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that little fuckboy will bend over when Trump talks to him for the first time

Who's that manchild?

manlets... when will they learn?

That nigger lets gangs run his country, I seriously doubt he has the balls to stand up to trump

So I guess Trump's whole platform just collapsed?

Did you shop his eyes or is that real?

10' taller

It's real. I was going to say that face is prime for JUST photoshops

Gangs will probably threaten to kill him if he cant do anything to keep the drugs flowing into America

Does Mexico even like their "president"?

Mexico has a leader?

>muh "muh wall just got six million feet higher"

>"No way, Mexico WILL pay for the wall"

He is a stupid cuckboy for the cartel. Mexico won't even know they are paying for the fucking wall.


for every illegal that crosses our border the wall is built an inch taller.


Is he on drugs? What the fuck is happening with his eyes? He looks high as hell.

The emotions are getting to him. They are crawling in his skin and his wounds they will not heal.

Has anyone even read the fucking plan?
He's not going to just ask Mexico to pay for it. He's going to increase visa fees, increase fees at ports of entry in the U.S, impound remittance payments derived from illegal wages, and tons of other shit to pay for it. Top this with all the other economic benefits of stopping illegal immigration and the wall will pay for itself.

I'm so fucking tired of liberals acting smug about shit they know absolutely nothing about.

Everyone here has read the plan. We like to laugh at the libs and mexicants that haven't though.

You mean the CIA?





Why would you elect a fucboy?

you four are big guys





F-for you.

4 (You)


Oh, you're going to pay for it you retarded spic.


I'm not visting that cuck's website

>fucking western union
Mexico would happily pay for a wall if it meant that they could keep the wire live.

Mexico is actually fucked if you take away western union


how cute, he thinks he has a choice, poor tacofaglet

a latin america country with the 15th biggest GDP in the world would surely crumble if their underclass' remittances back to their home country were taxed!

Thanks for your insight, Cleetus. Have you prepped the bull yet?

you missed the billions sent to mexicunts as aid

How many times does Trump have to explain how Mexico will actually pay for it until they finally understand?

trump is a cuck? if you could back that up, you would have

leave now

first Fox and now this fucking asshole...god will it ever stop? just tell'em to shut the fuck up... :(

no, no one down here likes him, he's a fucking murder and his party has orchestrated many of the shitty things that have happened up 'til now (not saying the others aren't fucking rats, but they're the worst by far)

.... Do I need to direct you to our elected president dumbass?

>How many times does Trump have to explain how Mexico will actually pay for it

Just one time would do if it he could find a way that made any sense. There is no way to get the money out the Mexicans legally.

The fact that they even take the "Build Wall" argument seriously tells you that they're building the wall.

>$24.8 billion in remittances
>2% of Mexican GDP
>not significantly damaging the Mexican economy

>britcuck still doesn't understand
it has been explained.


Thanks Mexico

Any stories? I haven't heard much about the corruption of your president other than the fact that he's a doormat for druglords.

When did Little Marco become president of Mexico?

>implying they'll have a choice


Ya US gives a lot of aid to mexico each year one way or another they will pay for it.

yeah but you're only going to be taxing them, you're not gonna take the entire check otherwise they'll use plenty of other services to send their moolah. Tons of them are already ditching WU and using an app called Xoom which is heavily advertised on spic channels

Stupid spic. Youre not going to give us cash. We will take it from your export profits. Its called a tariff. You have no choice but to pay

I'm tired of people pretending like Mexico has a choice in the matter.


For You

>it has been explained

That explantation is gibberish. The idea you can squeeze illegal immigrants in the US to get the Mexican government to do something is horseshit. The US government cannot stop the money getting out, the remittances can be rerouted in a million different ways.

>trade tariffs

Then the cost of Mexican goods increases. The cost of them US consumers and industry goes up. More idiocy. The man is a joke candidate and the joke is already getting old.

It isn't just western union though
>On day 1 promulgate a "proposed rule" (regulation) amending 31 CFR 130.121 to redefine applicable financial institutions to include money transfer companies like Western Union, and redefine "account" to include wire transfers. Also include in the proposed rule a requirement that no alien may wire money outside of the United States unless the alien first provides a document establishing his lawful presence in the United States


No way. Mexico will pay. For the Wall!

>Trusting a manlet

Looks like he snorts coke desu lad.

>add 1% tax to mexican imports, wall paid for

Mexico thinks they have a choice lol. They've gotten a big head since King Nigger likes Mexico more than his own country.

One third of mexicos economy comes from people in the us sending money back. Just tax the shit out of it and they'll pay for it willing or not

Pic related was what the ex-President of Mexico said but notice how they say President because nobody knows or cares who the President of Mexico is.


Imagine what will happen when Trump's AG offers El Chapo a plea deal if he snitches on Mexican officials

>add 1% tax to mexican imports

The price of Mexican imports goes up. The US imports $400bn of goods and services from Mexico, the majority of the goods is either components for or finished consumer products.

The US economy relies on consumer spending. Asking them to pay for a wall between Mexico and the US is going to be far more damaging than the US government paying for it. This is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. It is like getting hungry so you decide to eat your foot.

Make the government pay for it, but don't let us pay for this shit.
We have nothing to do with this. It's not the people's fault on how you are letting yourself cuck, America.
I say this because they are probably going to rise even more the goddamn prices to leech us as always.

If anything, you've to blame our government. They fucked up the economy and what they pay to illegals is shit, so durr they have to cross the border in order to get a better life. Plus, they're all lazy faggots that didn't go to school or failed. Adding to that, they're mostly from central and south america btw
>All indios look the same!
The same i could say about white people, asians and niggers. You're just racist if you say that.

So it's not my fault, not him, not us, but them, the fucking government. Make them pay for it, If that's what you want.

Forced memes aren't funny

Why don't they just.... pony up the 10b? 10b is nothing to the U.S.A.

Just cut gibs for 2-3 years by 1/3rd and you'll have the wall paid for


The drug flow to America is a big deal but isn't the primary motivation for Mexican cartels and it hasn't been for more than 5 years. If they aren't crushed entirely they'll continue to exist long after street drugs are even worth a wooden nickel.

Ask Canada.


what is this from?

>one of the worlds weakest powers talking to a superpower like that





Would lol again

We'll just ground them until they pay up.


Halo Spartan ops

pls calm down, i never asked for this

>Megico won't pay
>Trump marches US army to Megico for invasion and wall payments
>US army is 60% megicants
I can't wait

"Happy as Trudeau at a pride parade" needs to become a new saying.

It'll be like we're aiding their revolution


Your head is hot


Shoot a man AFTER you throw him from your plane, not before.