How come "race realists" are so stupid?

How come "race realists" are so stupid?

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Most agree that different whites are separate as well.
Oops there goes your entire thread OP. Ruined by me.

This. Sweden shot himself in the foot again.

OP is actually retarded


rly makes me think

dogs a cute

Dog breeds are not different subspecies

Use a wolf and a dog that looks like wolf if you want this meme to be scientifically accurate

>How come "race realists" are so stupid?

>race doesn't exist

>wait it does but it's not that simple haha btfo

or just like 2 birds that look the same but aren't

not as cute as u

I don't know but this guy is trying his best.

"It's our differences that make us different"
-sweden in between bull shifts

>1 post by this ID

oh gosh

wow what a qucik easy thread we can stop reasdin after the 4th fuckin post jesus christ

The "White" race is made up of 3 races, Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean. Nordics were the original Europeans. Alpines came from Asia, Meds came from the Middle East.

Brock is a definite Alpine. Bale is a Nordic.

>Evolutionary Biologists are so stupid guys! Just little virgin boys looking at planets lmao. I know better because I have a degree on Gender Studies.
Fuck off.

"...there is less mtDNA difference between dogs, wolves, and coyotes [separate species] than there is between the various ethnic groups of human beings, which are recognized as a single species." (Coppinger & Schneider, 1995)

stop shitposting leaf
Phenotypically speaking, Nordids are depigmented Mediterranids, Alpines are gracilized Cromagnids, Brock Lesnar is very Cromagnid with little reduction.


99% of Sup Forums is constantly pointing at that there are lot of subspecies within white people that are inherently less valuable. I'm not sure why you think this is news to anyone.

Oh fuck I forgot to look at the flag.

stick to the pasta WOP you have no clue what you are talking about.

Dogs and wolves can technically breed. So even this falls apart.

>not cucked

wow you truly showed me, stick to rice Chang

I did show you, you greasy manlet. I'll show you some more data too, but if you can't figure it out it's not my problem.

doesn't disprove a single thing I've said you subhuman chink, or do you think Nords don't have considerable amount of early farmer DNA and neolithic Iranian DNA from the aryans as well? the proportions are different but they are still there
and moreover, phenotype is not in a 1:1 correspondence with genotype, the archetypal nordid skull is long, narrow and deep i.e it's an archetypal proto-mediterranean skull(capelloid) as opposed to the short, wide and deep Cromagnid skulls