Admittedly, I haven't ever had a negative interaction with anyone of the black race. Has anyone here actually had bad experiences with negroes and the like?
Admittedly, I haven't ever had a negative interaction with anyone of the black race...
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yeah they dum as fuck and i wanna kill them OOGA BOOGA ODIN
Oh wait no white people talk normally.
Every single time. I work at the DMV.
I live in Virginia. The high school I went to was, like, 95% white. I remember seeing, I believe, five african americans in my 4 years of high school. How many times have you interracted with african americans OP?
I haven't, but My friend got robbed at gun point by one. But they make up less than .5% of the population in my area, so I rarely ever interact with them
I had a black girl tell me my skin was surprisingly dark for being a software engineer student (I'm Irish/Polish)
I mean, I had a pretty good farmers tan going on, but how the hell am I supposed to respond to that
not bad, just weird
Only with American blacks here on holidays.
My neighbor is a Somalian who is black as black can be, like full on no light escapes this melanoid form black and he's a pretty cool dude.
Robbed at knifepoint in Chicago, nigger.
Robbed at gunpoint in Memphis, nigger.
she wants to fuck you dumbass
Literally got called a cracker in downtown Baltimore by some 12 year old Black niglet because I was wearing a WVU t-shirt(I don't even go there, just like the school)
tell her as a software engineer you have learned so much about managing property effectively.
When I was younger, my brother and I used to tied up the retarted nigger kid down the road to the stop sign pole about every week.
bring a whip next time remind her what nat turner really made u feel like when he gon call whitey cracka.
doubtful, we didn't know each other and it was the only time we saw one another
she's obviously hitting on you though
>I'm Polish/Irish
How is alcoholism rehabilitation going?
she's saying "yeah you looking good for a white man!"
I've never had an enemy in my life. Perhaps it's me or perhaps I just got lucky, but the worst I've seen from blacks I've known/worked with was that 'gangster attitude' and some implications towards drug use. Never saw any, but there was talk of its use at times that I overheard.
Pretty good people usually pham.
Fun and joyful.
Just avoid the ones from the ghetto like you would avoid people from trailer parks and barrios.
kek, I wish I had. I was honestly so shocked, that all I could think to do was should "fuck you" Niglet then proceeded to ask me if I wanted to fight, but I wasn't about to go to jail for punching a kid.
I do.. my dad died in a car crash after a black guy was speeding and hit my day's car
hmm, I guess. I never thought of it that way
don't need rehab if you don't listen to people when they tell you "you have a problem"
She wants to fuck you retard.
The only black kid in my entire high school is now a drug addict
Area where I live is around 30% black. Almost all the stereotypes are accurate. I'd say less than 1% of blacks are fit for civilization.
You must not have been around niggers a lot.
WTF chicks actually hit on people?!?
Why can't chicks just be nice without everyone assuming they're hitting on you?
Well through school they were always the ones to fight, and it was always either punching a security guard or fighting another nig.
Probably because you haven't been surrounded by them. When they outnumber you, or are among their own in large numbers, an absolute evil bubbles up from the surface.
They're like dark matter, each individual nigger is a particle of dark matter. Maybe one is okay, and a little scary, but together they form a destructive black void.
Browns and natives are the dindus of the north.
If you're going to be accosted, it'll probably be Ahmed or Little Running Water and their buddies.
However, that said, Somalian immigrants make up just about all the gun crime in my area and any interactions with the few local born blacks have been a mixed bag. Half are retarded hood rats and half are somewhat civilized human beans.
I was good friends with a couple blacks in high school, even some ghetto ones.
Mainly because I punched some kid that they didn't like, though I didn't know that at the time.
They were cool as hell. They even backed me up once when a few Cambodian wannabe gangsters were fucking with me.
I've had a black guys sucker punch me twice. Once for absolutely no reason.
>talk with one of the 3 darkies that were at my high school
>theres a THICC girl walking on front of us
>he comments on the superiority of jiggly booty
>i tell him i prefer small fit asses
>we look at each other like were both retarded
>never speak again
fun times
WTF niggers are worse then browns and natives.
Fuck niggers they shouldn't exist in Canada
>prefer small fit asses
In highschool, whenever the black kids got together there was just always more dramatic criticisms and confrontations over the littlest things.
They're just annoying to me, I've lived next to blacks my whole life.
Pretty much this.
We had like 5 black kids in our high school, I only knew two of them. One was this lanky dude that wore a suit to school everyday and was as white as you could get.
The other was a half-breed and threatened to knock me out when he saw me skateboarding with my friends because he thought I was a poser. He got expelled from school later for weed or threats or some shit.
Abo's are a whole something else though. One of the guys on my floor in residence was half abo and also a huge pot dealer. He brought his friends up from the reserve one day and they were doing crack in his room. I was passing by and one of them started talking to me about how he pukes up blood on a daily basis and downs a bottle of brandy every day.
The natives are like American blacks but way more cucked, they just fuck shit up on their own reservations then burn the flag or some dumb shit. Nobody really pays attention to them since all we have to do is have one of our politicians come out with a "formal apology" and they shut up for another 20 years in their alcoholism.
I don't really harbor ill will, but the only one at my high school got shot and died during a drug deal.
I've had a few bad encounters. I'm engaged to be married to a woman of color. We live a in a rather upscale neighborhood. This past summer her cousin, who grew up in what you could call an "inner-city urban environment", came in to visit us for a while... then his visit transformed into a prolonged stay. Apparently he is going to be staying with us for some time, so she decided to enroll him in a local school and he's been attending it for the past two months.
In this relatively short amount of time I've noticed his overall attitude towards education is so backwards. He thinks if anyone tries to teach him anything they are somehow the enemy. He is always trying to get out of hard work any way he can. Half the time the teachers and administrators at my school can't even do their jobs because he's so busy singing and dancing like a fool in class. Worst of all if I try to say something about his behavior, he just goofs on me for trying to make him "act white". As much as my fiance and I try we just can't seem to get through to him.
Sometimes I wish she would just send his princely ass back to Philly.
Blacks in Australia WTF??
Niggers are worse then abos where I live
niggers steal shit out of your yard
"nigga stole my bike" is more than just a meme
May you forever be pancaked by Mr. Negro...
Not anything specific that I remember. Come across plenty of thuggish types in my life, but I've always taken care to avoid interacting with anyone of that low character.
Had a get together at my house where some dumb nigger leaked my address, which caused all his hoodrat nigger friends to come to my doorstep and demand I let them in.
When I didn't let them in, they chimped out and told me they were gonna shoot up my house and all that.
Another time, my friend was throwing a party, refused to let a group of niggers into his house party (Because they had absolutely NO girls with them, no booze, nothing) and they freak out out again. Got jumped by a pack of 13-15 niggers when there were 4 of us.
After that, I decided to hate niggers forever. They're uncivilized, plain and simple.
does that like relieve their homesickness to fight like that?
We were at my brother's graduation and a car full of nig nogs tried to drive on the sidewalk to avoid traffic. My father, who lost his leg, was getting out of his van and on to the sidewalk. They started honking at him to move and about 3 other military type white guys looked like they were ready to join us and kick the shit out of them. Then they nig nogged the fuck out of there.
>Junior year
>live in nice suburbs
>20 city black kids transfer to my high school
>formed their own ingroup where only blacks allowed
>push shove and yell at people when they walk the halls
>50+ fights that year
>all but 3 involve black kids
The worst part is their city school shutdown so they had to be transferred to other schools. Ours accepted a handfull to test out "diversity integration". The next year we had no black kids at our school anymore. Graduated 3 years ago but as far as i hear they never tried that shit again
Boyfriend lived in the inner city and went to a priarily black school. He was bullied for being white, his step sister was bullied for acting white (her mother was light skin black trash who ran off and left the father to raise her). He was jumped, his sister harrassed and possibly molested at one point.
He lived in the house after his parents moved. I moved in, and while our neighbors were he blackest people you ever met, I actually felt safe with them, but no one else in he neighborhood. They watched out for us; I had some dude overstay his welcome after a party (literally everyone had gone to work but me and he stayed almost the whole day playing our Wii) and I went next door and told them, and they got their two thuggest blackest men to get his ass out.
Thats the nicest experience ive ever had with black people. Every experience after that was them axting like fuckheads-we were robbed by some unknown black dude, had my friends held at gun point while I was at work by someone else, harassed on the streets, had bb pellets shot at our windows by niglets...
Niggers are dogshit.
I've lived in Philadelphia the last 3 years, and yes, they're terrible. The city is decently segregated so usually you're fine but if you have to drive through any of the black neighborhoods (all ghettos), good luck.
Don't stop at red lights. Keep at least 3 car lengths between you and the car in front of you or they'll box you in and rob you. Never go down a narrow one way or you'll get ambushed.
I've followed all these rules and more and I've still had my car shot at twice, and once had a gang of young niggers on bikes chase after me throwing rocks through my windows.
I've seen enough crazy, violent shit here the last 3 years to last a lifetime. It's all been blacks.
Yeah, one time some random negro accosted me inside of a grocery store.
Blacks attempted to bully me throughout Jr. High and high school. They knew my dad was a cop so they were mean, but too scared to hit me or anything.
I've seen black neighbors abuse their children. Even once watched an old black lady slap the crap out of her grandson. He was 3.
I've worked with blacks. Some worked just fine. No problems at all. Others were lazy when it came to the everyday things people had to do at that job.
For the most part they are easy to avoid. I will only go to public placement where it is expensive to be. It Keeps out the nignogs.
How do you not stop at a redlight? Serious question, what about other traffic?
Montreal, ouch. It's like all the French women have a huge BBC fetish, I think thats why the niggers there are so full of themselves.
Spiting the English by fucking niggers, I love it.
I live in Etobicoke, Toronto suburb. Mostly just Ukrainians and Italians around here, but there is a Somali neighbourhood close by that got raided a few times.
>Vice does documentary on this
>Somali dude says gangs don't exist in the complex
>police raids find hundreds of firearms and thousands of dollars of drugs
>"man there aint no gangs people just do what they gotta do round here"
And Vice ate it all up.
my best friend is black. it saddens me when he tells me we wouldn't even think about going home because it's a shithole (NJ)
Wow, a real cuck
Don't stop at red can't be serious that's some third world tier shit right there.
Shouldn't you be allowed to go wherever you want on public property in the land of the free?
yes, they're fucking annoying subhumans. I have never met a nigger that I would actually invite over to my house. Fuck niggers
Once in Fort Lauderdale I accidentally rode over a black guy's shoes with a shopping cart, his friend said something like "it ain't worth it" and they went on their way.
went to school in a half white half black district
got into a fight with another black kid when i accidentally ruined his lunch, outside of that then never
Get control of your household. Find yourself a white woman.
>my best friend is black.
time to find new friends user
Why the fuck are you marrying into this family.
A black chick hit me in the back of the head with her purse because I was choking out a wigger who was beating on my brother.
Is chimping out part of their DNA?
When I was a child, I walked past one of them, and they stank.
That's about it.
Haven't met many.
I skimmed that vice episode, the comments were the best part, mostly Americans
>So we're in a gang eh, it's all aboot respect
But yea Montreal is utter shit, most black major city in the country. Once they're passed 7% or so things start to get fucked up.
I think the reason there's so many niggers and kebebs here is because the gov. wanted the French and English to stop fighting so they imported them here so we could hate someone together.
It sorta worked, but millenials of course are brainwashed with pro multicultural garbage so it wasn't a total success.
>I'm engaged to be married to a woman of color.
ho lee shit this is reddit. wtf are you doing here? you do know you've committed bestiality. enjoy raising your monkey kid faggot
There's usually no one else driving thru since everyone avoids these areas at all costs. Treat it like a yield sign. Cops aren't gonna stop you. When I first got here I got pulled over, cop asks me what I was doing, and then tells me run reds and to get the hell out of the neighborhood as fast as I could.
Apparently other locals grow up knowing these tricks when you're in a warzone
pretty much. they are closer to being gorillas/apes than they are to human imo. i will never in my life do business or associate myself with a nigger
>Shouldn't you be allowed to go wherever you want on public property in the land of the free?
it's philidehlpia. more like mogadishu than real USA
Living in Canada around mostly blacks has made me come to that conclusion.
Many look at us as a beautiful, peaceful, multicultural, totally not racist country yet those ungrateful gorillas STILL fucking chimp out all the fucking time.
Gangs, shootings, stabbings, anti cop vandalism (pic related) you name it, mostly done by niggers here.
So much for being the end of the underground railroad, nicely letting them in with open fucking arms.
not "bad" in the sense that they would bully me or anything
numerous examples of them being dumbasses, and having low impulse control though.
Got robbed by a nigger Friday night actually
That was really nice of the cop, shit. What area of Philadelphia or is it all over?
>Admittedly, I haven't ever had a negative interaction with anyone of the black race. Has anyone here actually had bad experiences with negroes and the like?
>From the US
Fucking how??
Have you only been in cities that are like 99% White?
All through primary education I watched blacks disrupt classes, get into violent fights with each other, get into yelling matches with teachers and throw chairs, etc.
Post high school, I've seen blacks steal bikes on my college campus; yell, intimidate, and shove random people on the streets; try to scam people; etc.
My gf is a stupid liberal bitch and even she admits she's been harassed by blacks.
I don't understand how you haven't experienced any of that in the US.
But where does it end? One or two cities, fine.
But it's Baltimore, Philly, Chicago, Detroit, St.Louis, Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Dallas, Little Rock, Atlanta....where does it end??
You are fucking retarded. Leave that nigger botch and marry a good white woman.
Several attempted muggings
Constant harassment by bums and crackheads
Black cops have, for some reason, always been obnoxious to me (white cops almost always helpful and nice)
General (if often well-meaning or good-natured) incompetence is a nearly universal hallmark in my experience with employed blacks, either as a customer or coworker
Black students almost always slackers, often surly and disruptive
Maybe he lives in Montana, the entire state is less then 1% black and the prison population is only 3% black.
>But it's Baltimore, Philly, Chicago, Detroit, St.Louis, Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Dallas, Little Rock, Atlanta....where does it end??
good point, it doesn't. USA is niggerland now.
Got called a punk ass cracker for wearing a MAGA shirt downtown. [spoiler]I'm hispanic.[/spoiler]
I work retail. Niggers are the absolute worst.
Now, every race/nationality has its problems.
Hispanics never fucking speak English, and their 50 anchorbabies run wild with no supervision.
Asians treat everyone like shit, and always complain when shit is too expensive. There's a reason they're called "Tuhais". OH DAT TOO HIGH, YOU GO LOWAH
White people can fluctuate between bro-tier and ruin-your-day tier, it's hard to pin down, but the worst white people are scummy pieces of shit, coming in higher than a kite on meth, and are the most likely to complain to a manager about some extremely minor slight.
Niggers are something else.
You will never see a nigger pay with anything other than food stamps and pocket change.
I've had niggers ask me on more than one occasion to accept less than what a product is worth (i.e., something is worth a dollar, they give me 75 cents)
Niggers have no inside voice, will basically yell everything at you
Niggers will cut lines like no other, but get super fucking upset if someone cuts in front of them
If they have a phone, good luck getting their attention for 5 seconds
95% of them smell fucking awful, like they just rolled through the door after hitting the biggest bong
And they will call you racist for literally anything. Didn't fall for the "I gave you a fifty, except I gave you a twenty" trick? Raciss. Told their rotten kids to stop climbing the shelves? RACISS. You caught me stealin' something? DATS RAYCIS!
Fuck niggers.
Blacks are the only ones who have ever been overtly, aggressively racist to me (non-white). Nothing too serious, but still.
hang your heads in shame, go back to lereddit, and never show your faces on this board again.
and y'all probably still won't get this even after my post.
this this this
OP says (1 post by this ID). basically a reddit slide thread. every other post in this thread has proved that niggers are basically subhuman monkies
correlation coefficient between mother's and child's IQs is 0.8, just so you know.
it doesn't seem like b8, or i have never seen that copypasta before and been here a while.
>Senior year in high school.
>I'm getting on the school bus ready to head home
>Tall lengthy nig about 6'6 (I'm 6'4) stops me and tells me to "let him check those pockets"
>Respond with a confused "What?"
>"Ayo run them pockets cuz"
>I'm standing here wondering if this dipshit is serious or not
>My hand is in my pocket clutching my cell phone
>He proceeds to grab my arm and tries to yank it out of my pocket, doesn't get far.
>Motherfucker is struggling to pull my arm out of my own pocket.
>I ball up my free hand and was about to hit this motherfucker as hard as I possibly could.
>I look behind him the school resource officer is standing there with his arms crossed.
>He notices by the look on my face and turns around, see's the officer and immediately walks away.
>He thinks the officer saved my ass when in reality it was the other way around
Never wanted to stomp a nigger into the dirt harder than I did then.
go back and read the last line. it's the best post i've seen on Sup Forums in months. "iiiiiiiiin west philadelphia, born and raised..."
Philly is basically like an onion. Center city (downtown) and university city are safe because all the businessmen and students price out the nigs. Outisde of that, you have the second layer: west, north, and south philly, which are all shitholes, minus a few pockets of gentrification. Then outside of that you have kind of semi suburbs that are technically within city limits, filled with whites. Then, again, outside of that layer, you have more shitty areas spread out outside the city limits. To the east of course you have new jersey so it's not like it gets any better that way either
I love America, it's my favorite country, but I don't want to fear for my life for simply taking a wrong exit, or wanting to shop at that particular store...
But I can't blame you guys, you're just stuck with them because of your past.
Live in VA. I grew up in the suburbs of Richmond. All through school it was prob 10% or more black. They generally keep in their own groups esprcially in highschool. About 90% of fights were blacks. They will threaten you if you look at them wrong. As for specific experiences:
-in middle school a black kid spat in my face, nearly beat his ass but he walked to where a teacher was
-in highschool a few threatened me
Lived with one for about 3 years and had a few black friends during that time:
-roommate constantly asking people for money or for them to buy him food. He was the most selfish person I've ever met
-one friend was constantly lying to women to sleep with them, also started a bunch of fights
-other guy was actually a really close friend, even let him stay in my room with his gf for a couple months when his mother up and left screwing up the apartment. He ended up sucker punching me over some random bullshit and showed me never to trust niggers
Now every black guy I know/work with is super lazy, does drugs, and molests women
niggers: bad
black people: just have darker skin (and maybe different skulls and lower iq if you subscribe to all that)
also, camden is like a magnet for the absolute worst of it, so no part of philly ever gets as bad as like hunters point or east palo alto.
A drugged out nigger smashed into my car head on while I was at a traffic light. Totalled my car, he got away with a ticket for no insurance.
Innumerable times harassed/threatened by them. I couldn't count how many friends have been mugged by them, but I never have.
I've worked with them. They work so fucked up and lazy you can't believe, and dare you to say anything cuz dat rayciss. All that A. Wyatt Mann stuff about them talking on the phone all day is true.
>pic related
>fresh AWM
All the time. Almost started a race riot at my High School, I've posted the greentext here a few times. I spent a good amount of time working around niggers (both as coworkers and as customers). Individually, they tend to be ok when they don't have other blacks to learn bad behavior from. Also there's a few that just turn out ok. Vast majority are awful, clownish, bad mannered animals and anytime they get into groupings of 3 or more you can be guaranteed something bad will happen.
I was on holiday in Murcia back in 2011
Nearly got robbed by a nig when checking out Hollywood.
Went to majority black school, never really messed with my friend group but we're pretty insufferable. Live in 90% black neighborhood and it's pretty nice actually. Basically 0 crime in 2 years.