Post your favorite Trump tweet
Post your favorite Trump tweet
Absolutely based
"He made a good decision" and "you can't golf in winter, you stupid ass" will forever be his masterpieces.
Unless be tells Obama to go fuck himself one day.
Apparently she's almost out of money.
wow never saw that one... brutal
Can we add her to the image of celebrities that got cucked by trump? Apparently she's literally broke and dying.
Too bad it's comedy.
what is the context for this one?
Holy shit he said that !!
The absolute racist !! haha but yeah guys i love trump the way he tells black people to GO FUCK OFF ahahah I LOVE it I'm RACIST
someone post the stupid ass one with Lord Sugar. i laugh so hard.
The one where he's a loud mouth ignorant faggot.
You better be joking right now son
youre a big fag
Thank you. Hahaha.
>t. frustated fernando
This one always brings a smile to my face.
Seriously, why is this man such a genius?
Somebody takes 2 hours to think of some "witty" or "clever" insult and it just looks bad.
But he just says you're dopey or goofy and makes it look like a kill shot.
What is his strategy?
Jesus Christ, this had me in tears, holy shit
I posted the entire conversation
for you
Fucking savage. And HRC can't even digest an old loon who agrees with her half the time
I think he really understands people. His whole campaign seems really keyed in on the issues people have been angry about, but haven't really had a good candidate to support who will stand for those issues.
I can control myself until those last three words. And then i go bananas.
That one definitely is.
>Trump will turn his twitter bantz into fireside chats
this one always makes me kek:
spudo sprödl
Kek I lose it on this tweet evertime
I mean he's right
how do you show up like this
this will win us the LGBT vote
Jesus are you sure these are all real?
They are. Trump was the original shitposter, 2011-2013 being the golden years.
fucking savage
>2011-2013 being the golden years
2017-2025 are going to be the golden years of Trump's shitposting.
Ben Carson finally getting some shut eye?
this has to be fake...
it's way too good
There it is.
Why is it always a Scandinavian country when it's a normie-cuckpost
wtf i hate niggers now
Who is Lord Sugar?
He was on the britbong apprentice.
Her time for prez right?
i legit went to school with this (((kid)))
This one had me in tears.
>"Be careful!"
Indeed Indeed
Finland isn't Scandinavia m8
That time he retweeted Hillary's "people in the FBI watchlist shouldn't be allowed to buy guns" with "people under FBI investigation shouldn't be allowed to run for presidents", or something like that.
Is this real? Link the tweet pls
top kek
Oh god please post more
I can't even remember what life was like before Trump
It's not a life I want to go back to
>1 post by this id
totally fake, look at the pixels around the words
First one is about SA, Namibia or Zimbabwe.
Second one is about the riots in Baltimore or Ferguson last year.
please tell me this is real
This is some next-level newfaggotry
Requesting the twitter conversation about his golf course and something like "you cant play golf in the snow, youvignorant ass". That is my favorite.
Please clap
What's the chance of Trump answering me?