YRYL /pol edition
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Because the oppisite never happens.
This is left wing thought now.
The same rational the Nazi Party had after they came to power.
Yet right wingers are the 'Nazis'. lmao the world is going to shit.
>lefties turning against democracy the second they didnt have it their way
Standing that close to lava would already give them 2nd degree burns in seconds. Fucking cartoonists failed basic high school science. Radiant heat you dumb fucker.
This is a fake image. I refuse to believe this is real.
All terror attacks in EU so far were committed by EU citizens afaik, not refugees. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
>You may be a lot more than me, but I have a fancy gov't education and I say we all jump into this lake of hot lava! You first.
I believe two has been refugees but the "citizens" are just previous refugees.
Libertarians have higher IQs than liberals.
what did they mean?
Highly entertaining
That americucks have turned into manlets do to chemtrails funded by the ZOG machine?
Jump in an oven you unfunny jew
> Sup Forums flags
thank god for them
buy me one ally
Here's a good rule of thumb, does the shooter follow an ideology, especially one that supports the death of the specific group that the shooter is targeting.
>ban muslims
>let old muslim stay
just for the lulz I hope he wins
this thread sucks.
allow me to help.
>a comedian stealing someone elses joke this blatantly
kill me now
I got this one just for you. :^)
>Vlad it's your turn to clean the TVs.
>But Ivan, Putin is on.
>You believe in silly superstitions Vlad, clean the dam TV
But little did we know is that Ivan is KGB and Vlad is subversive to russia
>1st largest economy in US
>7th in the world
was this suppose to enrage anyone in a sense that multiculturalism works?
They are, but at the same time some of them were wanted for armed robberies/other violent crimes in the ME and also investigated in Europe. So do you know what they did?
I'm especially mad because some of them went through Hungary when we were quietly told to stand down by mama Merkel and bus them through.
How are you supposed to get those guns off of the wall?
>open door
>continue walking
>tomato tomato
That sucks man. I honestly thought the Belgians who slaughtered in Bataclan just passed the border undetected since the interpol fucked up, one of them was on the lists.
All collectivists please end yourselves. For the good of everyone else.
>constitution applies to non citizens
I love reactionary religiosity. You believe in fairytales strictly because anyone who is Atheist is a liberal and therefore the enemy.
>instead of exploring the limits of human potential we're endlessly bickering about unimportant trivialities
Sometimes I wish we'd just get hit by an asteroid.
This is kinda funny desu senpai.
lol that's not even a contradiction
racist bigots
if he is so smart why can't he make better cartoons?
jew user btfo all trumplets itt
>we could have the fundamental forces of reality itself under our fingertips
>we could be living in a civilization of near infinite prosperity for all, not out of ideology, but simply out of sheer knowledge
>we could have devoted ourselves to exploring the stars, making them our own, and spreading the glory of man across the stars
>instead we're arguing about whether or not to glass a desert full of primitives who want to kill us
>as an atheist I am entitled to the benefits of the sacrifices and moral efforts of a Christian society
>as a liberal I am entitled to the labors of conservatives sacrificing to keep the nation running
You're the guy who shows up to every party expecting free beer then gets confused when you receive dirty looks.
do you know the fuck-machine jew? he is a better poster than you
Dont watch this
I don't see a problem.
If this said "no Isis" or something you'd all call it red pilled. I'm no ancap or libtard but seriously you shouldn't be forced to serve folks you don't want to when it's something you can control.
Leaf hate all you want.
>atheists can't be religious
Religion is important for society, spirituality is not.
Yeah. I'm raging.
First of all, saying that all questions are as apparent as "oh you jump into a lake of lava and die" is mind-boggling stupid.
A lot of the questions that we have when it comes to economics and social issues are not clear cut at all. Why? Because of the inherent limitations of the discipline.
And this leads to my second point. No matter how fancy your education is, or how high your IQ, your knowledge is limited by the scientific consensus on a particular question and in turn, the scientific consensus is limited by the epistemological limitations of that particular area of study.
Economics in particular is limited by the lack of experimental evidence, which is how we establish causality between event A and event B. It's also limited because of the heterogeneity of humanity. You can't generalize one study to another population arbitrarily since the other population might be completely and utterly different from your sample. Not to mention that the studies, even if they are experimental, need to be reproduced AND replicated to establish a clear consensus. Science isn't easy and one has to be really skeptical and ask tough questions about a particular consensus or lack thereof to establish the truth.
You're not. They're safely fastened to the wall to be used as decoration pieces. Unloaded, of course. You'd need a screwdriver to get them off.
Remember: Never engage leftists on their turf.
Engage them in neutral ground. And when they refuse to listen? HIT THEM.
>I'm no ancap or libtard but seriously you shouldn't be forced to serve folks you don't want to when it's something you can control.
except these are the same people who go out of their way to shut down christian owned businesses for not wanting to make a cake with two dudes fucking on it
>Mary and Joseph
>Middle Eastern
>From Judea, a Hellenic(greek) region.
back atcha.
fuckin' saved. Filthy kikes.
>California would lose $301 billion if unauthorized immigrants were removed.
Well fuck me sideways, its almost as if your policies have caused them to be so deep rooted that it would destroy your economy if you removed them.
>Live in Georgia
>All employers are forced to use e-verify before hiring
God bless this state.
Did the libtard cartoon artist consider that made this realize that he implied that Muslims become violent terrorists when offended? Did he consider the corollary that Muslims should then be banned from the US?
triggered tbqhwyf
>appointment in 2h
My chest was fucked up last week, and I called the doctor's to try and get an appointment, explaining how fucked my chest was. Bastard told me I wouldn't be able to get an appointment for 2 fucking weeks. I spent the whole of last week in utter fucking agony.
They banned assault ladders
>Appointment within 2 hours
What country is this? cause here in the UK you can see a NURSE within a day, but a doctor is going to be several weeks in most cases
dear god, this is true
>he genuinely believes this
>gun deaths
god I hate meme statistics
>That pic
One's a Mexican and one's a nigger they're even depicted as such, what the fuck?
emergency room
Propaganda for the modern age
I work in the restaurant industry. e-verify isn't always reliable. Granted, it's better than nothing, but it is by no means a fail safe system.
When we stop sending you money Israel will turn into an actual oven.
I can hear the screams already.
That's fucked up as well.
If I owned a business I'd probably put u political shit just to get chatter from controversy. Unfortunately "no Chinese" isn't acceptable.
Sure are a lot of Jews lately...
I suddenly went completely deaf one day, I then had my mum phone the doctor (because as I was deaf I couldn't explain it) and they wouldn't let her book an appointment in my name since I was 20 at the time
I then walked to the doctor and told the receptionist (shout the entire time so I could barely hear myself) who then booked me an appointment 6 WEEKS later
It then cleared my ears with lemon juice, regained hearing in one side and 6 weeks of partial hearing later I got my hearing restored through a 5 minute procedure with a nurse.
Check out the Syrian refugee in the comments
>Go to A&E
>Unless you're literally dying they tell you to fuck off and return during business hours