Sup Forums is being absolutely PLAYED

> Soros. Rockefeller. Clinton.

These people are playing 4d chess. They've been on the right side the whole time.

Sup Forums and others like you guys are on the WRONG SIDE. You have been for a long time.

Think about it. What is the purpose of the BLM movement?

> end policing in black neighborhoods

Don't you neanderthals fucking see? These people are trying to lead black people to their EXTINCTION.

Without police, blacks will kill each other so fast they will be gone before you know what's happening.

They can't outright say it, but they probably expected you fucks to be able to read between the lines better than you have.

Stop resisting. They are ON OUR SIDE.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah they want a race war. Clinton hates Jews and Soros aided the nazis.

Where have you been?

No. We chose to wait and see if the negro can be domesticated. We will drag this out. Trump will win. Democracy will win.

>What is the purpose of the BLM movement?

>It's an army built by progressives to bring about a revolution, as per this article:


All I see is the media trying to drive anger into black communities and focusing that anger onto white people in general. To a nigger, white people and police are the same thing.

This. A race was would destroy the USA and make you the new nazis. Then the rest of the world would slowly destroy you. We dont want that.

"Democracy is a train you get off once you've arrived at your destination" -that turkey guy

Respect the kek


But they are globalists.

And we're waging highly effective war RIGHT NOW.

You hear me Soros? It's over!

I would sooner send the 85 IQ basketball-americans to their African homelands to culturally enrich their 70 IQ nigger cousins.
To me, that's the most benevolent option besides le 1488 or pulling all police out of black areas.

>niggers without humans to police them will go extinct
>just let them run down your cities goyim
>ISIS wants you to prevent America and Europe to
become another Africa!!! Don't do it!
>t. Schlomo Shekelstein
>PS Jews are white


>it's another "mentally ill user on Sup Forums spouts tinfoil hat conjecture about people he's never met" episode

Go back to illuminato HQ George

Leaf, sometimes when people say something

>it isnt true

Hard for you to fathom with so kuch multiculural diversity widening your anus, I know

To follow OPs narrative, their globalism is probably a sham. Just lip service to placate the liberals and the dindus.

Close. They want a Muslim holocaust in Europe, which is why they're pushing this refugee shit and stoking the fire by censoring the stories which could pain Muslims in a negative light.

Once the Muslim holocaust begins the global narrative shifts. Israel, with the aid of the U.S., can then expand into its neighboring Muslim countries and conquer them to create Greater Israel. Due to the intense global backlash against Muslims they'll be able to do this unhindered and unopposed by the rest of the world, meanwhile they get the goyim in Europe to genocide their greatest enemies for free. It's the ultimate Jewing.

t. Jew

Ummm no. They would be killing of 90% of their voters silly boy.

This goes against the general narrative of cultural enrichment that these grand kike wizards have been pushing for so long.
It makes perfect sense that they want to dumb down the white populace by mixing them with mud skins.

Don't know if shill, or some one who is new to conspiracy theories.

They'll just breed and escape their pens and use public assistance to chase down every last white man.

What they want is martial law and a third Obama term.

Shit shilling attempt famzilla
>1 post

Muslim holocaust

Fucking based Jews. I was a commited White Nationalist until I read your post

Now I Stand With Israel!

Even as a Jew I honestly don't give a fuck about Israel. But even the most kike-hating among us have to admit that if Israel took over the middle east it'd be a hell of a lot more peaceful.

How can we increase white birth rate? That is the real question

Soros is a misanthrope, he just wants to see the world burn.

Clinton is Muslim Brotherhood, so she hates Jews ... but serves them regardless. Sunni Muslims are a good goy army of 80 IQ nitwits led by the nose.

Rockefeller's are idiots who think there will be a place for them at the top in the jewish reich.

nice try kike

Even though it works out for the Jews don't think they won't use to to guilt white people even further.

As a former White Nationalist, I now stand firmly with the idea of Greater Israel. I shall hang an Israeli flag, like this one, on my window today

I dont care. Youve probably never had to be around muslims, so you can fuck yourself. They are the worst people in the world.


No that would be niggers.
Sand niggers are a close second though.


This is a new approach Reddit. But it's filled with holes still. I'm voting for Trump.

Who is that semen demon

>>becoming nazis would destroy us

>>a nation one eighth the size of the usa almost conquered the planet when it became nazi

faggot, when america becomes the fourth reich, you're gonna be speaking fucking america.



>sonnie johnson
She's a silly RINO who repeatedly apes the notion that democrats are the real racists. Even thought it is the case the progressive plantations are the new normal for blacks, what she never recognizes is black complicity in keeping the system going.

Jews want all races but jews to cease to exist. Then, acting as one homogeneous ethno-nationalist group, they can dominate the diversity of individuals.

Well, duh. Do you think the kikes wish to rule and African world and live like Kangs or a European world and live like gods?

Anyway dreams aside the purpose is to use unlimited ghoul hordes to turn the world into baiscally huge cities where goyim toil and work, and the jews reap and eat. No one is united enough to figut back.

This begins with the introduction of tolerance laws to define and ban "hate" and "extremism" following the 2nd migrant crisis. (The first was when anti discrimination legislation was passed to crush economic resistance and lock oit native Europeans resisters from the economy).

The 3rd phase is massive African migration across the west. All resistence will be crushed. Enitire peoples will vanish and the Jew will rule unopposed for 10,000 years, once they take control of the nuclear arsenals they will finish off thr emerging super powers and finally, they will have a world of their own. The brown massess haplessly unable to resist, drunk on feeling liberated by global communism and wiping out the white race the Jew will put them to work on colonizing the universe.

This is a long time planning, all of this has happened before, and it will happen again.

If i ever see a soros irl they're getting a punch in the dick

In what capacity is destabilizing world governments and economies while pouring billions in the promotion of a border less world doing the right thing

>Even as a Jew I honestly don't give a fuck about Israel.
You'd have to be retarded to want half the world's population of your own people to disappear.

Then imagine a somalian, a nigger muslim

Now, fuck yourself

Sorry pal, Trump is going to win. Move to canada, they got enough stormcucks and muzzies to give you your fourth reich-around

TLDR the purpose of BLM and related is in combination with rewriting of history (insertion of Africans into non African history) and massive sub Saharan migration is to create a global communist revoltion of a Black prole class vs Europeans, and then East Asians.

Why do you think every subversion of our peoples in the media is 99% of the time Black people? Do you really think these pawns are doing it themselves? Do you honestly think African nations want their youth to just leave?

You can't untake the red pill Sup Forums. Black or white, you know whats coming.

don't forget that once the mudslimes are extinct, jooz are next in line for the greater cleansing


The end goal is gun control you moron.

What, by some italyfags? Don't make me laugh

>implying I have any loyalty to kikes

Look at what their influence has done to Europe and America. Why would I give a shit about my own people after what they've done?

>Jews don't want a race war

>As soon as a race war starts jews want a wace war


this. There's proof now that Israel has been supporting ISIS

Donald trump only cares about money. Hello! Hes a fucking greedy pig with bad hair, who is running for president to get more money. But hes so damned dumb that he didnt realize he could have just purchase an index fund and have made more money. Lol that idiot fucking built hotel and shit instead of investing in wall street. Because he's a nazi that hates he didnt invest in the massive multinatiobal rothschild scheme to rule the world.not because he preferred to build hotels and stuff but because he's an evil jazi that hates jews, and 99% of the wealthiest 1% are jewish. What a fucking idiot. He didnt even accomplish anything. His dad just gave him a MILLION. FUCKING. DOLLARS. Thats at least enough to purchase a sweet mansion back then. I could make 3rd en billion with a million dollars too. But donald trump went bankrupt 4 times lol yayo fucking midget hand faggot racist trump. He is nothing more than a super wealthy pig who is 70 years old and is running for president to make a lot of money. What a retarded scumbag... Does he really think he can go up against hillary? She's backed by jewish bankers with big ducks who have HUNDREDS of billions of dollars. What the hell does this bankrupt old man think he can do to fight that kind of POWER? Occupy wall street. Im with her. Power to the people. We need to do something about these white people with guns wearing tin foil hats and thinking they government is out to get them. Fucking idiots. You cant fight predator drones. And the eacist white government is either going to give black people a lot of money, and never shoot the lm again, or guess what? The blacks are going to rise up and kill whitey, and consensually have sex with white women who already wanted to have sex with big dick blacks even before the racist government and black lives matter kicked their shit in like the weaklings they are.

The question is whether or not that's the prime bet or a hedge. Soros and other high level jews along with their good goy allies are not in the business of betting the farm on one side. They're always hedging bets. That's why he came out on top after Brexit despite being an EU stalwart and pushing Remain propaganda.

If one assumes they're getting things they want done despite what they're saying, then it's clear the goal is not ham-fisting a union of brown humanity together, but igniting a continent-spanning conflict in Europe and a bitter ethnic insurgency in the Americas.

What they hope to gain by all that is anyone's guess. If a globalist state is supposed to be the result they're going to have a hard time erecting it in the presence of constant conflict between local tribes.

I suspect that the more likely goal is actually trying to eliminate the effeminacy of the western left in order to deal with the inevitable rise of the east where jews have comparatively little influence.

Yeah sure, and ISIS wants us to lock down our borders.

Obama is a Black Supremacist and he plans on exterminating whites. He believes that blacks are acutally jews and the jews as we know them are apostates. It's reparation for him and his niggas

we will pay our denbts in gold teeth, only solution we have actually

>implying they can't go back to Hungary, Russian and Ukraine

>Not wanting to live in border-less, globalist society makes me the bad guy

The literal end game for the Zionists is a boarder-less world filled with endless people to serve the "chosen people".

They don't even hide it.

>Why would I give a shit about my own people after what they've done?
Because you can't leave. You are one of us and always will be.

Deep down all of us just want to remove kebab. It's an innate trait, even more powerful than the shekel's grasp on us.

>The blacks will kill themselves off
Then why is Africa projected to have a population explosion? It is an entire continent of black on black warfare and they still reproduce enough to cover losses

Soros and the other globalist Jews are most certainly not on our side

The fucking madman is betting on America.

This has been a 60 year proccess so he can get in before we moon.


We're all being played. Battles aren't just fought with tanks and planes anymore. Which side are you on?

Okay. I'm one of you, doesn't mean I have to care about you.

>going back
Aside from most Israelis preferring to fight to the death for Israel, it's unlikely eastern Europe would have them back in large numbers.

Kebab is only potent because of the shekels though.


That's a great one shlomo.

Albert Pike said the 3rd world war will be between the Christian west and Islam. Both mutually destroying one another.

Irsael plans on being the last standing.

You care about yourself, ergo you care about all of us. I know it's popular in the edgy radical circles to ape the notion that we have no homeland and will always wander apart, but our people are not numerous enough to leave the zionists to their fate.

Rioting against policing won't end policing. Worst case scenario Marshal Law is enacted.

The Christian West and Islam have been fighting for centuries. It's not even about belief. Just power and control for ideologues.

We know Hillary's true values. She was a Goldwater girl. She's with us at heart.

But we also know that she is extremely intelligent. Top of her class at Yale Law School.

So why did this intelligent conservative go to the dark side?

Because she's playing 4d chess. She realized that most conservatives are retarded. The real way to get what we want is by playing the other side. That's what she's doing.

4d fucking chess.

they will be "domesticated" but now it's just going to be the hard way. social programs of all types have failed, the best thing to do is to let the gene pool sort itself out and hope that their women are smart enough to start associating with peaceful, less-testosterone packed men on fear of being shot and killed in a lawless area

>low tier shitposting
How long did you spend on that?

Anyway... Greatest Ally coming through!

* gold chains - ftfy

And make sure you pay us down to the last decimal point, wog

I believe that about Hillary. As for Soros I'm pretty sure he just wants to rake in shekels by making messes and then investing in the clean-up.

He worked for the nazis as a child and said it was the best time of his life, video is ez to find

You forgot

>blame everything on the white people
>keep the nigs breeding with white tax dollars
>flood our neighborhoods with more of them
>dumb down white kids
>promote miscegenation

yeah i'm jewish so what

It's faulty logic. Soros is also bankrolling the enrichment of white suburbs/homogenous communities.

Alright my Freund.

Dann is ja everything alright.

>[Citiation Needed]

>inb4 just look it up

>Without police, blacks will kill each other so fast they will be gone before you know what's happening.
Good thing there are no niggers in Africa. OH WAIT

Yeah, but that doesn't really say anything about how ideologically committed he was to National Socialism. From the way he describes it he probably just liked fucking with people and making money.

Trump is playing 7th dimension international underwater chess using a dancepad. Soros BTFO

Shill: the post.

Reminder that porn posters are shills to distract people

Soros was a child during WW2 you fucking fool

Life goes on

He was in his teens, which was a man before the Jews began infantilizing white men.

Nope she's just an easily paid tool. We all know jews and bankers run everything. That's why the world is so fucked up, particularly economies. They aren't really masterminds, they are just shameless cheats and the average person is clueless to understand what is going on. Most people haven't even heard of Soros.

Soros is just using black people to create chaos so that order can be used to stop the chaos. A New World Order...

She is literally the thickest, baddest bitch on the planet. A genetic, sexual goddess.

I can believe this.

I think it's only a matter of time before "ISIS" (aka CIA agents) using pawns to send suicide bombers straight into Mecca which would cause the entire middle east to collapse, they would fight tooth and nail against anyone not Muslim... thus forcing the western world to invade and this time completely crush them.

From chaos comes order.

Though they never stated how long it'd take to lower the population to 500 million. If they somehow managed to stay in power over the coming century... it'd probably take that long if not longer to reduce the 8 billion people.


he was 14 when he worked for the nazis. How can you not know this?