Why is the right wing noticeably stupider than the left wing?
Why is the right wing noticeably stupider than the left wing?
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Why is the Leaf wing noticeably stupider than the Emu wing?
Right wing is commonly associated with religious people who are associated with rejecting observable facts because muh test of faith
Stupid is a broad term though people can be smart in constructive ways besides science
They aren't
why are leafs worse shitposters than the strayas?
I think you answered your own question, leaf
Because you have been led to believe that if you listen to the bullshit propaganda the lib tards push on you since day one of school you are smart.
When you grow out of being cattle and search for the truth you wind up being right wing.
I keep seeing all of these college educated leftists, have yet to meet one that was actually smart.
>1 post by this ID
Yeah BLM strike me as real brain surgeons.
>adjective, stupider, stupidest.
why do you not include any evidence for your claim?
Canada is the worst colony.
Double digits confirm.
Define stupider
no you
The level of discourse is extremely lower in right wing discussions than in left wing discussions. Sup Forums is a case in point. Stupidest board on the entire site, so much so that others treat this place as a containment board, while the most left wing board is /lit/ and it also has noticeably better discussion and a much higher level of discourse. But idiots come to Sup Forums and to the right wing as moths to a flame
put some effort in, faggot
They have lower average IQs, incomes and college attendance levels.
>he fell for the verbosity=intelligence meme
why would an intelligent man try and put his point across in anything but a simple way?
>doesn't know that stupider is a word
>literally proving your own stupidity by saying it isn't
The irony is too sweet familia
fpbp fuck leafs
>not a lazy c.adjective used by mouth breathing retards
Fuck off, leaf.
You must be pretty new.
Were you around leading up to Brexit? Some of the best, genuine debating I've seen was going on around here.
Even before and even still, when there are threads about race, economics, literature, and culture, Sup Forums can be very animated and fascinating. It takes a worthwhile topic and the right people, but intelligent conversation is common here.
And if you plan on shooting for the racist/heartless angle, you could remember a week or two ago- Sup Forums pitched in to help prevent the black Trump supporting kid from getting attacked at his work by BLM.
You don't care about any of this though. Your "right wing is stupidest and Sup Forums isn't valid XD" meme represents the kind of person you are.
>go back
Irony is using 'stupider' instead of "more stupid" is 3rd grade level English. Just like using "i" is deemed as a result of poor command of the language.
Cognitive Ability Islands:
Honestly, the libs are smarter, but we are stronger, more violent(in the end), durable, funny, interesting, irresistible.
>Irony is using 'stupider' instead of "more stupid" is 3rd grade level English
I don't think you know what irony is
If leafs were IP banned the quality of this board would improve dramatically.
Also, big words =/= intelligence.
Speaking plainly and directly sounds far better. MLK wrote as plain as can be, and he was one of the best epistolists (there's your $5 word) to date
Usually millennial nu-males write with a thesaurus in hand, using large words, but with horrible structure and grammar.
It doesn't make them any smarter, it just means they're holding a thesaurus.
You should watch it all, but the spot relevant to this thread is at 8:40
See this is the type of thing that i see all too often here that i don't see in left wing discussion. You people think that signal memes or whatever are a valid rebuttal or argument. Right wingers aren't stupid BECAUSE they're right wing. It's just that right wingers TEND TO BE stupid
Good bit about the supremacy of the Jews in the UK. They're fucking smart, and do run great chunks of the World.
I bought my Mossad hoody early, it's faded, got it direct from the Golan Heights. Nearly killed some PLO lib cunt that fucked with me for wearing it. I hope they remember that when THEY cleanse the World.
Libs love the PLO, you retards. Libs love the Arabs, and hate Jews.
Dumb confused Sup Forums. Get with the winning team, come in for the big win.
Where did I mention vocabulary? I just said the level of discourse is higher. That means that left wing discussion is less likely to end in someone calling the other a 'bernout', 'cuck', 'leaf', 'nigger', or any other such ad hominem. It also means that people actually cite valid sources or evidence and with a higher level of scrutiny. Right wingers here will cite pretty much anything, and then will flat out reject a source because it's 'cuck-tier' like HuffingtonPost or Politico, even if those sites post something that is valid and well cited. Of course there is bias in sites like Huffpo or politico, or vox, but there's also massive bias in Breitbart which Sup Forums cites so often. Yet they have this massive double standard that says 'it's ok to cite biased right wing sources but not biased left wing sources'
Erp, link I forgot. Good heady stuff:
But leaf, left wing discussion is the same idea done differently.
On Sup Forums, memes and meme magic are used to not make arguments.
On Facebook, Reddit, /lit/, and everywhere else, buzzwords like racist, homophobic, (((stupid))), and garbage are used to not make arguments.
And spewing. Leftists love the word spewing.
>Spewing racism
>Spewing homophobia
>Spewing white supremacy garbage
What's the point of trying to elevate yourself, acting all condescending, if you're just going to spew the same generalizing trash as us?
You can't compare social media like Facebook to a forum. It's a completely different platform with a different purpose. Social media is public to everyone you know, assuming you're not using a troll account, which most people don't. Reddit and other such forums are meant specifically for discussion
Inbred, greedy, and have an extremely disproportionate predisposition for insanity and mental illness. No thanks.
The jews are a bunch of narcissistic basket cases with delusions of grandeur.
Also they will absolutely never care about you or see you as one of them. There are only those in the tribe and those outside to be herded like cattle. If you're not in the tribe then you're considered equally as worthless as those liberals and Palestinians you hate
Racists mistake Nationalism and Patriotism for Racism and so flock toward the right wing. It's to do with social issues.
If you had a non-nationalistic small government party and a nationalistic big government party, stupid racists would ignore their usual lies that they support small gov and flock to the nationalist parties.
It's a shame really.
>delusions of grandeur.
>Also they will absolutely never care about you or see you as one of them.
Yup. Ordering my yarmulke now. Later, gator.
You said discourse and discussion.
Left wing discussion is the exact same thing as Right wing discussion, with different words.
>White supremacist
>Spewing (insert word from list) shit
And for the big words thing, that's just another Left v Right thing. Leftists fluff their arguments up like a peacock to feel superior, Right wing people are more direct.
As for sources being refuted, that usually happens when evidence goes against someone's claim. You bring Huffpost, Vox, Kotaku articles here, people will get mad.
If I bring Sowell, Miyazaki, Fox, or Harvard to Reddit or anywhere really, people will get mad.
It's wrong to refuse a source based on name, but it happens regardless of where you go. The mere mention of Fox will make a leftist go deaf to what you're saying.
It's not right, but it happens wherever you go. You'd know that if you tried moving outside your comfort zone more often. Glad you're here talking to us, though; It's a start.
Also, just so we're clear- I don't hate you. I just want to help get this cleared up so we can move on to better things. I think there's a trap thread going on
I can, and I will.
People use social media to speak and discuss things. It's usually far simpler than places like this, with a stupid meme and nasty comments, but it's still discussion.
If you look around any of threads about the recent shootings, you'd see just how politically charged, popular, and influential social media is.
I'd dust off my old Facebook account to grab you some evidence, but I'd really rather not see another my aunt and my father arguing underneath a shitty Trump macro. I don't know if I can handle it, leaf
>I can, and I will.
That's fine but it's a false equivalence nonetheless
Because of the anglo part of it that still want a queen.
Fucking anglo, we could've had a fucking huge country but no you didn't want to be independent like the USA they had to stay cucks.
At least us french Canadain we don't like the Queen and we want nothing to do with Canada even if it means our economic doom. We'd rather not be cucks.
It really made me think!
Literally because of Christianity
I wish American-san would liberate us desu famalam
This is why fucking weed dude Trudeau won.
>/lit/ and it also has noticeably better discussion and a much higher level of discourse
Nigger have you even been to /lit/, its nothing but a bunch of illiterate retards shitting on 20 books they never read
>not realizing that universities are cultural Marxist, leftist thought factories.
It's actually amazing that you unironically don't know that 'stupider' is a word. pretty sad Tbh senpai
>debating something as remedial as the word "stupider/more stupid"
>being this autistic
>muh English
>muh fancy words I use to compensate for my lack of real intelligence
That's incredibly poor English whether it is accepted as correct or not. Stupid > more stupid > most stupid. Basic English.
If some idiot tries to sound smart by pointing out a perceived error, I can't help but point out that he is wrong
You don't know what that word means
There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying 'stupider' as a comparative adjective. You're trying way too hard
The masses, by definition, will always be either of average or below-average IQ. Leftists learn pseudo-intellectualism in college, and to the average to below-average IQ masses, they seem very intelligent, mostly because they wear thick glasses and cardigans and misuse big words.
That's pretty much it.
>The masses, by definition, will always be either of average or below-average IQ.
Your a fucking retard
How so? Most people are literally average to below average IQ, whereas above average IQ people will always be a minority. Do you understand averages or nah
Do you know what an average is, sir?
Top kek, sorry I meant "trivial". Why the fuck did I use "remedial"...
Do you know what distribution is, leaf?
Smart right wing people don't speak about it for the most part.
Actually you'll find the only people at the moment espousing interesting opinions whatsoever are non-evangelical alt-righters or liberals who spend most of their time criticizing how stupid liberals are now.
Maybe that's the case generalizing, but I know a ton of smart right-wingers.
>noticeably stupider
Hate to tell you, but the actions you think signify intelligence actually signify how well you imitate and comply with the jews who are brainwashing you. Independent, critical thought is the actual measure of intelligence, not how many buzzwords you can remember from Danielewski's books.. Those who come to the conclusion that societies are better protected by maintaining national borders and cultural cohesion though tradition and rule of law have used intelligence to arrive at an obvious conclusion instead of simply buying into whatever blatant lies they were told to think.
when was the last time a leftist won an internet argument
right wingers generally lack education and have double digit IQs
source : google searches
And what about IQs? The right wing has lower IQ on average.
Happens quite a bit. Everyone wins and loses arguments.
95% of niggers vote democrat.
They're as stupid as a human being can be
>muh intelligent discourse
>memes trigger me
It's probably because Sup Forums has a sense of humor, while your /lit/ doesn't. We also realize having "intelligent discourse" on a fucking anime board is about as useful and fulfilling as fucking a bagel hole with muh fat dick.