Why are posters from this country so obnoxious?

Why are posters from this country so obnoxious?

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Are they?

because people keep calling them gypsy

stop bashing colombia, they are selling you cheap drug.

el chileANO con proxy seniores

they are subhumans, that's why

inb4 "would you racemix with a colombian girl" poster comes in

They're sissy fags.

not really. Brazilians are the most obnoxious on the internet in general.

Amerifat can't handle our alphaness.

All south american posters should be range banned

they're redpilled

All finnish posters should be range banned

You should hang urself.

this. one thing I learned from Sup Forums is third worlders are still third worlders even online. they act like gypsy kids who bully little girls just for fun.


In the last 20 or so years their socio-economic situation has improved somewhat which makes them feel that their culture is on par with first world countries


No dixies are fine north americans are the unbearable ones
they should be banned along with all the snowniggers because all you do is faggot roleplaying

>complain about faggot roleplaying
>on Sup Forums
you've never visited Sup Forums, the very first board of this website?

I used to think that all first worlders were educated, cultured, fine people. Then I entered Sup Forums and saw the ugly true.


Just a few times
I'm good on that

Just to clarify.
I never thought this thing about Nips. I all ways view you like extremely autistic people. Sup Forums has only reinforced that view.

There ar no Japs on Sup Forums

which proxy?


They're just a little salty sometime but they're nice overall

>making conclusions about cunts irl based on Sup Forums posters and thinking he found the "truth"

You are just too effeminate to understand.

Don't you Chinese knockoffs prostitute little girls for wealthy gaijins and then give them the title of junior idols so your backwards faggots don't get arrested by interpol?

t. subhuman

Nobody here except niggers (crack) has done coke since the 80s


Attacked by scopolamine then being told what to post.

pic unrelated?

I get the feeling this will be underappreciated.

nobody in your basement, maybe


all spics should be rangebanned desu

good post

this unironically

True colombians are BLACK and Amerindian. Ignore the wh*Te invaders and posting quality skyrockets.

>t. (You)


Because I fucking hate you all, chilean pieces of shit.

I would kill you all if it were not considered a crime.

>white colombians

Because they live in a subhuman shithole with active guerrillas, but they don't want others know that

and they are actually subhumans

If you read all the butthurt comments towards us ITT you'll understand why. Other latam countries can't cope with the fact that a shithole in the tropics with active guerrillas is outperforming their countries in basically every fucking sense

Just for that we will double the influx of Haitians into your country this month.
Didn't some of your mapuches come to train with the red bois some time ago? hope they are not doing something bad with that knowledge.


The German is insinuating that the American is talking about posters of his own country rather than from Colombia.

I know, I just didn't get why the hue got that feeling

THIS. I need out of here!

colombian posters are bros desu

maybe we should molest little girls like you, civilized nipponese

I like them desu

THANKS based peru bro

ive seen almost no chilean complain about haitians tough

each time a chilean complains about a group of immigrants, its always colombians

You must be new then. I've seen heaps of Chileans complaining about Haitians and Dominicans across flag boards


Let's watch!

colombians are pretty annoying desu
they constantly complain about third-worlders, especially africans and brazilians, past the point of it being normal around here. besides, to all you colombians in this thread, you're still third worlders, and you're still part of the problem in this world. Remember that your drug cartels are legendary for being complete dickbags who constantly harass national governments even besides your own. remember that you were still involved in New Spain, that you were a part of the Latin American revolutions. that is all.

Complains about haitians and dominicans are just xenophobic. We are not used and do not like seeing niggers. Complains about congolombians are transversal. No matter the color, congolombians are not welcomed. Nobody likes congolombians here. And I'm not talking about your average vende arepas congo, we don't like congolombians at all, even if you tell me you are a rocket scientist. If you are a congo, you are fucking done in social value

Oh here comes the indignant American with his oh so justified complains about cartels never mind the fact that you complete imbeciles decided to use THEM as the primary force of destabilization by giving them info and funding them with weapons after all these years you obese manatees keep falling for the same trap again and again and never learn when the forces you keep under your payroll become unruly even to you, first was the cartels, now isis; just what group of deranged bastards are you even going to fund next time in your quest for perceived national security?

>complaining about Haitians and Dominicans
>and Dominicans

now i know you are just talking bullshit, most chileans dont even know the difference

this is why everyone hates you c*lombian

i did say almost no chilean, and most of those posts dont really complain

> Brazilians
Are you joking? Most Colombians see Brazilians as total bros. Also Africans, we never talk about them

I'm not talking about Chileans in general, man. I'm talking about Chileans who post on this Samoan crafts forum.

The butthurt is real

Don't need to justify things to me man, I didn't even read that shit.

That's the uruguayan mesero living here. He has said it many times. Stop your obsession you will never level with us

>The butthurt is real
That catch phrase you are so fucking dumb 0n

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Vid related: youtube.com/watch?v=n2aMaMkDwTA

we are condemned to live in the third-world

There, there.
First world countries got it's own troubles too. There is nothing wrong in being a comfy third world country.

This desu, I rather be around these fuckers than counting seconds for a bomb to blow.

Armenians? Havent's seen them for a while

>there is a place called armenia here
u cheeky cunt.

I always confuse you with Armenians, sorry

O-oh, there is no need to apologize, i thought you said that because there is in fact a city here called Armenia thus making the joke funnier.

Are you new man? You're cringy af

>The city called Armenia actually exists on Colombia
Holy shit

they're ok just super patriotic for some reason, also they have a relentless shitposter called 0n that gives them a really bad rep.

>Remember that your drug cartels are legendary for being complete dickbags who constantly harass national governments even besides your own.

t. amerishart coke snorter

Is Ceron even around anymore?

The only one I see talking bullshit about being white (iberian) is the demented paisa.

Racial complexes and nationalism.
They cannot handle the fact that they are not white and that their country is a shithole with grace.

I'm the paisa (there are many but i guess i'm the one you're talking about) and i'm not the guy who is always arguing about >muh white admixture

Why do so many Colombians come to New Zealand? Alternatively, why do no other South Americans come here?

Colombians are good cunts though. God tier to drink with and they aren't stuck up assholes