Why is whiteness such a big deal for this board? As a white person who grew in a +75% white area no one gives a fuck, if you are a decent person you'll be treathed well regardless of your color.
Why is whiteness such a big deal for this board? As a white person who grew in a +75% white area no one gives a fuck...
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Why did you have to seek out the one white loving board on the whole internet to post your shit? If you don't like it, don't post here. We won't miss you. Go have fun on one of the nigger loving forums.
I don't really care either, but other races statistically bring filth into white areas. It's just that blacks and arabs particularly make countries shittier with their degenerate ways, as a whole. That's not the color of their skin doing that, but the content of their character.
It's 50% memes and 50% newphaggots who believe the memes are actually sincerely-held views. For that latter group, crushing insecurity fuels the obsession with whiteness.
As long as you can be a functioning member of society, skin color should not matter.
Lol go be white in south chicago. See how long you last being a good person there
>south of the usa
In theory it doesn't. But there is a strong correlation between a country's development and the proportion of whites.
My OP post explains with detail why.
Why do you care about what we care about?
>As long as you can be a functioning member of society, skin color should not matter.
You're free to be of that opinion, I am of the opinion of only race should matter.
There is dealing with people. and then there is dealing with politics.
In personal relationship, of course, always be open minded, discover the diamonds in the rough, jada-jada-ja.
In politics, generalizations are neccessary. You cant put forward your ideas on simple personal anecdotes.
So what if that black guy you know is actually really swell, has a family, a Doctorate, and is a redpilled ultrabro. In scale, his race still produces crime out of proportion everywhere it is.
>t. Pedro Sanchez
Skin colour doesn't matter, we will all be black one day.
>14The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.
>if you are a decent person you'll be treathed well regardless of your color.
I treat everyone well. I'll even say "please" and "thank you" when guiding non-whites into the gas chambers in a few years.
Basic manners really aren't an indication of any deeper rooted issues, especially not with whites who had a most likely decent upbringing.
Wait does this mean I can be white? I am from the Middle East.
Not only that but there's something special about White people. They are beautiful, like paintings, and have produced tremendously moving works of art and music. At their core they are hard working and their essence breaths innovation and creation into their works, without whites technology would stagnate, many, many inventions have been made by Whites and continue to do so today.
This isn't to say that other races are lesser and not needed, it's just they don't belong in White countries and impede on what Whites do. All races are needed in this world and it seems Whites are trying to be eradicated at this moment, as Whites, this is tragic thing that effects our lives and is quite the existential crisis because of the reasons listed above.
I care more about nationality than race.
National pride haves nothing to do with race.
compare these maps
Don't forget that in our European Union racism is totally banned. In european politics nobody is talking about races, maybe politicians talk a bit about ethnicity but I never hear them talking about race.
I'm not even pretending, Tyrone.
t. Chechen
I may have actually met God in an acid trip. What you just described I had no idea about at the time during the really bad acid trip, I had never read or that before in my life, and yet I met what you described EXACTLY, specially the voice part.
I noticed that countries that care the most about whiteness are the ones that are culturally enriched the most (Burgers, Sweden, Germany, Shariastan). Cant be a coincidence right?
Nobody gave a shit and we were on course to not giving a shit in the future until the pc movement and blm popped up.
It's like an a fat-ass fedora autist screaming in your ear about something and you try and ignore him, but then they don't take the hint so you tell them to fuck off.
Then they act like mean words said to them are like cyanide and get so asspained they get other people to scream in your ear, so now you've got a crowd of retards screaming about something you literally never gave a shit about before.
Only instead of being able to kick their ass to teach them a lesson, they DON'T FUCKING GO AWAY, and you can't touch them or else. Oh but they get soooo butthurt by your lack of reaction eventually they begin to shove and kick you, and that's when you think "alright now I can shove my foot up their ass"
But nope.
You're a nazi now.
A racist.
A bigot.
But those are just names, so you'll grit your teeth and let the absolute imbeciles keep talking until one day you won't just kick their asses. You'll wait until they cause something so horrendous occur (because it doesn't take a fucking genius to see where their "path" goes) that you now can hang them in the streets, dancing around their corpses.
We tried to warn you.
But you didn't listen.
It didn't have to be like this.
But you made your bed, now lay in it.
Sometimes you only understand the value of something once you've lost it.
homogenic countries have high nationalism as an innate cultural defence against enroaching cultures and races.
mixed countries have insurgences of racism.
Kind of like the difference between having a healthy immune system, or a high fewer to fight the infection.
Just that preventive measures are so much more cheaper in both labor and attention that societal attention can be focused on other things besides race.
They're white tho.
Why isn't Russia full blue?
About as white as Mehico, hombre
>he fell for the skin colour = race meme
Russia is only 80% ethnically Russian, lots of ethnic minorities with their own autonomous republics.
He meant it shouldn't matter what you look like, autist
>he fell for the race = looks meme
color of their skin doesn't matter. it's their shit tier culture.
He's wrong then. It matters a great deal
>As a "white person" who grew in a "+75% white" area
Just because you're a 'blancito' beaner doesn't mean you're white, so shut up wetback
Don't be fooled guys, that's not Estonia.
There's no gif of a girl brushing her teeth
Blonde hair blue eyes reporting in. Kill yourself gingers
"It shouldn't matter" is a pretty stupid thing to say when it evidently and observably does.
Because white people have made the only societies I consider worth living in. There's a reason American liberals, panicking about electing Trump, don't threaten to move to Mexico.
>as a white person
>OP posts pic of a caucasian % map
Good job guys.
Well before my country got flooded
we didn't lock the door
you could walk anywhere at any time even in the favelas
nd nothing would happen to you
now you have to be wary at all times and not go outside at night
in only 15 years we went from peaceful to on the road of becoming south africa
fuck that
They are white when churckas want to call white devil.
It does though.
It would look pretty cool as a one country.
> if you are a decent person you'll be treathed well regardless of your color.
The thing is usually the only people who fit our standards of decent are white.
That's some passive agressive racism.
You do realize Mexicans are genetically White right?
They are half way between mogloid and white or less or more.
Genetically mestizo you fucking autist
>east of georgia
Literally no churka has ever said the phrase "White Devil".
Obama is Whiter than most Mexicans.
It isn't a big deal you fucking cuck. Stop trying to inplant ideas.
Coming where you aren't wanted to start trouble? No surprise that you like the niggers. You are one. Congrats on being a nigger, you fucking nigger.
This. I don't care what skin you have, but I do care about what culture you bring with you when you come.
Multiculturalism doesn't fucking work.
You have Muslims who are genocidal maniacs that have no sense of civilization in them, you have blacks who glorify the gun culture, the mafia and "GANGSTA" lifestyle, and then you have the Gypsies who combine the black and Muslim lifestyle into one.
>grew up in a 75% white area
>why is whiteness such a big deal on this board?
>everything worked out for me!
>grew up in North Dakota
>why are hurricanes such a big deal for Florida?
>everything worked out for me!
The sample used in your picture are natives tho, here some urban "mestizo" Mexicans. They're pretty close to white Americans.
Mestizos are half way between white and native therefore place in the middle, why would they be closer?
Because Mexican mestizos are mestizos only in name, quite a lot are just white folk.
what am I reading?
That there are studies where people turn out to be 95% European yet they are still called mestizos. You think that Mexico is an homogeneous country but that couldn't be further away of the truth.
To be honest that girl could be 80% Euro, its just that native genes are like shit in a glass of milk, you don't need much to ruin the whole glass.
That poor cute white girl is going to get bullied by her jealous mestiza classmates when they reach puberty.
I turned out pretty white.
Also why is Bosnia not considered white? Sure they're are some balija but not that fucking much.
"""Bosniaks""" are just islamized Croats and the Serbs are well Serbs.
Also you fucking lie most mexicans/latinos are dark as fuck in my soccer game I thought this latino kid was fucking Pakistani.
Although some can pass for like french with kind of chinky eyes, this is all anecdotal though.
whiteness is privilege
95% Euros are 95% euro, Mestizo means 50% Euro 50% amerindina,
There are white people living in Africa, but nobody would ever say that Africans are white.
You're a fucking retard. Nobody gives a shit about the tiny portion of Europeans living in Mexico.
Not in Mexico, where "mestizos" are as white as white Americans It's like 60-70 percent white, even mestizos are genetically white.
Islam automatically makes you non-white since it has no place in white countries.
nice map OP
>It's like 60-70 percent white
Based on what, what people describe themselves as?
Watch this video. It's a guy asking hispanics Mexicans what race they think they are.
Many have no idea, and brown fucks like pic related consider themselves white.
It is downright sad how desperate you are to be white. It's called being mixed race, and it's not that fucking bad.
> As a white person who grew in a +75% white area
This is exactly why you don't understand how bad blacks and sandniggers are
You only hear on the news about how poor and oppressed they are. Your only experience with non whites is some odd but hardworking high caste Pajeets and quiet East Asians.
Stop your baseless negroidifying of people please... Those are some solid statistics.
>Those are some solid statistics.
You talking about that unsorced image that makes it appear 50% of the world is white?
Here's a solid statistic for you. 9% of Mexico is actually white.
If "partly white" people are white, then the then the United States is like 90% white or more.
Who cares about American Hispanics, we are talking about Mexicans in Mexico here, and according to studies even plenty of mestizos are white.
serious question Sup Forums, are Southern Europeans white? I see a lot of meme's about Greeks/Italians/Spaniards/Portuguese not being white? Is this true?
i wish that was actually true...
this place is starting to make me feel better about myself for being white even though I've been pretty worthless recently
kill whitey
By definition mestizos are not white. They are mixed race.
I am mixed race myself and I think you have deep issues. Like you need therapy issues.
Mixed people can have white grandkids, maybe white kids if you're already like 85% white, but you need to stop lying to yourself.
You don't know what you've got til it's gone.
...until the advantage is no longer ours and we surrender and/or change sides.
Go to bed, Giuseppe.
we might ally with rice eating Vietnamese manlets, be very careful Tyrone
what group is brainwashing pacos into believing they're white?
Not that it matters, but taking pride in something you're not is pretty sad
You can take pride in your ancestors. Most of my DNA comes from Great Britain and I can't help but be proud of that. That doesn't somehow disappear because some of my ancestors were jungle people.
It doesn't make me white though.
It´s not as simple as white an black... (see the post of -x country -white)
Genes, evolution, bone structure, creativity, blue eyes and green eyes are the most beautiful and they dissapear if you mix with the wrong race
You can`t argue that and not because you are a fan of that black man in cosmos, its simply science
Because whiteness really isn't a solid defined term, and Sup Forums likes to get riled up about inane bullshit.
Rinse repeat, god damn it is tiring.
>Lao Yang.jpg
>As a white person
>There literally are mestizos who are 95% white
>they are whiter than both of you
>still they aren't considered white
Just how retarded your guys can get?
The problem is that you are dishonest as fuck implying that all, or even most, mestizos are mostly white.
Nobody is going to disagree that a 95% European person is white.
Just fuck off already.
>hurr don't you know some people are 95% white and 5% black
>that means African Americans are white checkmate durr
Lets settle this once and for all.
The world was tribal. White men went about and fought other races for it.They won.
Then they tried to establish a world where everyone could live free and prosper. They cast aside their ingroup bias and their tribe. They accepted everything and everyone among their ranks.
Nobody else did.
The arabs kept their ingroup bias, and their tribe.
The blacks kept their ingroup bias, and their tribe.
The asians kept their ingroup bias, and their tribe.
Women kept their absurdly strong ingroup bias, and created a tribe of their own to spit on the face of the white man.
We are the little devil on the white man's shoulder, saying "Alright, we gave them a shot. If they want tribalism and to fight us for it all, lets do it."
Sup Forums isn't actually racist. It just recognizes that nobody wants to get along with the white man, that everyone is bigoted towards him and that we must once again carve out our place in the world through our blood and toil.
The reason a lot of Sup Forums refuses to believe there are white people outside their echo chamber is because it would destroy the argument that whites are oppressed and are a minority, which ruins the victimization complex the board has created.
>If they want tribalism and to fight us for it all, lets do it
Nobody wants a war with whites, aside from psychotic Jews and Muslims.
African nations were better under colonialism and want Whites to come back. Especially since they're getting conquered by China anyways.
Asians love white people and could not live without their money.
Blacks talk a lot of shit, but that is largely because of the narrative they've been fed in the past few decades. Prior to that, Black Americans were improving their lives just fine and did not hate whites.
Hispanics also like white men a lot and only want to be one of them, see this thread.
This "white man getting pushed to far" meme is more Jewish bullshit to keep us divided.
We can all get along just fine if we weren't constantly being pitted against one another.
I'm not saying they want it.
What they want is for us to bend over and take it. Specially women.
What i'm saying is that WE want a racewar. The white man is carrying civilization like fucking atlas while everyone shits on him. Well, when the gibs stop flowing, the only thing left standing will be jews, white men and asian men.
And the gibs are about to stop flowing. Look up the DB derivative exposure. Shit is about to hit the fan, and blacks, arabs and women are in for a very, very rude awakening.
I'm tired of being the reasonable one in this debate. Arabs keep raping women in europe, blacks keep chimping, women keep abusing men. Its time we take off the gloves and start scorching some earth ourselves.
Arabs that lived in the western world before the migrant crisis were mostly rich fags that had money and actually worked.
Not so much right now...