pic related: the new vape I just got. It's super cheap and efficient, just a few grams can have me stoned all week long. also it doesn't smell at all so I can use it anywhere. the best part about vaping is that no smoke is produced so your lungs are left completely unharmed. Being high is so much fun, you forget all about your problems and it makes everything so much better. so now seeing all the benefits of vaping are you guys really still against marijuana use?
Why the fuck don't you vape weed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>still getting high
Stop posting this everyday, I smoked joints and dabs. Stop judging me you stupid hippy.
>hey where's tim in life
Should I look into vaping?
I usually just smoke blunts or out of my bong, is it worth it desu
I do, but I dont use that wooden overpriced hipster shit.
Pic reated, 39€ from aliexpress. Based chinks.
Can someone please explain to me how the device on the left works? I'm not a nigger so I have no understanding of degenerate things
You literally use so much less weed so yeah it is worth it imo
>is it worth it desu
not unless you like buying parts or a new rig when it breaks
trust me, stick with what works
>Should I look into vaping?
Yes, i recommend it very highly. So much better for your lungs and the smoke is smoother and you get higher without the shitty aftertaste.
You grind up herb and put it in the middle and there is a battery that heats it so it vaporizes and you inhale bro
Because I'm not a worthless junkie.
Vaporizes dry herbs or oils for you to inhale. It's safe, mostly, just like any vice.
I didn't know the spainsh smoked weed. How much is weed in Spain's and is it any good?
the stigma is literally worse than the effects of smoking
don't fucking vape or you will hurt your social circle
I'm not a faggot, that's why.
I used to have that shitty little MFB vape but I've since upgraded to this bad boy. Vape every night son.
Cause I got caught growing by the popo.
I figured I might just as well quit the hobby altogether now that I'm on the radar.
Turned to alcoholism and life is going down the shitter. good game.
Recommend a good vaporizer. I don't want some goofy-ass high tech shit, just something classy and tame that does the job.
As a non-vaper, my main issue with vaping is that it leaves the flower intact. So I'd be throwing out what appears at face value to be a useful bud. That will be hard to get used to.
You can make edibles out of vaped bud.
Volcano, you can still smoke the bud after you've vaped it.
Are you kidding? Here in Barcelona everyone smoke weed, it's decriminalized, and you can even buy weed legaly in a "cannabis association/club"
You can eat the vaped herb for maximum efficiency also get the flight box it's literally the best portable vape
Also the valcano vapeerizor is the best one you can buy. But it's like 600 dollars
You can just eat the vaped weed. Shit gets you pretty fucked after you digest it.
Nice, is that why the Spanish are so lazy?
MFLB, best purchase I've ever made. But if you aren't smoking the remains of what you vape, you're doing it wrong.
Go for this dude, I got it on sale for around $130, regular must be around $180 or so. It has a whip you can draw hits from or if you want you can use a bag that it comes with.
>roommates convince me to try getting high
>wew cool I feel funny I guess
>do it a few times just because "nah bro your first high is always the worst one try it again you'll like it everyone likes it"
>go back to being normal afterwards
>roommates can't function without the shit constantly in their system
Stoners have zero self control
Are you sure you don't live in the northern side of the great lakes ?
Only a Canadian would eat the bud, are the you guys even human.
Because I do dabs of rosin extract. Fuck your solvents, fuck your combustion.
>ABV is bud
Is shit also food?
I want to get a volcano. I've tried one of those portable pieces and they're utter shit. Only volcano does the trick.
>no smoke is produced so your lungs are left completely unharmed
Wrong. Breathing in vapor constantly is setting your lungs up to be susceptible to fungal infections.
Enjoy your bronchitis having, pneumonia eating toadstool-ass lungs, you hipster cuck.
I bought one of these but the high isn't that great and only lasts about an hour, is that normal?
That other guy got it right, it's legal in Barcelona to buy from cannabis clubs. smoking in public isn't but you can smoke at your club or at home. Top quality weed is about 5-10€ per gram.
It is super effecient. You will save a good amount of greenery plus it is much easier on the lungs.
Get pax2 if you can cough up the money. Literally the most stealthy of the lot.
I stopped exactly a week ago and I have been getting 4-5 hour sleep and I am really depressed. I have seen other people who have the same experience from stopping the herb. For me, and tell me if you can relate to this, it is fun at first, then the high has a reduction on the fun scale, then you use it and get really schizoid thoughts, paranoia, all that good stuff. So as a result you think you need to take a tolerance break, but that is pretty shit and it will ruin whatever is going on in your life. From the lack of sleep I had to drop a class. So this cycle of using and taking a tolerance break does not work for anyone who has trouble after curtailing or ceasing use. For that reason I won't be using it again, and I recommend the same for anyone who can relate to my experience.
If you are using weed you might just be self medicating a dopamine production problem which would relate to your shitty childhood. Why do you think people drink so much alcohol and smoke so many cigarettes? Why do some people chain smoke and others smoke 4 or 5 a day? It all relates to dopamine and self medicating that.
So what I do now is I get my dopamine from safe forms of tobacco, which is to say tobacco with a low amount of carcinogens. Like Swedish snus, the Scandinavians here will know what I am talking about. I'm sure vaping works well but I like snus better. Nicotine temporarily increases cognitive abilities while marijuana lowers it. Obviously I am going to use nicotine.
stoners are the fucking worst.
Every. fucking. time.
stoner: omg i went to nyc this summer
me: cool, what did you check out
stoner: found this dope dealer and got so fucking high
me: cool, see moma or just people watch or like what?
stoner: yah man got soo blazed, was just fucking gone, fuck
me: ook
Because I am not a degenerate faggot.
>the best part about vaping is that no smoke is produced so your lungs are left completely unharmed.
lmao fucking retard enjoy your brain damage and hacked up lung.
Vaping gives you a shitty high.
Just smoke bongs like a man you fucking mouth fedoras
Just smoked a bowl, u mad
i'd smoke you hard mate you poofter leaf
This only happens because the only stoners that are evident as such are the DUDE WEED LMAO tards. Many of my acquaintances have no idea that I toke, even though I light up many times a week if I have the time. From seeing me you'd never expect me to be a regular stoner.
Also, your life must be really sad if it only revolves around weed. I smoke weed only when I'm bored at home with nothing to do. If I were travelling somewhere the last thing I'd care about was finding some dealer to get me stoned instead of enjoying the trip.
Getting high from vapour isn't the same as getting high from smoke, and the high definitely isn't as immediate.
What happened to you after getting caught? How harsh are drug laws in Finland?
Why did u get caught?
You're using crummy weed.
I put dank nugs in mine and am baked for hours on end
>Fuck your solvents, fuck your combustion.
>uses a blowtorch to smoke weed
oh well, 99% of them are this poster 100% of the day every day
dank nugs yo u did it wrong doit withdanknugsetc
yeah you sound permafried alright
I smoke daily for the fun of it, have been for a long time. Experiences will vary.
I quit like 2 weeks ago
You get the shit withdraw effects for the first week or couple days. Sleeping is though but it gets better after a week
But you feel much better after wards. I feel great knowing that I don't have to spend x amount of $ on that shit and it's not hurting my body
It feels good stopping being a degenerate.
I will never smoke bud again shit is degenerate and useless.
I rather be productive too
>oh well, 99% of them are this poster 100% of the day every day
You can't really know because all the other stoners you can't tell they're. The DUDE WEED LMAO ones could be just a minority for all we know, while there's hundreds of stoners which you don't know are stoners.
You use a torch to heat up a titanium nail and drop your concentrates onto that you dingus.You don't consume the gas at all.
pussy can't handle his weed
4:20 all day errday up in her bitches
i got the dank i got the stank and if you want we can go ride ma tank
pussy ass bitch ass white fuccboi
>What happened to you after getting caught? How harsh are drug laws in Finland?
Lax as fuck. Got a small fine.
A permanent note in the popo database though. I didn't mind growing and smoking when it was between me and just me, but it's just not worth the hassle of dealing with the popo, so I quit.
>Why did u get caught?
The usual story. Was at work and repair-guy went around apartments looking for a water leak, found my tent.
flight box sucks its too easy to burn your shit
You cowards don't even vape crack.
>yeah you sound permafried alright
>I smoke daily for the fun of it
Try quitting for a week and see if you can without feeling like shit
pro tip: you can't
Weed is shit and makes you useless unless you are already in a decent spot in life and make good money/ have a good life
im really bored of weed, alcohol, movies and tv, video games, and the internet
i dont like any of it anymore, it just feels like im using all these things to distract me from how much life sucks
>blowtorches run with alkane gases (methane, propane, butane, etc.)
>those gases are made up of carbon and hydrogen, eg CH4, or C2H6
>CH4+O2 > CO2 + H20
>the fumes from blowtorches are literally just carbon dioxide and water
Brotha, nothing is going to make us happy in this world. Sure, we can be happy, but we're never going to be happy all the time. Life is shit. If I could have things my way, I would obviously.
> you forget all about your problems and it makes everything so much better
there's your problem
living in pretend world
If you feel like shit after smoking weed it just means you're smoking shitty weed mate
Weed is the ultimate red pill. If you haven't smoked weed you can't call yourself a Sup Forumslack.
Okay, we get it. You're a nigger.
Calm down, chimpy.
I hear weed is ridiculously difficult to come by in japanland
This thread gets made every day, same copypasta with the same image.
With that being said, dabbing is the best way to consume weed.
I just started after being on vacation for 1 and 1/2 weeks. Wasnt that hard, you fags are just weak minded. Most actual stoners rarely talk about it and keep it a secret.
governments want us using big pharma and liquor stores while they make us miserable, I guess.
mother nature is verboten
Fuck your b8, b9
Tell us about weed lmao in Japan, user.
Edible master race
How'd you say this compares to smoking with a piece? Looking to get something that'll deliver a better high and be easier on the lungs.
Also, AliExpress?
Yea not exactly. There is butane or w/e gas you are using residue left over on the nail after you torch the shit out of it. You are inhaling butane particles and it fucks your body up
he's that wendy's chef
>Japanese stoner
>Try quitting for a week and see if you can without feeling like shit
This is exactly why you shouldn't smoke weed. Can't even read sentences