guy looks like a catfish
hes just jealous hes not white and normal
I agree with him but he does sound like he lost a lot of pussy to some loser white guys.
he is 1000% correct. Nearly every white guy who goes """overseas""" to "teach english" is an aspie pseudo sex tourist who couldn't hack it in his home country. Find something wrong with anything he said.
I smell Asian.
Chink with an aussie accent complaining about immigrants... oh god its too much.
I thought he was Koren not a Chink that would make him a Gook wouldn't it?
Getting cucked by whitey and making little Elliot Rodgers...just another day for asian Sup ForumsTards.
He's right though
Lived in China for 6 months and I can confirm this.
Is it any wonder why White men are so hated in Asia?
They live like KANGZ in Asia. They slay pussy like there's no tomorrow.
Every white failure in a country like China thrives in such an environment.
I've heard people praise the academic capabilities of the Asians, but when it comes to taking action they are outcompeted by the European man.
Their contempt is completely understandable.
"WHITU PIGGU GO HOME!!1!" he said, whilst sitting in his bathroom, while his gf gets cracka'd.
God these chinks are pathetic when it comes to other races and their women, so they are like white men with mudshits and blacks.
Welcome to the club ching-chong, make yourself comfortable, its gonna be a long ride
Holy shit he's the hottest fuggin azn I've ever seen and I don't even have yellow fever
this is the end of whitey
Why the fuck do you care so much?
This is one handsome Asian Australian man, I'd like to perform fellatio on him
Uneducated americunt
I thought everyone who moves from the West to Asia does so only because they were courted by Asian companies to work? Like I'm pretty sure nobody would call people who are drafted into the NBA a loser because they're playing pro at the highest level instead of playing pick-up games for chump change.
>This Muslim wine nigger thinks I should know all the surnames of Asians.
Top Fucking Kek
nguyen is vietnamese, you should know because they BTFO your country and made america look like pussies. Beating your entire army with a few peasant farmers with rusty old guns
He's absolutely right fuck you weaboo cunts.
>catfish's dad was probably gunned down in the Tet Offensive
Don't be angry, gook.
>you should know because they BTFO your country and made america look like pussies
So I take it you can name every American surname since we BTFO of your country and made you look like retarded pussies amirite?
You know with just a few hillbillies and farmers with rusty old hunting muskets.
I went to South Korea for two weeks last summer and fucked 6 Korean girls, 2 of them at the same time. It's not difficult at all, I'm sure there are tons of ugly/fat dudes who try and fail, but it's probably the easiest first date/fuck ratio anywhere.
>white people in asia are basically the mexicans of asia
Pretty much.
flood muh country with chinks
and we'll send you rapist and pedophiles m8
>retarded looking fugly Asian guy
>Australian accent
Nguyen is like the only last name they have in Vietnam.
Used to sell these dumb dog eating ching chong chink gook zipperhead faggots credit cards on the phone, literally every last one named Nguyen
>chink is threatened by america's "losers"
Damn, it really must be good over there for white people. i can just imagine it, he probably just saw some fat autistic guy with a qt walking down the street
Plenty of people get stationed there in the military and there's industry based on pleasing American soldiers.
Plenty of people want to teach English overseas and see that the benefits and pay is better there than most places in Europe and South America.
I'm sure there are tons of weebs who go to Japan and force themselves on the culture, I don't know.
It's mainly the first two. And the second option, a lot of the time, are former enlisted men who spent however many years in whatever country and then get the ride through college, and then go back.
He's right but he seems like a lifeless drone
He's a hapa male, he has the typical hapa male insecurity. His dad is most likely white.
Seems like he is angry at the world and kind of jealous.
>ugly Asian autist blames other race for his failure
Looks like this is the Sup Forums of Asia
I agree 100%
So why ask your peants why they moved down under
>autist dregs of American society can hop on a plane and score as many asian girls as they want
>this upsets the betas
Imagine what would happen if a legit Chad went over there.
Why would I settle for a 4/10 white girl when I can easily obtain a 9/10 Asian girl? It's basic economics. I'm not talking about looks with that number, I mean the entire package (looks and personality). Do I want a 4/10 or a 9/10? Hmmm... If Sup Forums had it their way I would dutifully grab that 4/10 just to save the white race or something. Well believe me, the white race doesn't want to be saved, and white women have gone down the shitter. Not to say there aren't any good ones out there, but the good ones are in high enough demand to make it nearly impossible for me to get one or expect her to remain faithful once I do. Meanwhile I can go to another country where I am more valuable and I have greater "purchasing power" to upgrade from a 4/10 to a 9/10.
Go ahead, be mad, but it doesn't bother me one bit.
>asian male thread on Sup Forums
I love these threads, it really forces the weebaboo white bois out of hiding.
>Asian losers literally flood into Australia and Canada
>But it's not okay for white losers to do the same
Wew lad, that's not how the world works. Your people don't get to go to other countries and shit up the place without a few of your women getting BLEACHED in return.
There's nothing wrong with what he said but there's also nothing wrong with being a "loser" long-term sex tourist.
If you're not a bluepilled normie Chad then you're not gonna hack it over here so you might as well go somewhere that you're considered exotic.
>inb4 english teachers supporting this small dicked yellow man because whitey is cucking asian guy's gf
>disregarding irish, german, and ukrainian immigrants to back up your argument.
asia is not the new world familia, there's no opportunity there. The only reason white guys go there is because they're cucking their own culture by being a weeaboo. Not to mention the gross white guys going there to fuck dimestore hookers and ladyboys.
Pretty much this. I think this is what really pisses off Asian males the most. Fat loser white guys with no social skills doing better with their women than they are.
We killed around 20 nva soldiers for every 1 dead American.
>out of hiding.
It's immoral to cuck chinks the way niggers cuck whites
lmao subhuman gook betas so mad that they are getting cucked by rejects
All I got from that is that Asia is shit tier compared to the west.
Says the Gook in a Australia. Boat people were a mistake.
Can I expect you guys to take it on the chin when white women are taken by Tyrone and Ahmed then?
Practice what you preach pls
Why would I get mad, would you get mad if a black man stole your fat white woman?
You probably would.
Sounds about right
related..except more entertaining
I'm white, and the though of living in a sea of gooks puts chills up my spine. You'd have to be some kind of autist to want to do it.
Sup Forums btfo
That's what he said. They only go there because they don't have any skills to offer in their home country so they move somewhere where they think it's easier.
Which begs the question why some Australian Viet is complaining about it since he's not much different.
A gook is somebody from South East Asia.
A chink is somebody from North East Asia.
Isn't that an Australian accent? He's an Asian in a European country
can confirm
am moving to china at the end of summer to teach. everyone who goes there is running from something. why else would you go?
really I'm moving there to start a business though
will not fuck/date any chinks because they are fucking nuts
>mfw looking for jobs in Asia and seeing these threads nearly every day
>literally physically incapable of growing a beard
>in devastating anal anguish after being cucked by actual men
It's true. Even stormfronters are disgusted by the losers that have to go to Asia and try to fight for their mail order brides honorary white status.
What was that word he used before expat? Quolly?
can you stop making shit threads like this
He's south east asian, he's the nigger equivalent of asians. Nice try though!
I'd like to see where whites drive crimes up across the board, use up the non existing welfare in those asian countries, turn the countries white and so on. Oh wait, that isn't happening. He's basically mad that some autistic white nerd with asperbergers despite being a complete fuck up is still more successfull than him. Which is his good right but doesn't make the comparison valid.
>Even stormfronters
You say that as if anything doesn't disgust them or if anyone outside of there values their opinion.
mic status: dropped
this is true
This is called bullshit
Can you do it again?
their males are so effeminate
Trips status: checked
Because they go there to get easy pussy. Low value whites still get with Asian women easier and jobs easier than asian men so they go to Asia.
The truth is they are losers but this guy should be asking why low value whites are so valuable in Asian countries. Why there women prefer them. The problem with Asian men is they are even more pathetic than whites. This guy talks about these white men like he isn't describing Asian men to a tooth as well.
I mean I fucking hate immigrant workers so I completely get why this guy would be upset but Asian men has this fucking passive agressive jealousy of white dudes and it's obvious as hell even to non whites and non asians.
Men in general have become pathetic as a whole. You even seen the alpha males acting like whiny bitches and pushing pro bitch culture shit at expense of ourselves, Once agian, he's right though, whites in Asia usually are losers.
>if a white guy had any marketable skills he would never come to asia because asia is shit.
another self-hating asian.
>looks like a catfish
oh fug
He's right. Why would you go to Asia if you can make it in America? I've felt this way when I hear weeb faggots on Sup Forums and reddit brag about living in Korea. It's always pasty dumpy white dudes who probably support Sanders.
>Arguments posted by these IDs: 0
Quality content.
i think he's right even as someone who would be categorized as a bottom-of-the-barrel white guy. i at least have the self-awareness not to go somewhere else in the world where i would be valued based solely on being white, knowing english, etc.. i can't find anything wrong with what he said, and he's only talking relatively small group of people who do this.
>da fucking jungle
he isnt wrong though
Was gonna thumb down his video but then I actually watched it and he is right.
expats in asia are usually human trash
It's basically just muh dikk
>i'm a socially awkward little twerp in my home country but in Asia they like that!
>in Asia i'll be cool
but if you're a socially awkward little twerp in your home country then you are anywhere
and he is kinda right that if your only marketable skill is that you can speak your native tongue that means you are somewhat of a failure
>If you're not a bluepilled normie Chad then you're not gonna hack it over here so you might as well go somewhere that you're considered exotic.
If you're not an overly traditional muslim then you're not gonna hack it over there in Iraq so you might as well go to Europe where you're considered exotic.
That is literally what you're saying.
Truth is that white people are the niggers of Asia, we have no excuse to be going over there. No problem with mail-order brides etc, they're willingly moving out, but moving to Vietnam or Japan for pussy is literally the exact same thing niggers are doing in Europe right now.
Don't be a fucking nigger.
lel only giving money to qt asian lolis
Why does he have an Aussie accent
Yeah but we're white, the race that objectively built the modern world.
I mean, you're not, but we are.
This gook is just jealous that white guys are taking all the Asian girls.
>Yeah but we're egyptians, the race that had spaceships and shit
>but we are.
Your mayor is a Muslim though?!?!
>aussie accent
>synchronous issues
its fake. the guy who seems to be talking is actually just moving his lips some aussie vocalized over him. how da fuck nobody figured this shit before me ? im genious of Sup Forums
He's was born in Australia, but has no marketable skills so he moved to Vietnam and started a youtube channel where he talks about shitty it is and hands out money to little kids.
Now he's mad that a bunch of aspie weebs have jobs in Asia and go around fucking girls he isn't.
>We wuz khans n shiet
I'm not in London, Sheamus.