Daily reminder that if you are not a libertarian who supports the free market, limited government, and individualism, then you are a statist fascist collectivist leftist who tacitly supports mass murder and genocide.
Daily reminder that if you are not a libertarian who supports the free market, limited government, and individualism...
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Fuck off.
NatSoc is the white man's ideology.
Go shill for niggers elsewhere.
Take left wing deaths over 10 times longer of a period than capitalism and wind up with far fewer deaths
What the fuck are you talking about? Are you drunk, or just retarded? Oh, wait...I see a leaf...therefore, drunk AND retarded.
I'm a monarchist who supports my claim to the throne of Europe and the world.
Hitler only killed 6 million
>endless welfare for niggers
>white man's ideology
Sounds about right.
What you stupid faggots don't seem to understand is that nationalism has absolutely nothing to do with race.
If you want to see what nationalistic socialism looks like just look at Sweden or America.
What you stupid faggots don't seem to understand is that removing non-whites has nothing to do with national socialism. If you want to remove non-whites you have to shill for white supremacy and eugenics, which are completely separate from socialism, nationalism and socialist nationalism.
>Daily reminder that if you are not a libertarian who supports the free market, limited government, and individualism,
Not to be confused with the Libertarian Party, which currently supports open borders, gun control, TPP, etc.
Hail Ron Paul and hail Gary Johnson
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
I don't know anything about national socialism:the post
>mass murderer
Pick one
>implying the holohoax happened
It's nationalism and socialism combined, fag.
Just because Hitler had other ideas to add doesn't mean he invented nationalism and socialism.
America is pretty much nationalist socialist when you look at their national interests and extremely high taxes and shit like Obama care.
Americans already live in national socialism just with bad border control.
Yours wasn't either. Everything you said was completely wrong and you obviously don't even have a basic grasp on the ideology.
I do have to somewhat agree with you on that. I am a NatSocialist but understand we are also in a multicultural society. That society however should revolve around British values, not enforcing Sharia and reverse assimilation imposed by leftist governments
Economically maybe, but ideologically, usa have nothing to do with nazi germany. And no, Hitler's ''socialism'' is not just socialism.
>it has socialist in the name so the Nazis were socialists
Not this shit again, don't lump Hitler in with those two commie monsters
>he doesn't know what a nation is
>"I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.” ~ Adolf Hitler
>"I absolutely insist on protecting private property ... we must encourage private initiative." ~ Adolf Hitler
What you have to understand is that nationalism changes from country to country.
Nationalism for Britain wouldn't be that great. What it means for Britain to be nationalistic is for Britain to have the independence to import millions of muslims, be proud of being tolerant, feeling superior to other countries because of how tolerant they are etc.
Nationalism isn't some magical word that suddenly fixes everything. Nationalism has a meaning. It means something.
In the case of Britain it means being proud of destroying the country and having the political freedom to destroy your country.
What you need is not nationalism. What you need is fascism.
''National socialism'' also isn't this magical thing you can just whip out and fix everything. What you are referring to probably isn't just national socialism, what you are referring to is specific kind of ideas pushed by Adolf Hitler.
>I cannot into Engrish
Which part confuses you, Penischet?
If you are a natsoc you support mass murder and genocide openly rather than tacitly.
inb4 "we didn't kill dem and hitler was a good boy, they deserved it and so did Greece/Denmark/Holland etc"
False argument!
Being leftist collectivist does NOT mean supporting genocide !
Jews like Jagoda made the genocide of Russians in SSSR, and they made it intentionally to prevent comming real communism into the world.
60M casualties for SSSR is over-estimated. Then it also intentionally omits Chinghis Khan...
Consider, that Hitler was a puppet of american zionist bankers, S.P.Bush namely. They started to support him the exact month, when Trotsky failed to succeed Lenin to rob Russia for those banksters...
It also omits 50M murders, caused by USA since WWII ended ! (if included CIA ops like Rwanda genocide, Salvador, south American coups, and wars Korea Laos Vietnam etc...)
50M murders by capitalist (although also zionist bolshevik) USA...!
(and the difference is, that Russian murders stopped long ago, but american are still counting...)
Consider, that "bolshevik" is not synonymum with "communist", and currently "bolsheviks" are ruling in USA instead... "Bolshevik" is someone, who speaks as if of majority, which he is not. Who suppresses every opposing opinion cruely...
>130 million
>Gary Johnson
Overrated as fuck. He's a complete moron
Nation is the people. It's not the dirt below your feet.
If you're an American nationalist you're a black loving bitch who sees importing more non-whites as a virtue.
That's what the nation stands for.
America is already nationalistic by definition. It's the most nationalistic nation in the world.
Thanks for the reminder op, i almost forgot when i started thinking about Bernie. Thank god this reminder pulled me back to reality.
Not at all. Mass deportation and mass sterilization is acceptable too.
>limited government
you're worse than nat-socs
Fucking retarded
Fascism was a reactionary movement that was a direct response to rising Communism in the region.
Lumping fascism (ethno-nationalism) in with communism (globalist egalitarianism) is just retarded.
I wonder how a libertarian nation would have fared in WW2 Europe? I guess everyone would have left them alone because of the NAP.
You edgy faggots don't even have a basic grasp of the ideology you're trying to root for. You have no clue. You have no arguments whatsoever. None.
You're just a 15 year old kid who discovered Sup Forums and wants to be edgy.
There is no American nation.
>Nation = ethnic group
>Country = land contolled by governmental body
>State = governmental body over country
What you are thinking of is not a nation, but the citizenry, or the people given rights and protected by the state. American spans many nations, from New England to Dixie, to the West Coast to Cascadia, to the Heartland. And those are just the white ones. We also have a black nation, Jewish nation, various Chinatowns, and the Hispanic population.
Anerica is an empire and a federation, not a nation.
>endless welfare for niggers
Are you retarded? Fascism set up an ethno-state. Other races are not included in the equation.
The entire race, or tribe, is bound together out of common ethnicity and common ideology.
What does fascism have to do with national socialism, you fucking retarded Murican non-white bitch?
I thought we were talking about national socialism here, not national fascistic socialism.
Lol. Says you the moron.
im a libertarian and even I can see how retarded that post was
If every citizen had a firearm, they wouldn't be invaded. A large citizen militia was largely why Germany decided not invade Switzerland and discouraged Japanese and Soviet invasions of the mainland US.
They likely wouldn't be able to mount a major offensive without the government seizing civilian factories for more military production which would go against Libertarian principles
It's true that you have many different nations in your country, but the white people in your country are just cucks who say shit like ''there's only one race, the human race!'' and they believe borders are obsolete. Nationalism for your people is practically indistinguishable from globalism.
Not an argument.
Just because something flies over your sub-100 IQ head doesn't mean it's retarded, it just means you're retarded.
not gonna bother argue with somebody who's that clueless. lurk more faggot, you have no idea what youre talking about stop embarassing yourself
Not an argument.
Pick one Cleatus
Not a clue
read MK pleb
NS has nothing to do with S other than a politicaly convieniant name so he didn't have as far to redpill
nationalist naturalist science party would be more apt a description.
>then you are a statist fascist collectivist leftist who tacitly supports mass murder and genocide.
That's correct kike, we're coming for you.