I am a "walk-in" with the express purpose of healing. AMA

I found this board a few days ago when images of the "FBI Insider" started popping up on my Facebook feed. After reading through many of the recent threads here, I realize what's going on.

I can't present any information directly without being labeled one way or another, so I'm happy to answer questions about why things are the way they are.

It has a lot to do with FUD/lower vibrations. Sadly, the extreme (and casual) racism here indicates to me that most Sup Forumsocks, while they may be red-pilled to an extent, are still playing directly into the hands of the ruling elite by harboring lower vibrations.

I want to assure all of you that everything is going according to plan, there is nothing anyone can do to change the course of events on a global scale, and it is nobody's job to do so. The only thing any individual should worry about is improving themselves and harboring positive vibrations at all times.

If we really want to "right the ship" so to speak, each individual needs to improve him or herself and focus on nothing else. Anything outside of your Self is a distraction, and anything that causes hate, fear, or resentment is merely part of the control scheme used to enslave humanity for millenia.

Go ahead, AMA. You have a higher-order being in front of you to red pill the red-pilled.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do I want to get fucked in the ass by a dog?

Because the prostate gland was designed to provide pleasure to males from penetration, as a form of finding their inner feminine. Dogs are capable of stimulating the prostate in ways that human genitals can't, and fornication with a dog is a way of communicating your equality with animals.

How much black cock worship is too much?

Do I have to occasionally change the wood in my orgone collector to keep the organic essence fresh or is a set and forget type deal? It's oak if that matters.

The cock is not to be worshipped, it is a tool to be utilized. By worshipping a cock that is not your own, you are giving up your personal power so it can be harvested and utilized by others.

Change the wood when you feel compelled to. As a non-living organic material, it can absorb but it cannot purify what it absorbs, so replacing it is necessary.

Is it alright if I reuse the wood for a coffee table or will it's chi be all out of wack? I've got the fung shui in that room figured out pretty well and I don't want to mess with it but I also don't want to waste all that wood because that shit isn't cheap.

Stop. I know you think you're redpilled, you aren't. There is no such thing as racism, at least not in any sense that justifies the word's connotations. Even acknowledging the term is indicative of some deep-set indoctrination.

If you wish to re-use the wood, cleanse it with white sage first. It will not be as effective in the orgone collector after smudging, however the energy it has absorbed over time will be nullified. Re-use without cleansing will cause the energy to dissipate to connected pieces of wood thereby tainting the table and affecting the flow of chi.

>There is no such thing as racism

You're arguing semantics. There is such a thing as discrimination and hatred against particular groups, whether that be based on culture, ethnicity, religion, or another factor. "Racism" is a catch-all term that is easily understood by most.

fuck off you stupid hippy

I wish I could but this is part of my path. I'm ready for all the verbal abuse. In face, I love it! Bring it on, cockswabs!


A word is more than it's dictionary definition. "Racism" is a loaded term with decades of abuse twisting it into an inherently negative thing. The discrimination you're referring to isn't just acceptable, it's necessary. To reject it is insanity, pure and simple, and by using the term you give legitimacy to the notion that this is not the case.

If grill post tits.

Which water filter should I buy?

Hay guise I'm so smrt and totes red-pulled. Look at me. Lawlz

>being this fucking retarded.

Go away Scott.

Well ill tell you what.

Im not even from this universe, and ive been back to the eternal source Twice already. So that sorta puts me on a higher wavelength of wisdom than yourself. So you should listen to what ive got to say.

This universe is doomed, and Earth and many of the other pleasantries contained within the universe are getting out. In fact im getting out and there's nothing anybody can do about that.

I was your King Solomon, and I was a great many things greater and more powerful before that. And I have taken back my Keys and destroyed some of the magical traditions, which were built on the backbone of my work and charity.

Along with it... that defense grid that was keeping spaceships from landing. Thats gone too and itll never work again either.

So everybody and thats you included ought to consider where this is all going. You should all be focused on getting out, leaving this place. Whether its 10 years down the road or 500 its all pretty small comparitively.

Thats the direction your Gaia chooses.
And she will take you with her, or leave you here.

And choice cant be countered, it doesnt need a reason, it just is. Said by a Master of Will.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

What is evil?

I would love to hear your interpretation of why discrimination is necessary.


Nice blog m8

I only care about what's true/not true, even if all the answers come with a % of certainty.

"vibrations" my sides, last person I heard that kind of shit from was into detox and beta carotene. You're another projecting moron reeking of newfaggotry. consider suicide

>doesn't even know about the Berkey water filtration and how superior it is to Kangen

It's like you're a newfag or something.

You're so right! That's part of why I'm here. To tell people that this is going to shit. The only way to "get out of here" is to become your Highest Self through a path of radical self-improvement, and hope that you've done enough to be selected for the next stage of universal evolution.

now I even regret responding, what a nigger

Nice try, faggot. Not falling for your New Age Bullshit. Ever heard of Mark Passio? You're trying to make us into self-centered people. The truth is that we need to help others and help ourselves,which is easy to do once you have the knowledge. If anyone has 7 hours, or even an hour, this will give you way more answers than what OP wants to spew.


Fuck off with your new age bullshit nigger

This thread does not belong on Sup Forums

Necessary, for all things must exist. It is the opposite of good, for without evil, there would be no good. Without black, there would be no white.

I do consider suicide regularly. However I am not permitted to choose that option, for it would result in a total failure of this simulation, scrapping aeons of hard work. Think "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"


Debatable. It's like saying Macs are superior to PC's. Depends on many factors.

Thank you, this guy probably meditates to "relieve stress" like a little tool bag.

How much Patchouli is to much?

Yeah I was worried about that. When I first built my rock garden I rented a rock tumbler because I didn't feel like having to carry buckets of rocks from the river being the site where I was building it. The guy I was getting the bamboo from said the kami would be all out of whack if I cut corners like that but I ignored him and did it anyway. That one really did a number on my chakras and I'd like to avoid a repeat.

>"Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

go to /r/atheism mourn sagan with the others and never come back

Thank you for sharing. I object to you projecting your own insecurities on my intentions, however. Being your best self does include helping others.

If you want to pretend to be some sort of hippy nigger go to Abovetopsecret.com, they love that shit.

KEK demands you kill yourself and live stream it here

No, I meditate because it's better than an acid trip.


You know all the answers, trust your inner guidance.

Atheism? Why?

Thanks for the tip!

Kek resents your selfish projections of insecurity

This is completely correct and I am slowly beginning to accept that I will never change society. I still feel the need to vent my anger in a constructive way though and this sometimes falls into less than christian outputs but I only let off steam to objects who are not human.

Because it's insanity to pretend things are equal when they plainly aren't. Especially when ignoring the obvious differences puts you at unnecessary risk of, for example, having off-duty soldiers beheaded in broad daylight because it's "racist" to say that maybe the inbred low-IQ savages who did it aren't "just like everyone else" and having them in society is a bad idea.


everyone would like you for a brief moment. do you remember how it felt to be loved? do it faggot

Exactly. You cannot change society, you can only change yourself. If everyone focused on changing themselves, instead of changing society (by implicitly expecting someone else to do the work) then we would "right the ship" within a generation or two. Focus on being your Higest Self and get your friends to do the same.

Don't project your projections on me man. I drew a chakra circle and lit my mana scented candles SNIP SNAP SON ITS ON

There is so much anger and hatred in your message that it is hard to explain things to you rationally. Think about why this is so. Did the "low-IQ savages" intend to be that way, or did a higher controlling force manipulate the course of world events to ensure some darker-skinned populations would be these driving forces of evil in a modern society?

I'm projecting? Am I, really?
Then you have no idea what meditation is for, and you're just using it as some fun little activity to feel euphoric and high. Meditation is meant to balance the right and left brain hemispheres. Hence the "medi", middle.


Can we be friends IRL? I like your style.

rofl at that pic. all of the "expanded consciousness" qualities are things that make you passive and slave like. your shitty propaganda might have worked in the 60s, but the effect is wearing off.

So would you agree that it is healthy to keep my energy to myself, focus inwards but let it out in a controlled manner when I feel that I am losing control? I'm talking about whores here. Not 'escorts' as they still have a semblance of self respect, I'm talking about whores who have completely lost themselves to shallow pursuits for rich rewards. Would you agree that this is a perfect balance in an imperfect world?

>Meditation is meant to balance the right and left brain hemispheres

What do you think Acid does?

If this is true you should know who I am and where to find me. Come visit me tonight.

Disagree. I can feel Acceptance, Joy, Love, Enlightenment, Peace, and Reason while still being active and resistant. Why can't you?

t. Trudeau

Makes you think you're epically enlightened ;)

Yeah man I like weed

Should I masturbate to Jew porn. Is that bad for my (((vibrations)))?

Your blanket rejection of anger and hatred is more irrational than anything I could say. Bad things in this world exist. Some of them are bad enough that we must destroy them. Destruction of evil is motivated by, you guessed it, anger and hatred.
As for the savages, it really doesn't matter whether they intend it. They are what they are, and what they are is evil. Evil must be stamped out, or it will corrupt all around it until we can no longer resist it. Your lethargic new-age passivity is not a substitute for actual perspective.

No, letting out your anger (especially against other people) is giving that energy up to be harvested by those in power. Allow yourself to re-focus it on something else, like being more productive at work or exercising harder at the gym. That is a much more refined balance and will produce a lot of positive change in your life.

I do believe you should fully feel and let out emotions when they are overwhelming, so the energy can pass through you and not get stuck in your being. However passing it on to another human doesn't transmute that energy, it just gives it to another human being, which in turn keeps us all down.

In your dreams ;)

Which is the direct result of a well-balanced brain :D

That's the catalyst which opened me up and sent me on the path of self-improvement and enlightenment.

That depends, are you ejaculating? The release of energy upon ejaculation is incredibly powerful, be careful where you direct it.

Hence "meme magick" and other forms of sex magick

I don't see people who take the path of least resistance as even belonging to the same species as me. I obviously do everything I can to direct the energy inwards but sometimes I need a short, sharp release. It's not ideal but it stops me from hurting members of the public or my friends and family.

I've hit enlightenment and it's left a stain on me. I seem to be in infinite and can control other's vibrations. I want to help. Should I try to bring as many as I can up and create as much "bleeding" as I can into reality?

See you there. When did you wake up, out of interest?

Fighting fire with fire causes everyone to be burned.

Yes, evil needs to be eradicated. No, anger and violence will not eradicate evil because they are two components of evil. Energy is able to be transmuted, and that is how evil will be eradicated. Transmute hate to love.

It will not happen on this planet, FYI.

hello cia insider
get fucked

THIS! Fucking this! OP wants us to just passively accept all the shit in the world because "oh, it's too hard, anyways". There IS right and wrong, good and evil, and WE ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Anger is powerful, so is the voice. When you use your ANGER and your VOICE to tell THEM to FUCK OFF, you will become more powerful and scare the shit out of the elites. They want you to just sit there, emotionless, and believe that being angry at them gives them more power. BULLSHIT! Anger gives YOU, the person, power

>I do consider suicide regularly.

Clearly you aren't succeeding in pursuing your highest self if you are still having thoughts of suicide.

How much time do you spend meditating?

Also, I mentioned to another UK user that anger and hatred can be channeled into forces for drive, motivation, and constructive passion. Anger and hatred are absolutely necessary, however we are misusing them.

I understand. That is your path and your programming. Try to re-program yourself if you can. If not, find healthy outlets.

>Meditation is meant to balance the right and left brain hemispheres. Hence the "medi", middle.

Hey, want to say more on this? You just wrote out a thought I had a few days ago.

All things can be spun into love.
You are weak. I am weak, too, but I understand love is forever. Until true death do I part.

Lead by example. Be your best self, and when others notice and say "wow, how did you do that?!" you can allow yourself to be a resource for help in their lives. Attempting to push change on another will only be met with resistance.

You may be in the "expert" phase of enlightenment, where you want to talk about it to everyone. Do not fall for this trap. Internalize your teachings and live it with every breath.

10 AM, PST

This is hive-mind-control propaganda. It's to give you a false sense of comfort, and a sense of complacency. You can choose to live in this way if you wish, your choice, but you're also deluding yourself if you believe this is the only "correct" way.

oh you mean fucking evolution? same controlling force gave us sharks and we don't put them in our swimming pools

If I am in a relationship where I can get sex when I want, this feeling goes away. I don't masturbate anymore because it's wasted energy, I just need to learn to control myself better and notice when I'm getting close to losing control. I lost control a couple of days ago and almost got arrested.

Nice try

In the sense that the CIA uses psychic warfare, and is constantly monitoring/surveilling me, sure I suppose I could be considered a "CIA Insider"

However I'm not sure where the "mormon or kike" comes into play. Are you afraid or Mormons and Jews?

You gotta watch Mark Passio's "New Age Bullshit and the Suppression of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine" on Youtube. It's 7 hours, but it's worth it. Basically, we have out left brain hemisphere, logic, atheism, etc. and we have our right brain hemisphere, creativity, religion, etc. When the brain is imbalance to one hemisphere or another, it creates this schism that either turns people into right-brained psychopathic tyrants who want to torture others, or it turns them into left-brained slave minded doormat who thinks that there isn't free will, or God does everything, etc. So, when someone meditates, it is supposed to rebalance the hemispheres to counteract this.


You're two levels below us in the 5D chess match.

Everything you wrote, is exactly what THEY want you to believe, so they can continue holding the power.

Every time you "use your ANGER...to tell THEM to FUCK OFF" you're giving them more energy to use against us. They LOVE when you give them ANGER...they HATE when you give them LOVE

Huh, what determines this schism? Boils down to inherent personality traits I'd imagine?

I'll give this a watch, thanks.

Get out you fucking normie faggot.

My thoughts of suicide come at times like the Dallas shooting, where I feel the pain of the world so immensely that I wish I were not burdened with my path. It does not mean I ever entertain the thoughts.

I perform open-eye meditations with myself (in the mirror) and others for a couple hours one day per week and then periodically throughout the week with others. My meditative state and day-to-day reality are blending to be slight variations of each other.

I love seeing synchronicity in action!

Yes user we all know that it's unhealthy to walk around every day constantly thinking about the race war and how shitty Muslims are and whatnot..

Which is why we come here to blow off steam. We talk shit, call people nigger and just generally have a good time.

Yes, Love is the answer. If you Love your Anger, Love your Fear, it no longer has power over you...

What do you mean by this?


absolute nonsense. You need to accept that there is a right way and a wrong way. You can only improve yourself when you realise this because you have a concrete structure to work within. Anything but absolutes is hyperbolic nonsense. Read 'meditations' by marcus aurelius. And really read it, read it and apply it to the world.

But user, there are no absolutes - ever

There is no "correct" way of living, yet many here seem to be absolute moralists. Why is that?

As for "hive-mind-control" propaganda, you're exactly right. Clearly having an out-of-control hive mind hasn't worked! Sup Forums has too much power and doesn't know how to use it for good...

My car's brakes are getting squeaky and kind of rough. Should I change the brake pads myself or take it in for a proper inspection?