>you can only post in this thread if your country got occupied by germany
You can only post in this thread if your country got occupied by germany
What's the French flag doing in the background?
Nearly :( where's that jersey guy, I want to hear how he's told about the Nazis.
I wish.
you mudslimes only wish you got occupied, maybe they would've saved you from sharia law
wtf i hate France now
well partly
truly does my half french brother
Well I am originally from Namibia, does that count?
niggers never counts
>Norway was the most heavily fortified country during the war: several hundred thousand German soldiers were stationed in Norway, in a ratio of one German soldier for every eight Norwegians. Most German soldiers considered themselves fortunate to be in Norway, particularly in comparison with those experiencing savage combat duty on the Eastern Front.
>Furthermore, about 15,000 Norwegians volunteered for combat duty on the Nazi side; of the 6,000 sent into action as part of the Germanic SS, most were sent to the Eastern front.
>Towards the end of the war, in March 1945, Norwegian Reichskommissar Josef Terboven had considered plans to make Norway the last bastion of the Third Reich and a last sanctum for German leaders.
feels good
Germany "occupied" my heart... is that cool with all of you?
I fail to see the point of these threads. What should I post about?
reminiscing good times
I moved to the states almost a year ago but I'm from Denmark. Or do i have to have the flag too?
>Ante Pavelić cucking Croatia by selling Italy our coast
>Good times
inb4 m-muh independence
a-are those chetniks drinking with Ustashe?
occupied by anyone who wanted it, for the last 1000 years. my country is such a slut
>tfw uncle Adolf offered Yugoslavia Axis membership
>tfw he wouldn't have wasted time and resources fighting a war here
>tfw he would have wrecked r*ssia before winter set in
>tfw he would have strip mined Stalingrad and Moscow for anything of value
>tfw he would have literally won the war
>tfw Slavs would have helped bring about the natsoc European ethno-state and be respected as a people
>tfw treasonous commie faggots ruined the deal and lost everyone the war instead
mfw cucks here celebrate this every year