/pol, who is America's biggest geopolitical threat?
Note: If the flag in the corner of your post is not within the 5-eyes group, it won't even be read. Especially that dirty fucking Turk Muslim.
/pol, who is America's biggest geopolitical threat?
Note: If the flag in the corner of your post is not within the 5-eyes group, it won't even be read. Especially that dirty fucking Turk Muslim.
Bumping so more Americans can get their eyes on this.
Right now? Think the drug war, illegal immigration by the tens of millions, spillover violence that has killed hundreds of Americans, fundamentally turning our communities into colonies that do not reflect the country they are in.
Down the line? Expect the country to be split between and Anglo-Protestant East and a HispanIc-Catholic West. Irredentist feelings are already becoming a thing, and public schools in the Southwest teach that the land was stolen by "white people".
We can only expect so much given that Mexico will become a wealthier and more organized nation with time, and will seek to regain lost territory.
Interesting argument, do you think if we got a hold on illegal immigration this wouldn't be so? I can't see the cartels being that much of a threat to the US, they literally shit in buckets on their submarines.
There isn't one. Militarily speaking, conventional warfare is a thing of the past thanks to nuclear weapons, and because of mutually assured destruction, what we have now is low key proxy-wars that nobody cares about. In other words, no country will ever militarily threaten the U.S. and the U.S. does not militarily threaten anyone who has nukes.
The closest "threat" as you put it is yourselves. What everyone is waiting for (and in some cases provoking) is for issues like black-vs-white hostility, the loss of the second amendment, the cessation of Texas from the U.S., the growing power of the government and the N.S.A etc. to throw your country into civil war. If this happens, every foreign power that is relevant will attempt to destabilise the U.S. government, seize it's lesser protected territories, arm but also divide it's citizens and generally cause as much damage to the U.S. as possible.
The best case scenario for them is a divided U.S. population made up of squabbling communists, black/white race supremacists, Texans, Anglo-loyalists etc., an overthrown U.S. government with a military and police force too paralysed to operate effectively and too focused on the U.S. to defend outer territories and factions that are friendly to foreign causes once the government is reformed.
Israel, Samson Option.
The biggest threat to our stability is ourselves. Look at the national debt, our involvement in the shitfests of the middle east and north Africa, and the steady erosion of our civil liberties in the name of "security" by an increasingly powerful federal government.
We cannot continue down this path if we want to remain a free nation.
Wow, your analysis definitely paints Mexico as much closer to an actual enemy then I have imagined. It did not cross my mind that such countries would make clandestine efforts to pour gasoline on those racial conflicts. Holy shit that makes a lot of sense and would be a great strategy for success in the distant future.
Why do you think Israel is an enemy? I thought the US and Israel shared a symbiotic relationship with Israel.
#blacklivesmatter. race war when
Israel, Saudis and Russia.
In that order.
>The biggest threat to our stability is ourselves.
The US population is more docile than ever before.
>national debt
Completely irrelevant, post disregarded.
Realistically its a threat to itself, like most western countries its an unpinned hand grenade.
American Leftists. They don't even control the Democratic party, but they are constantly starting shit. BLM is their latest. It is effectively a pawn to cause social unrest and develop a loose militia for later use.
The Democrats are mostly dumb, but they actively try to neuter the Leftist in the party. BLM is portrayed as peaceful, because they want it to be peaceful, but it isn't. The Leftists are winning.
Our biggest threat is ourselves. Conventional warfare is out of the question. We are the strongest by far and it doesn't really matter because nukes. The biggest threat is civil war.
North Korea.
Kim jong un with his unstable mind frame...
cyber espionage
so china and russia basically.
Yeah, China, Russia and the U.S are all biggest geopolitical threats to each other so China and Russia would be Americas. Gotta agree with the Brittbro on this one.
Mexican infilitrators
>who is America's biggest geopolitical threat?
The biggest threat to the USA is the Balkanization that is going to happen. Oh well, I live in the Rocky Mountains, the race war won't affect me. Still sad to see the world that whites built crumble because we had too much empathy.
Actually no, I take that back.
North Korea would get Anally combusted by NATO.
I would say China.
he regularly posts. how fucking lame are you?
Mexicans migrating en masse and changing the demographic in the southwest to become proxy Mexico
because the army is cucked by PC bullshit and the only way to reclaim
is to essentially genocide the Mexicans already there, I think they actually stand a good chance of craving some territory off us IF THE ADMINISTRATION IS WEAK
if we allow it to happen it will be the signal to the rest of the world that we can be fucked with at home, and America will balkanize within 15 years after that
if we have an Andrew Jackson type guy in the White House expect Trail Of Tears 2: Salsa Bugaloo when they try to make Aztlan
t. Army guy in Europe on vacation
America's biggest threat is other Americans that would rather murder random people than try and be decent individuals.
And no; I dont care about the socioeconomitronic-culturaldiversitron fallacies that liberals attribute to black americans.
Wow cool you spend too much time on pol. Fucking nigger faggot.
>muh Russia is paragon of good and justice
You're good at direct politics, we'll give you that but to pretend you still aren't the Soviet Union is retarded backwards dogshit tier thinking.
Put the vodka down and go to sleep, Volodya.
they're retards, ignore them
cross your fingers for president trump
youve actually let donald trump convince you the biggest threat to the US is mexico.
think back 2 years ago. would you still be saying this if donald trump hadnt made it the center of the 2016 election
>Militarily speaking, conventional warfare is a thing of the past
America's next great threat will be the European union. mark my words.
granted, russia dont want war. at least putin doesnt. neither do china i imagine, they would both lose. but as far as cyber terrorism and espionage go, russia and china are pretty hardcore lol