Why do so many millennialist still live with their parents?
Why do so many millennialist still live with their parents?
this thread has been done to death.
-ridiculus cost of housing
-no good women to shack up with
-shit job security
-shit wages
-shit everything
>hurr i need my own place to be a man
next question
Good luck buying a fucking house nowadays. Even renting shitty apartments in major cities is too expensive.
Because she's a paranoid lunatic that can't leave the house but still has custody over my little brother and sister.
Pretty sure she'd just choke them out in her sleep if she was left alone with them.
that escalated quickly
because boomers refuse to work
There's no reason not to.
I have no incentive to move out. Not getting a gf, not reproducing. The fuck am I in a rush for?
but everyone else has their own place faggot ;P u lose
No jobs
Housing market Overpriced shit
Or maybe it's because your generation is entitled little shitstains who don't want to do honest work?
I would humbly add that the average (middle class) american leaves house earlier than other countries. Mainly talking about higher education types here.
Which is admittedly pretty cool.
In other places, money issues and higher education available closer to home might make you stay home.
(you can always bang your girl in the car or a motel)
>she'd kill your two competing siblings
>she'd literally triple your inheritance FOR FREE
nigger get out
i never said i dont have my own place. ive been paying a ridiculous mortgage for 5 years and regret it with every fiber of my being.
fpbp, boring thread, let's move on. Sage
>i have to work honestly while others don't
nice excuse
i'm 27 and still live at home
i barely work enough hours at this shitty job making 12.50 an hour
please kill me
I'm guessing you've never held a job in your life, huh kiddo?
>really hard to find good work without degree
>still moderately hard to find good work with degree
>cheapest studio apartments round here are like $750/month
>obviously that doesn't include living expenses
>ya fucked
750 is a score bro it's $1200 for a studio out here in LA and still in kinda ghetto areas !
obviously not boring enough for you not to take time out of your busy playboy schedule to post here.
i moved back at 21 after my roomate got into trouble with drug dealers and caused alot of damage to the apartment. we lived in a ghetto for $1800 a month
That's the thing about American girls. They hate banging in a car. They think it's trashy. If they're feeling good maybe you'll get a BJ.
Bed of a pickup truck is the exception.
Burger bitches expect you to have your own place.
I lived on my own for 5 years, but moved bac k in with my mother.
There's not really any difference unless your parents are bothersome.
-t. Brexit remain voter
>living in LA
I have found your problem user
I don't know how any 20-somethings move out down there.
Been looking for any sort of work for months now, there's nothing in New York.
and if I did find something, it'll be minimum wage, which couldn't get me a fucking cardboard box in a yard.
Doesn't matter, it's your job to foot the bill.
Pay me bitch I need my neet buks AND I NEED THEM NOW! Don't worry I'll give you an hour for lunch on Monday, if your good.
>falling for the rental/mortgage jew
several, i lie cheat and steal my way to the top, i'll walk over whoever i please and discard the ones who aren't useful
"honest" work is the biggest lie ever created
>Get schooled
>Get job
>Move to urban area
>Gonna live the life, nigga. Bars are close. Gonna pull in tail like a straight G. Smoke weed erry day
>Mfw too tired to party after work
>Mfw still a hermit
>Mfw I could live the same life as I do now with my parents and put that rent money towards my student loans instead
>"honest" work is the biggest lie ever created
blame Christcucks and their undying love for Israel.
I voted Leave.
>tfw you aren't awkward and you're pretty chill but you're too shy to make new friends
i worked 2 jobs for a combined 78 hours per week from 18-21 and i was scraping by, i was a chef during the day and my boss was a physically violent coke head and at night i worked security
>Housing is prohibitively expensive in many places
>Student loans cripple tons of millennials
>Taxes are stupidly high to pay for all the gibmedats
>Many millennials make stupid decisions like buying their extra large Starbucks ice coffees every morning and buying iPhones every year when they can't afford it
There's plenty of reasons, some of them are their own faults, some aren't.
And still americans slam "socialists" for being slackers or wanting stuff for free.
Of course... the normal natural way of thing is for a handful to control 90% of every resource on the planet, and for people be born into debt to them and having to pay them to occupyu space and breathe, ...oh wait, you want to get an education too!? , oh boy, hope you got lots of lube because the assrape/debt-slavery is your destiny.
>mfw studio apartment for $320 in South Carolina.
Not everything has to be in LA or New York. To be fair, starting a career has never been more costly and convoluted than it is now, but I also notice two big reasons that millennials fail to find work.
1.) Refusal to relocate
2.) Drug tests
I work full time and my single mother is basically a dependant, and a sister. She lives with me, not the other way around. The jobs are shit, for her generation and mine.
>exposing the myth
I didnt know they had people like that in leaf land
You need money down to buy a house and millennials don't have large sums of cash or previous homes to sell for the money down.
>living in nigger capital USA
I only moved out because they kicked me out, but I managed to save up £25k while living with my parents so I'm not too worried. I now have over £30k in savings but still cant get a mortgage :(
To be fair, all the "honest work" is gone.
>inb4 lazy, i'm in grad school getting my MS in Accounting
Boomers let the big multinationals open up all the factories overseas, and they opened the flood gates for Mexis to take the remainder of unskilled labor jobs.
Don't get me wrong, most of my generation is retarded and worthless, but it's not everyone...and we're getting a shit-deal too.
tl;dr globalism sux
Where are you working in SC? I was born in Trident Tech and forced to live in NY since grade school.
How do I get back to my goose creek! I miss my saturday flee markets!
I don't have anyone to move out with. :(
I move a lot due to my job and I lived alone for most of my working life, but occassionally I have to spend few months in city where my mother lives. No point in paying overpriced rent when I can help with hers.
teh rent 2 high desu
>most of my generation is retarded and worthless
>work min wage
>have 2+ kids
>become single parent
>complain about having no money or free time
top kek
Fuck you dude
I've sent my resume far and wide and all I've got back are unsolicited calls by bots trying to lure me into pyramid schemes
I can't even get an entry-level job in my field because it's all outsourced now
Single generation homes are a 20th century invention. Before that everyone lived with parents and grandparents together.
Sociopathic entitled people in the 20th century abandoned their parents to take care of themselves so that they could live alone.
must have been nice to walk down the fucking street and get a job almost anywhere
Chinese ruined the housing market so bad it literally radiated outwards into the entire province and now renting an apartment in a town of 70,000 costs $1000 a month.
i feel your pain on the bots man. took me 4 months to find a real job and its only 13 an hour. keep lookin man. keep lookin.
By the way, this doesn't mean you should be neet. It means you should be helping your parents run the household. There's no reason your aging father should cut grass or you can't help your mother out around the house. You should have a job and be paying for groceries, helping with bills, or paying rent if your parents prefer.
Multi-generational households have been a tradition across nearly every culture throughout history. Moving out at 18 is a relic of the post-war economy, when getting a good job and owning your own home at a young age was actually feasible.
There isn't anything wrong with adults living in their parents' home. It is financially responsible, promotes family bonds and a stronger sense of unity, and helps keep property prices lower due to less demand. Only in the degenerate, money-hungry West is it seen as shameful.
On a side note, the "Millennials are all lazy and entitled" is mostly propaganda for conglomerates to justify moving their businesses overseas and flooding Western countries with foreigners and cheap labor. Don't believe the media lies.
because its free + free tacos
what the fuck does christianity and israel have to do with honest work?
>Sociopathic entitled people
Guess who encouraged it?
because the economy sucks. Compared to when baby boomers were 18.. we have it rough.
But that's no excuse to not try
Wasn't the case.
There weren't particularly more just just a lower barrier to entry.
I live near Clemson. I love the upstate.
i have depression
You know me? I've had people say that irl...
holy fucking this, especially in cuckcity of SF, 4k rent, too tired to go out anymore, the fuck am i doing here, move back home , pour all the money into helping mom and dad get a mansion house in the country side, mfw 200k 5 bedroom house with a pool, what am i in a rush for?
there was ABSOLUTELY more. pajeet wasnt taking our shit from across the globe and pedro wasnt scurrying across the border either
I'm English, most of the Canadians that i've met in my age group are drug users or frivolous entitled brats, then again I'm in the non white cesspool of Toronto
What is 29445 like these days? "Goose Creek,"
Last time I went it was pretty much run down. Any improvement? What happened over there?
you sound like a 'head down get shit done' kind of guy
The major difference is actually women.
cuz no gf.
i easily could move out if i found a girlfriend to help cover the rent.
but that's not happening.
>It is financially responsible, promotes family bonds and a stronger sense of unity
Yeah, isolating yourself in the basement while leeching resources sure is bonding.
For me, personally, it's a mixture of my health and my location.
I live in LA, and have to be tied to my parent's health insurance. I can't move to a cheaper state (without negative consequences, health-wise), and LA is expensive as fuck, not even mentioning all of the local and state taxes.
I'm trying to be self-employed so I can have an income source independent of my location, but I don't have a good home life, and am constantly depressed and lacking willpower.
I don't like being a victim, though, so I don't really complain much. I just try to focus on what I can.
This is a bit of a sweeping generalization.
If your parents are cool or at least decent you can probably "cohabitate". But it's a 50/50 thing at least.
The spectrum is so wide I can't even start.
But overall...yeah, in oldy times 3 generations living in the same house was more common.
For better or worse (old people got more care, young people had their parents taking care of their kids, also complete psychopathic disfunction was possible, just like today.
Fuck SF. Unless you're making $1m/yr you just can't afford it
I can't decide on a career
everything seems like a sham
government keeps taking money and can't pay or maintain what it has
I want to live independent of it but I don't see a way
because it's impossible for young people to get decently paying jobs unless they were born rich and have connections to get them hired.
25 living with parents. Making $10/hr part time as a cashier after 8 months job hunting after a layoff. My boss is 17 and still in high school.
I understand your suffering
we have only reverted to the way things were before WW2. Before WW1 even.
weve successfully used up the postwar boom and have returned to the way things normally work. that being, the working class have some buying power, but are not a powerful force unto themselves, young adults will live in their family home until their parents die, then inherit the home, etc etc
We live in a horrible time to find housing either rent or owning. Good news we are close to another housing bubble popping.
My personal reason why I am stuck at home is student loan debt and finding a job is impossible.
Doesn't help that my dad and his girlfriend are attempting to kick me out of the house. Yey me
if you are not a millenial imagine going through the school system as it has been for us, and every other aspect of 2000s-2010s life and emerging after years and years of that shit to find people telling you, you are just lazy cause you cant afford to live alone in the fiscal hell of today
that too. anyone who attempts to say we have anywhere near the opportunity our good for nothing parents had is delusional
Because in 1985 the average house price in England was 4x average income.
In 2016 the average house price is 15 times the average income.
Rent used to take no more than 1/3 of income. Now it takes up 2/3 of your income. It's fucked.
can attest to this- my parents both grew up in argentina, and my mom at least, lived at home with her parents after college. she had a job and all, but she stayed home. just the way it was
you realize you cant be on their insurance past 25 right? better prepare yourself.
Lived at home for 2 years saving money and paying off bills, bought a house, now living the good life in a neighborhood, doing yardwork and loving it
My dad put a kitchen knife in my face and I had to beat his ass.
It could be worse bud but, I know your pain
Ya m8 life seems pretty bleak for me too. Im 20 though but i only make $9.05 per hour. Every time i try to get a better job though it seems like places want people who already have 1-2 years experience and hell even if you got the experience they only wanna pay you $12 per hour starting out!
Fuck i really need to figure out a better place to look for a new job besides goddamn craigslist :/
My health problem is severe enough that I could be on the insurance past 25, to my understanding. I am only 20, though, so I have plenty of time whatever the case is (although if I'm 24 or 25 and still living with my parents, i'll probably just hang myself)
no the real reason you lazy kids live at home is gameboys and your bad attitude grumble grumble
story? ages?
>On a side note, the "Millennials are all lazy and entitled" is mostly propaganda
thats only half true. Ive seen my contemporaries. YOUVE seen them. the disgusting kids that vote bernie. You think they ARENT entitled or lazy?
What exactly is bad about living with your parents?
As long as you get a job and contribute to the family unit I don't see a problem. More families should live together and pool their resources.
The problem lies in selfish parents and selfish kids who don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.
I am just saving to move back out of CA, fuck this place hard.
tell me how you got those scars
>Live in Toronto.
>One room apartment is $1500+.
This city is shit, I'm surprised anyone can afford to live here.
Boomers like my parents ruined our future, so we should ruin their retirement lel.
good point. I get along with my folk. so that makes it easier.
I imagine some people dont have it as good..