How long will you continue to believe Trump's lies?

How long will you continue to believe Trump's lies?

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We've been over this already

>one post by this id

It just got 10 feet higher

>Trump threatens to cancel NAFTA which would utterly ruin Mexico financially
>Mexico builds wall

I like how Mexico's understanding of "paying for it" is literally them writing trump a big check for $10b with "wall" in the memo.
Just shows how dumb and short sighted the Mexican government is, and why their country is a shit hole

When is Carlos Thin going to comment on this issue?

You can confiscate money from deported ilegals and you'd have enough to pay for mexico's AND canada's wall

Or you could just threaten to stop illegals and legals from sending money back to Mexico which is 10's of billions a year.
There are so many ways US could pressure Mexico to build wall.
We don't realize it because Obama is a globalist who hates America so its against his interests to let America look strong or use its power to benefit its own interests.

Look at this fucking cracker. When will white Mexican elites address their caste system and stop acting like it's racist that Americans don't think it's our responsibility make room and provide for their disenfranchised citizens?

Can you please elaborate

T economics noob


>I like how Mexico's understanding of "paying for it" is literally them writing trump a big check for $10b with "wall" in the memo
Fucking kek

u r an idiot

How long will you continue to repost this thread

>How long will you continue to believe Trump's lies?
autism is terminal

We give Mexico a ton of aid every year
Mexicans in America are allowed to send money home to their families
That's where the money for the wall is gonna come from

then he will get a few bilion less aid per year

tell me again why mexico deserves american taxpayers money, at all?

>1 post by this ID

By cutting Funds to them and redirecting them to build a wall..or repeal nafta and tax their goods.....and take that tax money to build wall

Here we go, the same retarded argument rolled out again every other week

It's called pandering dumbass. You don't get elected without saying the shit that your constituency wants to hear. It's not just trump.

>Build a wall
>Improve the economy
>Bring the troops home
>Free college
>Read my lips, No new taxes
>etc., etc.

I don't see how the president of Mexico has any day in the matter.

Or why you think I'd do anything but sage your stupid, weak bait.

trump builds wall

trump still cancels NAFTA