Sup Forums BTFO: Possible Trump VP Pick Flynn Supports Abortion Rights: 'Women Have to Be Able to Choose'


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We need abortions to keep the black population down

Also I don't give two shits about fetus rights

You might not but literally half of this country does.

Trump will be committing campaign suicide if he picks Flynn now.

Abortion is green and should be encouraged among the poor/ignorant areas of America.

I hope you don't call yourself a Christian.

All life is sacred from the moment of conception. Instead of telling poor minorities to get abortions, tell them to have some goddamn responsibility and not get pregnant when you can't afford a baby in the first place. When you don't attack a problem at its source, you will always allow it to continue to exist in some form of another.

Do you wear clothes with multiple types of materials? I hope you don't call yourself a Christian...

>Le Leviticus meme

fuck off

Why should I care? Abortion is literally opt-in eugenics.

Slice it any way you like: Marital status, race, education level, income level, etc. Abortion keeps the population of undesirables in society down.

Many conservative religious people in America supported eugenics before the NAZIs made it a taboo. Population control will be the only hope for a civilized world going forward.

Yeah, thank fuck that mostly niggers and spics abort.

In fact, they should make it mandatory for them to have abortions. Make it illegal for whites.

Forced sterilization ≠ abortion

literally will only work if welfare is abolished

The problem is from a moral standpoint.

You are taking away the life of a human being without their consent. If you accept abortion, then you are accepting a form of murder, which is a dangerous line of thinking that leads to people arguing for post-birth abortion, etc. If killing a fetus is permissible, who's to say one can't kill a child just outside of the womb?

But often very intelligent people abort so they can pursue careers while the chaff of society breed like rabbits.

>all life is beautiful from conception
>fuck animals, they literally exist to serve us

Fuck I hate Christians. Dogs are literally more self-aware than a newborn. Fuck, newborn's aren't even self-aware for about a year after birth.

Yes, you're right. Hugh social problems can only be solved by going all out to solve them. Not with incremental solutions that only affect the aftermath of poor decisions, like abortion. You have to get people to not make those poor decision in the first place. Look at what's currently taking place in the Philippines. Not that I'm condoning the methods being used, but Duterte is trying to completely eradicate the drug problem by attacking it at its source: the drug producers and drug pushers, and showing absolutely no mercy.

How do you think China finally, effectively ended its centuries-long crippling opium problem in the 1950s and 1960s? They didn't pussyfoot around like American law enforcement did during Prohibition.



It's an animal, if you don't want animals to suffer you can go live in a cave eating grass. Get over it.

Let me rephrase that. By "all life" I meant "all human life."

Dogs are not human and are thus fodder to do whatever we want with. They are, however, a loyal species and have been paired with humans for thousands of years and should be respected.

>liberals voluntarily killing future liberals
>conservatives want to prevent this

I will never understand evangelicals' obsession with abortion.

>he doesn't understand that using "le" in greentext implies that the person I'm responding to is acting like he's from reddit

fuck off, newfriend. don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>Supports animal abuse, factory farms and the destruction of all animals
Wow check out this guy. "Religion of love"

Better than the religion of peace, I'll give him that


>niggers use abortions more than anyone
>keep letting them kill their babies before they learn to steal
Sounds good to me.

>Nigger babies die before being born
>a bad thing

Kill yourself moralfag.

>t. someone who has never once studied or tried to understand anything about Christianity other than what he's gathered from memes off of r/atheism.

>not wanting more aborted niggers
stay cucked pol

>ban abortion
>America is South Africa by 2040 instead of Brazil as it's currently projected to be
Also nobody here gives a fuck about abortion anyway.

Sterilize the niggers if you want, I don't care.

But a lil nigger baby growing in its mother's womb is a human life that has value. To kill it is to commit murder.

You seem to be projecting a little bit babe, you need to calm down and breathe. I was just repeating what you said in your post.

anti-aryan desert people values cucks detected

We can argue all day if abortion is positive or negative or acceptable/unacceptable but the bottom line is that it's become a wedge issue that pushes people away who would normally consider voting conservative. Republicans are pandering to a dying evangelical base.

Wow I hope you don't call yourself a Christian with that kind of talk...

How about promoting white people to have more babies and for black families to stay intact?

And isn't Poland about to outlaw abortion for good?

Nobody gives a fuck about abortion. What's his policy on national security?

I dont think the majority of Sup Forums gives a shit about abortion one way or the other, what we give a shit about is how it gets paid for. It shouldn't be funded by taxes.

>ohh you maintain high moral standards in the tradition of your fathers, who built european culture in the christian faith
>anti-aryan desert XDXD

He hates Islam and wants to stop fucking with Russia.

Epic, simply epic.

>dying evangelical base

I am not an evangelical. I don't live in an evangelical part of the country.

~50% of Americans are pro-life, and those numbers have actually risen in the last decade.

wtf I hate babies now

>Fuck I hate Christians. Dogs are literally more self-aware than a newborn. Fuck, newborn's aren't even self-aware for about a year after birth.

are you fucking retarded?

Do you even know what the your pre-frontal cortex does?

Go back to school faggot

There's a difference between a black person and a nigger.

Just like there's a difference between a gay person and a faggot, and a white person and white trash.

Shills are trying hard to discredit him, i wonder why.

Thank you my swamp German friend!

John McCain was leaning towards Joe Liberman, an independent and former Democrat, as a VP in the 2008 race. His name was dropped from the list after voters found out he's pro-choice.

>tell them to have some goddamn responsibility
That will never worked as they are genetically hardwired to lack this responsibility. Because killing them is mean, we should do the next best thing and let them kill their own offspring.

>But a lil nigger baby growing in its mother's womb is a human life that has value.

>has value

Your're welcome, my inbred bastard friend!

Good call for John McCain, he would have lost even worse than a landslide.

Honestly, hue, I thought he was the best possible choice for Trump up until his comments on abortion this morning.

On foreign policy and strength Flynn is absolutely perfect. But his being pro-choice will drive too many voters away.

Good. I heard he was against gun rights though. If that is true, fuck him.

They may be a different subspecies, but they're still human.

Read up on Thomas Sowell and his domesticity theory. Blacks in America were actually becoming civilized in the 1960s before the welfare state sent their communities down the drain.

As a Catholic it would be impossible to vote for Trump.

Redpill me on Michael Flynn
why do the jews hate him?

I can't wait until this election is over its been worse than years past
>Fag posts links about abortion, republicans, religion etc
>Giggles about his clever lil troll saying "oh Sup Forums btfo ! Hehehehe"

Guess what? This is not nor has it ever been a conservative board. Just because we support common sense and bemoan the hypocrisy, degeneration, and blatant lies of the Left doesn't mean we are card carrying Republicans. This is not a conservative board. I fully support abortion and thank god for all the mulatto babies it kills

Flynn really shot himself in the foot this morning with these comments.

If Trump picks him, then I'm going to be forced to believe that he really has been unbelievably lucky this entire election and he wasn't playing 4-d chess. He will lose millions of voters when Flynn says in the VP debate that he supports a woman's right to choose.


>oh no the president picked a pro-choice VP
>i guess i'll just stay home and not vote so we can have an actual pro-choice PRESIDENT instead

said no one ever

>Dogs are not human and are thus fodder to do whatever we want with

Nigger detected.

>Sup Forums is one person maymay


Read the rest of the post. They are, in theory, fodder to do whatever we want with, as they are animals. But they are the most loyal species to humanity and they should be respected, not eaten like the Chinese and Koreans do.

Trump won't lose voters. Right now it's "HOLY SHIT YES A GUY IS FINALLY SAYING THE STUFF IVE WANTED FOR SO LONG AND IM SO ENERGETIC ABOUT THIS ELECTION! HES MY GUY I LOVE HIM MAGA!" but it would become instead, as it is most elections, "well they wouldn't be as bad as the other guy. Lesser of two evils."

Also I'm sorry for shitposting in your thread user :3 pls forgive

Hurr, Christians have to follow Jewish law, hurr

Considering Trump's past statements on Abortion, if he were to pick a pro-choice VP that would signal to a lot of people that he's just been bullshitting evangelicals on his position on abortion and that he's still pro-choice.

#NeverTrump faggots are looking for any excuse not to vote for him. They know the steaks and they don't care. They already believe he's a pro choice liberal so he needs a solid conservative. It sucks but it's the truth.

trump is pro choice retard.

if i was a chick and someone fucking raped me and one of you tried to tell me i had to keep i would fucking destroy you irl. im voting trump.

All is forgiven, my friend. After all, Christians are all about forgiveness, right? :^)

You're naïve if you think he won't lose many, many voters because of it, though. Abortion is simply a hot-button issue for too many Americans to risk it; they'll just vote for a third-party candidate or abstain. I would still vote for Trump, though.

wont that be good for trump since he is doing bad with women

>giving a FUCK about abortion

Of course you can eat dogs, it's an animal. Nevertheless you shouldn't harm animals for no reason, but essentially they are just animals no humans making them not nearly comparable in rights and consciousness or -ITT most important - value of life.

"I think there should be consequences for women who have abortion"

Maybe in the past, and maybe secretly now, but that's not the image he's projecting on the campaign trail.


Give it up for adoption.

That baby is still a human life. It doesn't deserve to die because of the sins of the father.

Fuck anti-abortionists

All the criminals in the world are commonly bastards. The major reason women want abortions is because the would-be father is no longer there to support the would-be mother.

Prevent misguided children. Abortion is a POSITIVE THING. It takes TWO to raise a child, and it's not gonna take some 'my wife's son' cuck to correct it.

you write like a cuck

was your wife "raped" by a black guy? are you sure she didn't cuck you on purpose and then freak out when she got pregnant because of it?


I don't care much about abortion, but I dropped him this morning after he fumbled his response to the burgeoning race war.

Being pro-life is the cuckservatives way of saying you support the out of control mass breeding of subhumans. Don't dare call yourself right wing while advocating for the destruction of western white civilization you marxist loving filth.

Is there anything more annoying that these petty women's issues to divide us?

>I hope you don't call yourself a Christian.
>All life is sacred
>Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

>you can't touch gun rights, it's a fundamental right
>you can't touch free speech it's a fundamental right
>abortion? sure, why not?

I hear this kind of argumentation far too often on Sup Forums.

inb4 Sup Forums is one person

You're never going to solve the problems that the poor black communities face by telling them they shouldn't have consequences for their actions, retard. Promote a culture of family values, shame the fathers into staying with their kids, end the welfare state, promote jobs and job opportunities in the communities, and you'll see the problem fixed.

Also, tell white people to have more babies. Denmark's doing that right now, and it's working.


Yes of course, thank you...

But in all seriousness I don't think the amount of people he would lose would be significant enough to derail his entire campaign. Yes some people would leave but most would grit their teeth and vote. Also he could win more of the women and Democrat vote. Even you said you'd still vote for him if he came out in support. Hell I'm not for abortion but I wouldn't base my entire vote on a social issue. We have way more at stake here than just abortion.

I swear to god if America surrenders their nation to globalism because of tranny or abortion bullshit

Yeah and we know how well that worked out for McCain...

>i'm not a slimy neocon cuckservative, guys, honest

I think there are better ways to handle irresponsible shitheads making babies, but there are valid uses for abortion beyond that.

Abortion is not a clear cut issue, anyone that treats it like one is a disingenuous asshole.

Are you referring to Abraham and Isaac?

Do you really not understand the moral of that story?

Or that it's a Jewish tale, not a Christian one?

We should just deport shitskins, create incentives for whites to have babies (ones in stable and supportive households with two straight parents), and make abortion illegal except for rape, incest, danger to the mother or the baby will have some sort of terrible disease and life.

Good. Fuck the abortion debate with a stolen dick. I'm so sick of deciding policy that literally has no fucking bearing on the economy or defense of the nation. Same with this obsession with LGBT stuff.

Big problems first, then small problems.

Agree to disagree, then.

I have family out in Oklahoma, though, and I can tell you that there are many communities out there who hold abortion as a make-or-break issue, for better or worse.

>old testament god is dead!!11
What the fuck. It's like you're literally retarded. It was a psalm about Babylon's children being slaughtered. There is literally nothing wrong with unbelievers having abortions, in fact it's a good thing.

>true cuckservatives actually care about non-issues like abortion or gay marriage

Time to move on, retards, neither are ever going to be illegal again.

It's actually a passage concerning the babylonian exile, too lazy to look up full context but no its not about Abraham and Isaac

I'm much more concerned about whether the candidates are globalists or not.

>Anyone who is not a moral relativist is a disingenuous asshole

Well, I partially even agree with you, but that's just bullshit.