone. Even the asians were black . WE WERE SAMURAI! Never seen a race so insecure about being a useless animal to the history.
>nobody cared who they were until they put on the masks
Baneposting is funposting.
>our shit
Christ these west African slave descendants are so delusional
Everybody everywhere in history was black! Go figure! We Wuz Kangs N Sheeit
The white demon is a derived species created by the Scientist Yakub on the Island of Patmos
they get confused sometimes. its all mostly made up on the spot so it doesn't matter if its contradictory.
>14The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.
Why do thou make fun of my chosen race?
i think it's more wishful thinking than gullibility. I wouldn't want to believe that my ancestors accomplished literally nothing of value
>Anyone else experience this?
Yeah, when Sup Forums says that Jews were behind the holocaust or that it was faked
>his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.
haha, so it sounded like standing next to a hydro-electric dam?
>I believe in the lolocoaster.
I would be embarassed as a Jew to be nigger tier.
That OP picture is actually true to an extent though. Ebonics is largely a mixture of Standard English and Creole with new slang terms added every now and then.
It was used in conjuction with hymns and songs to spread and retain information among slaves that their masters would be unaware of.
Holy fuck are we brothers. I went to like a 85% dindu school and most all my friends were black throughout school. But goddamn all they post is racist shit, WE WUZ, and memes like "if we deported all white men, 99% of mass shootings would stop".
Combine that with self hating whites and coal burners and it hurts my brain anytime i get on cuckbook.
>blacks had nets
Does anyone have the pic of Detroit now, and 100% black Detroit with the flying pyramids?
They didn't even have the wheel.
I need this one for my collection.
> We don't want the slave masters to know our plans
> They can't speak our language
> I know! We'll take their language and jumble it up, that'll fool em.
Basically, they invented meme magic in verbal form.
fuck off kike
how can they possibly be so stupid? this is a black slave of arab muslims.
fucking lol. Dindus are pretty funny in their own special way desu senpai
They were muzzled because they wouldn't shut the fuck up.
no duh
>tfw intelligence truly formed after we left Africa
>tfw africans were hardwired pre-colonization the way they were when we parted
>blacks are the lineage of the dumb fucks who never evolved past that historic point
every race but africans are of higher intelligence it seems
Good subversion. Well done. Truly Jew-teir
What is the cure for this disease of ignorance, Sup Forums?
the devil
Those fucking idiots.
Those paintings were meant to decipt Muhammed without showing what he looks like.
What black man has no mouth or nose
>no mouth or nose
Bro you blind?
James Arthur Wacismann legit doesn't exist. I don't know who the white guy in the picture is but it's not him, because that name doesn't exist in history.
It's a stupid invention too, James and arthur are English names whereas Wacismann if it was a real name would likely be German.
These guys are the only WE WUZ that are actually funny
I'm gonna take the Arab's word on this
The ancient shout NIE GER RES was thought to be lost to the ages
perfect this should be spread
-30/10 shitpost ahmed
Especially when they kill white people for initiation purposes.
Ow, my language!
What the fuck?
I always have to wonder what the sarcophagus is thinking.
>I'm not claiming you nigger
this is the holy grain of we wuz. its a morbidly funny vid that i hope was made as satire
This is actually mostly true. Spread it.
Actually the real reason is the black couldn't stop from eating dirt. The black couldn't consume the dirt in America and would constantly get sick and still couldn't stop eating dirt. So the slave master had to save the black from themselves.
can't get off this ride
Black forgot that saudis alone sold about 20 million black and 80 million died in route
I really feel bad for black people
I'll just assume you're trolling and won't dig out Bible quotes proving they weren't.
In their tongue he is niggakin.... NIGGER BORN
Why do i see so many black faces.
>inb4 we wuz KKK!
Its like they never read Leviticus which says flat noses are an abomination.
muh iron crown
>stealing native americans sheit
if they will believe anything
why havent we memed them to be our shock troops