What do you think about Bulgaria Sup Forums?

What do you think about Bulgaria Sup Forums?

you know we love you
u can join the nordic club

Very cool and very nordic. Take any spot you like pham.

You are not nordic.

of course we are..
are we north of you,aren't we?
we are nordic

i like you

Romania was the best nordic country I visted in europe. Definitely above swedistan and finland

Thank you, I enjoyed Texas too

Great country with great people

White as far as I'm concerned; keeps the border in line with that militia guy, but I haven't heard of any other happenings down there. So you're not really important.

I see you are one of the nice guys posters. Just accpet the imageboard is full of cynics and angry neets. Go back to Tumblr.

well we guard you of sandniggers. I mean we have like the most important job in whole Europe after Brussels.


It's great, except for everybody west of Plovdiv.

>North westerners

literal niggers all of them

What about Sofia?

Germany should give you all the money to protect the borders instead of these dirty rapefugees

Frogs and Niggers

eh removes rapefugees and doesn't afraid of anything

turk rapebabies

Кaтo видиш шoп тpябвa дa мy cвaляш шaпкa и дa мy цeлyнeш pъкa мoeтo мoмчe

why do you hate us, is because we are superior :^)

Shops. Literal niggers.

I live there and they're awful people. Everybody's constantly getting into a shouting match over the most inane shit. A slight shove by mistake on the bus, the line at the store, parking, everything is a reason to bitch out and I used to encounter it at least once a week. One time when I was getting my hair cut, the barber kept whining to me about "cars with non-sofia plates" taking up all the parking spots in front of her building.

Awful people. I'm from Dobrich and nobody here acts like that. In all my years, I think I've seen people arguing at the store twice. It was fucking shocking to me see people so rude and agressive. When I was a student and I hadn't lost my accent yet, an actual middle aged couple laughed at my accent when they overheard me talking to a friend on the bus.

This was years ago. I don't use the bus anymore and I walk 10 km every day, just to avoid the people. I never go into big chain stores either.

see :)

Seems ok, wish you guys would deport all your turkroaches though.

holy shit im from dobrich too


кaквo знaчи "oмaлeн"?

кaквo знaчи "джepки"?

I personally have never thought about Bulgaria at all until just this moment. Now I am thinking, pretty sure I can't remember Bulgaria ever winning an Olympic gold medal, though it probably has happened in some 3rd-tier Olympics-only sport at some point in history. I am also thinking if I lived in Bulgaria, I would move to the USA and tell all the American hotties that I'm from BULGE-aria.

if it's so bad here just leave man

and you are lying, people are not that violent as you describe, I don't know what places you are going

and when you say shops, you do know that most of the people living in sofia have no roots here, i.e. not real shops

and your accent really is funny, learn to talk proper bulgarian if you don't want to be laughed at

>This was years ago. I don't use the bus anymore and I walk 10 km every day, just to avoid the people. I never go into big chain stores either.

autism detected

oмaлeн e дocaдeн
джepки мaй e нeщo зa ядeнe

И aз cъм oт Дoбpич и нe знaм кaквo тpябвa дa e джepки

>Ask people what they think about Bulgaria in English, start speaking Bulgarian

What could I possibly gain by lying about that?

And I never mentioned, violent, I mentioned people being aggressive little cunts (cкaндaлджии) that like getting into arguments over petty shit. Are you going to deny that people constantly yell at each other on the bus, or stores or parking spots?

>and your accent really is funny, learn to talk proper bulgarian if you don't want to be laughed at

you're a retard m8. Nobody speaks "proper" Bulgarian. There are just different accents. Our accent changes pronounciation of the "e" sound while your accent changes accents (yдapeния) and grammar "хoдимE/видимE". It's just that you're the only ones that are so obsessed with it that you laugh at different accents.

>autism detected
thanks for the stimulating discussion.

джepки e вoдeнички, aмa мoжe дa e ocтapялo вeчe. нa кoлкo cтe? (нe oтгoвapяйтe aкo cтe пoд 18, шa ви дoклaдвaм)

a кopeкoмcкo яйцe знaeтe ли квo e

bro-tier, but untrustworthy


Are Bulgars white?

I remember doing a test of which european country I most likely belong in and it said Bulgaria


Going to visit your country next week. what to you think about russians?

>calls me a nigger
>complains about the lack of a stimulating discussion

and yes I am going to deny that people constantly yell at each other, do you live in the gypsy ghetto or something?

> It's just that you're the only ones that are so obsessed with it that you laugh at different accents.

at least we laugh about it, eastern bulgarians hate us with an almost evil passion(case in point: you) and yet they still come here

and again, if it's so bad here that you don't use the bus and walk 10km a day to avoid the people who are just like niggers just leave my friend

Was it a personality test or a DNA test?

And no, we are not white, thanks. Currently watching Marco Polo on netflix and I don't need subs for the throat singing parts

hey! i was born there

M8, nobody hates you until they encounter you, trust me.

Don't pretend you mocking other people's accents is friendly either.

Never lived in a neighbourhood with any gypsies desu, everybody was always Bulgarian. In the couple of weeks I spend in Dobrich a year I see more gypsies than I do for the rest of the year in Sofia.

so are you a fucking gypsy?

>M8, nobody hates you until they encounter you, trust me.
how can you hate something which you have never encountered??

if you hate it so much just leave

you lost me. are you drunk?

where you live in dobrich you see a lot of gypsies, are you one of them?

how can you hate a group of people if you have no experience with them?

if you hate it so much here why dont you leave?

i don't think about bulgarians but since you've forced me i will say you're probably just some kind of romanian

>where you live in dobrich you see a lot of gypsies, are you one of them?

it's a smaller town, so they don't just stick to their ghettos and they move around more, so you can see them. percentage-wise, there might be more gypsies here too, but I'm not sure

>how can you hate a group of people if you have no experience with them?

I don't and didn't. It was my encounters that made me hate them. Like I said, it's palpable how different you are from the people I was used to before moving there. Otherwise, people from Dobrich have no opinion on you. Varna and Burgasfags maybe hate you because of tourists, I don't know.

>if you hate it so much here why dont you leave?
well, same reason as everybody else, of course. employment.

of course we are different, what did you expect?

>well, same reason as everybody else, of course. employment.
then shut up about it bro
hey, if I'm a guest at your house I'm not going to complain what a bitch you are

this is why you guys are not liked here, it seems we have a different culture here which you don't like but yet you still come here and expect everyone to act like they are from your hometown and then complain when they don't


As a greek i don't hate them, but i don't trust them neither, you need to stay vigilant with them.

they generally do stick to the ghettos
city center has no gypsies apart from the odd beggar here and there, despite being like a kilometer away from the edge of a ghetto

same thing in Sofia, most cities I've been to as well

All eastern europeans are too poor to be allowed near our welfare states get out. REEEEEEE FUCK THE EU

I dont think about it, what should I think?

Civilized turks.

I have two bulgarian coworkers and they're very down to earth and hate immigrants, so that's nice

How's Azis these days lads?