What's your excuse for not getting Sup Forumsfu ?

what's your excuse for not getting Sup Forumsfu ?

>Durr I'm a bit too old for you

What kind of beta cuck actually says this?

thats a man.

>sand nigger frothing over white girls
whats new?

>female trump supporters

One that doesn't want to deal with the retardation of teenage girls
They are for fucking, not dating

i didn't really want to date her man.
i was just curious about who would use Sup Forums
came on you emufucker, if i wanted a white girl do you really think i would go for a female Sup Forumstard ?
thats kind of idiotic.

>not going for a poltard
you flaming galah

Jesus fuck that spaghetti

that is literally a 15 year old from /r9k/

too old 4U i mean

>We've got the transcripts right here
>Why don't you have a seat


i knew it, she looked familiar.

>did you bring the trump hats and mike's hard lemonade?

Hes right, any girl that visits pol will already have or develop a bbc fetish. They are a ticking time bomb.

People desire what they are told not to.

I can only imagine how fucked up a 15 year old FEMALE from /r9k/ can end up. As if the people from /r9k/ don't hate themselves enough already.

>women grow out of their retardation

100% of Sup Forums females are male or morbidly obese.

At least blur her eyes man if you gonna post her.

why ?
omegle is a public place, she has Sup Forums as as her like.
she's not hiding her Sup Forumstardness.

I don't know. Maybe she's underage and you tend to do shit you regret at that age. Haven't made up my mind about it but I see Omegle as a confidential exchange between 2 people and only them, even if she doesn't get nude or something.

The climate is weird there. You don't know if it turns against her if the wrong people find out about her being a Trump supporter.

Same logic as
>Heh if you hate gays you must be gay! Heh I bet you love sucking cock!

She has to learn from her mistakes. She is the one responsible for showing her face to a camera.

Maybe, but even criminal justice has some lenience for minors. The internet doesn't.

Which one of you faggots wrote this

He uses >
Outside of Sup Forums.