>pic related pours her heart out to you about her depression about racial issues in america
>she invites you back to her room, it's clear she wants a hot night of passion
Would you?
Pic related pours her heart out to you about her depression about racial issues in america
Of course.
Nothing wrong with having sex with a hot black chick.
Gay so no.
I'd colonize that.
They're not human.
It's like having sex with an orangutan, or someone with down syndrome.
It's gross.
Can I wear a condom?
"Hope you're into kinky shit, cuz I'm bringing a whip."
I would knock her up, drop a load of iq points into that kids gene pool real quick.
This x1000
All of you saying yes disgust me. The only nonwhites which are acceptable to mix with are Slavs.
t. virgin who's bitter
Yeah, I'd fuck her. Putting politics over that is autistic.
No thanks.
"Let me put on my Moonman mask".
I've been with 2 black chicks before. I've never had a problem with black women just the men.
I would sperg on the race shit. I've had arguments about race with non white women irl a few times and can't resist BTFOing them.
Some get over it, some don't. Oh well.
Her breasts are way too large, but sure, why not, I'll give her what she wants.
Sure but no impregnation, and afterwards I'd repill her on why BLM's complaints are incorrect and how they're only feeding the flames with their own brand of racist hatred. I'd then hope that she'd take the knowledge I imparted to her into her community in hopes of helping make them better as people.
it's still a 50/50 chance of herpes
Niggers are not human
you're a race traitor. scum.
>black wives matter
fucking brilliant
pours her heart out to you about her depression about racial issues in america
> Nope, right the fuck out of there
Id have to see her feet first.
yeah, can't be bigger cunts than white women surely
wearing two condoms, then yes
>wanting herpes
are you fucking retarded
>small breast man
good taste my nigga
Fine black girls are pretty rare. You would be an idiot to not take the opportunity let alone perceive it.
>>pic related pours her heart out to you about her depression about racial issues in america
>>she invites you back to her room, it's clear she wants a hot night of passion
>Would you?
Well yeah, she looks kinda shady to be a white supremacist but ok, I don't discriminate.
Yeah, if she's pretty and likes it rough in bed. I'm mostly into guys though.
Absolutely not. Race mixery is degenerate. Also Tyrone is waiting to mug me in the room and take my wallet.
You lost your wallet.
You kept your wallet.
Say goodbye to your SSN
Good man, kept your wallet
'grats faggot, you're broke now.
Lost your wallet and also dead.
Hope you have a second bank account.
Kept your wallet, good man.
Congrats, you're broke. IQ of literally 2.
Good man.
And your wallet is gone, nice job.
And you're broke, dumb faggot.
Good man.
Smart, you'll grow rich and live to a ripe old age.
Nice work, you're gonna make it kid.
Good job faggot, you're broke now.
I assume you are either a nigger or teen who else would ask such a stupid fucking question.
>muh dik
Why does the media try to portray nigger women as beautiful when they literally look like chimps?
>every time
Yeah I guess so. It's not like I'm gonna knock her up or talk to her again
t. increasingly nervous "white" "woman"
Reported. Why are nigger spam threads not deleted by mods?
>he doesn't know about the rate of stds on black women
Who is 19?
Why haven't you payed your debts?
Are you serious? Nigger women are so hideous not even their men like them. They are like the last resort even for niggers
holy shit no one cares kill yourself autist
I'm Jewish so I don't think pol will mind if I tap dat black ass
she has probably fucked like 40 dudes already that day
You can fuck right off with ur beastiality fetish.
I'm surrounded by these baboons and for the life of me I don't know why any white person with a shred of self-esteem would fuck one of them.
The only white men that fuck these baboons are the ones who are incapable of getting white women.
Even black men would rather fuck white women than black ones, so how fucked up are you then?
Why are you posting in cuck threads on Sup Forums you mentally ill nigger lover/racemixer?
We wouldn't mind if you double tapped your skull either.
Wouldn't be the first time it was used as bait to kill someone.
>pre-marital sex
If she had a gun to my head, maybe.
Fuck no.
Can't believe you started a thread about this. You must be lonely. Any straight man in his right mind who has had sex before and knows how amazing a woman's body is would take that chick back to her room in a heartbeat and make her call him master. That woman has a crazy body and if you hate black chicks that much, you just close your eyes while she's wrapping herself around your cock you dumbass virgin faggot.
>double-tap suicide
Well, now we know why all spaniards have brown eyes.
Those black men ratings for women don't really make that much sense for any of the races though.
pls dont hack my Bitcoins!
Muscle spasms we might get lucky and he twitches after the first shot.
Fuck yes. Do you have any idea how fucking wild negresses are with white guys? Talk about the best sex you will ever have
no I dont my dick dicktate me
Truly pushes one to ponder
90% of threads are shill/bait. They'd be deleting threads around the clock. We should start posting dick pics because those are the only threads that get deleted. Start a bait thread with a naked tranny pic. Watch it get deleted within seconds
Black girl pussy tastes very strange. White girl pussy tastes much better.
Probably still would though, but would take no more than a few coins and my spare flip phone.
Wrong.I would've never been talking to her in the first place
Really makes you think...
I did
solidarity buddeh. it's a wonderful era to be a young racemixer in Canada
Tried this once. Regretted it immediately... after she took off her panties, the smell was unbearable.
Holy shit the nigger spammers are even creating their own memes now.
No there are a few autists most likely from /r9k/ that are opening pro nigger pro racemixing threads every day for months now. It's some kind of psyop to eliminate "racism" or something
who is this nut nigger?
who is this choad chimp?
who is this dick darkie?
who is this cock cricket?
who is this mung monkey?
who is this boner (jungle) bunny?
who is this goo gorilla?
who is this splooge spook?
who is this spunk spade?
who is this sex slave?
37 roll
Lol American abroad over here with blue eyes actually. And if you weren't a virgin you'd understand by my post that I was advocating fucking the shit out of that woman, not reproducing. It's called condoms buddy
Yeah I'd bleach that uterus.
>They're not human.
You say that like I should care.
I like this roleplay
Your kids won't have them.
It's sinful to have sex with a monkey
I think this one is worth colonizing
Fug, roll.
Why is it always Muricans promoting racemixing and miscegenation on Sup Forums? Really makes you think
really makes you think
she's a hooker
No. My dick is more racist than I am. I doubt I could get and maintain an erection for anything darker than a light skinned Mexican.
Sure, why not?
Well it depends. Is she a financially of psychologically stable woman?
who is this erection eggplant?
>Implying thats real
>blue eyes
she is white
Fap. Better than another Brazil.
>erection eggplant
2/10 try harder
id cuddle her, maybe kiss her
would be way too nervous to actually have sex with a girl lol
>that pepe impression
she is perfect
>depression about racial issues in america
not a chance. have no time for whiny bitches.
I don't think she really counts as black
I'd colonize it
Have you ever been to America? Watched an American movie or TV show? Watched American sports? Seen our president?
This country LOVES niggers. It's the most negrophilic country on the planet outside of Africa. Our lovely (((media))) and (((university system))) are largely to blame.
No, I am not a lesbian.
>Tell it.
Ehhehhh bongo banoonoo
>Which roughly translates to
Sorry I do not engage in beastiality.
My children will have blue eyes because I will only reproduce with a woman who has them. But other than that I would fuck any woman from any race as long as she was attractive. It's called condoms and responsibility guys. You'll learn one day.
Let's see
No, she's just not my type desu.
I like lithe bodies
You fucking bet i would!
Even if she has blue eyes its not 100 % they will be blue.