ITT: Sup Forums approved Youtubers

ITT: Sup Forums approved Youtubers

Other urls found in this thread:

you first

>Quadroon of mossad
>Sup Forums approved

fuck off sargon

Pic not related?

epic thread
now post coalonhead and wait another hour to make it again

Sargon is not Sup Forums approved. He's a cucked, faggot and a race traitor.

The one and only


The only people who find him remotely entertaining are bellends, who find dry, half-hour takedowns of low hanging feminist fruit to be intellectually stimulating.

I just watch no commentary playthroughs of video games I'm too poor to buy on jewtube. I have no idea who 99% of these people are.

Sargon's method of arguing his point is yelling and using personal insults. I guess that's why people listen to his videos: He's entertaining.

He's a kike shill.

Also him

jew, and yes thats an argument fag


Niggerman is pretty funny


>(((alt-right))) youtubers/celebs
>that other dude

If you don't see what's going on you're an idiot at this point


Crowder has some damn good stuff

Black Pidgeon's opinions almost always mirror mine so it's weird watching is videos.

The only one I like.

>gay coalburning jew

Is Sargon Jewish?

Jim before he quit the business.


I like a lot of his videos but he is fucking delusional if he still thinks moderate Islam is a thing. It's literally impossible to be a "moderate" by Western standards and still be a Muslim, it says it like 800 times in the Qur'an when it lays out the prescriptions of Shari'a.

Libertarian autist.

Sargon is entry level.

Unconfirmed but he dodges the jew question. He is, by his own admission, a quadroon though.

>Sargon of Cuckad
>Sup Forums approved

>If you don't see what's going on you're an idiot at this point
Jews and gays are attention whores and chatty Cathy's. You'll find them everywhere there is demand for a talking head.

Not a Youtuber, but an academic: Heather Mac Donald

Pretty much.

Nah he's Scottish or something like that, he looks exactly like a friend of mine who is certainly not Jewish.

Murdoch Murdoch

Tyrant Fashister/Morriaku

Dunkey for video games

GMM for everything else

Sometimes JonTron for keks.

Lel first post best post.

Kraut is pretty good

faggot kike who just makes edgy cartoons.


In all my years I've noticed many do, but for many I don't think it's dodging - I just think they prefer running along with conspiracy theories (this might trigger some) as it can have a negative effect on their objectivity.
That's just what I've noticed.

Millennial Woes is very well spoken, and really makes you think.

And worse, jews always occupy and eventually destroy an ideology from the inside. Lets see what they've occupied so far, even if most of these had legit purpose after a while jews just turned them upside down:

>video games

The list just goes on and on, and Sup Forums is next, this is just the first step.

Are literally any of those his kids? None of them look even vaguely like him.

Black Pigeon Speaks
Common Filth (for Vines Vids only right now his self hatred for white will soon be the end of him)
MurdochMurdoch (for laughs)
Nobodytm Uploads (for audiovisual redpill)
Face of a Dying Nation

This is probably the only decent channel I see in threads like this because he's not a leftist or a fag enabler.

when was it ever acceptable?

Fuck Sargon of Cuckhole

The most based one

There's actually so much edgyness on Sup Forums that I fail to notice any in his videos.


Steven Crowder is pretty good for a neo-con Christcuck.

Jon was part of the "anyone but Trump train" but hes still funny
Dunkey is fine, but I hate when he plays with Sky since that nigger is the antithesis of fun, especially when Sky was in his depression phase.

Molyneux is a moron. No wonder Sup Forums likes him.


Not based Morriaku.
Serously why does nobody
mention Morriaku in these threads except me.

Oh god not him. Hes a fucking cuck

ayy lmao yeah

Agreed. Manlet Woes is pretty based.


He's also a manlet and a literal faggot.

Milennial Woes is a basment cuck, right wingers need to stop looking like faggots and fuck shit up already

I liked Internet Aristocrat but he hasn't posted a video in 3 months.

Black Pidgeon is Sup Forums incarnated.

Because the TRS forums have most of his fans

Murdoch Murdoch


>Sargon of Cuckkad

murdoch murdoch

When it was for worker's right, but "communism" never really existed outside of ideology. But many people called themselves communists, but then jews came and none of those jews were anything close to factory workers. The first communists were actual workers who tried to change working conditions and such.

Marx was much more similar to the jews who came later as a middle class fag who never seen actual work up close.

Nobody posts The Golden One
What are you. a bunch of bay-tah males?


Brother Nathanael of course.

>his youtube channel is actually blocked in france


Jon, Dunkey and Sky are all cucks. Gaming is a form of degeneracy that are making people far and lazy, but gaming is also a good platform to spread red pilled right wing ideas.

Is that you Black Pigeon?

>tfw shaytards is saving the white race

*fat and lazy

Profoundly schizophrenic Youtubers are disqualified.

Dunkey seems to be approved everywhere
Is he just that likable, or is there something else behind it.

For real.

inb4 le ebin banana xD post


very minimal entry level, but this statement is true. He was the first critic of SJWs and feminists that I found, although I found Internet Aristocrat earlier and liked him more.


Granville Thorndyke


hes great but hes losing himself in the hatred for whites

true, although he's a bit heavy on the meme-side. If I wasn't already familiar with Sup Forums terms I would have no idea what he was saying 1/3 of the time.

Dunkey is funny though, hands down the only video game-related YT channel worth watching.

Please kill yourself. He's an edgy bernie sanders loving atheist fag

>communism was always jewish, and the only non-jewed socialism was natsoc.

>feminism was always bad

all your other points are valid, however.

>le Islamic apologist man xDDD
No way Jose

Didn't join a shitty youtube clique like every other faggy youtuber
Funny videos, focusing on quality over quantity
Not afraid to be offensive, as seen on his Quitting League video

It's always funny to see people's reactions when they find out that he's not actually black.

>thinking rebelmedia is anything more than controlled conservatism

Gavin makes an occasional good point, however he is still a racemixing, tatted degenerate.

It's funny because all your statements are true. All of them.


It's completely rational when even the best of us are embracing destructive behaviors. He sees the culture of death for what it is and calls it correctly.

>shills for Israel
>"Sup Forums approved"

Nice to see you know how to use a proxy, Carl.