Me 26
What age did you grow out of Videogames?
I sold all my gaming shit except for my N64
i havent played a game in a year so 17
29. i bought a ps4 a while back, and only put 10 hours into it. it's been collecting dust ever since.
i bought a bunch of steam games. never touched them.
with the sole exception of stardew valley. i've been playing the shit out of stardew valley.
it's like 99.9% of games bore me. a game has to be REALLY FUCKING GOOD for me to give it the time of day.
I am 27. I only play vidya when I drink. Its the only way I know how.
21 or so, but I'll play the new Bethesda games when they come out for a few weeks. Never been super into them.
Never gonna happen
Video games are just one form of useless entertainment and everyone uses at least one
Either you're playing vidya, watching TV, reading fantasy books, browsing Sup Forums, or playing instruments you're still wasting time
>muh mewsic isnt a waste a time
unless you're naturally talented to make a lot of money off of it, yes it is.
Videogames are just as likely to make you money as instruments are if not more
I'm keeping my SNES and PS1 for my kids.
Donkey Kong Country, but corrupted so that its just Cranky heckling them constantly
Super Metroid
Chrono Trigger
a few others.
i dont know very many good ps1 games though. MegaMan legends, red faction, chrono cross, armored core
what else is good?
I still play a game every now and then, in moderation they are okay, but I got out of it being a major waste of time and a vice when I was 17.
Anything that develops a skill is a better use of time than cheap occupation, even if it's only for personal satisfaction.
How can you grow out of them now?
Id have believed you 20 years ago, but now there is insane variety
You just dont like videogames and thats perfectly fine
Whats more worrying is people that are so insecure about their taste that they have to use the phrase "grow out of" to feel better.
Video games not only promote improved hand-eye coordination, but they also improve problem solving and optimization skills. Video games are fine in moderation, just like most things.
videogames are just as much as a skill as musical instruments are
neither will save your life or very likely to get you a job
and they both sharpen certain mental attributes
there is absolutely 0 arguments to prove one is better than the other.
Grow out of video games? Is that like growing out of chess or growing out of riding a bicycle? I wasn't aware that was actually a thing.
it isn't
insecure shrubs trying to build up their confidence
I bought an Xbox during the winter. Feel for the Fallout 4 hype. Played it maybe an hour or so a day.
I'm not huge on video games, I spend way too much on time on Sup Forums lately though. I justify that there is legitimately a ton of shit going on right now though.
I knew people who would bash video games as a hobby, saying it was an "unproductive waste of time." These same people would binge on Netflix marathons, or spend entire weekends sitting in front of their TVs watching sporting events...
Video games are entertainment/art. There's nothing wrong with gaming in itself. The only issue is when it transcends itself as a harmless hobby and takes precedent over more important aspects of your life.
I played WoW and SC2 off and on as a teen but that was it.
But I still buy a few consoles and physical copies for collection purposes.
I was 19 I think. I'm 24 now. Keep in mind though that I do NOT think badly about adults playing video games. It's a hobby just like watching tv or watching movies.
We all 'waste' our time in one form or another, not sure why enjoying = wasting though.
At age 25 or so I lost interest quite a bit where I can only play them in short bursts now. I'm a loser without much to do so I still play them here and there. A lot of buying games then never playing them, especially never beating them.
I'm the opposite. I drink less if I'm playing video.
I know i love video games, but i find it hard to really sit down and play them for any real span of time anymore. After about an hour i get anxious and go do something else. I miss just sitting down and playing for hours, enjoying every minute of it. I think that is a form or growing out of it. Video games are great, i just lack the central focus. Too busy worrying about too much.
this is what i said but better.
give me my you dammit
See. That's what I thought.
no ;)
>wasted his life on vidya
>tries to feel good about himself by insisting vidya is equally valuable to playing an instrument or developing some other skill.
Sad m8
im actually just getting back into them heavily after a few years away. good decision imo
This. ;)
27 here. It's off and on for me.
52 still happy as a clam to play me some vidya
But if it's taking away from your real life things then sure give it a rest.
>drinking alone
thats not helping us be great again user
Video games will always have a warm place in my heart and I will hopefully never "grow out" of them. 'When did you stop having enough time?' would be a better question.
Slowly playing less games as I get older. Not because I don't like them, but I guess priorities change as you age. These days it's either work related, personal projects (Woodworking, electronics design, cosplay stuff, shooting, etc.) or time with girlfriend / family.
I'd say I grew out of them at about 22 but I didn't completely stop until 24. Haven't touched a game in a year or so
I haven't been in video games since I was around 14 or so. I still have my N64, but it collects dust now.
>I am 28
I am drinking when playing with people online. It helps me deliver quick fucking bantz when playing CSGO against all of these faggot SJWs.
I'll never "grow out of" videogames, but my interest has really gone down over the years.
I still enjoy replaying GTA and RDR.
this isnt really true really
you can make money from playing instruments easily especially if you play multiple
you have to be a really good musician to make money playing as a session musician
even then it is shit money though
i dont see it as easy to do with playing games unless youre some guy who does competitions
give me one argument proving how videogames are more of a waste of time than learning instruments
pro tip you can't
and I'm guessing I've become proficient at two more instruments than most of pol
as in I learned how to play two instruments: piano and guitar, I can't make any money off of any of my talents so far and I enjoy videogames a lot more.
23, awhile after graduating college and starting to work. Time is scarce, and I'd rather spend it hiking, cooking, playing piano, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.
>non-STEM skills
Exceptions being firearms and survival.
Video games are hardly a skill. Most people who talk about how much time they play video games shut up when someone says "I dont play much" or "I kicked the habit" because deep down inside they know they have wasted endless hours on literal time sink.
The only time video games can be considered something worth while is when they have delayed gratification. You have to actually work to get enjoyment. Like learning guitar, the effort required to learn guitar is far harder than the effort required to play CoD online.
There is some grey for video games and also non video game hobbies can be shit too, but 99% of video games are a waste of time and you will likely die wishing you spent more time being productive.
small time competitions are extremely easy to find
I won several of them and won different things from cell phones, computers, money, etc.
It's almost as if you believe life actually has meaning and inherent value. As much as I'd love to have a deep discussion on the matter with you about how ultimately, entertainment and novelty are all that really matter in our lives in this absurd universe, I'll instead cut things short and simply say
OP here, I feel ya man. I spent so many thousands of hrs of my youth playing games like Diablo, WoW, Dota 2, and Counterstrike. I wish I could enjoy these games but I just can't anymore. I can't imagine wasting another hour playing a Moba game, for all the thousands of games i've played... It seems more like torture than fun desu
>harder to learn guitar than vidya
no it isnt
and even if it was that isn't an argument that it's a more worthwhile skill
>muh nihilism
i would most likely disregard your arguments anyways
Define "being productive". Define it in the context that all current evidence points to this life being the only life you get, that there's no afterlife or judgment or otherwise intrinsic meaning or worth to human life in the universe.
I think you meant
>when did you first realise that Jews are using video games to emasculate the white race
you wont make alot of money from being a musician honestly and likely most of the money you make will go toward maintaining your instruments or buying new gear
imo games can get people interested in shit like programming /graphic design
i dont think anything like music or games is really a waste of time if you enjoy it
More like Absurdism. Get some Camus in your life and try actually answering the question or conceding the point, faggot.
not sure what question that is since you've failed to ask one
Why does everything always come back to "making money"?
What would you do if you had a billion dollars all of a sudden?
Probably a lot of "unproductive" stuff and "entertainment" I'd imagine. Maybe more expensive variations of stuff the common man enjoys but couldn't normally afford, but still ultimately in the same realm of "pleasure" and "unproductive". Funny, that.
read this post faggot then shut the fuck up and stop sperging out
>bantz more on point when im some kind of inebriated
I hear you, im the same way. something about "me" or drugs/drinking makes me a genuinely better person when im not sober, more empathetic,creative,etc. not trying to be preachy I just wanted to give you some shit about "not securing a future for white children" by drinking while vidya bc I do the same, and your comment hit me int the feels
Just recently at 30. I play handhelds/retro (snes) games occasionally but modern video games are dogshit. It was a steady decline when they got the dudebro audience and even worse when the fags/trannies/cucks/feminazis stepped in as well.
I did, just not explicitly, but I'm happy to be more explicit and give you a chance at least. I'll let you decide whether you can actually handle giving a well reasoned answer or not:
>Do you believe life actually has meaning and inherent value? If so, what is your empirical evidence of this?
>How can time be wasted?
>Why is "making money" the sole, or at the very least most important, determining factor in whether something is worth doing or not? Furthermore, if money was no longer an issue for you, you didn't have to work or "earn a living", what would you do with your time and your life, and why? Further still, why would this supposedly be superior to what other people choose to do with their relatively short time in their lives?
I stopped regularly playing around 20.
I'm 25 now and I have still played two or three games a year the last few years.
Speaking of which, last game I played was Witcher 3 in March and I'm ready for another game. Any recommendation?
this is not politics
r'd & s'd
26. All I do is click through the Steam queue these days.
Nothing in that post has anything to do with "making money" being the most important part of determining the value of an activity someone participates in.
On the contrary: that post you linked to actually agrees with me in the sense that I'm fine with people playing video games or musical instruments, so long as it makes them happy. You might want to clarify your point and stop being such a gigantic faggot for a change, user.
Aww. damn brother. Cheers!
>talking about jobs
>not about money
you are stupid
I've been playing Styx: Master of Shadows recently from the Steam sale and it's actually pretty damn good, and fairly recent (October 2014). Just gotta look around for the gems.
i'm 22 and still paly games, i will probably stop after i get my job cause i will be too busy, or start buying more .
you clearly havent been paying attention to the videogames that are coming out
platforms like steam have ushered in a golden age of videogames by allowing independent creators an easy way of getting in on the market
and big name companies are being forced to produce better games in order to compete
games like LIMBO, Journey, Axiom Verge, Titan Souls etc are very good games and We Happy Few looks very promising.
I grew out of most games on PC, but not strategy.
I've always liked board games and card games a lot to the extent I organized the biggest board games club in several towns, inb4 pic related. Strategy games rip off a ton of concepts from board games and card games, the biggest strategy game on PC is civilization which started as a rip-off of a board game. I've made hundreds of dollars off of poker. My grandfathers the same way and will happily play anybody a game of bridge or cribbage. I'm a bit fucked up, and a psych eval I had revealed I had outlier pattern recognition abilities, so my theroy is I like these sort of games because I'm more of a natural at them than pretty much any other competitive activity I can think of.
Still though, video games just repeat the same ideas over and over again. They also make people that play the video game for longer periods of time more powerful, and a lot of them are based on reflexes and you hit your peak in terms of reflexes around 17. It's not that I woke up one day and said I no longer like vidya, they just seem to get less and less appealing for busy adults.
I agree made my self some nice money selling runescape gold.
religion is all that matters and getting close to God.
There is no empirical evidence to convince you because there never will be
And being rich isn't the concern but it is for most people so I brought it up to support my arguments.
But if you're atheistic/agnostic, yours is the most logical way in my mind.
If there is no higher purpose the only intelligent thing to do is try and make your life as long and enjoyable as possible
I still get a lot of enjoyment out of playing chess and riding a bicycle though... videogames not so much.
ah this
here's your (you) my friend, you've given me another good argument to use in my videogames vs other hobbies rhetoric
I haven't, only 19 tho
>a psych eval I had revealed I had outlier pattern recognition abilities,
what kind of tests? sounds like a cool thing to find out where your mental strengths/weaknesses are
You can impress a group of strangers with spur of the moment guitar skills. You can get laid with guitar skills. Neither happens with video games.
Symphony of the night
Suikoden series
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy 9
>If there is no higher purpose the only intelligent thing to do is try and make your life as long and enjoyable as possible
Well at least we can agree on this point.
Mind elaborating on this though?
>religion is all that matters and getting close to God.
>There is no empirical evidence to convince you because there never will be
So then why believe the first point when the second point appears to contradict it entirely? You agree there is no evidence, nor will there ever be (at least in our life times), so why accept it as fact? Makes no fucking sense, worse yet you'd have to explain why you'd choose one religion over another in a meaningful way beyond "well I was just born into a christian family so I'm christian lel" or something.
The WAIS-IV test specifically.
oh cool, i might check it out, sounds fun
stopped the frequency of binge gaming on days off in the last couple of years although
Yeah I'm just disillusioned because all of my favorite franchised went to absolute shit in front of my eyes. Very depressing.
I feel like its a huge gamble though. Like you have to get 10 indy games to find 1 or 2 good ones. I tried the demo for Journey because 8 people suggested it to me and I just thought it was boring. Idk.
I stopped at 27, then got back into them with my gf a few years later... but now I'm 32 and recently dumped... so I have a feeling they'll be coming back hard while I get over this
Never because that's not possible.
The amount of shitty games coming out nowadays made me lose interest in gaming.
I'll play Red Orchrestra 2/Rising Storm and visual novels now and then. Once I upgrade my rig I'll be playing Arma 2/3 alot more.
i haven't grown out of videogames because i still enjoy them, and i don't particularly feel bad about playing them because videogames are mainstream now.
i don't feel like i'm wasting my life because in all honesty its impossible to 'waste' a life.
I'm 25 and still going strong. I just started going back to 4th, 5th, and 6th gens since I'm not interesting in the newer stuff.
I'm 18 and I still play sorta regularly. I've always played video games but was always reasonable about it (3-4 times a week for about 2 hours each day) Honestly memes aside I think it gave me some good reflexes and got me into sports. (I started playing football because of madden 09, brushed up on soccer tactics and learned skills with FIFA) these days with my entry level office job I usually play 2 hours on the days I'm not out playing sports with the bros or with my girl. My parents always limited my time but I still played a good amount. I think they're great after a long day of doing useful shit.
that's entirely dependent on societal perception if videogames were seen as more contributive then professional gamers would get laid more and musicians would be seen as useless.
Societal perception is not an argument for the practical value of a skill
musical instruments are made to be mastered and can be continuously improved
video games are made to be beaten and there is only so much you can accomplish in any game
Kek, it took me 2 months to play the trumpet at a reasonable level.
I've played mw2 off and on since it came out I still can't fucking quickscope.
I only play like 2 games a year now
one of the gayest pictures I've seen
because there's plenty of logical reasons why an all powerful deity would choose not to allow irrefutable evidence to surface proving its existence
In the case of the Christian God, He wishes for people to choose Him of their own volition, and putting irrefutable evidence out there would essentially remove that choice from any intelligent person who understands the evidence.
One view of reality is correct and all the others are wrong either there is no higher power or there is and if there is than it makes sense that it would reveal itself and start one correct religion.
And then there are religions that work around things like sun worship or magic things that are easily dismissable by science, but in my mind there isn't a shred of evidence disproving the existence of God specifically and historical records back up the events in the Bible.
But will there any be any real argument to logically demonstrate that one religion is superior to another?
Probably not. But Christianity makes the most sense to me and I've considered the alternatives.
What about "Counter-Strike"?
You can't beat that game you can only master it and continue to get better.
For once, I agree with Canada.