Gun Store Heist Outside Dallas! Several Weapons Stolen And Suspects At Large!

So, this just happened outside Dallas today. A gun store in the Dallas suburb of Waxahachie was broken into. Burglars rammed a truck into the side and stole several weapons. The stolen truck the burglars used has been found, but none of the weapons have been located and the suspects are still at large.
With everything that's been happening in Dallas with BLM and the shooting, and word of niggers from Houston planning on coming up to Dallas for more demonstrations, this could be another happening.

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Jesus Christ this shit is coordinated as fuck

Niggers are not this organized

black people are too dumb to get away with shit like this and execute attacks on police in rapid succession like we're seeing. It would be far more sporadic

>"Our shop was burglarized and we sustained extensive damage to our building. Due to this we will be closed until further notice," Shooter's Edge said on its website.

b.ump this is crazy

they are getting armed and going to take a police station next

Good cracker...

they are

other similar shit has been caught on video

this is literally south africa tactic to get guns. ram a truck into a wall, rush and grab anything you can get a hold of


Please, they just need a slaveowner to keep them in check and they'll be productive.

Has he made any accurate predictions?

Holy shit, was this John Matrix?

This is retarded, why the fuck the gunstore owner don't hide the weapon in some kind of secret chest?

Is this actually considered organized or just organized for niggers

It's probably not coordinated. Chances are it's just wannabes and copycats encouraged by the success in Dallas planning their own attacks.

Looks like they had help from Vin Diesel and one of his chargers

Gun control tho. Amirite guyz?

Niggers are really, really good at stealing things

It's in their genes

No. And he fucked up with some of the nuclear weapon stuff and a tripfag from /k/ called him out on it.
Haven't seen him since.

>america really is gonna be in full blown out war
>tfw front seat

camon faggots, go kill some niggers, let the fire rise

Organized by nigger standards.

>secret chest

Ever stepped in a gunstore, Pierre? Theyres a lot of them in a store.

lol thanks. I needed that.

Couldn't they just buy the guns?

Getting comfy

Not really familiar with that guy or his map, but OPpenheimer blew him out?

From tons of stuff I've read that he has posted, I'd trust him.

Mexicans do it here in AZ as well.

that would cost gibsmedats

Felons don't pass background checks.

I envy all those who will shoot down niggers next days.

The Jews must be organizing them.

Waxahatchie is not a suburb of ours, newfriend. It's at least 30 miles from us.

Ay yo
So let me get dis straight
We pass gun laws like fucking crazy, but all the bad guys got to do to get million dollars worth without any background checks is to bust through a wall?

We need to ban all guns then. That way they wont have anything to break into.

It's not possible for guns to travel overseas so its a full proof plan.

Yeah that was him. I don't remember the details but the tripfag explained why the nuclear stuff he was describing could never happen.
Timebro fell back on "Well, it may be the records are wrong, but thats what I was taught"

Waxahachie is still considered a suburb of Dallas as it lies within the boundaries of the DFW Metroplex.

There's a pretty thriving exchange for EBT (burgerbux/foodstamps) to cash, especially in high population-density areas, even more especially in majority-black inner cities.

Sometimes you've got thrifty poor folk that don't give two shits about cash/credit-only items (read: drugs, alcohol, electronics, car parts, etc) and save tons of money on food every week. I think the going rate can be as low as .33-.50 USD per foodstamp shekel, unless things have changed.

Then you've got dealers that'll take food stamps/EBT as payment, but only if they've not reached their quota of such payment (ie, they've got a pantry full of shit)

THAT is the real reason.

>not organized enough to drive a truck through a wall

>not organized enough to peel a banana

They organize when it comes to robery

How come blacks never set off bombs? Why are they always protesting and standing around in sun glasses.
The IRA used explosives and shot people and didnt try to look fashionable while they did it.

I dont think blacks have the mentality capable of fighting.

It's not the 1980's, ebt is basically a debit card

Niggers love to fight. When it comes to tactical decision making and planning, they fall short.

what kind of toy walls are you guys building over there? gotta start to use concrete

Because that would be next level stupidity.

The whole alienated, distant attack thing isn't their MO. They're really about the visceral feeling of going at the opponent mano a mano.

To be honest I feel 'em on that note I'd rather kill an enemy myself than do some tricky explosive shit but tactics are tactics.

It would actually accomplish their goals. I dont think they are genuinely oppressed because they would risk their lives and take lives if they were serious.

If you dont use explosives you arnt oppressed.

Fucking civil war confirmed

They're not oppressed, nobody's arguing that. I'm just saying, whether they were oppressed or not, they still wouldn't be tactical.

This. Just after more gibs.

Not hard to do still. Give them a $40 shopping list of things EBT covers, when they deliver, give 'em $20 cash. If your dealing, do the same, but give 'em however much of the drug. Its literally half price food with free deliver included.

If you set off bombs that means its war. If its war that means people feel strongly enough to go to war.

If people dont feel strongly enough to go to war they are comfortable.

I understand that.

I'm not talking about folks dealing out literal food stamps to a guy on the street corner for a dub or something.

They'll just take a trip down to the store, purchase an agreed-upon amount of bullshit on EBT, and then work out the substances to exchange.

Really if they're shooting people and stealing it's not "gibs" so much as "takes"

Universal background checks could have prevented this.

Watch Dawn of the Planet of the apes.

"Do they look like just apes to you?"
That movie could literally be called dawn of the Planet of the apes, especially considering how beautifully symbolic the final scene is doesn't count as war if you're shooting people?

That seems like sort of a stupid distinction. I think as long as you're willing to kill and die, it's war. The bomb thing is just methodology. Methodology niggers aren't smart enough to figure out.

Post yfw you will get to see the 2nd american civil war up close dying niggers, thanks to gopros

This isn't coordinated if they found the truck and DNA information that easily.

Okay you disagree on explosives but you agree they are not aggrieved enough to risk their lives to fight back. Which either makes them pussies or liars.



>War is only fought in bombs.
Ireland you're drunk.

>How come blacks never set off bombs?
bombs require intelligence to make.

Don't let the niggers fool you

We invented modern, urban guerilla warfare. Quiet down leaf.

It's pretty obvious they are being led by ((((advisors))))

I think going out and shooting cops, or crashing into a gun store and looting it, counts as an act of war.

The average BLM protestor though naw.


1 guy isnt war. Stealing isnt war.

Lets see what they do with those guns. Im betting they sell them and then buy drugs with the money.

That is false, I live here. Waxahatchie is too far south.


i dont want to kill you
you are merely a globalist puppet
your bosses name is george

LOL, sorry I meant it could be called dawn of the Planet of the blacks, sorry

Those ones look like profiteers but it's hard to say.

It's actually been more than one dude. A bunch of nigs around the country have ambushed cops. It's like the western ISIS terrorists who commit seemingly random terror acts; borderline sleeper activation in a sense


I'm sure its nothing.

the fuck does CNPA stand for?

Same thing happened here a few years ago to my friend's gun shop, niggers rammed a truck through the wall and took off with 50+ guns in a matter of minutes, many of which were may have guessed the hands of gang members in South Chicago.

Nigs gonna nig until we all return to the necessities of segregation once again. We can't live together, they need to be cordoned off to their own "communities" where they're not allowed out from unless they can prove valid employment at a location outside the walls, or, receive permission to leave for special circumstances.

We can't all get along, the sooner it is accepted, the sooner we can get things fixed.

Can Not Pernounce Anything

fuck I'm in nigger territory

This, pretty much. There's no way these weapons wont be used by either the new "Black Panther 2.0" group or gang members.

If it gets into the hand of gang fucks, they'll just use it to kill other niggers, so I'm good with that.


son of a gun

>redpilled trap

Kill yourself

Well we invented maple syrup. Quiet down Ireland.

Just ordinary Russian Spetsnatz preparing to create instability in your country.

>redpilled trap
Photograph yourself.

Junkies do it all the time.
The going rate is 50 cent on the dollar.
They typically take their dealer to the store. Buy him his groceries for the week. Then get half of the cost of the groceries in heroin, or meth, or whatever they wanted.

The dealer typically makes out like a bandit in these situations because not only is he getting his food half priced he is also trading it for drugs at full price (that he bought at a discounted price to begin with). Your typical dealer is about as jewish as it gets. That's how they make money.

Oh, you're absolutely right.

It ain't always the dealer, though. Sometimes you've got some poor, thrifty cunt obligated by finances to live in a shitty, crime/drug-infested area. I imagine that my selfish desire to believe that this is more common than dealers simply taking EBT might make me focus on that.

>nigs break into a gun store
>don't even get the right ammo for the guns they took

wat the fuck did i just read

Damn....... That's a lot of heavy shit for gangbangers and potential race-warriors to be packing...



This happens a lot.

Assault on precinct 13 tbhfam

Dallas is turning into a warzone, in a week the national guard will be sent in.

Vin is black tho

They're not pure blooded niggers..

Besides... Does it take THAT much thought to ram a truck into a store and take shit?