When I first made this thread 3 days ago you all laughed at me
Other urls found in this thread:
>winning the euro
>not being the worst country in the EU
Who cares?
You won the most boring euro in years, congratulations
>caring about your opinion
stay mad kraut, only makes this feel better
Fuck Ronaldo, hate that crybaby
>legitimately caring about povertyjog
nasrallah brother
Me, for one, congratulate you
you know, 'cause we lost to you, we can say, that we lost to the champions, so it's no shame at all
gg, wp
Not even mad at this point.
There is still shame in being Polish, though.
Portugal won only one game. Even Greece was better. What a shity winner.
Bwahahahah good going Portugal, the white team won, France's team looked Nigerian
>be polish
>get beat up in the UK so go back to Poland
>get invaded by the 4th reich
Poor polishfags, hated by both the eternal anglo and the aryans
Also, you're not laughing now!
there's literally no white in the portugal team
thanks filho
So Wales should be champions as they only lost to Portugal as they were missing there play maker Ramsey
look whos talking...
And we're still laughing at you for being such a faggot.
ay lmao m8, most of your team was Portuguese. Yours was 99% nigger.
>inb4 the "portuguese aren't white meme"
go read the quran or some shit
Yea whatever makes you feel better nigger, white countries like the USA and Portugal stick together.
>in selected countries
nice going
>do blow legally with the comfort of no muslims
Must be nice.
Holy shite, France, you just got moored
fuick off retard we all seen the pics of the french soccer team
yoo rofl
not sure what you mean, but k
slight fuck up, I mean obviously meant "most of your team was Portuguese"
and you got niggered in the semi finals
Enjoy your 15 minutes of not being completely irrelevant Portugal
True Anglos know Polish are Brotier. There's a lot of false flagging and happenings going on with Poles down Cornwall/Devon way because there isn't a big enough Black/Arab population to stir up racial tensions with.
>Thinly veiled bait
>there isn't a big enough Black/Arab population to stir up racial tensions with
Merkel can fix that.
>mapa cor de rosa
it could have been beautiful, but no, you had to give it to the niggers
Nice, you won at a pussy ass sport. Really shows how Tough and skilled your country is.
Absolute Kek
Is that orange in his mouth from him munching her pussy?
What the fuck is this
> a fucking leaf talking shit to us
So how are the SA firefighters going for ya?
Have you checked your privilege today?
Remember to vote for le weed man or you're a biggot!
what the fuck is this????
G-G-Good afternoon
Portugal is next to be Zimbabwe'd
The final were Portugal vs West-Africa.
Nothing new, Good that a primarly European team won the "Euro" championship.
Stop projecting m8
> an actual swede
damm, that's rare
surprised you didn't win desu
>implying i give a fuck
We think last years u-21 was good enough.
This time it was your turn ;)
>i-i-i was just trolling man
>lol calm down
I went to Instituto Superior Tecnico for a while. Great place!
and the damage control continues
>like asutralia
>but without bantz
I'll use your salty tears to season my cod
Congratulations best iberia
Estou feliz por vocês Albertos, mas mantenham threads de futebol no >>Sup Forums
Congrats Portugal. Even tho I was rooting for French, well played!
still laughing nigger
soccer is for fags
their fans are the only though people and only reason to pay any attention
tell me who won best actress on your team for most convincing fall and cry in front of a ref?
>handegg is manly
>uses a fucking armor to play the exact same sport as hugby
ameridumbs confirmed as faggots
we prefer to have regulations to prevent injuries instead of using armour like you fags
Also, you must not know about touradas.
Hockey is the best sport imo.
But Football is also nice, But i agree it has become a fagfest cry for the ref game.
Wish it got reformed so this kind of behaviour would end and make the sport great again.
>most convincing fall and cry in front of a ref
In the NFL they have 7 refs looking for the most miniscule of infringements. It is more like judging a dance contest.
>illegal hands!
>standing in the wrong place! peep peep!
WW2 was your fault
Churchill thought he would be smart and make a deal with the jew (rothschild)
since your fat cuck couldn't see thru that scheme it is not surprising you can't decipher the rules of football.
>bunch of skinny actresses zerging at ball
>generals, and LTs commanding mindless savage brutes in a violent version of chess
your heroes are on paintings
ours have killed the monkeys invading you and are still around today
Lol wut? Are you talking about niggers being your heroes? cuz they're the main monkey hunters in your country lol
yea. no.
first real habbening in months and eurocucks care about a sports event. that's how you controle the little man.