Are Asians smarter in general because their alphabets and languages carry more information than ours(western)?
Are Asians smarter in general because their alphabets and languages carry more information than ours(western)?
synthetic vs analytic language my non-family to be veracious about it.
In general they are "smarter" because they shamelessly forge their test scores to get more students into top universities and into good careers.
Though the universities admit that most of the students from Asia/India aren't half as smart as their scores said they would be.
Of course I agree, that is smart. Cheating gets you ahead in life, so yes they are smarter in that regard.
We're always discussing this topic with my japanese girlfriend. But she thinks that we are smarter.
They have a slightly higher average IQ. 5 points is nothing. But they have much more mediocre intellects. They're more tightly clustered around the average without as much of a spread between low and high IQs, like women. They produce fewer retards, but also fewer gifted and genius individuals.
Japanese girlfrind
in the case of chinese sinces its 5 fucking different written ones maybe.
in the case of japanese i think their modern syllabary is just the most rational way to go. you cant spell something 2 different ways and you cant misspell it if you can pronounce it. there is no room for double letters, silent letters and no need for alternate methods to produce the same sounds ph=f / ci,ce,cy=s /c=k
Missed an "e"
you also forgot to greentext you disgusting newfag
>kill yourself ASAP
he's an interracial cuck fetishist who watches BLACKED porn and says its hot.
Just ignore his ploy for attention, who always suckers people in with his "asian girlfriend" and once he has attention goes on a big spiel about how race mixing is hot and good.
How'd you meet her
Missed a Reddit arrow
While studyed abroad.
>you cant spell something 2 different ways and you cant misspell it if you can pronounce it. there is no room for double letters, silent letters and no need for alternate methods to produce the same sounds ph=f / ci,ce,cy=s /c=k
All these apply to Arabic as well.
Aside from the no double letters thing, Hungarian too.
When we started paying attention to them they were still locked in a medieval tier world. They got up to that point but no further.
Yeah. We need to start adding symbols for things like "watery vegetable stew", "street shitting", and "everyone should have the same damned haircut".
No dumbass. It's not really more information. Kanji is made up of the same 200 or so radicals and kana way less harder than learning the English alphabet. If anything, those gooks had a limited way of naming things until katakana was created.
But does language influence one's capability of learning?
I'm asking this because there definitely are some words in english that don't exist in portuguese and vice-versa.
Could we possibly invent a new "global" language that aims at facilitating communication/learning?
I recently read The Story of Your Life and it got my thinking about that.
westerners perceive them as being smart because only the top 1% of them emigrate to the west
the rest of them are rat/cat/dog/bat eating subhuman sub70 IQ savages
IQ numbers are also inflated by cheating
agree went to the doctors and it was a joint practice although i signed up to see the white guy the indian doctor came in and I left
Ohh so now i have to break up with her after reading this?
It is actually because of their language being written the way it is that autistic people do better in their culture. Think about it, they remember their language by memorizing each word as a symbol. So naturally austist eill do much better.
Newspeak :^)
Why do they generally score higher on IQ tests then? Do they find a way to cheat on those too even when in a controlled scientific environment?
doubtful I know some spics who speak english and spanish and are stupid as fuck
>their alphabets and languages carry more information than ours(western)?
English, Mandarin, and Vietnamese all carry the highest amount of information per syllable.
Spanish and Japanese the lowest.
Not really... Do whatever you want, user. I can't force you. Yet.
They are smarter, not sure if its because language. Whites do better because we have more Jews who are our top intellects. Take out the jews and Asians would roll through us.
You can study IQ tests and artificially inflate the scores.
I don't think their languages carry more information than English. English is the master language.
>English is the master language
honestly this
Pure information isn't everything.
German was the master language for philosophy, when philosophy was still a thing (Kant-Nietzsche period)
I took Japanese, it does NOT convey more information, those fuckers need context for 90% of sentences to make sense, and they're so overly polite that a regular conversation takes 10x longer to undergo.
>carry more information
one of the dumbest things I've ever read on Sup Forums and that's saying something.
thanks for the bump anyways
>hungary flag
the memes are real
they are smarter because they believe in confucian beliefs. at least japanese and chinese people do.
learning things and the acknoledge that learning and studying will make your life better is one of the main aspects
>because their alphabets and languages carry more information than ours
asian languages are some of the least detailed and descriptive languages on the planet
there have been studies on this and how a complex language correlates with advanced societies
global dominance isn't the only reason English is the language of choice these days, it's a huge messy pile of shit that can be much more useful than other languages
Yeah does Sup Forums not know about Confucius? I wonder how they would react to its love of government and authority?
I think the confucian beliefs would be a good choice for many countries. when I see the german kids (or whats left of them) I always think it would be great if they had some better manners
Asians, especially South Koreans, didnt grow up in a 'safe space' isolated on two sides by giant oceans. The Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, and taiwanese are all close by eachother and all hate each other. They became incredibly nationalistic and eager to prove their superiority to their neighbors.
They value intelligence more so they breed for it. That's why Jews are so fucking smart.
Triple seven: Kek wants Confucianism, it's confirmed
After the collapse of the West, whites need to create an ethno-religion based on Confucian values.
Never saw it that way. Makes sense.
I guess niggers valued ass more?
But both groups had to be respectively smart or stupid to pick the values that set them down their own path.