Happening - The coming financial collapse 10x worse than 2008

Listen up pol. You retards shouldn't have voted for brexit becsuse the pound will collapse soon, which will lead to all fiat currency collapsing including the us dollar guess what that will lead to financial meltdown that is 10x worse than the great depression and it could cause mass starvation in first world countries like poland, ireland, greece and italy and unemployment will hover aroubd 50% and the gdp of the uk will shrink by 30% and 35% for the eurozone and 25% for america good job retards. Most stockmarkets will go down 60% ftse 70% and dow 80%. This will lead to riots i the street and most first world countries will expirence hyperinflation and NEGATIVE INTEREST rates; which will make international trade collapse and the internet will collapse for 1-3 days. Imf and g20 will call for an emergency meeting on how to deal will the financial apocalypse and the solution is a world currency and a global exchange rate mechanism. Brexit was planned alobg with the elite and the eu was for banking regulations and against the global elite snd thanks to you poltards and brexitters the elite will make us wage slaves retards. And it will be one step closer to a world government

TLDR:ECONMIC APOCALYPSE, formation of a world currency and one step closer to world government

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Buck you uk

>a bad thing
Pick one.

Thanks a lot brexifucks for ruining the economy



Have fun starving abd working for free

I'm an American, I'll shoot my own food and I'll work for my self benefit instead.

Did you take your meds Sven?


>the truth


Have fun with the Un peace keepers taking your weapons


Good. Better to collapse it now then wait another 10 years and it be 10 times worse.

dude use fucking commatas if you troll

My post is the truth and zeroedgy is a elite controlled blog

>be swede
>swarming with savage niggers and kebabs
>the economy collapses, no food or water
>not even a day later the wild youths are already hunting and eating swedes down for food

Good luck to a bunch of poorly trained Nigerians in bright blue helmets confiscating 223 million firearms.

>the pound will collapse

That's a funny way of spelling euro

Mexican your gdp will shrink by 80% and your people will be begging for food from the depressed first world countries

>riots in the streets
>pretending we don't want this
>pretending we don't want that to seize control of the government or start a civil war
I'd go innerwoods since we have woods fucking everywhere over here, pick a hunting manual and some firearms and we can effectively hunt down niggers

Nope, it will be an army of drones and remenants of the militaries of the world.

Not falling for this shemitah shit again nigga

we will produce our own food

Well if the euro collapses first, all the other fiat currencies will

You can't. Your nation relies on the usa to give you aid and food. Imf and the UN will declare your country as a reservation

Red Team assessment is if anything like that would happen, there would be a 75% desertion rate of the U.S. Military, that is 75% of our well trained soldiers and a large portion of our civilians with high end equipment against a bunch of shitty European conscripts.

>tin-foil hat time


Italy is the last country on earth that will starve. They have stuff growing at any season

>Hurr UK
They're not the ones planning on running a -0.5% rate for the next two years.


Worth it/10

>1st world


buy the goddamned filter

Kek, what caused you to be so alarmist Sven.

Mohammed came in your wife last night and you're afraid to have a shitskin kid?

>You retards shouldn't have voted for brexit becsuse the pound will collapse soon,


>civilians with high end equipment against a bunch of shitty European conscripts

Nope, the europeans and the chinese will crush your trained militia due to the world government having orbital bombs and accees to NORAD

>He thinks brexit caused the economic collapse
Could you be more blue pilled? This shit has been well under while for years now. Brexit might have triggered it but if brexit wouldn't have done it something else would.

Yep. If Sup Forums shills really hard for anything you KNOW it's zionist. Done and done. Shame. They won't listen though

I don't think Italy would starve cuz they have nice agriculture infrastructure. 2'18% of the GDP

>Brexit was planned

Eh, no, it was quite the reverse.

Enjoy ur Jewish bankers.

>Nope, the europeans and the chinese will crush your trained militia due to the world government having orbital bombs and accees to NORAD

Are you that fucking cuck from the Evalion threads always going on about CIA shills? Because I'm getting that vibe from you.

So the economies are so weak that they need the benefits of unmitigated free trade, or they collapse. And that any setback of the financial system is ruinous to them, because they are so utterly dependent on salvaging whatever benefits they can.


Brexit will be the trigger of it due to the global elite needing to blame it on someone. The brits will be a pariah to everyone, but the global elite will treat them well under the financial meltdown due to their services

>Leave EU
>Jews flip out and crash everything out of spite because MUH SHEKELS
>UK separates itself from banks and currency manipulation entirely
>Media "Flips out" and starts reporting a buncha false shit to blanket facts (yet again) so people dont flip out when the jews that manipulate our government have our troops sent over there to "Liberate" the UK from its "oppressive murderous racist CIS islamophobic government"
>WW3 happens because its the same thing Hitler tried.

Calling it now.

Net exporter of staple foods?

>this is what happens when sven doesn't take his meds

>implying that this has ANYTHING to do with brexit.


>WW3 happens because its the same thing Hitler tried.

WW3 will be the world government against nationalist and the world government will use a false flag alien invaison to quell down the nationalist

You seem upset...

Just as planned. Thank you based bongs.

>Implying I won't just get a raise as Alchohol sells skyrocket with people having the Economy Blues

Have a you, mohammed.

>he must be crazy for exposing blue-pilled meme Sup Forums

>world goverment
>not federation space; my sides

Take your meds, Sven.

>blames BREXIT

>I wonder if he's still smiling
He's not laughing, that's for sure.

>kill nights and nu males
>sustain yourself on their flesh
The apocalypse can't come soon enough

>muh red team military calculations
Clearly you haven't been reading those threads well enough. The simple solution to that is doing what they have been doing: arm the police and agencies.

You haven't actually left yet. Don't celebrate until you're out.

He is very happy because he will controll more serfs

>The brits will be a pariah to everyone,
No, the (((bankers))) will be the paria this time. Red pilled views among the normies have reached critical mass, there is no stopping it now. Now we just need a trigger and its actually going to be a shoa.

>No, the (((bankers))) will be the paria this time. Red pilled views among the normies have reached critical mass, there is no stopping it now. Now we just need a trigger and its actually going to be a shoa

No the bankers will get away with it just like how they did on 2008 due to the population being sheep and not enlightened

>WW3 happens because its the same thing Hitler tried.
>Brexit anything but a slight inconvenience to Soros
Haha, this is was ZOG slaves actually believe? Reminder that the jews still very much own the UK, as they have for the last ~200 years. The UK is best goy #2 in the world after the US, responsible for saving zionism, giving them a state, and fighting for judaism in europe against their white brothers.

Funny isn't it?

>The UK is best goy #2

They have already moved their assets from the uk and have moved it to a secure location that is safe from the economic apocalypse

even under muh ebil inefficient gommie gommunism there were a potato for everyone

are you telling me under the best ultra extra super exlusive many-times-tried-version of capitalism we are going to starve?

are you .... eh, never mind

The Euro will collapse not just pound.

The euro is a very unstable currency. The ECB is just like the fed in USA printing money for south Europe. Germany France Netherlands Denmark are countries who are keeping the euro up for southern countries because southern countries are neck deep in shit and this issue HAS NOT been solved since 2008.

US has massive debt, and the debt of every euro country has massively increased. This is because inflation is non existant and most government their expenditure was accounting for a much larger inflation (so they would not get themselves into more debt, but they did get themselves in more debt). On top of this France has been ignoring the 3% rule so they are even more in debt, because if they would cut it would hurt their economy even more (this is not a lie).

The Brexit didn't create these circumstances that Europe had to deal with sometime. Your post is stupid and does not explain the reasons why a next crisis would happen. The next Euro crisis will spiral towards USA as well though.

>No the bankers will get away with it just like how they did on 2008
Nope, not this time. They will get dragged out and killed in the streets.

>due to the population being sheep and not enlightened
They don't need to be enlightened. Every one knows bankers are scum and every one know that they got bailed out with tax payers money and that they paid themselves huge bonuses. The only reason they put up with it because things turned out ok and they had food on the table and porn on the internet.

Remove that and people will lose it.

Funny how from an alien perspective this doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Mass starvation? Death? Why? There are plenty of resources on the planet and they aren't going anywhere. There's enough fertile soil and abundance for everyone to be fed. And yet - people use money to exchange for goods and services. If money was abolished and if people started acting like an ant colony, this all wouldn't matter. Yes, from our human perspective this doesn't make sense, as everyone wants something, nobody works for free, it's not part of the system, etc...

But I'm just saying that if everyone became a drone and simply did what had to be done, nobody would have to suffer or starve. Oh well. Humans gonna human. Heh.

Why do you faggots always have to lump us together with Greece or Poland

>Nope, not this time. They will get dragged out and killed in the streets

Nope, because they will be in secure location when the financial meltdown happens and they will controll the population through the world currency and the global exchange rate mechanism

Heh, yeah that Brexit.

Nah WW3 will only occur if the elite of the NATO will piss off the elite in Russia too much and tensions spiral out of control with both wanting more. And then still its a far stretch.

Somehow UK leaving EU and making a deal of its own with Russia could greatly increse these tensions but other than that I don't really see much that can happen that will result in a WW3 scenario.

if shit goes down, guberment nationalizes everything, food is being rationed, you are made to work or shoot, all poor and depressed yet no starvation. mfw it was tried under the martial law

welcome to the exclusive club of Christian countries, muh pope, muh Santa Maria etc.

Greeks are fake christians anyway

Well the us and the rest of the world will have start from level zero and rebuild their exonomies again and all the world debt will be defaulted

I hope you're right OP

Also, buy gold and silver


yeah, are we true Christians too?

tell me the brutal truth

Should I transfer to Bitcoin?

>Also, buy gold and silver
This and also the uk will fare well under a world governement due to it's service and the bank of england being decider of interest rates and mark carney will still be the chief

It's okay fellow Brits if the the pound crashes the tesco £3 meal deal will always be there

That's an old one it will be 20 trillion once Obongo leaves. Likely something around 26-27 trillion after Clinton.

Pathetic. Did someone take your anti-rape wristband or something?

Because that creates free rider problems since most humans are incredibly lazy. So you'd have a lot of people just being drains on the rest and not really serving a purpose. Money ensures that people have to provide services to survive. Until we're majorly mechanized with self maintenance this is how it will have to be.
Besides, your view of the aliens is obviously one of utopian grandeur. They could also look down and ask we why don't kill off the unproductive groups in the world.


""""""""""First world countries""""""""""

The only ones
Every time the pope makes a speech the square is full of polish flags

I see some distance from waiving a national flag to the t. pope from following literally Jesus.

If you know what I mean.

>That's an old one it will be 20 trillion once Obongo leaves. Likely something around 26-27 trillion after Clinton

Well the Usa will be bankrupt by and the other anglo saxon countries and euro countriea will follow

If anything, we should thank brexit for unveiling the massive pile of shit that is the corruption in the world.

Is it worse than the September 2015 one?
Fuck you faggots

OK Alex

>Likely something around 26-27 trillion after Clinton.
More like 30 trillion after one term and 40 trillions after two.


Don't waste your time, Sweden.

Sup Forums is just sheeps pretending that they're lions. They jews are playing them like a damn fiddle.

That depends on whether you consider the current pope a good pope

You see financial collapse, I see an opportunity to invest. If you're smart, you can make thousands in the coming year or two. If you're very smart, you can make millions.


What will you invest with?

The dollar will be as useful as toilet paper.

>mass starvation in italy

That is simply retarded considering the amount of food we produce.